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Look into my eyes!!!sad_smile
luv.lee8t6 See my TER Reviews 2344 reads

So......I usually shy away from looking into their eyes during sex or oral. Last week I had a new client that insisted I look him in the eyes while sucking his dick. I was a little apprehensive in the beginning but I'm a pleaser so I usually do what's asked of me(within reason). I didn't think it was possible but I actually got turned on by this. What are your thought? Is this a turn on for u? I would like to hear from both parties!!!!

eye contact can be so hot and intense, love it! Although sometimes I do have to close my eyes and think about baseball...

VOO-doo1122 reads

an agency owner chided me for avoiding eye contact. I was very shy, much shyer then than I am now. As per her order, I had to force myself to look every client straight in the face, for pretty much the entire date.

I can do it now!! I barely give it a second thought. It's actually made many things in my life much easier.

Definitely adds something to the BJ and missionary. But I find that eye contact makes the entire interaction feel more personal...it adds a sense of connectedness with the other person.

If you find it really difficult, look at the space between the eyes (that's the advice that was given me). After a while, it gets easier to make and maintain full eye contact

I'll enjoy a BJ any which way.  If she has her eyes closed that's fine with me too - as I probably have my eyes closed 1/2 the time during a BJ anyway, just relaxing and reveling in the pleasure.

I am a total eye guy, and I love having my cock sucked, so there is no better for me

..dining at my Y coz it reminds me of bad porn. I hate watching porn where girls stare into the camera while they are eating out another girl. I like her to be so focused and involved in her muff diving that she has no time to stare up at me

I love girl-girl porn and I love it when they look each other in the eye because to me it says they're in the moment.  I  hate it when one girl looks like she'd rather be somewhere else.  On the other hand I've read recently that it is actually a good thing for a person to do some inward focusing during sex in order to really enjoy the act of receiving.  

As for me I think I actually fit your description.  I'll occasionally look up at my partner to pick up signs of whether I'm doing it right or wrong for her but otherwise I'm totally consumed with the fine and fulfilling art of eating pussy.

That is a good point, but its sexy to see her watching you daty and some dirty talk while you are thoroughly tonguing her is great to

I have a feeling 98.7% of the guys will agree.  

-- Modified on 3/3/2015 4:05:18 PM

-- Modified on 3/3/2015 4:05:44 PM

89Springer662 reads

My ex and I usually didn't make eye contact when we were in the middle of whatever sex act. She almost always had her eyes closed. I had eyes open, as I liked to look at things, as do most guys.

I like seeing the woman's eyes, but it's going to take some time to get used to it.  I really get off on a provider looking in the mirror while giving me a bj. That's hot.

It is even mentioned in many reviews. In fact, I'm sure I've said "great eye contact" in describing a blowjob in reviews myself. It's something that you get a lot more in porn and p4p than in real life, and it's a huge turn on for many guys.

Yes, seeing someone else's pleasure is a major turn on. But here in our little secret world, one has to be careful with whom one makes eye contact. There is a consensus out there that in our little world of P4P, some ladies are less than genuine in their pleasure. If he looks, a gentleman might see that something else (Damn, I forgot to pick up bananas, cucumbers, and batteries!). There's also a consensus among the ladies that some gentlemen couldn't tell the difference between what is genuine, and what is staged. As for me, I like to listen, feel, and look. If I see the forgotten battery look, or hear too many 'f*ck me daddies', or don't feel the quiver of delight, I'm not a happy camper. In fact, Mr. Happy will be camping somewhere else next time.

nom_de_plume860 reads

... beyond the hotness factor why I love it when a provider looks into my eyes during the act, whether BJ or whatever. I think it's harder to be dishonest with someone when looking them in the eyes.

And still fake the crap out of it. Seriously, take a look at Hollywood (we are acting in some form). There are some love scenes between people who hate each other and we think they can't keep their hands to themselves etc.  

I do it every time I am with a john. The whole eye contact thing, I have it down and the proof is in the heavy repeats I get, or they love a fake, either way I make money.

nom_de_plume732 reads

I said it's more difficult to be dishonest when looking someone in the eyes--not impossible.  

Do you have any problems figuring out where to put all those Oscar statues?  ;)

And I know what you said, and I realize not all hookers have to act, but some that do, can pull of the sincere "I am so into you" look like breathing. And others well, they get the Razzie awards

some ladies actually believe they are the " best lay i've ever had" or " that lingerie looks good on you" etc. etc.

Posted By: nom_de_plume
I said it's more difficult to be dishonest when looking someone in the eyes--not impossible.  
 Do you have any problems figuring out where to put all those Oscar statues?  ;)

Because putting that much pressure on a hooker who sees you for the first time and is EXPECTED to show a "quiver of delight" for real, or you won't repeat....or she had better be a darn good actress. So, if you don't mind a really good fake, then I guess no problem BUT if you want genuine pleasure, then you had better come to the table with more than just the money honey.

There's absolutely no pressure at all, and nothing is expected. Whatever is meant to happen always happens. But I do hope that a lady will attempt to enjoy herself in my company, regardless of what I look like, and my skill level. Besides, the last lady I saw called me positively gorgeous, and asked where I got my mad skills. Should I believe her? As far as the quiver of delight, every lady is different. Some ladies quiver. Some ladies shake. Some ladies humm. Some ladies bang their arms on the walls. Some ladies giggle. Some ladies growl. Some ladies buck. Some ladies squeal. Some ladies pull your hair, or slap your ass. Some ladies move from one to the next without so much as a rest. And on and on. My point being, just be yourself, let go, and have some fun. Maybe your type of quiver will come forth too.  

There are ladies out there who are strictly here for the money. 100%!!! That's not really what I'm hoping to find in an atf. I can usually spot those ladies way before the session even starts. However, if I make a mistake, and spot that faraway look in her eye when I see her, I have to move on. Why would I return to indifference? That's because there are also ladies out there, who not only love the money, but also enjoy being in the company of men, and take their pleasure seriously. I'll never forget an atf from the past tell me about one of her newbies. She said all he wanted to do was get himself off and leave. She had to instruct him that that wasn't acceptable. That she too wished some pleasure on his time.  

Wouldn't it be fun if you and I met? I know you would tell me the truth about my looks and skill level. And you could also match your acting abilities against my intuitiveness. It might draw a bigger crowd than Pacquiao Mayweather.

-- Modified on 3/4/2015 5:49:41 PM

A woman "regardless of what she looks like and her skill level"? Sometimes those things actually do count in getting turned on and enjoying the sex. A great personality only goes so far at least with me. If there is nothing much else to turn me on, I'd be better off masturbating to a great fantasy.  

Clearly you have not seen a client or 5 that I have seen. It is all I can do to get through the session. And if I can make him feel great and deliver a service that he is happy with, my pleasure is immaterial considering what I have to work with . I am VERY visual so as nice a guy as he might be, if the visuals are not there and the skill level is lacking there is a snowballs chance in hell of me getting much out of the session. SO for me my pleasure has a lot to do with what he looks like and his skill level.

The answer is yes. As you know, in this little world, I'm looking for that something extra. When I find it, I don't care what the lady looks like, what her skills are, her hair color, her race, her religion, her body type, nor anything of the sort. Over the years, I've had atfs in each category, including bbws, and not so attractive ladies. Nevertheless, they had the magic fountain, and I kept coming back to drink. Of course, sometimes the ladies were drop dead gorgeous, and had bodies like a Victoria Secret model. The times when I had two opposite atfs, sessions were evenly split. The beautiful lady didn't get more visits.  

One of my favorite atfs of all time is an average looking lady. Her reviews say so. In fact, in her last review she got a lower than average that she wasn't too happy about. But she and I have this unbelievable connection. Don't ask me what it is, nor why, but she turns me the hell on. Without fail. To me, she is beautiful. Interesting how, when looking back at my sessions over the years, she has the most visits. The not so attractive one. It's all about mojo!!!!  

I like you hobbyist + truth. I do wish we could meet. I'd like to check out your magical powers. Oh, and after meeting me, the truth just might turn into a smiley face.

And just for the record the ..."after meeting me" thing is a turn off. You have no idea what I like or dislike as far as anything intimate goes.  

However, if by that you mean we might have a few laughs and great conversation, well there might be more of a chance of that happening as I have some really cool guys as clients, love hanging with them more than fucking them....I still need the view and the skills.

Really glad to hear that you are getting what you need out this, isn't that what we are doing here?

One of my main ways of screening is watching how a lady presents herself with the written word. Be it on these boards, in an email, an inbox, on her website, or in her ad. Whether it's with humor, intelligence, common sense, commonalities, and the like, a lady's communication skills have a huge impact on me. May I compliment you on your skills? I would venture to guess that you have more mojo than your letting on.  

But you're right, neither of us knows our intimate likes and dislikes. But that's where the fun begins, where the conversation turns great, where the laughter turns into ecstasy. My greatest joy in this hobby is to have learned the millions of differences between each lady. I'm pretty sure I have more to learn, and that you'd be a wonderful teacher.

However in the auspices of good grace I will thank you for your compliment.  

I do know my limitations and my strengths and I do very well with a certain type of guy who needs much more than 5 acts on a list all ticked of and done twice. So my mojo is more inline with the mental and emotional needs some men have. I am nowhere the denizen of sexuality some women on here clearly are and I am wonderfully comfortable with that. I serve a purpose and do it well.

I've had the unfortunate but inevitable occasion of finding the lady staring at the ceiling, looking at the television, or screwing her eyes shut as if she's undergoing root canal  surgery.  But I've also had the payoff of many a genuine smile, that intense look of wondrous enjoyment and of course subtle encouragement.  But for me if I don't at least try to search out the lady's eyes then it's as if I'm just fondling  a series of body parts without any connection between them.

-- Modified on 3/4/2015 9:29:55 AM

Eye contact vs no eye contact is like bbbj vs cbj.

Put another way, eye contact is an essential component of seduction. I always feel a bit let down when there's no eye contact, even if the session was otherwise great.

It's very sensual & like you said its a turn on... I love to see a guy orgasm during the eye contact.... Very satisfying....  

Have a great week everyone!!!  

I enjoy to look at the receiver in the eyes as I perform my skills. It feels good to see that they see how into I am and I believe that it's a better way to sync energies.  

While I'm being the receiver, I close my eyes a lot (giggle) When I'm very pleased its sorta uncontrollable.

bigguy30688 reads

I will have to find out for myself in the future Kenya! LOL

Posted By: Kisses_Jones
I enjoy to look at the receiver in the eyes as I perform my skills. It feels good to see that they see how into I am and I believe that it's a better way to sync energies.  
 While I'm being the receiver, I close my eyes a lot (giggle) When I'm very pleased its sorta uncontrollable.

That is weird and gross, all at once.  

I guarantee she is staring into those big-ass nostrils and wondering where her puke load is going.

The internet is so fucked up

Posted By: luv.lee8t6
So......I usually shy away from looking into their eyes during sex or oral. Last week I had a new client that insisted I look him in the eyes while sucking his dick. I was a little apprehensive in the beginning but I'm a pleaser so I usually do what's asked of me(within reason). I didn't think it was possible but I actually got turned on by this. What are your thought? Is this a turn on for u? I would like to hear from both parties!!!!

I think its sexy for her to be looking me in the eyes while she's giving bbbj and love the look as I.fill her mouth with cum.

there is a reason they are sometimes called "the window to the soul".

Nothing beats looking at your partner and seeing that she is looking at you in the same way... open and expressive; you share deeper intimacy in a glance and lift physicality to a higher plane

If both are into that sort of thing (connection, etc.)

I even half-jokingly told my favorite provider that I would love to have a blown up photo of her eyes. She is an avid photographer-in-training and I mentioned that would probably be a difficult shot to take. I do think it would make an awesome poster.

She is great about eye contact during cock sucking.

bonordonor649 reads

but it got a little creepy as their eyes rolled back into their heads. It's just a cross I have to bear.

Had one provider that the first time oral was looking into my eyes for a length period of time... Now, it's mostly just glancing at me.... Miss the first one... (If you read this ... Hint.. Hint).

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