TER General Board

Long provider bios with lists of their academic achievements
nylahmoor See my TER Reviews 1646 reads
1 / 34

I'm asking this question because I get asked a lot of questions that are already stated in my ad. Is this for verification? Or am I wasting my time putting a detailed ad?  

-- Modified on 6/13/2015 2:19:49 PM

Gonad-the-Contrarian 460 reads
2 / 34

Sorry, but I ignore websites and providers affiliated with Ashley Madison.

Nolklylu 58 Reviews 535 reads
3 / 34

If my interest is piqued I go back for a full read of the details

dakine18 419 reads
4 / 34

For every person asking you an already answered question, there are no doubt 10x that many who are reading and digesting your info properly.

Posted By: nylahmoor
I'm asking this question because I get asked a lot of questions that are already stated in my ad. Is this for verification? Or am I wasting my time putting a detailed ad?  

-- Modified on 6/13/2015 2:19:49 PM

MsLeilaLovely See my TER Reviews 453 reads
5 / 34

There's a number of men who don't but a handful of men who do!

I've once been told before that a Ladies description shows a lot!

For example her "VOCABULARY" but then again there are woman who pay for others to write for them!

Ms. Leila Lovely

HidingBehindMyAlias 488 reads
6 / 34

actually reading the name of the provider and the catch phrase.  
Then I click the link and boom!  Picture time.  
Sorry, I got distracted.  What were you asking again?

jeffdogger 9 Reviews 429 reads
7 / 34

writing their site content are putting forth effort and I appreciate it.  

I may look at pics and rate for my initial screening, but when it comes down to actually deciding who to put in requests to see, I read carefully. Once a request is accepted I read it all again before seeing the lady so that I know what she is expecting from me.

At least that is what I used to do before I found my ATF (she had a really good web site description that turned out to be an understatement).

FreedaNipple 13 Reviews 407 reads
8 / 34

I will usually look at the pics first just to see if she's my type and someone I would like to spend some time with, if so then I will read all the other details, her interests and other likes.. etc.

JohnyComeAlready 324 reads
9 / 34

Is mostly a persona she is trying to portray, in order to land what she views as a preferred client.  

I'd say it's a waste of time, and other men might find it important.

micktoz 41 Reviews 328 reads
10 / 34

Some guys just don't read. Some of us do. Some of us see a pretty woman and our minds turn to mush.And then there are some of us who start off with our minds being mush.
Those are most likely the ones who ask all the questions.

numpty88 14 Reviews 296 reads
11 / 34

Easily distracted, not very bright, overdeveloped leg-humping ability, if it moves we'll chase it, licks anything within reach - but reading skills?  Not so much.  Comprehension skills are even lower.

Bear in mind that the guys who ask questions which are clearly answered in your ad are likely not going to bother reading and replying to posts on this, or likely any other forum.  Have to engage the brain first, and sometimes the blood doesn't reach that high.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 290 reads
12 / 34

Typically read only relevant information I am interested in. If you wrote thesis about how wonderful you are and made out be a goddess, I am out of there.

More interested in human experience, experience has shown me women claiming to be goddesses are full of it.

mojojo 1 Reviews 337 reads
13 / 34

First of all, pics do nothing for me. They're usually glam shots, and the glam girl is not the one who will  answer the door. With that said, there are three things I look for in an ad, and it only takes me a second to glance. If all three are there, then we're on to something. Next in progression is your reviews. I really don't care what they say because each guy gets treated differently, but I do need to know that you're dependable, and that you're really who you say you are. If you pass that test, then I'll go back, and read your ad so I won't sound stupid when I write an introduction, and send my refs. You've heard of speed reading. Well, my method is like speed scrolling. Very few ladies meet all four of my needs.

ValuedCustomer 331 reads
14 / 34

I do appreciate a more detailed web site.  However, I am not going to just rely on your website.  I don't think you are wasting your time.

Before I call a girl, I do a lot of research.  This includes her website.  However, from some experience, I have found that often these sources have conflicting information.

On occasion, a girl will have different information in different places.  As an example, a provider may advertise a different, usually lower rate on BP than she does on her website.  Her reviews may have different activities than her web site.  

Further - while this may not apply to you, I have certainly met girls who had considerably looser limits than their websites stated.   They just really didn't want to put some of it out there..

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 364 reads
15 / 34

put the most important info up front in the first sentence in order of importance. Many providers bury info in their ads. That, and they tend to be long-winded so you can't fault guys for not reading. The shorter the ad,  the better IMO

Posted By: nylahmoor
I'm asking this question because I get asked a lot of questions that are already stated in my ad. Is this for verification? Or am I wasting my time putting a detailed ad?  
 -- Modified on 6/13/2015 2:19:49 PM

hbyist+truth=;( 447 reads
16 / 34

Guys lose interest if there is a lot of verbiage that is not related to rates, hours, location, anything really pertinent to thier ultimate quest.  

Keep it succinct with al the details a guy needs to contact you, and set up a booking.

All the other other stuff about your life, education etc. does not seem particularly relevant to most...some love it but many complain about it, because in their estimation, they are renting pussy and not interviewing a hooker for a job.

harborview 10 Reviews 302 reads
17 / 34

then click on the pictures to see if I'm still interested/attracted.  If I graduate to really interested I do full research...  her reviews, her pictures (real) and everything on her web site, and distance from my traffic circle.

GaGambler 459 reads
18 / 34

claiming you speak six languages, hold three different degrees, and are on the cover of four national magazines, while offering yourself out at $250 hour is just beyond the believability threshold for most of us. Just like hobbyists who claim to bench four hundred pounds, run thirty minute 10k's six days a week, along with being a published author, and  who fly their own private jets, don't generate a lot more than chuckles from the ladies.

I mean honestly, how many guys really believe even half the bullshit they read on many of these hookers websites?

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 360 reads
19 / 34

Same her, but I tend to get distracted when it's the same BS. I've seen providers cut, copy, and paste entire narratives, which really is lazy..

Posted By: harborview
then click on the pictures to see if I'm still interested/attracted.  If I graduate to really interested I do full research...  her reviews, her pictures (real) and everything on her web site, and distance from my traffic circle.    

LasVegan 397 reads
21 / 34

First I make sure the provider is in my category........age/price range/incall.......then I read more to find out other things which may interest me.

Of course we get a general impression from a lady's photo......but sometimes the tone in her ad can tell us a lot about her as well.

I once had an appointment with a lady and she had no photo in her ad.  She later sent me one via email.  It did not do her justice.......so photos do not tell the whole story......one way or another

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 380 reads
22 / 34

I will send you pic from one party where I just was dancing as crazy with British Invasions.
Remind me you email - will share some interesting pic .

GhostWriteroftheDamned 340 reads
23 / 34

are like fuel mileage statistics for a Ferrari 458; No body cares!(cep't some nerd at the DOT)  

 I personally am made suspicious by loquacious provider websites and ads figuring they're using the same trick as lawyers and politicians by intentionally obfuscating and distracting from the primary question(s).  

Insufferably detailed 'availability' schedules are also a quick turn off. Any service that regularly commands $400 per hour or more the 'provider' of that service should damn well MAKE TIME for the consumer!

hbyist+truth=;( 411 reads
24 / 34

It is sad for those hookers and johns who do tell the truth although I am not sure why either really bothers unless it is to brag. I mean she is renting her pussy and he is the renter, that is no big freaking deal on the IQ scale.

JohnyComeAlready 348 reads
25 / 34

Here, there, or anywhere... Back to your comment, I really don't get when ladies go on and on about their educational achievements. What could those achievements possibly contribute to this line of work? I thought the only thing escorts needed to know, was how to smile and nod there head.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 356 reads
26 / 34

Yup, which is why I kept the contact and rates pages shorter than the Bio...  

Funny thing, guys tend to go back and read my site AFTER they book ha ha, because many have quoted me or asked about my music and hobby likes. I have NEVER put photos in any ad on TER... ever, because like you said, they tend not to read a damn thing when tits and ass are in their face.

JohnyComeAlready 298 reads
27 / 34

That women created words/language to distract us from their T&A.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 457 reads
28 / 34

I will then go to the website and read everything that I can.  To top it off, I will look for a posting history, if any, on TER.   By looking at several things, I can get an idea of whether it is the lady writing or not, and hopefully, a bit of a vibe about her beyond what other guys have filtered out for us in the reviews.      

I echo the other guys somewhat when it comes to degrees, education, etc.   All things being equal, I want to be in the company of someone I enjoy in every sense of the word and intelligence and wit are huge for me.    However, harp on it too much and it can go the other way.  

Anyway, I am a fan of information in the ads, the websites, anything I can get my hands on to determine if the lady is somebody I want to spend time with.   I may not be looking for another W but fucking is not the whole ball of wax either, particularly for a guy who prefers 2 and 3 hour encounters.    The last thing I want is to find myself thinking is "oh gawd, is it time yet?    how soon before this is over?" - I want the exact opposite, I absolutely love it when the time is gone and I think to myself that X amount of time could not have possibly passed, that is when I know I have had a great time

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 298 reads
29 / 34

Keeping things brief is the best idea.  When we meet, then we will have planty of time to chat.
Just like how ladies don't like to have guys burden their time with too many or too long emails, I think it is good for ladies to consider gents time too.  Just give a brief idea of who you are, it doesn't take many words!

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 275 reads
30 / 34

It's just a matter of time and place.  
i love talking to ladies when we are together.  But I don't need to read her life story in her ad - just like she wouldn't want me to email her with my life story before we met!

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 488 reads
31 / 34

Um, so you think any provider charging 400 or more should have no life and be able to see you at the drop of a hat? How exactly can her so called 'claims' be true if she did that? If someone is available 24/7 to see you, then she has no other job!  No offense, but many of us are providers BECAUSE we can in fact work when WE want to and see men who understand this is not the ONLY thing we have going on. I pay over a grand for a Louis Vuitton purse, but they are certainly not open past 10 pm.  

Posted By: GhostWriteroftheDamned
are like fuel mileage statistics for a Ferrari 458; No body cares!(cep't some nerd at the DOT)  
  I personally am made suspicious by loquacious provider websites and ads figuring they're using the same trick as lawyers and politicians by intentionally obfuscating and distracting from the  primary question(s).    
 Insufferably detailed 'availability' schedules are also a quick turn off. Any service that regularly commands $400 per hour or more the 'provider' of that service should damn well MAKE TIME for the consumer!  

hbyist+truth=;( 319 reads
32 / 34

And then when in each others company, the conversation can flow towards those things.

hbyist+truth=;( 310 reads
33 / 34

I'd like to see GWD trying to gain entry to a store after he dropped a few grand after hours.  

I have set hours, the johns don't like then troll BP for the 24/7 types.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 304 reads
34 / 34

Agreed. I understand and respect his frustration about providers in general not being readily available; however, the ones who charge more are generally the very ones who do that lol. Why? Because this is not a full time gig for them.

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