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LMAO, good one Devin! eomteeth_smile
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 368 reads


This ain't funny.  The world of this kind of misogynistic pickup artists is bigger than I ever thought.  This creep also had a blog and a site called Real Social Dynamics that seems to be devoted to promoting techniques of coercing girls through dominance and insults to have sex.  I wonder how that works for most of them?

-- Modified on 11/7/2014 8:37:22 PM

-- Modified on 11/7/2014 8:48:00 PM

Its the pathetic clowns who read his shit or go to his "lectures" and try to act on it that are really scary.

sell books, promote a blog, book appearances, etc.  WTF beats working for a living.

There is a cottage industry of "media experts" who promote this kind of SHIT:(  

It started in the political arena.  You can't get booked on the bullshit cable shows unless you say shit like the President is a communist or Republicans hate poor people.

Americans are incapable of rational/reasonable thought.  Disagree.  How man MFers in this country text AND drive?  

This guy and his advisors (yes he has them) figured out you can't sell books on romance to guys.  Who the fuck would buy it?  So do stupid shit like this and sure enough you will get known.  And guess what it works.  Notice we are talking about it.

When he runs the current act into the ground (after hopefully making a lot of $$$).

The next act will be "I am repentant" and read it all in my new book.

But alas, this is the world we live in.  

So just take a shot of Jamison, have sex with a Provider and say fuck it.  

Wait for the Zombie Invasion or Singularity - Humans aren't worth saving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

of tips and tricks on how to master the claw machine.

"The next act will be "I am repentant" and read it all in my new book."

There's always a group who love a repentant reprobate!  ;)

1) No, I have never "liked" one of my own posts. That would be biggay30.  Is that your alias?
2) You are so weak it's barely worth responding to you.

God what a dumbass.  

Posted By: inicky46
 1) No, I have never "liked" one of my own posts. That would be biggay30.  Is that your alias?  
 2) You are so weak it's barely worth responding to you.

I like my own when only one other person likes it, just in case ppl think I liked my own when there's only one.
because I care what people think about whether or not I liked my own post.


Namely, that women will learn what these techniques are, and recognize them whenever any of his disciples attempt to use them.

I am not familiar with the specifics of his teachings, but I suspect there is already an underground that seeks to spread the psychological mistreatment of women for the benefit of these predators, or more likely would be predators.  

I'm not crazy about the Australian Government's heavy handedness either about what constitutes proper free speech.  I think it is better to allow ideas into the sunlight such that they can be confronted openly rather than allowed to fester in the dark.  Witness the renaissance of Nazi ideology in Germany despite 70 years of laws designed to bury same.

And what the fuck is up with his stupid haircut and the open sores on his face?  Jeez, no wonder he needs these techniques to score.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he was a closeted homosexual. Who asks his cuter seminar attendees to stick around after, so he can blow them.

and monitor him.  So he is being exposed, which is a good thing.  I agree that stifling his speech is stupid. To me it's like the Westboro Baptist Church.  Much better to simply let them be exposed in the light of day for their poisonous idiocy.

having people you love to hate.

People you hate to love is close behind.

Come to think of it, a close behind is probably life's best pleasure.

Take out the garbage instead of letting it rot and stinking up the place.

Here he would have been allowed to go on with political support

Posted By: inicky46
This ain't funny.  The world of this kind of misogynistic pickup artists is bigger than I ever thought.  This creep also had a blog and a site called Real Social Dynamics that seems to be devoted to promoting techniques of coercing girls through dominance and insults to have sex.  I wonder how that works for most of them?  
 -- Modified on 11/7/2014 8:37:22 PM

-- Modified on 11/7/2014 8:48:00 PM

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