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Look Better with Clothes on or Lights Out
nwclassa1218 5018 reads

I know I don't stop traffic or turn any heads as I walk down the street. I definitly feel I look better with my clothes on or in complete darkenss. I'm concerned a provider will be totall turned off by my physical appearance. How does a provider over come the lack of physical attraction for a man when he comes to visit her?

..."I think shaved heads are sexy!" And then you can watch the little wheels turning as they try to convince themselves of it. If I could hear what they were actually thinking, I'm sure it would be something like...

"Oh, he looks just like a short, fat, albino, ugly version of Michael Jordan."

I usually just say that I'm really good looking but my job is as a stunt double for dcnarwhal.  Tht's why I look like this!  Without all the makeup I'm great lookin (use your imagination)!

Let's face it. MOST of the gents who come to see us aren't tall, dark and handsome. Personally speaking, if you approach me in the contact stages with respect I am already excited to meet you. Looks really don't matter that much to me. Heart is more important. The ONLY times that ARE difficult for me is when someone is poorly groomed or VERY obese. Then I politely ask him to take a shower. Fortunately, most get the hint. I had a client in Toronto who did not. I will admit I had a difficult time offering my usual blow your socks off service. I know he was not pleased when he left but neither was I. If the gent is grossly obese I can't melt away the excess fat with a magic wand. I CAN remember that this is a service and he still deserves my very best. HOWEVER, I am the only one who gets to be on top. LOL I'll relate a little story here. Hope it makes you laugh. MY first VERY overweight client was 25. I'm on top, bouncing away and it dawned on me that this was much like being on a trampoline. I had to force myself not to laugh out loud. Lemonade out of lemons, is MY motto.

Smiles and Kisses,

Awesome post my dear.  Is there a coincidence that "Attitude" and Anneke start with "A"?  Anneke is an "A" rated lady.

"Buddah Bounce"!  (Nothing worse than a lazy lap dancer!  They really churn up all my stored digestive jucies in an unfriendly way.  Not only that it tends to braid the hair on my belly into knots that I have to untangle in the restroom.)

This forces me to watch the dancers closely as a sort of hap-hazard audition.  If a lady's hips flow around in a Stevie Nicks sort of way, then she's probably not gonna find a fat guy's genitalia.
Now if the lady thrusts and stabs her hips around while she dances, like Norman Bates in the bathroom...  That is a woman who has a PHA ("precise hip agenda") and can get under the flab and make that $20 dollars blossom into a Dance-A-Thon.

During actual sex, speaking as a big person, feel free to take your ass and use it to gently slide the blubber out of the way before you start your cowgirl.  And as tempting as it is, avoid plunging your hands into our stomach for balance.  (In my case your fingers should be busy on my nipples so it's easy with me.)

Also, avoid lumping all obese people, with other folks who are not groomed and automatically need showers.  It makes us feel like the shower we took ten minutes before you arrived was worth all the soap.

-- Modified on 9/6/2005 7:28:02 PM

I knew you weight challenged guys were gonna be offended. So sorry. But NOWHERE did I say that obese men smelled. Maybe we should charge double like the airlines.


challenges into the same sentence but the next sentence could make one assume that both the previous types of men needed showers.

 I actually assumed the meaning you've stated but was giving my doubt the benefit of the doubt in case someone suggested I should be charged double for airfare.  

(I'm giving you a hard time, I'm sorry!  But you set yourself up for that one.)

We have a lot in common, actally.  Like you, Anneke, I like my body just fine! Hell, I play with it all day!  I'll join you at your nudist camp in Florida next time you attend if I can afford the plane ticket.

That you are well-groomed, clean, and healthy-looking all over is far more important to me than whether you have a great body or not.

A good sense of humor is an aphrodisiac.

A beautiful cock will get you far.

A good heart can get you everywhere.

I have a nice cock I have been told, not too long, not too fat (well, most deny me greek) and really not that bad to look at, and a heart that stretches from here to Alaska. Trouble is, if you are seeing someone for an hour (first date), you usually only get the cock; I do much better on second dates. What can I do to share with you my personality when an hour is so short and I want to help with your needs too?

P.S. 2 or more hours helps, but I wouldn't risk that on first date because sometimes two people just don't click.

-- Modified on 9/6/2005 9:56:58 PM

I've never offered one-hour sessions for just the reason you mention---it's just not enough time to get to know each other (much less enjoy my special bath).  :-P~~

I normally require at least a two-hour session for our first meeting, with a one-and-a-half-hour Romp being an option for subsequent visits.

But, right now, I'm offering my 1½ hour Romp to new gentlemen I haven't met before.  What perfect timing!  :-D

I'm a sucker for a nice cock and a big heart, and I enjoy a quirky sense of humor, so, if you think I'm a girl you would enjoy playing with, then let me know.


-- Modified on 9/6/2005 7:28:48 PM

Is awesome when the chemistry is there. Sometimes it's there at hello, you know it well, I am sure. I don't do two hours on the first date because I've been in that awkward place where all I can do is fuck my way through it and I am more than a cock with cash or I'd like to believe : ). While some ladies never let you "in" no matter the length of the date, most of my great sessions have turned in to multiple dates unless like you, they are on the left coast. I love SoCal and don't come as often as I used to, but maybe that will change and since I don't do agencies any more out there, you get points for being a practical and straightforward "dish." I don't mean food or do I? : )

-- Modified on 9/6/2005 10:24:11 PM

SexyCurvesDC3435 reads

Really, I think they are all mislead. If you are squeaky clean, well groomed, and have a kind soul... THAT is all that matters to me. I've seen plenty of total hotties who are a complete turnoff because they are hateful, horrible people.  The real question is, who wants to have sex with a complete JERK?  Some things money may be able to buy ONCE.. but at least in my case, not twice.  

DO take the squeaky clean and well groomed thing seriously though.  Nicely trimmed hair, a fresh sweet mouth, fresh smelling skin... those go a long way towards guaranteeing a wonderful time no matter what you look like.

Incidentally, the reason providers say that over and over again (about being CLEAN) is because people ignore it ALL THE TIME.  That's why!  


If someone is very clean and hygeinic, respectful, and a complete gentleman, the looks just do not really matter.  

A man can be a lot worse things than unattractive!



nwclassa12183334 reads

I want to thank all of you for your replies. The subject of weight was discussed, what about body hair, especially back hair?

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