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Lol! Who is Aldo? (Eom)
Florida_Evans 1066 reads


Florida_Evans3341 reads

Sorry about the alias.  

I am a slender girl, and it's really a pain in the butt to stay this way.  Sometimes I just eat grapes, bananas, and coffee.

This week, I wasn't working, so I stayed home and ate delicious tortilla soup, tacos, chips and salsa, cookies (lots of cookies), and right now, am cooking gumbo (yum!)

I'm sure I have gained 5 lbs this week.

It is so wonderful to eat whatever you want!  

My question is: do you guys really care if we've got an extra 5lbs on the ass or tummy?  I mean, you guys don't REALLY want a body that's too thin, right?


I just saw an old favorite of mine who'd put on about 10 pounds over the winter and it really diminished her appeal. I'd see her again but only because I like her and she still gives a wicked BBBJ with a tongue stud.

VOO-doo1234 reads

is the norm for most clients.  

I totally hear the OP. I'm slender as well, which means that an extra 10 pounds or so really makes a difference in my appearance. It's a struggle.

Most of us have a small handful of clients who will see us no matter what...but as for the rest, men are very visual...a pretty face will only get you so far...my clients love to look at a toned, firm body; they WILL be turned off by those few extra pounds. I tend to gain weight around February/March and if it's too much, I take some time off...

Rather than eat less, I try to exercise regularly, and choose healthier food options. Except for my daily Five Guys trysts (j/k).

Florida_Evans1162 reads

(I am choosing to hear what I want to hear :D)

Kidding, thanks for your feedback

And didn't tell her to stop eating! OTC, of course.  Will I keep seeing her if she doesn't drop the weight? Not sure, but probably.

5 lbs isn't so bad, just don't keep going, because it's harder to take off than put on.  If you are skeleton thin with a bony ass, then yes gain a little (I hate the waif look honestly).  But more than 15 lbs overweight and it makes it harder for you to keep your clientele.  Most of us are looking for someone different, (or in my case, thinner) than who we have at home.  Skills, as Inicky said, have a lot to do with still seeing someone you know, but for those first timers to notice your ads, a smoking bod doesn't hurt.  Personally, I think mad skills trump total body shape, but that's just me.  A nice plump rump and big titties go a long way towards overlooking a tiny amount of padding, but you don't wanna be flashing a gunt. (A gut that hangs over your C--t).

But she didn't just stop at one week...it went on for a year (which would be about 260 pounds).  Now she's around 400 or so.

But that's OK...the guys will still give her a solid 7 as she can perform a mean BBBJCIM.

I'm sure you'll be back to banana's and other fruits soon?  LOL

I gain 4.5 lbs in FL so it's ALL good! ;-) Please post another one tomorrow!!!



5'0-5'5", 95-125lbs

No fat asses or beerguts

According to the D boys who hang out on my street, I'm a "thick ass white girl." It took a while for them to explain to me that that's a compliment.  

If someone were going to play me in a film, it'd be ScarJo. We both have big bewbs.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Seems you're that type too, assuming photos are accurate.  

And higher with higher. 2 early for me to elaborate

I'm male, so it's not the same thing, but I'm on the slender/trim size, always was. But there was a fairly long timespan when I would gain and the lose 5 - 10 pounds on a regular basis. I had to look very thin, like emaciated, for my work. So I'd eat well on Monday and Tuesday, then burn it off and enjoy being hungry for the rest of the week. Nobody noticed.

Most guys who complain about fat partners are talking about a lot more weight than that. If you cut back on sugar, fat, and salt and try to exercicize enough to turn that weight into muscle, I don't think you'll get too many complaints. Just eat healthy, and you'll probably look healthy. BTW, a lot of guys don't like having a near skeleton against them either. Necrophiliacs maybe.

Florida_Evans1629 reads

Ok, sounds good!  

What job did you have where you had to be skinny??  Were you a model?

If you're my regular, I probably won't get too bent out of shape.  If you're a first visit, that visual impression is incredibly powerful.  A flabby tummy is a particular turn-off for me, while on the ass it might be OK.  Having a waist and hip curves is really important for me.  There is one provider (Aria Rocchi - uncompensated endorsement), who has a spectacularly perfect, petite, but not skinny figure that would be difficult to hide 5 lbs. on, but she works out and it's all toned, so it stays in place perfectly.  You don't see any of her ribs or hip bones, etc., just smooth curves with a beautiful waist.  Perfect.  She could probably float up or down a few pounds and it wouldn't show.

If you work out and keep your body firm, you might be able to get away with a little additional weight

and they have one thing in common however:

They are happy to be the size they are.

So, if you are happy with the size you are, the odds are good I'll be happy too.

You shouldn't ask us what size you should be.  You need to ask yourself.

There is NO woman on the fucking planet that likes the reflection they see.

But if they are telling you that they are "happy" with themselves...then you are more gullible than I ever thought.

Nice try to placate the OP however...but sometimes the truth is more important.

Posted By: mrfisher
and they have one thing in common however:

They are happy to be the size they are.

So, if you are happy with the size you are, the odds are good I'll be happy too.

You shouldn't ask us what size you should be.  You need to ask yourself.

I'll admit that some gals I see wish they were a few pounds thinner than they are; but they are not so hung up on it that they obsess over it.

Others are various shapes (usually heavy) and seem quite happy with their size.  This allows them to feel sexy and as a result they are sexy, and when gals are sexy:  so am I.

I did know one gal for the longest time who did obsess about her weight until a few years ago when she finally accepted herself and made peace with her body.  The results were quite a revelation and she and I enjoyed each other more and more as a result.  Ironically enough, she has begun to lose weight - not as a result of dieting per se, but rather just on account that she doesn't need food for positive reinforcement.

But they've already been done ad nauseum on this topic.

What I'm suggesting is that most women see a VERY different reflection that what we tend to see.  Where you/I/the next guy sees a really "hot" looking gal, that gal seems to see a pimple, some cellulite, a mole and fat.  

We may not care all that much about those "imperfections"...but seriously fish, every fucking woman on the planet has this issue.  Some are more out there about it...while others just go and hit the gym to try and solve the issue.  Yet no matter how much a gal works out...uses make-up...buys elite clothing...they all still are NOT completely happy with that reflection.

And Maybelline (and all the beauty product manufacturers and distributors) thank them for that insecurity.


Posted By: mrfisher
I'll admit that some gals I see wish they were a few pounds thinner than they are; but they are not so hung up on it that they obsess over it.

Others are various shapes (usually heavy) and seem quite happy with their size.  This allows them to feel sexy and as a result they are sexy, and when gals are sexy:  so am I.

I did know one gal for the longest time who did obsess about her weight until a few years ago when she finally accepted herself and made peace with her body.  The results were quite a revelation and she and I enjoyed each other more and more as a result.  Ironically enough, she has begun to lose weight - not as a result of dieting per se, but rather just on account that she doesn't need food for positive reinforcement.

but in most cases, it doesn't affect to any real extent how he goes about using it.

The practical point is whether or not this "thing" that women have over their weight is manageable or not, at least to the extent that they can still feel good about themselves.

I haven't conducted any scientific studies to know what the percentage is, but the women I meet in the hobby whom I gotten to know well for the most part don't have a problem with it, at least as far as their everyday life goes.

It wouldn't surprise me if women who are providers have less of a problem with this given that having men pay to see them reinforces their positive self image, but that's just a hunch.

Panthera121181 reads

He doesn't want to cause a stampede.

Pretty wide generalization, there. I'll admit growing up I had the worst self esteem, but I feel nothing but love for myself when I look in the mirror. Flaws and all.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
There is NO woman on the fucking planet that likes the reflection they see.  
 But if they are telling you that they are "happy" with themselves...then you are more gullible than I ever thought.  
 Nice try to placate the OP however...but sometimes the truth is more important.  
Posted By: mrfisher
and they have one thing in common however:  
 They are happy to be the size they are.  
 So, if you are happy with the size you are, the odds are good I'll be happy too.  
 You shouldn't ask us what size you should be.  You need to ask yourself.  

89Springer1244 reads

I'm 5'11" 155 pounds. That's pretty thin. I gained five pounds in the last several months, and it's all at the gut. Where my chest once stuck out further than my gut, it's now my gut in the lead. So, 5 pounds on a thin frame can make a big difference.

I think for a provider a lot depends upon how you sell yourself. If you're touting your body, those five pounds are going to be a bigger issue than if you're talking about your face, personality, performance, etc.

I saw a provider whose ad made a big deal of her taut body, firm breasts, etc. Not skinny at all, but very, very tight. When I saw her, she'd been touring for several months, living in hotels and not getting enough exercise. She wasn't tight, and it was a bit of a disappointment. Not big, but a bit.

Awhile back I called in an escort who advertised DDs and a 20" waist. I met her in the hotel lobby, and she was absolutely gorgeous! Tall, VERY high energy, BEAUTIFL face, great figure in a sexy dress slinking across the floor like she was on ice skates. She lived up to her photos and description in every way...or so I thought. We had an amazing time. Though she didn't advertise as a PSE, she was as nimble as a cheetah. When her dress peeled off her DDs couldn't be improved on. The entire session was nonstop passion, and I couldn't've been happier. She made me feel and respond like a 20-year-old stud.

BUT...(and you KNEW THIS was coming) when we were getting dressed and, me at least, being TOTALLY spent, my gaze finally lowered from the DDs to her waist. It was lean and sexy, though NOT 20". So a moment of disappoint flickered through me, not because I saw a FLAW to her beauty, but a misrepresentation. She was at least 22", maybe 23 or 24. Say 23 & 3/8"-- that's a close estimate that I made at the time. It didn't take the edge off, and I was left too entranced to say anything. I think she still had my heart and mind in her luscious lips.

But there it is. Couldn't have been more wonderful, but one of the things that had stuck with me from her ad was the 20" waist. 23&3/8" cannot be considered overweight on a 5'7" - 5'8" body, but... Well, you get it.

It would be more of a story if I could say my giddiness drained out of me, but it didn't. Just that flicker of disappointment that she'd not been completely honest. A quality ranking right up there with DDs.

So... If it ain't in stock, don't sell it.

Panthera121339 reads

Don't listen to the love sick manginas who are happy to fuck just about anything that moves and are afraid to hurt your feelings.

5 pounds isn't much, but on a very small ass or flat tummy it may. Now, I also understand that 5 pounds in hooker weight is really 10+ pounds and the junk food into it's third week, so don't try to fool me :)  

The red grapes have been good in the last year.

AxelF1147 reads

Guys, you cannot possibly answer this question without getting yourself on a DNS list.

Posted By: Florida_Evans
Sorry about the alias.    
 I am a slender girl, and it's really a pain in the butt to stay this way.  Sometimes I just eat grapes, bananas, and coffee.  
 This week, I wasn't working, so I stayed home and ate delicious tortilla soup, tacos, chips and salsa, cookies (lots of cookies), and right now, am cooking gumbo (yum!)  
 I'm sure I have gained 5 lbs this week.  
 It is so wonderful to eat whatever you want!    
 My question is: do you guys really care if we've got an extra 5lbs on the ass or tummy?  I mean, you guys don't REALLY want a body that's too thin, right?  

Frankly I'd want to know in advance if she has become a "chubby chaser" and save me the aggravation of having to clear a time to see her...only to walk away when she opens the door looking nothing like the pics when she was 105#.

So yeah...I have NO problem answering that type of question.  And if some hooker decided to put me on her personal DNS list...then she's saved herself some grief.   Unfortunately an asshole like me would make sure to tell my friends that someone ate Hooker Jane and is looking to take her place.  I'll bet that even Aldo can't fix that problem in its entirety.

Posted By: AxelF
Guys, you cannot possibly answer this question without getting yourself on a DNS list.  
Posted By: Florida_Evans
Sorry about the alias.    
  I am a slender girl, and it's really a pain in the butt to stay this way.  Sometimes I just eat grapes, bananas, and coffee.  
  This week, I wasn't working, so I stayed home and ate delicious tortilla soup, tacos, chips and salsa, cookies (lots of cookies), and right now, am cooking gumbo (yum!)  
  I'm sure I have gained 5 lbs this week.  
  It is so wonderful to eat whatever you want!    
  My question is: do you guys really care if we've got an extra 5lbs on the ass or tummy?  I mean, you guys don't REALLY want a body that's too thin, right?  

Now about the DNS thing. Yes posting history does influence whether or not I'll see someone. It's not the entire picture but it does prove insightful. Now any lady who's put a guy on her DNS list over how he answers the OP's question...they probably aren't someone who would fit the bill anyway.

And I know I wouldn't fit the bill for over 50% if guys on the GDB and that's ok, there are things I can change and others I'm stick with, lol. I do just fine....



If I have seen the girl before and know that she used to be exactly my type, some fluctuations won't be a serious concern.  Familiarity and chemistry can make me look ignore some things within a range.  

If she ballooned 25+ pounds, well...  lets just say I participate in this philanthropy and donate because my favorite size is "slim". :)    If the girl is my SO and soon to be the mother of my child, large weight fluctuations like that are understandable though.

Florida_Evans1350 reads

Then again, I know all guys are more forgiving of weight gain if it's their wife/mother of children.  But, it's still really nice to hear!

Those characteristics compose a "Marty" complex personality-- someone insecure about being overweight, feeling the need to compensate socially because they don't feel attractive. Please don't get hung up on this weight issue. It's a self-fulling fear. Please don't find yourself eating cookies all night to fill up for the next day's fountain of sweetness. Just forget about it. Move around and get angry with people. Insult people whenever they insult you at least, if you can't insult people as a sport.

Go to your local grocery store. When you get there, see if they have a salad bar or a coffee stand. Buy something to sip or nibble on and sit at a table where you can watch the door and the flow of people coming, going, always there.  NOW... count the good-looking ones. How many women look better than you? How many men look like somebody you'd really like to go to bed with? Be honest. It's not the best habit to CONSTANTLY compare yourself to others, but now and then it can put your insecurities into perspective.

Some people are beautiful people. A few. And as one, you feel you're in competition with the MOST beautiful ones. But the rest are very plain looking. Once in awhile you'll spot that deformed, misshaped wretch who exudes wit and superior intelligence, but most of what you'll see are just drab muddlers. Sip you coffee or nibble at your salad slowly as you learn to laugh unforgivingly at these creatures, and gloat at how they pale in comparison to yourself.

Then go home, look in the mirror, and fall in love with who you see.  

Those five pounds will melt away and not come back until you're too old to give a shit.

-- Modified on 4/4/2014 7:26:02 PM

-- Modified on 4/4/2014 7:26:33 PM

week is bad news on anyone!

For me, if there is a lady I have been seeing and we have a "connection" and I have a great time every time, a few pounds wouldn't make me stop seeing her (key word "few"). But if it's a lady I haven't seen before but wanted to see, i would probably change my mind and not see her.

I think men have different view of extra pounds... Some love it while others will crucify u....

I would worry more if the weight just kept going down. For me, I don't want to cuddle up to a rock so a little extra is better than bones. I can not imagine the pain you ladies go through for weight control and you can not know how much I appreciate you doing it. Enjoy your time off and regain control next week. Smile and have fun.

GreekDeprived1456 reads

One person my just love a skinny woman with A size cups; another well rounded out with Cs or DDs, think Marylin monroe, another someone close to BBW with BIGGER!! than DDs; another someone with lucious, ample curves.

Look at it another way, there is such a wide area between grapes and junk food that tastes fantastic!!

Scan the DR OZ website for a recent non-starvation "dieting" book that offers sensible meals one can follow. enjoy good tasting health food.

I've met very thin women who were just duds, buxom sexy women who were cold and uninvolved, HH woman who was a BBW, very warm, affectionate, extremely oriented towards what I thoroughly enjoyed--now guess who I enjoyed myself the most with?

Deprived and dulce

Not really one to give 'health' advice, but I can give self perception advice.

Some guys like a little meat… 5 lbs is a normal fluctuation for many women who PMS, etc. Also, the meal you mention is very high in sodium, which may cause bloating / water retention.

There are teas that help with water retention.

-- Modified on 4/5/2014 7:56:47 AM

You can eat what you like as long it is healthy and as long as you don’t over do it. Another great management item you can do is to squeeze one lime in warm water and drink it in the morning.

Eat small portions.

-- Modified on 4/5/2014 4:17:39 AM

I find that my weight can fluctuate as much as 5 - 7 lbs in a day never mind a week or two.  Depends on what I'm eating, drinking or how much I'm sweating.  Then again, I'm a portly 230 (give or take) and under 6 foot.

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