TER General Board

Lol! Why did so many ppl look past your second question???? Lol. Em
LS460AWD 46 Reviews 1897 reads
1 / 58

When you go see a provider that was extra cheap do you feel guilty ?

Is there any "icky" feeling as to why she is dirt cheap ?

have you ever wished you spent a bit more ?

inicky46 61 Reviews 780 reads
2 / 58

I mean that in a general sense.  In terms of your question about how I feel seeing someone dirt cheap, I don't feel bad at all.  Because, at least in this county, I never see dirt cheap hookers.
In Costa Rica I see hookers that charge $100-$150/hr, but that's high end there.
I have no interest in cheap pussy.

ROGM 539 reads
3 / 58

I don't. But I help my gal out outside our playtime. So it evens out in the end.

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 637 reads
4 / 58

Everyone's definition of cheap varies...

I'm considered exorbitantly priced here in Cincinnati, but low/medium in a place like Chicago.

JohnyComeAlready 646 reads
5 / 58

sometime ago where I have paid a SW a kill fee to get them out of my hair, because I found some other gal more appealing whilst in their company.  

No shame here...

I don't think paying more would have helped in this situation.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 693 reads
7 / 58

I have a very low tolerance and "weak stomach" lol, for anything outside of the very best in cleanliness or what type of clients they may see at that price point too I guess. I know that higher end gents can be dirty too but I suppose just on a average. Then bring in attitude/professionalism/safety and it's just not worth it. The risk that is. I understand a lot of guys are on budgets, I get that but when I am was on a very strict budget, NEVER did I. It Just never made sense to me plus even with some above 300+ companions Ive seen, if there is anything that's off in the least bit with cleanliness, my junk wont rise or just as well to say it's flaccid. Lmao. Honest to all the Gods. It seriously has been a number of times that I requested just head reluctantly or a half wooded Hand job basically. A few times, nothing. Ummmm, awkward!

So I'm guess I'm saying too that no price point is full proof but yeah, I'll take my chances with higher end providers when I want to hobby. Specifically the reviewed ones where you can halfway determine a pattern of proven cleanliness about themselves. Halfway cause that's not full proof but that's all you have until you meet.

There are a few providers who I will never forget and plan to see again and again when I can because they basically were like Water! If you know what I mean, lol. That shit is so hotttt in itself. Makes me have to take deep breaths, lol. Yeah, I'll pay extra for that!!! Lovely women.
Posted By: LS460AWD
When you go see a provider that was extra cheap do you feel guilty ?  
 Is there any "icky" feeling as to why she is dirt cheap ?  
 have you ever wished you spent a bit more ?
-- Modified on 5/6/2015 1:22:58 PM

guiso 5 Reviews 637 reads
8 / 58

From your looks and review you look like you are worth every penny!

truu1 77 Reviews 480 reads
9 / 58

I pay what they ask. What they ask is their business. Why would I feel guilty if I happen to feel that I got a bargain? I know I've felt I've over paid a few times..  

You can always tip.

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 840 reads
10 / 58

Aww, thanks ; )

I just asked because it has to vary greatly when I hear someone say (not being inclusive to this thread) they don't see those kinds of providers, yet they've reviewed women that have what are in fact, to be polite, have very "generous" rates. No judgement, of course, a lady should always charge whatever she's comfortable with, low or high.
Posted By: guiso
From your looks and review you look like you are worth every penny!
-- Modified on 5/6/2015 9:40:25 PM

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 564 reads
11 / 58

A hooker is a hooker. Doesn't matter of she charges $30/hr or $300/hr. Have shame in the act of paying for sex but why degrade the lady? We all charge what we charge and we provide what we are comfortable with. Are their drug addict hookers at $300/hr? Damn right. Is there a difference is the customer service of a top notch SW v. a "VIP" with a website?  Hell no. Both ladies respect their clients for bringing them money and they want them to keep bringing it so they are going to make sure they are happy. The end.  

Really no need for all that. There is enough divide in the sex worker world and as crazy and isolating as it can be we are all doing the same shit. Just leave it alone

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 684 reads
12 / 58

kinda like blowing chunks up Dr. Who's ass while Grantlover whacks it..

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 581 reads
13 / 58

Gotta love me some MacDiaper! You rule man!

JamesDeenXXX 31 Reviews 484 reads
14 / 58
MasterZen 33 Reviews 570 reads
15 / 58

Had sex with a civvie last night (for hours) and gave her a Jackson. We both felt ashamed. And "sticky". Not sure about "icky", though.

Seriously: There are so many things that could be much more "icky" than a donation

Dr Who revived 522 reads
16 / 58

Maybe you can open an IRA for him?

Posted By: USGrantlover
Gotta love me some MacDiaper! You rule man!

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 529 reads
17 / 58

One time in Vegas I hooked up with casino girl, she was very attractive. We worked out the "Details" and I thought it'll be quickie, well I had the time of my life,that I did feel bad and then I doubled what we worked out. I still see her every now and then.

spore 425 reads
19 / 58
inicky46 61 Reviews 353 reads
20 / 58

It always happens when they change his Depends and his stinky bottom has been cleaned and oiled.  "He" gets feisty then.

inicky46 61 Reviews 596 reads
21 / 58

I can't explain what she does for obvious reasons. But we both dig each other and we both love sex.  No money exchanged.  She bought me lunch, I bought her dinner. Does that make it P4P?  We'll fuck again tomorrow.  Why would I (or she) be ashamed?  Just two adults having fun.

Blowing Chunks 403 reads
22 / 58
CorbinCandor 639 reads
23 / 58

I mean, with something so natural to command a price tag? (How the hell did humanity get to this stage!?)  It doesn't mean I won’t enjoy the company of someone that I pay for, but this artificial system has pigeon-holed us into an out come that has not always worked to everyone’s advantage.

mojojo 1 Reviews 405 reads
24 / 58

My parents tried to pawn shame off on me. Then the church tried it. Then some of my friends. Then some family members. I got really tired of it, and decided to let it go. Now I'm happy.  

You know I would feel guilty if I tried to short change her. Or I tried to stiff her. Or I tried to reverse the guilt. Or I didn't show up without notice. Or I did show up without notice. But no, I never feel guilty when I bring the asking rate.  

I have two ladies who see me for one hundred an hour. They're very nice, clean, and fun. They allow me to be clever in my planning. If I'm on a binge, they'll be involved. If I want to splurge, it's nice to know I don't have to cut back to do so. If I won the lottery, and could see the most expensive lady on ter, I'd still go see them. There's nothing cheap about nice.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 394 reads
25 / 58

I wonder what touring provider he's trying to leak to from the ROB these days? He's amazing...........When he finally croaks, will we know it?  

The Forest Awaits?

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 11:36:50 PM

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 479 reads
26 / 58

I wonder if my real fave Alex will want one too? I'll have to get them each one. Sigh.

Dr Who revived 427 reads
27 / 58

But even understood that she needed to have serious taxable income to get the benefits of IRA's.  Maybe even a safe harbor 401k Roth?  I'll bet she even set up a defend benefit plan to boot.  

I love when some gals here try to pretend they have any clues about this.

Maybe they hear buzz words when a john turns on CNN?
Posted By: USGrantlover
I wonder if my real fave Alex will want one too? I'll have to get them each one. Sigh.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 523 reads
29 / 58

and one time she actually pulled out her Macbook and we looked at her investments. She was the sharpest lady I ever met. Hottest as well. And boy did she love fucking yankiing your chain. OH and she didn't like snails either.  

The dance she did with the hot 20something gal at the art gallery (who worked there) was epic. We coulda taken her home if we wanted to but she was married and had just had a baby. We agreed we wanted no part of that. She said to EC when we walked in, "Oh my you are one hot tamale!" Uh yup.

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 11:58:56 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 531 reads
30 / 58

I prefer paying for it on a per-fuck basis. So what?

mnjohnny247 19 Reviews 460 reads
31 / 58

Yeah, thought so.  So much for humanity getting to this stage, we have been at this stage since the beginning of time, men spending money (ok, gold, silver, bear pelts and more) on women.  And "something so natural to command a price tag"???  Hmmmm, I've been around this game for lots of years and it actually costs me a lot less to see gorgeous, sexy women than my wives cost me.  And, no more wives for me, just an old guy having great times with smart, beautiful, incredibly erotic women.  So Corbin, you go ahead and embrace your guilt while I have fun.   LOL

Posted By: CorbinCandor
I mean, with something so natural to command a price tag? (How the hell did humanity get to this stage!?)  It doesn't mean I won’t enjoy the company of someone that I pay for, but this artificial system has pigeon-holed us into an out come that has not always worked to everyone’s advantage.

-- Modified on 5/7/2015 1:01:58 AM

hammerhead896 46 Reviews 403 reads
32 / 58

because of that I tipped accordingly. No shame in that!

KyleThompson 476 reads
33 / 58

I usually contact the girls beforehand and prices and preferences are already fixed when we meet, so I am not suprised when it comes to pay. I don't feel icky: I feel awesome if I get what I consider a "bargain" :P

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 670 reads
34 / 58

I know I am the love of your life... but I am not changing no bodily fluid junk..... :D

It'd ok if you want a blunt, honest gal to go to sporting events.. Truly one of the guys. GND.

I will always look sexier in a sports uniform. :D
Posted By: USGrantlover
I wonder if my real fave Alex will want one too? I'll have to get them each one. Sigh.

Robertini 4 Reviews 749 reads
35 / 58

We belong to the lower classes. There is no shame whatsoever. Life continues... at all social classes levels.

RedheadBombshell See my TER Reviews 643 reads
36 / 58

My late father, came from a dirt poor upbringing.  Disgraceful grandfather(Died before I was born), left my grandmother, when my Dad was a little bitty guy.  Gramma, raised my pop and my four aunts and uncles, working multiple jobs. Being a devoted, Irish Catholic lady, she never considered divorcing her husband.  

My father was the smartest man I've ever known. He whizzed through school EFFORTLESSLY and knew he didn't want to spend his life stealing hubcaps, like his buddies in the "projects" of Akron, Ohio, joined the military immediately after high school, did his four years, then used the GI bill, to earn his degree, fell for my gorgeous mother and somehow, charmed her into marrying him when she was just 18(he was 24, broke, a skinny, uncivilized geek, but he made her laugh).  

My point is, "class" is not something Americans are born into, it's how we respect ourselves and everyone we encounter.  

Please indulge me again, as I love to quote my hero and favorite person, that I will never meet.  
"Whatever you are, be a good one".  ~Honest Abe~

-- Modified on 5/7/2015 3:30:53 AM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 575 reads
37 / 58

Posted By: Dr Who revived
But even understood that she needed to have serious taxable income to get the benefits of IRA's.  Maybe even a safe harbor 401k Roth?  I'll bet she even set up a defend benefit plan to boot.    
 I love when some gals here try to pretend they have any clues about this.  
 Maybe they hear buzz words when a john turns on CNN?  
Posted By: USGrantlover
I wonder if my real fave Alex will want one too? I'll have to get them each one. Sigh.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 687 reads
39 / 58

Kudos to your Mom, Dad and Grandma.  :-D  
 Nine times out of ten, the guy believing  he's top of the social class is nothing more than  
angry White trash .

Posted By: RedheadBombshell
My late father, came from a dirt poor upbringing.  Disgraceful grandfather(Died before I was born), left my grandmother, when my Dad was a little bitty guy.  Gramma, raised my pop and my four aunts and uncles, working multiple jobs. Being a devoted, Irish Catholic lady, she never considered divorcing her husband.  
 My father was the smartest man I've ever known. He whizzed through school EFFORTLESSLY and knew he didn't want to spend his life stealing hubcaps, like his buddies in the "projects" of Akron, Ohio, joined the military immediately after high school, did his four years, then used the GI bill, to earn his degree, fell for my gorgeous mother and somehow, charmed her into marrying him when she was just 18(he was 24, broke, a skinny, uncivilized geek, but he made her laugh).  
 My point is, "class" is not something Americans are born into, it's how we respect ourselves and everyone we encounter.  
 Please indulge me again, as I love to quote my hero and favorite person, that I will never meet.    
 "Whatever you are, be a good one".  ~Honest Abe~

-- Modified on 5/7/2015 9:28:31 AM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 579 reads
40 / 58

Lucky for you, you prefer to pay with cash, you'd  never  invent your way into a classy Hooker's pants or a civilian Gal willing to put up with you, for fun or free.  
 Tell me Sherlock, can you deduct a way without pay pal, to coax Rasha to acknowledge  the existence of your drunken ass ?  
    I have a suspicion or perhaps a premonition,  she's not impressed with your self expression .    
   That's OK for you,  as long as you impress yourself you're on top of your game .   :-D

 Waiting on your mundane  reply, likely borrowed from the urban dictionary.  


Posted By: inicky46
Oh, give me a break. You always pay for it. One way or another.I prefer paying for it on a per-fuck basis. So what?

-- Modified on 5/7/2015 9:22:38 AM

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 589 reads
41 / 58

My real ATF 'Alex of LA' deserves an IRA. My new ATF target, 'Alex of Cincy' seems to want to earn one. And now here you are expressing an interest but after offering a limited menu? Well, not sure I can juggle Alex x 3. But should you reconsider please advise.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 447 reads
42 / 58

Got to josh ya since you seem to like "Alex"s so much :D

Posted By: USGrantlover
My real ATF 'Alex of LA' deserves an IRA. My new ATF target, 'Alex of Cincy' seems to want to earn one. And now here you are expressing an interest but after offering a limited menu? Well, not sure I can juggle Alex x 3. But should you reconsider please advise.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 467 reads
43 / 58

Posted By: truu1
You can always tip.
When someone tells me I should raise my rates, I usually respond that he is welcome to pay more!  ;-)

Some do.    


Dr Who revived 595 reads
44 / 58

A few years back she was suckered into a M&G hosted by AP.

Sent EC a PM and suggested she do some "research"

Followed that up with a "I need to kiss your ass for saving me"

Still waiting however  LOL
Posted By: USGrantlover
and one time she actually pulled out her Macbook and we looked at her investments. She was the sharpest lady I ever met. Hottest as well. And boy did she love fucking yankiing your chain. OH and she didn't like snails either.  
 The dance she did with the hot 20something gal at the art gallery (who worked there) was epic. We coulda taken her home if we wanted to but she was married and had just had a baby. We agreed we wanted no part of that. She said to EC when we walked in, "Oh my you are one hot tamale!" Uh yup.  

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 11:58:56 PM

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 506 reads
45 / 58

I also know I live out in Bumfuct.... like an hour from a "Major city."

So, besides myself, I am confident there are also many great providers "in the city" - so I let my my prices reflect consideration that a Gentleman who considers me to entertain him, will probably be going out of his way to get to my incall.
(I have one gentleman who is a regular, he drives 3 hours both ways... I wouldn't even ask a men to do that for me... but he seems to think I am worth it!)
I try to provide Top Quality sessions, in a clean friendly environment, yet not rape on prices.
Now I haven't quite hit "dirt cheap" prices, and do not use BP (now or in the past...) I make a decent living, and if I ever did relocate to a more populated area, I am sure I could charge more.
Especially since these Gentlemen who were kind enough to not only go out of their way to see me, but also write me excellent reviews....

I don't feel bad, or cheap, and neither should they, I would think!

Ask my clients if they feel bad....  

I bet not!
They probably feel pretty smart and satisfied!

russbbj 89 Reviews 396 reads
46 / 58

Her donation is her donation and she's the only one who controls that. I've seen somewhat low donation providers and you get what you pay for. I was on a business trip once that I knew my mongering availability was going to be unpredictable so I couldn't really make a date and time commitment, so I found a blow and go provider, I saw her all five days that I was there for no longer than 20 minutes each. It got the job done and she seemed happy because after our initial time I was a known entity so she was comfortable with me.

So, no guilt, she got hers and I got mine.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 500 reads
47 / 58

Posted By: LS460AWD
When you go see a provider that was extra cheap do you feel guilty ?  
 Is there any "icky" feeling as to why she is dirt cheap ?  
 have you ever wished you spent a bit more ?

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 391 reads
48 / 58

Posted By: FoxyNC
I also know I live out in Bumfuct.... like an hour from a "Major city."  
 So, besides myself, I am confident there are also many great providers "in the city" - so I let my my prices reflect consideration that a Gentleman who considers me to entertain him, will probably be going out of his way to get to my incall.  
 (I have one gentleman who is a regular, he drives 3 hours both ways... I wouldn't even ask a men to do that for me... but he seems to think I am worth it!)  
 I try to provide Top Quality sessions, in a clean friendly environment, yet not rape on prices.  
 Now I haven't quite hit "dirt cheap" prices, and do not use BP (now or in the past...) I make a decent living, and if I ever did relocate to a more populated area, I am sure I could charge more.  
 Especially since these Gentlemen who were kind enough to not only go out of their way to see me, but also write me excellent reviews....  
 I don't feel bad, or cheap, and neither should they, I would think!  
 Ask my clients if they feel bad....  
 I bet not!  
 They probably feel pretty smart and satisfied!  

GaGambler 566 reads
49 / 58

No,no,no and no.

Why would I feel shame, guilt or icky simply based on what she charged? and why should anyone have to "wish" they spent more, if you want to spend more, just leave a tip, no wishing required.

Now I will confess to having an "icky" feeling once, but I never even took my dick out, much less fucked anyone there. I was at a $7 "chonga" in Ecuador several years ago. Seven bucks covered both the chica and the house fee. Yeah, I had an icky feeling all right and wouldn't even allow them to pour my beer into a glass, much less have sex with anyone.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 437 reads
51 / 58

Icky simply from a rate, of course NO! I just have in my head a certain type of experience, environment and companion on average at the dirt cheap level. Suppose it's my ignorance. Hey, there may be crackheads above three bills (lol) and there may be gems at under 100! I would still have to think both are few far and between and I'm not experimenting with one half to find out if my opinion has some validity to it.  Call me an asshole, stuck up, whatevs! Lol. Again, shame. Never that! Especially not from his first question.

There are surely terrible/good providers at every donation level! I can go with that thinking for sure I suppppose :)

Skyfyre 352 reads
52 / 58

Being cheap passes my first and hardest test for being ATF candidate

Skyfyre 635 reads
53 / 58

It does not make sense to compare to other localities because your clients earn their money and pay their bills at local living standards.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 432 reads
54 / 58

The thought that a hooker that charges more is less likely to be a drug addict and cleaner while one that charges less is more likely to be unclean and a drug addict is just stupidity.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 406 reads
55 / 58

I have never wished I spent more, though msny times I wished I spent less.

Posted By: LS460AWD
When you go see a provider that was extra cheap do you feel guilty ?  
 Is there any "icky" feeling as to why she is dirt cheap ?  
 have you ever wished you spent a bit more ?

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 444 reads
56 / 58

You said it perfectly. Less likely versus more likely. Going off percentages/the chances? I don't know the exact percentages or chances for sure but if your ass is telling me they have an equal chance across the board, you're one dumbass mofo that should get smacked for talking back to me. Honestly, that stupidity shouldn't come cheap. YOU should have to pay extra for that stupidity. How many crackheads you seen at above 300 bro? Drunks, non-professional, BSC, cheats, not 100% with their hygiene, hell yeah. Crackheads? Really. How long they sustain that donation point crack dealer, huh?  

Man stfu to me. Don't bark back at me with nonsense when you know the chances of crackheads, strung out girls, dirty environments, unsafe environments and more likely to not keep up with their hygiene on an average is MORE likely at less than 100 dollars an hour. Oh yeah one more additive, dumbass, bitch ass, weak ass PIMPS affiliated with them.

You pimping? Then Go PIMP pimp and stfu to me. You slumming? Then go slum motherfucker. Enjoy that shit!

The shit I'm onto with this is one smart ass ignorance if there is one ;)
Posted By: balljointnut
The thought that a hooker that charges more is less likely to be a drug addict and cleaner while one that charges less is more likely to be unclean and a drug addict is just stupidity.
-- Modified on 5/7/2015 3:05:06 PM

CorbinCandor 392 reads
57 / 58

I didn't say that I didn't enjoy it and the general premise is an observation before money values were placed, but I’m also thinking evolution if it means anything.

Interesting you say that your wives cost you so much more than the women you pay to see. I can see that marriage, then divorce and the nonsense rules created can lead to much stress and unhappiness. Keeping it simple through a paid session does have its place for pleasure.  

Also, you got me thinking of one unnatural law that can’t be any more flawed. If two people come together where money is exchanged for sex, as in soliciting a prostitute for sex and the prostitute accepts the money; both parties are punished by the law without anything happening in the first place—How about that, they may end up paying legal fees and fines because they were hopes to have some fun—Hmmm....no price tag, no arrest. Lol!

Anyway, enough of my tangent: go have fun. I’m in agreement with that and all those who enjoy the activity.

Another guilty pleasure: I’m drinking wine tonight, and maybe Ill have another or three, etc. glasses…

scb19 10 Reviews 283 reads
58 / 58

one with a less than average range for my area, but that has not kept me from some well for lack of a better term "skanks" by accident.  I really stay away from those that offer cheap "quick" appointments.  I really don't care to run into someone leaving the room as I am entering.

Posted By: LS460AWD
When you go see a provider that was extra cheap do you feel guilty ?  
 Is there any "icky" feeling as to why she is dirt cheap ?  
 have you ever wished you spent a bit more ?

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