TER General Board

Love a sexy lady with ink!
chef1275 333 reads

My god no man, I love well done tattoos.  Definitely does not take away from a ladies sexyness!

One with words I can't read. I a human not a flower so I want to get with a female human. Even the pretty pictures ones are unnecessary. Ok I can see a small tattoo to honor a falling love one but that it. The scribble one I can't even read what thay say.

FatVern331 reads

I think a gal in a porn film had one can't remember, I know it wasn't in person.

I don't dislike tattoos, or really like them that much. Personally I don't think ink is all that feminine looking. I also think I'd appreciate tattoos more if not as many people had them. I've noticed that the tattoos on women from outside the U.S. are more attractive, than the one's American girls get.

I love them. The more the merrier - if they're thought out and done by a good artist.  

Posted By: ripmany
One with words I can't read. I a human not a flower so I want to get with a female human. Even the pretty pictures ones are unnecessary. Ok I can see a small tattoo to honor a falling love one but that it. The scribble one I can't even read what thay say.

Almost all the young girls of the times sport them.      I think it's their rebellion of sorts for their generation.     Freedom to wear what you want no matter who dislikes them.    I'm 70 yrs. and getting used to them more and more.    When I slide into bed with one of those soft little sweethearts with tats it becomes love at first sight.    I respect their decision to have them.     Your free to hobby a lady without tats.   Go for it

Tattoos had a far different meaning in your day. Ex cons, sailors, and like were the only ones who had tattoos.  
Now, it's common to see beautiful women sporting full sleeves. I still like to believe that heavily tattooed people march to the beat of a different drum, but that's just me.

They add a level of excitement.  When they don't fit: less so.

+1 Dr.joe As an official certified women's body art inspector I have seen some great stuff & tattoos to, sometimes they are great & sometimes they look like prison tattoos. I always think how is that ink going to look 30 years from now.

I agree.  
Not buying into this "for my protection "
There's a girl that posts photos almost every day.  
Not a tat to be seen.  
But her review says "many"

You can drill down on this while searching reviews so you can find ladies that fulfill certain criteria such as no tats.  

As for my personal tastes, I find ink to be a plus when done in a manner that is pleasing to the eye, but by no means is it a deciding factor in my pursuit of the game.

I've been with two gals who had gorgeous tats over most of their body, and found it very kinky and exciting.

I never would have thought I'd be excited by it, but it's interesting what I find exciting once I open myself up to it

The Irony here. Rip, we can hardly read what you are saying on this board.

Posted By: ripmany
One with words I can't read. I a human not a flower so I want to get with a female human. Even the pretty pictures ones are unnecessary. Ok I can see a small tattoo to honor a falling love one but that it. The scribble one I can't even read what thay say.

...has an ironic way of being ironic, ironically...

FatVern391 reads

He can't read scribble tattoos, and we can hardly read his posts?

I wouldn't call that irony.

Check out the list of synonyms to the word IRONY, I linked below.  

Would you call his post satirical

But I personally think women with tattoos are kinda hot :-)

Thanks! And you are right 😉

That quoted rate isnt accurate but ter won't let me change it until I state my true donation on a separate website...

Posted By: ripmany
One with words I can't read. I a human not a flower so I want to get with a female human. Even the pretty pictures ones are unnecessary. Ok I can see a small tattoo to honor a falling love one but that it. The scribble one I can't even read what thay say.

chef1275334 reads

My god no man, I love well done tattoos.  Definitely does not take away from a ladies sexyness!

Or maybe you could call it the "biker chick look."  Either way, if I'm in the mood for a white chick, she's generally gonna be looking like Kat Von D.

you'd know that tats are now considered wearable electronics so they are probably all about the persons heath and welbeing -- and maybe protection from harm or telling if the client is diseased.


Just a matter of time before more and more functionality is added. I think they were even talking about making the tattoos interact with external technology like your laptop, phone and I would think even the smart door/house.

Still, I feel some nostalgia for the old school pure body art aspects of the tattoos.

And so what if you can't read them?
I have many tattoos in various different languages (all of which I speak/read) ...some I don't want to put in English ...such as my family name ..for obvious reasons.

If you don't like tattoos don't see providers with them it's very simple.

I always thought having so many tattoos would be bad in this industry but so many men love my tattoos as they are all very artistic and tasteful, even gentlemen I would never think of as liking tattoos, Are very fond of mine.
It's a huge compliment as I do my own Ink.

As a professional tattooist I would agree there are many bad tattoos out there but procesionally done ink with the right placement can really accentuate bodily features

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