TER General Board

cubsfanws 3600 reads
1 / 31

On occasion, I will meet a lady touring Chicago.  Typically, the lady will email me later apprising me of her future plans to return to Chicago.  While I appreciate the email, most likely I will not be repeating and thus the info. is of no value to me.  So what to do?

Ignore the email and do not reply?

Or reply and say thanks, or possibly be more open and say i have no plans to repeat?

What do the ladies think best?  What would you prefer if you sent the email?

I sense one time friends are a big part of the business.  But that doesn't mean the encounter wasn't a fantastic experience or that things among friends couldn't be handled correctly.  It's just that there are so many beautiful and intelligent women out there.  Thanks.

bonordonor 966 reads
2 / 31

No reply is necessary. If you might want to meet up on a future trip, then a " Can't this time, but keep me posted on future dates". This ain't rocket science and at least the women are intelligent. lol

darmody 22 Reviews 820 reads
3 / 31

If they're not going to get your money I highly doubt any provider will care whether you get back to them. Only 1 out of 10 appreciate the good manners of emailing back, probably. I think most of them would be happy to have less messages to respond to.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 787 reads
4 / 31

Posted By: cubsfanws

 Ignore the email and do not reply?
Yes, that.   In these instances, no reply can really be kinder than the most polite "no, thank you" you could give.  

I realize you do not intend it as a rejection of HER, but human beings (perhaps even women in particular) all too frequently have the funny habit of taking these things in just that way.   ;-)

-- Modified on 2/3/2017 2:45:31 PM

stethdoctor 16 Reviews 614 reads
5 / 31

Think about it, when a company or business you purchased an item or service from emails you weeks or months later, and you do are not interested, do you send them all a reply saying "thank you but I'm not interested?" Likely not. Similarly these wonderful providers are in the business of marketing and seeking repeat clients too. And many gentlemen do want to know when someone is returning. However if you not interested in repeating for whatever reason, then no reply is needed.  

On the other hand if you are interested, then a kind reply would be in order, such as "Thank you for reaching out to me. I cannot see you this time, but I would appreciate knowing when you return and if our schedules work out..."

MILFCARESSA See my TER Reviews 843 reads
6 / 31

1) You are by no means obligated to respond...

2) If you like to keep the door open, you could respond as has already been pointed out.

3) I must be the 1 or 10 providers as I appreciate a kind response stating...I am a one hit wonder kind of hobbiest- a sampler of newness.  As much as I enjoyed our time together,  I want you to know this about me so I doubt seriously that I will see you again.  

If you hit me up like that, I may stop to text you my schedule or continue per your instruction and desire...but I definitely would suggest new friends that I could vouche for as real who may not even need to go through the screening process with my referral.  

Happy hobbying!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 564 reads
7 / 31

I tell them I was so happy to get their email because I haven't been able to see anyone new for awhile because I lost my job, but since we have a rapport already, and she knows I'm an honest guy, if she wouldn't mind floating me for a few months until I find a new job and get re-established, I would send her the money then, plus a nice tip to make up for the delay.  Can I book two hours? . . . . .

Trust me, if you do this, you will NEVER hear from her again and she isn't going to feel insulted, she is going to feel like she dodged a bullet.  

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 447 reads
8 / 31

the same position as the OP, trying to figure out how to respond lol

If we both had a great time we'll both know. If WE didn't, she'll know. When we have, I'll ask her to let me know when she'll be in town again and that I'll make the time to make the time to see her with  reasonable notice. Worked like a charm recently.  

GOOD SEX + CHEMISTRY = repeat business.

NuruQueen 689 reads
9 / 31

I don't email clients or at least I try not to  
If my business is slow what I would do is post a discount for repeated clients in my ads or website
I have a tour page in my website always updated  

That's all !

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 440 reads
10 / 31
souls_harbor 530 reads
11 / 31

In the parlance of things, it is junk mail.  A solicitation for business.  There isn't time in the day to answer all the junk mail I get.  (We're assuming it isn't just a thank you note -- but on the other hand it could be as authentic a thank you as the Christmas card I get from my bank.)

sassysally6688 See my TER Reviews 662 reads
12 / 31

I think both parties always reserve the option to respectfully decline. In this case I think you would be doing yourself as well as the lady a bigger service by replying and telling her while you had a memorable time you prefer to initiate contact and to please not send along her touring dates. You are not insulting or offensive in this approach. If the lady has a newsletter you may have unknowingly subscribed to, ask to please be removed.  

IMHO-Unless there is someone I have seen several times and chat with occasionally I consider this poor form and not appropriate at all. A provider with a great deal of respect for you and a healthy sense of discretion would not do this.

FatVern 547 reads
13 / 31

Do you answer the phone when you know it's someone you don't want to talk to?

Do you notify your grocer when they list sale items you do not plan to purchase?

... or do you go outside to notify the ice cream man when he plays his music, that even though you enjoyed a chocolate and vanilla swirl cone at the age of ten, although now that you are forty you don't want icecream served from a truck.

FatVern 662 reads
14 / 31

Amazon damn near immediately wants to know if they fulfilled your need for what ever crap you just purchase.

Yeah Amazon, you provided what you claimed to offer, you do not get recognition for doing what you said you'd do.

darmody 22 Reviews 479 reads
15 / 31

I've only seen one touring provider, and she asked me explicitly at the end of the session if I'd mind her texting me when she's back in town. That seems like a good way to do it.

sassysally6688 See my TER Reviews 563 reads
17 / 31

Agreed...even if you change your mind at a later date...the lady has been respectful in asking and will respond kindly when you ask her to no longer receive alerts of her travel plans!  

It's really about respecting someone's privacy and level of discretion! Touring requires ads..if you are on the boards and sites...you will see it and initiate contact.

NorahLucille See my TER Reviews 497 reads
18 / 31

I rely heavily on sending out email notes to those who've shown interest and those I've seen. I advertise very little. 90% of the people I see, repeat and the only way to know my schedule is by emailing me or by me informing them.  

So if someone does not want any correspondence, it's in their best interest to let me know. Ignoring emails is not an efficient means of communicating that you aren't interested. Ignoring can mean you're busy or you got it late, etc.

On a side note: Personally, I'd prefer people who don't repeat to not patronize me. That may seem counter intuitive, but that's just not my scene.

FatVern 491 reads
19 / 31

The email probably didn't make the op feel special enough, no discount, no offer of OTC, had the email contained something along those lines, the opportunity would be taken advantage of.

That's all that was.

SweetGraceXO See my TER Reviews 395 reads
20 / 31

A reply that includes the phrase "I will not be repeating" can be hurtful and will most likely do more harm than good. A no reply is just fine.

NorahLucille See my TER Reviews 457 reads
21 / 31

My emails never contain those things. Whoopsie, looks like I've been doing everything all wrong. Thanks for schooling me.


Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 507 reads
22 / 31

Meaning, you say, "Oh I'm not going to be there until after you leave." "Oh, that's ok honey - I'm going to stay another day - we can do then!"

This is why I don't pursue clients - because what if they don't want to see me anymore? If they've moved on in their minds, then I'm just opening the door for them to see me out of guilt, or constantly feel like they need to make an excuse, which can be stressful for the client.

Honestly, this isn't supposed to be filled with drama. Though, some clients seem to like the drama and send break up letters, or letters saying "I've found a new provider so I will be seeing her."

That doesn't really upset me, all it does is make me think, "What kind of a sign am I giving that this person thinks they need to explain themselves to me?"

So that's why I don't send "I'll been the area" letters. But I do send a quick hello if they haven't come around for a while, just to let them know I'm thinking of them because I was reminded of them for this reason or that. Then they feel like I still like them. So I throw a hook letting them know they're awesome, and leave it at that.

Most don't respond until they need me and are ready for another date. lol!

VOO-doo 503 reads
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I wouldn't reply. If she even notices, she'll probably think that 1) You won't be around or available, 2) You're no longer hobbying, 3) That you don't frequently check your hobby email, or 4) That for whatever reason, you'd prefer to move onto other escorts (happens all the time).  

As another poster pointed out, she'd probably be just as happy to have one less email to answer.

I've been asked to let clients know when I'll be in a certain area... I'm never offended if I don't get a response. I just attribute it to one of the above reasons.

triage 649 reads
24 / 31

at least you're honest about it, but this is probably an unrealistic expectation

Posted By: NorahLucille
On a side note: Personally, I'd prefer people who don't repeat to not patronize me. That may seem counter intuitive, but that's just not my scene.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 586 reads
25 / 31

Posted By: cubsfanws
On occasion, I will meet a lady touring Chicago.  Typically, the lady will email me later apprising me of her future plans to return to Chicago.  While I appreciate the email, most likely I will not be repeating and thus the info. is of no value to me.  So what to do?  
 Ignore the email and do not reply?  
 Or reply and say thanks, or possibly be more open and say i have no plans to repeat?  
 What do the ladies think best?  What would you prefer if you sent the email?  
 I sense one time friends are a big part of the business.  But that doesn't mean the encounter wasn't a fantastic experience or that things among friends couldn't be handled correctly.  It's just that there are so many beautiful and intelligent women out there.  Thanks.

mojojo 1 Reviews 361 reads
26 / 31

First of all, we are in the underworld of society. Anything and everything can, and does happen. Communication is a part of that. Secondly, I would have to take a look at how the ladies respond to my experienced requests for a date. Some ladies respond with flowery details, and personal information. Some ladies respond with just the facts ma'am. Some ladies respond calling you a different name than one you wrote down on your request. Some ladies delay their responses. One lady wrote me back a year later saying she was available. Some ladies don't respond at all. One lady sent me a blank email as her response.  

My underworld conclusion, based on the lady's responses to me, would say that any of your responses would work. But there's also the humanity factor. A little thing called politeness. Whenever a lady writes me an email, I write her back. If I have no intention of ever seeing her again, I say nice to hear from you, but I'm unavailable on your trip. If she just wants to chit chat, I will say how about them Cubs. I try to be as kind as possible because I might need her in the future. One day in the future I might wake up hornier than hell, and she's the only one available. If it was a fantastic experience the first time, I'd have to go for it. And lastly, there's also the reference factor. I just might need her to give me a reference. If I tell her I'm not coming back, or ignore her, she might not feel inclined to help me out.

xxxenvy4u See my TER Reviews 436 reads
27 / 31

Do as my regular friends and I do....

First off, if you haven't found a regular, you looking in the wrong places my love. Find a ref for many duos.   It's a lot of fun!  

GioVanna90 410 reads
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I don't think there is a need to respond. As providers, we don't suit EVERYONES taste and that is OK. If she gets butt hurt about it, she is in the wrong business.

LillianWest See my TER Reviews 423 reads
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There are a lot of reasons someone may not wish to receive email from a provider. It would not insult me for someone to ask to be removed from advertising mailers.

clairecavendish See my TER Reviews 570 reads
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Replying and saying, although we had a great time and I enjoyed meeting you, I prefer to hobby widely and mix up my experiences and I'm not looking to see someone regularly so please take me off your mailing list.
Just simp,e and effective and zero offence will be taken.

Sugar-julia See my TER Reviews 327 reads
31 / 31

I WISH people were honest. It doesn't mean being rude, but how nice would it be to NOT send an email and save my own time if I know the client I saw once, will not repeat because it isn't his "thing". You can even mention it before you see her for the first time, so she knows regardless of how the session goes, your mind is made up. "Hey Jean, I'm super excited to meet you and spend time with you, I will be honest and mention that i kind of have a thing for seeing different women each time I do decide to hobby. But I'd just love to make a long lasting memory with you!

How could you go wrong with an email like that?

It is the absolute worst when someone goes so far out of their way to string you along, and yet each time you reach out to them when you're in town regardless of how much notice you give them, they conveniently aren't available or just do not respond.

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