TER General Board

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Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 366 reads


floxiegirl2080 reads

Because I saw a 28 year old yesterday..I'm in my early 20's.. and he was incredible! Absolutely gorgeous, great body, well-dressed, well-spoken, he smelled great.. a bit like an expensive cigar and nice cologne. I almost.. almost.. felt like he was too hot to pay me lol. He was super attentive and he tipped me. Just lots of deliciousness in a blue-eyed package. It was great but.. it was so awkward for me. I have plenty of nice-looking clients, and I'm grateful for that, but their age creates a nice boundary for me and keeps things in perspective.  

I now totally get why providers have a strict no one under 30 or 35 policy. I imagine that the more mature providers do it so that they don't have to deal with immature guys.. and the younger providers do it so that they can maintain a nice disconnect between the guys they see professionally, and the ones they're interested in personally


I always got it about preferring an older guy who knows how to treat a lady right but I never thought about the boundary/disconnect thing. Will be interesting to see if any ladies chime in and share their thoughts. May be a bit too deep in the psychology department for most.

floxiegirl692 reads

Older guys do know hot to treat a girl right, for sure. Particularly my clients, almost all of them are so great. And it's really nice to have a an age boundary there, because if some of them were 15+ years younger, I would want to date them. And that's not good for business lol.

Between preferring an older guy for work and what the personal preferences are outside of work. It can be quite different. I prefer older at work and younger in real life.

more floxiegirl drivel..

Posted By: floxiegirl
Because I saw a 28 year old yesterday..I'm in my early 20's.. and he was incredible! Absolutely gorgeous, great body, well-dressed, well-spoken, he smelled great.. a bit like an expensive cigar and nice cologne. I almost.. almost.. felt like he was too hot to pay me lol. He was super attentive and he tipped me. Just lots of deliciousness in a blue-eyed package. It was great but.. it was so awkward for me. I have plenty of nice-looking clients, and I'm grateful for that, but their age creates a nice boundary for me and keeps things in perspective.  
 I now totally get why providers have a strict no one under 30 or 35 policy. I imagine that the more mature providers do it so that they don't have to deal with immature guys.. and the younger providers do it so that they can maintain a nice disconnect between the guys they see professionally, and the ones they're interested in personally.  

Your own drivel first. No one forced you to read it. I guess I should too. But what fun is that?

You're foolish. I've spent lots of time with younger ladies, some who commented that they wish we hadn't meet under the circumstances we did. Age had nothing to do with it.  

Your perception has no merit.

floxiegirl587 reads

We'll have to agree to disagree that my perception has no merit. I experienced it, so I would say that's merit.

My post wasn't a slight against older men, I think you're perceiving it that way and it's making you a tad hostile, unnecessarily. I really like spending time with my more mature clients, and many of them are attractive, but I'm not interested in dating them or sleeping with them for free.  

This guy, if I'd met him under different circumstances, could've possibly taken me out and gotten me back to his place at some point lol. I've never felt that way about a 40+ year old client, even the hot ones that I like. I think that's true for most 20-somethings. And I don't think there's anything particularly unusual about that.

Your right that most 20 something ladies prefer to date closer to their age. I've been involved IRL with a number of them who weren't so closed minded.

I think most ladies here set a min age not because they might find themselves physically attracted to a client, but more as an attempt to weed out those who might not have a certain maturity level when in this arena. Not to say that there are those who regardless of age haven't matured beyond their high school mentality.

Just my opinion on the matter

floxiegirl403 reads

I don't think a 20-something choosing to date men closer to her own age is close-minded. I would say that she's normal and functioning in a very normal, healthy way.

I don't have a visceral interest in 40+ year old men, even attractive ones, even cool ones that I like. Their age puts them in the no-go zone for me and so it makes it safe for me to spend time with them intimately because there's no risk that I'd fall for them sexually or emotionally. An attractive, cool, 28 year old on the other hand.. well that's a different story.

I think that the ladies, particularly the younger ones.. want to weed out guys that are immature, no matter what age they are, and they also want to weed out guys that they could really be into

Are they closed minded if they pass over older women? Or are they simply exercising their right to choose based on personal preference and attraction?

GaGambler422 reads

To say I am on record as preferring young women to the complete exclusion of "old broads" even I have to admit that not every PYT is going to be interested in a guy more than old enough to be her father and there is nothing close minded about a woman who prefers young hot guys  to old geezers. We have no control over who or what attracts us and if she is closed minded for her choice in men,  I guess that makes me even more closed minded where it comes to women.

For the record, I am also closed minded where if comes to fat and ugly and in your "real" lives I bet you both you (especially you) and Floxie feel the same, and who could blame you?

Between that and the "your perspective has no merit" statement, it sounds to me like you're just salty.  

As one of the few ladies with an age maximum, I've found that I've been on the receiving end of way more vitriol when a potential client is over my maximum than when they've been under my minimum. I actually had one inquiry a few days ago whom, upon my polite response that he was over my age maximum, was all "your loss, the older the better bla bla bla." I had to respond that if that were true, then he should seek out much older providers than myself and his references (all in our mid-20s).  

There's a whole lot of hypocrisy in this little debate. How about everyone just fucks who they wanna fuck without accusations of close-mindedness?  

-- Modified on 11/9/2015 10:22:33 AM

-- Modified on 11/9/2015 12:36:48 PM

Her opinion and perception is the one that has merit when it comes to clients she sees. And if age establishes a natural boundary for her then for her it is valid point of view for her. Just like paying establishes a natural boundary for me. Others on both points of view  it would not do so for them it would be invalid for them, but she was addressing her point of view for her business and so only her perception is valid. Yours in regards to her are completely invalid.

floxiegirl536 reads

I imagine that, on both sides, there would be a lot more emotional entanglement if money wasn't involved. Being intimate, generally, arouses feeling beyond sexual ones. But being paid, or paying, for that intimacy, helps both sides keep things in perspective. So we can have fun, and go home

GaGambler405 reads

Don't you just hate it when "old people' use that tired old line on you? As if your opinion about what is important to YOU has no merit. You are a lot nicer about not blasting someone for such a stupid statement than I. How do you even talk to someone who says your opinion about what effects you is meritless without verbally slapping him for being an ignorant douche bag.

Now that I got that I of my system, even though I often date women your age, I realize that part of the reason I date women so much younger than me is that I know deep down that none of these relationships are really going to go anywhere. I am 56 and at 56 I can still be with a woman of 26 without looking or feeling out of place, but lets fast forward 20 years, can you really imagine any woman at age 46 wanting to have a husband or SO who is 76? At some point I am simply going to be "too old" for a younger woman, that's just a fact of life.

I will suggest that maybe instead of ruling out younger clients, maybe you just weed out the young and hot ones? Or alternatively, is it really that bad a thing if you end up liking a client enough to date him? Unless you don't want to date at all, and that's fine as many hookers want to put that part of their life on hold while they are still working, but if you do "date" why not with a client close to your own age? If you date a former client you don't have to worry about him finding out that you are a hooker,

Each of us is different, no cookie cutters, so we all have something different to look for. We also all have different boundries that keep us in line with what makes us feel comfortable in our positions.  
What works for one, doesn't work for another.
Party on and be comfortable!

Hookers don't see younger guys for two main reasons:

1) they don't want to get a bad review looks wise as they feel they won't measure up to gals who are in the same age bracket as those Johns and

2) they don't want to have to "work" as much. Older guys generally pop sooner and many have only one bullet in the chamber.

Any older, experienced girl will validate this, if not on this public board, then in private, like they have all told me over the years.

VOO-doo469 reads

Said with all of the experience of a non-provider.

1) I have never gotten a review from a younger guy...

2) Older guys can take for-EVER to come, especially if they're 60+ and/or not in the best of shape. Younger guys might pop sooner, but they usually want to cram, like, 3 pops into a half hour of play. I'll give you this: Older guys are more likely to be 'one and done', but sometimes, that 'one' can literally take hours, and it can be a ton more grueling than a pounding from a 22-year-old. Just ask anybody who's ever dealt w/someone on diabetes or blood pressure meds, or vitamin V

and I'll add...

3) Try saying the maturity thing isn't applicable, when: 1) The young guy says something like, 'Oh, I'd date you except that you're a hooker,' 2) The young guy comes 2 hours early because he's 'bored'. Then wants to 'hang out' after the appointment because he doesn't want to go back to his parents' house (has happened to me), 3) Falls head over heels, 4) Is generally flaky and unreliable because he hasn't learned how to be mindful of others' time, 5) Is SO eager to impress in bed that he is completely insecure and irritating.  

I could go on and on.

I've been in the business for nearly 7 years, and I will say this both in public, and in private: OLD GUYS RULE. For me, that applies both in and out of the hobby.  

Two of my last 3 boyfriends were more than 15 years older than I was. I don't think I'll ever date a younger guy (well, maybe if I'm 80 and he's 60)

They will tell you what I am saying is generally true.

But like I pointed out in my OP, I didn't expect you, or any of them to acknowledge it on a public board.

They don't want to get "pounded" and they don't want to disappoint.  

Maturity comes into play if we are talking someone18 or 19 years old vs. someone 35 plus, not somebody 28 or 29 versus someone that is 35 or so.  

That is true inside the biz and most of civie life.

VOO-doo413 reads

hit up some of the more experienced gals here....they will tell you what *I* am saying is generally true. LOL.

But what do I know? I'm just a provider, and have only been around here since 2008. I've only worked for several agencies and have met tons of girls (no, I don't mean, like 15...probably ~150-200), and have had lengthy discussions with many about the industry. And, I'm obviously lying so I don't scare away potential clients ;-)

I've personally never seen anybody under 21...at least, not that I know of. Actually, the guy who came 2 hours early because he was 'bored' was in his mid to late twenties

There are times in this biz where the gals can't be totally honest, like the fact that they negotiate more than they will ever let on, for example.

This is one of those times. LOL


-- Modified on 11/8/2015 9:09:19 PM

VOO-doo424 reads

I don't particularly like getting pounded. However, young guys hardly have a monopoly on being 'a lot of work'.

Actually, I was trying to think of how many girls I've known...through agency, meet & greets, doubles, through friends, etc. I think 200 is actually a fairly low count. I honestly have no idea. Either way, it's not exactly a small sample size. The consensus is basically that young guys are immature and AWFUL in bed...and yea, they can be 'a lot of work'. But, so can a 65-year-old with heart issues and a Vitamin V hard-on. Or an obese guy with poor circulation. Or any random dude.

To say that maturity is not a factor is complete bullsh**

GaGambler427 reads

but unlike Jack I disagree about old guys being so much less work.  

I am a lot more work now as I enter my late fifties than I was in my twenties and I don't even use Viagra. As you said, I may be a "one and done" but that one can take a very long time, especially if I have had a few and I am hardly out of shape or obese, but years ago I "trained myself" to last longer and now I can't seem to untrain myself to cum faster.

I will say that I do believe I am much better in the sack than I was in my twenties, I think a big part of it is I am no longer in anywhere near as big a hurry as I once was. I think my oral skills are much better too, but I attribute a lot of that not just to experience but to the fact that it's tough to be good at eating a pussy that you can barely find through the jungle of hair that most women sported back in my youth.

Totally agree!!!! It's always 25 year olds texting and emailing "yo let me get some head!!" Cmon now they can't expect to get service like that! Not from me anyway.older gentleman inquire like a reasonable person with courtesy and ask for availability.I've only seen one or two young guys around the same age as me and did not enjoy it at all! And yes young guys get off quickly... Usually several times....older gentleman tend to be one and done but yes it can take a while!!!! That is why I definitely try and stick to 35/40 minimum with age if I sence extra maturity I will give a chance...

You hit the nail on the head. But as stated below, it has to be false, lol lol lmao. Younger clients are generally quick on the trigger and offer useless conversation. All they know is well, nothing much. It's like sucking devils alls carrying a visit, let alone an extended one.

Young guys have never to my knowledge reviewed me in any of my 100+ reviews and being afraid not to measure up to a younger lady is crazy. Most I see today have bodies way worse than mine so that's a matter of health and pride and I take great pride in mine. That's also subjective to the individual person.  

Lastly, I find it silly that a person says they can be physically and mentally stimulated by someone but for their age they have no chance at dating, however,  to each his own, really. Let them live. I just find it kinda basic that the only differentiating factor between two people is age therefore one is out. I'm gonna date whomever I find appealing, interesting, funny and kind. Instant attraction fades and can be misleading but true love and relationships grow from many other things. THIS IS JUST MY OPINION.  

Posted By: VOO-doo
Said with all of the experience of a non-provider.  
 1) I have never gotten a review from a younger guy...  
 2) Older guys can take for-EVER to come, especially if they're 60+ and/or not in the best of shape. Younger guys might pop sooner, but they usually want to cram, like, 3 pops into a half hour of play. I'll give you this: Older guys are more likely to be 'one and done', but sometimes, that 'one' can literally take hours, and it can be a ton more grueling than a pounding from a 22-year-old. Just ask anybody who's ever dealt w/someone on diabetes or blood pressure meds, or vitamin V  
 and I'll add...  
 3) Try saying the maturity thing isn't applicable, when: 1) The young guy says something like, 'Oh, I'd date you except that you're a hooker,' 2) The young guy comes 2 hours early because he's 'bored'. Then wants to 'hang out' after the appointment because he doesn't want to go back to his parents' house (has happened to me), 3) Falls head over heels, 4) Is generally flaky and unreliable because he hasn't learned how to be mindful of others' time, 5) Is SO eager to impress in bed that he is completely insecure and irritating.  
 I could go on and on.  
 I've been in the business for nearly 7 years, and I will say this both in public, and in private: OLD GUYS RULE. For me, that applies both in and out of the hobby.  
 Two of my last 3 boyfriends were more than 15 years older than I was. I don't think I'll ever date a younger guy (well, maybe if I'm 80 and he's 60)

Dear JackDunphy:  You have perfectly articulated what is known as the Doc D#$%%$s Factor. The Doc was a super intelligent guy who ran big money (back then one Billion) back in the 80s.  He was a genius...

He said to me one day, in his super cool office, "What does Everybody on Earth Really Want???"
(he was very very serious, in his own aggressive manner).  I said, "Well, sometimes I can't tell...can you just tell me, Doc??"

Doc stared at me like I was a jackass, and he said: "They only want ONE THING.... They want as much money as Possible, for as little effort as Possible.  That is all the fuck they want!!"

That is all a Provider wants, as well....Lot's of 55 year old + Johns with lots of coin, deep rooted, but well masked, psychological damage that makes the Johns pseudo-dependent on the Providers, and One Shell Shotguns.  Simple.  WTF!  

Regards to you, JackDumphy...post more, please!  you get it!
"The Street"  Stay Lucky, Be Smart

I have no intention of working any harder than I have to. Like a john, that wants more for his money. I respect both points of view and understand that I won't see those types and they won't see me. We are the opposite ends of the scale and if we are diligent, we get to see those that suit.

And I would do the same. I wasn't knocking gals for doing less work at all, but as you said, its just normal to want to do less for the same money, in ANY line of work.

No p4p gal I know wants a guy to fire 3 or 4 times in 90 mins or two hours. Older guys don't have the stamina for one, in general, and don't have the sexual skills they once possessed.

Lets face it. Older guys are just an "easier lift" than the young bucks for you hookers, on average. THAT'S a key reason working girls don't want young dudes. They can screen out the immature ones if they are so worried about that.

Who would have thought this was debatable? LOL

just_a_dumb_q377 reads

agree with you 100% Tobi!  

I have one client who is hot as heck, my age, and can come 3x in a 2 hour session.  We talk a little in between, so I get a little rest while he has his recovery time. A client with ED is a LOT more work, on the other hand. Some want endless fellatio or CG, and although I've got a lot of stamina, it can still be tiring.  

Many favorite clients in fact are relatively "easy" for me to get off, and to me, it's kind of satisfying to know how much I can get them going again, so the generalizations maybe apply to some but definitely not all of us.

For the hot clients,  $ is boundary enough for me :)

I don't do long distance..I actually will quit...lol

Posted By: floxiegirl

  I now totally get why providers have a strict no one under 30 or 35 policy. I imagine that the more mature providers do it so that they don't have to deal with immature guys..  
Yes, some ladies base their age rules on maturity factors, others (like me) are uncomfortable with younger men.  I don't want to be intimate with someone who's closer in age to my children than myself.  I won't do doubles with providers in that age range, either.  

When I was younger, I didn't have any age restrictions at all.  But, that's just me. :-)


-- Modified on 11/8/2015 8:25:35 PM

picture myself banging all of these grannies for a living.

I punch in for another day of pounding old grannies ... when all of a sudden, an attractive girl close to my age walks in. AND SHE ACTUALLY WANTS TO PAY ME TO FUCK HER.


I can definitely see how this would be a good thing. Where I would diverge, however ... is that it would be extra hard for me to go back to massaging grannie's bunyons, popping granny boils and smelling grannie farts after such an encounter. In fact, I believe I would probably want to BANG MORE HOT CHICKS MY AGE.

So instead of coming to the ER and posting a message like "I need to set an age limit," I would probably be posting something like "Where can I find more young, hot clients?"

So this particular post of yours ...  I'm afraid I have no point of reference or common ground to understand. Even in my own rather vivid imagination. So I am just going to nod my head and go along with it. Whatever floats your boat! Sounds good to me, and "You go girl" and all that other stuff. Hooray for different perspectives on life

I am in my early twenties as well however due to working too hard in my teens I act like an old man. Parents, friends, girlfriends all tell me how I act like I am 60. I like really old music, cowboy movies, talking to old people (I usually talk to them for at least 30 minutes once I start the convo), have a sort of cynical monotone when speaking, am quite conservative, almost never buy new clothes, talk shit about "youth these days", the list goes on.  

In bed I take forever to get off and have contemplated the v pill. I also get cold very easily even when wearing layers and layers. Even though I am the perfect client in most provider's eyes (half session talking, other half banging, always tip then quickly out the door) I view it as a curse.  

You see I get a long quite well with old people so as a result I get jobs easier than other people in my age group. In my jobs I met many old people and thus most of my friends are 45+. Its sad to think that by the time I am their age they might already be dead or be too old to remember me.  

Anyways just letting you know there are exceptions...

Posted By: floxiegirl
Because I saw a 28 year old yesterday..I'm in my early 20's.. and he was incredible! Absolutely gorgeous, great body, well-dressed, well-spoken, he smelled great.. a bit like an expensive cigar and nice cologne. I almost.. almost.. felt like he was too hot to pay me lol. He was super attentive and he tipped me. Just lots of deliciousness in a blue-eyed package. It was great but.. it was so awkward for me. I have plenty of nice-looking clients, and I'm grateful for that, but their age creates a nice boundary for me and keeps things in perspective.  
 I now totally get why providers have a strict no one under 30 or 35 policy. I imagine that the more mature providers do it so that they don't have to deal with immature guys.. and the younger providers do it so that they can maintain a nice disconnect between the guys they see professionally, and the ones they're interested in personally.  

He's looking for NSA sex, and you're at an age where that should be all you're interested in too. If I was a provider, my goal would be to foster a circle of regulars who I loved playing with. Enjoy the prize while you got it!

The white envelope on the bathroom sink should be enough to establish clear boundaries, lol.  I wouldn't worry too much about age.  Long as he is respectful and is able to follow directions, anyone 21 and up should be fine.

Posted By: floxiegirl
Because I saw a 28 year old yesterday..I'm in my early 20's.. and he was incredible! Absolutely gorgeous, great body, well-dressed, well-spoken, he smelled great.. a bit like an expensive cigar and nice cologne. I almost.. almost.. felt like he was too hot to pay me lol. He was super attentive and he tipped me. Just lots of deliciousness in a blue-eyed package. It was great but.. it was so awkward for me. I have plenty of nice-looking clients, and I'm grateful for that, but their age creates a nice boundary for me and keeps things in perspective.  
 I now totally get why providers have a strict no one under 30 or 35 policy. I imagine that the more mature providers do it so that they don't have to deal with immature guys.. and the younger providers do it so that they can maintain a nice disconnect between the guys they see professionally, and the ones they're interested in personally.  

I recently had a newbie I screened and knew he was young but had to double check his ID when he came in as he looked a lot younger than 20!  Had a great time and we parted ways!  Great guy but I help but wondering due to his age if maybe I wasn't just his first in the hobby!  He was cute and shy so sort of wonder if I was his FIRST all together.  

I have also been in a relationship before with a guy 15 years my junior so I am cool with it plus if they book you as an escort they usually know the boundaries and I haven't had any issues with younger guys that I screen.  They have to learn somehow and I think of it as helping teach them to be better lovers and helping them in their relationships for the future!  

I do love the seasoned guys with their expertise though that I don't have to teach anymore heck they teach me a thing or two also.  

Love & Lust!

Gemini Starr

I personally believe in live and let live. So if that's what works for you go with your gut. Personally I LOVE OLDER men and it's hard at times because they just blow me away, I'm in control of my emotions (because I have a SO) therefore age doesn't matter, only because you don't want to limit yourself, however, if you feel you will fall in love then stick to your guns girl. Remember we play a game the same way they do....keep that in mind. I don't want to discourage anyone nor you but remember the name of the game....you are not the only one saying sweet things to someone...catch my drift :-)  

Wishing you the best  

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