TER General Board

Hair up there...
Carissa See my TER Reviews 4395 reads


Im a provider with short hair, which I love and can't see growing it out. But I just wonder if men take this into consideration when looking for a provider.  Do all men love long flowing hair, or is that just a myth?  Given the options would you see a short haired girl over a long haired girl provided the ratings are about equal?

You look wonderful with short hair.
I have always been a fan of short hair on women.

But, as with everything else, every one has an opinion.

My opinion is, don't change a thing, you are a beautiful, sexy woman, and short hair seems to fit you.

Just my opinion...

Hi C

Short hair does it for me, as it provides an unimpeded view of a BJ.

But long hair, as long as she puts it up, can be just as nice.

BearClaw2883 reads

Well, I don't think that length of hair has ever mattered to me, but I will not date blondes for some reason, especially the faked-out types with the smell of hair coloring and plastic boobs. My other turnoffs are unsightly tattoes near her breasts and the over-used tailbone tattoo that can been with today's fashions. So be yourself, a good loving, compassionate person and the dates will follow based on your reputation, not the length of your hair.

CubFan252372 reads

Hi Carissa,

The short hair style works for you!!!! Don't change your stle. If your happy with it that's all that matters!!!! :o) By the way, when are you going to visit Chicago??? I certainly would like to make an appointment with you!!!! :o)

Stempy2187 reads

As Jack noted, it all depends on the woman. Also, it depends on the man's personal preference too. Sometime I prefer long hair and sometime I prefer short hair. For most of us, it is mostly about the performance, not the hair.

BTW, thanks for bringing your beauty to all our attention! You look great with short hair.

Some women can pull it off very well. YOU DID and look at Kyra Rossi. It can be a very cool look if you get the right cut. Anyone remember Susan Powder? Stop the insanity?

way or the other. I've known some VERY sexy gals with very short hair. Even one shaven!

love short hair and it looks great on you!!

I've *never* considered length of hair in contemplation of seeing a provider but going on the record in general I like the short-haired look on a lady (and yours looks lovely Carissa. Just a personal preference from a born neck-nuzzler. And that goes for everywhere....LOL---I like a nice trim VS. the shaved look that is so common in the hobby. Call me old fashioned....LOL


Carissa, maybe I'm abnormal but I don't really look at the length of the ladies' hair.  This in only part of what makes up the "physical attraction" to determine if further research (on her web site & then TER reviews) is needed to determine if we might be compatable.  We would be compatable except for geography--you are on the west coast and I am in the southeast.  Some day maybe...

Well...Im actually not on the West coast.  I live in NYC.  So we are closer than you think.  If you are ever up here.....

I personally bemoan the dearth of short haired providers(although said quickly it sounds like a dog breed, not good)!  I think for a lot of women short hair is the sexiest.  Besides it lets you grip their head while they blow you instead of pulling on hair....

Turkana2627 reads

it does make a difference to me whether it's a good cut or not, regardless of length.

Short hair is nice because I can see what is happening better.

I just have to say, its a relief to hear that it doesnt matter too much.  I mean, I can see being turned off by a butch or boys cut on a woman.  Then again, Halle Berry was a total babe with her hair super short.  But I like to think I have a funky style going on and it suits my personality.  Which is a major reason I refuse to let it grow out.  I like standing out and not looking like every other girl.  And people remember me by my hair and my eyes.  ;)

Your look is very alluring just as it is.  It fits you well, and it is a nice diversion from the "bid haired blonde" So Cal scenario.  Figures you would be 3000 miles away. :(

Seriously, if I had to choose hair without looking at the woman, I would default to straight hippie hair down to the ass, because I love it.  However, once I look at the woman, I judge her on how she has made HERSELF look, not on how she fits a standard I have.  I have seen women of different looks, and they have all been attractive, regardless.  

Your look is great and a little different for here...by all means, keep it the way you have it.  If you love it, and love what y ou are doing, your reviews will relect it.  Men don't want to meet the Breck girl...they want to meet a sexy woman who likes herself and likes rocking their world.


I did see your pics on your website.......
Please dont change anything.
You look absolutely yummy.

I just love the "Perky Girls"



Ages ago I heard Leonard Bernstein give a lecture on what made Beethoven's music so great.  He said finally that if you changed a single note anywhere it would diminish it.

Don't change a thing.

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