TER General Board

LMAO eomteeth_smile
Blowing Chunks 1499 reads


Did your mom stop breast feeding you and made you grumpy?   Fuck tard.

HappyKilroy1835 reads

Drunken Asian is on your drivers license?  The alias taunt is bullshit and you know it.  Besides, my alias is all you rate.  I'd tell you to STFU again, but you'll need the last word, so have at it.

I triple dare you. Lets see how tough you are in person.  Or else, go suck your dad's dick. Oh wait, you're probably doing that already that's why you're so happy. LMA

y the by, Drunk, the proper tense would be, "and MAKE you angry." Seems like it should be "made," maybe, because you kept it in tune with past-progressive "breast FEEDING," but in terms of what his mom DID the result relates to the verb "STOP," which is in the simple past tense. So it ought to read, " Did your mom stop breast feeding you and make you grumpy?" Also, if I were to ask that question, I would add "early," after "breast feeding you."

So the sentence would then read, "Did your mom stop breast feeding you EARLY and MAKE you grumpy?" Otherwise, pretty good work.

Of course you might be implying that his mom is STILL breast feeding him, in which case "early" would be the wrong modifier, and another, such as "today" might be what you're looking for.

This would make sense since you suggest that he currently sucks "his daddy's dick."

So in that case, "Did your mom stop breast feeding you TODAY and MAKE you grumpy?"

Note the difference between present and present-progressive.

He sucks his daddy's dick. Present tense.
He is sucking his daddy's dick now. Present progressive.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Did your mom stop breast feeding you and made you grumpy?   Fuck tard.

Fucktard is one word, not two.  Unless making a sign like this one

Unless the prize is better writing around here.  Conan's suggestion, for starters, is that everyone should just read their posts over before putting them up.  It won't solve every problem but would cure some of the most obvious errors.  That said, fungus and pimpy would still be incomprehensible

HooktardGold1953 reads

LMAO! Fktard is one word... just like Hooktard bwahhahaah. Happy Easter everyone! Had to get that in early so I can go on vacation.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Did your mom stop breast feeding you and made you grumpy?   Fuck tard.

Do you have something against WB?

...That he's patrolling the boards.  Lighten up.  
Too many humorless stuck ups on this board. dayum.

I must say this is not exactly the kind of "Peaceful" and "Loving" exchanges that I and so many others are looking for on this board and as you are looked up to by so many of the "Newbies" here you really should set a better example!

Now instead of giving each other a back alley beat down just kiss and make up and then write the dam review LOL.

can only imagine what the ladies are thinking reading this stuff lol

GaGambler1826 reads

I am sure what you meant to write was "damn" as in "Damn these pedantic putzes are fucking annoying" Or "I wish all these damn board cops would go fuck themselves"

Thus, Conan bestows upon you some Words To Live By.  Feel free to adopt them as your new motto

Many hobbyists less proficient in the language would make it one word. This leads to much confusion.

"Everyday" means without special occasion.
Example: She pulls down my everyday pants and gives great BBBJTCIM&S every day.
I wish.

GaGambler1633 reads

"Go Fuck Yourself"

I guess more accurately I should have said "Go Fuck Yourselves" plural, as my post is directed at both of you pedantic putzes.

It's one thing to correct someone like Fungus, a man who routinely mangles the English language to an extent that his posts are barely understandable. It's quite another to disrupt the flow of a thread to correct a typo, and even worse to make a grammatical error yourself when doing so.

Do either of you remember an even bigger putz by the name of Priapussy? Well the two of you are starting to become almost as annoying with your idiotic Spelling Police routine.

So to the both of you I bid a hearty "Fuck You!!!" and for the record, those are two words as well.

AnonymousFungus = ALL TIME CHAMPION of dumbest and most clueless of all board posters.  Stupidity constantly oozes out of you. LMAO

Drunken Asian = Shit head trolling on TER daily making stupid posts which consider humorous.

Go troll the shit pile shit head

Learn how to write English fungus boy.  What the fck are you saying?  You really need to get your English skills up to speed cuz you're too retarded to talk to.  

Ask your mommy for your pacifier,  or are you going to ask me to breast feed you from my man boobs? I don't have large nipples so you might have to suck harder but I'm sure you're already good at sucking cuz you like dudes and trannies with a big Adams apple.  LMAO

Even though spellcheck doesn't like it. Similar to fuckhead.

Posted By: anonymousfun
Drunken Asian = Shit head trolling on TER daily making stupid posts which consider humorous.  
 Go troll the shit pile shit head

Just post commentary on what you see when you see it.  Let everyone else sort it out if they see things differently...

He appreciates the occasional help he gets from the masses.
Thanks, WB!
Here's the point: language is a beautiful thing.  It's what we use to communicate here.  If it is butchered, communication doesn't happen.  Consider what it's like to read annoyingfungus at his worst.  Get the picture?

just take a look at all his posts. LMAO  He can't even spell or write a complete sentence.  he's rude,  clueless,  mean,  stupid,  and a big time troll all at the same time.  Grammar is definitely not his strong suit cuz he sounds like a retard.  

Permanently pissed fungus must really have a miserable life if all he ever does on TER is post mean stupid shit.

comedy is not pretty!

Hey, WB took the pitch and hit it back with ease.  

Hell, I bet we've all busted each others chops (ladies included) worse over a few drinks!

Live, laugh, love people!

I just love reading this board!!!    BROAD TROLLS!!! Lmfao lmfao!!

village idiot,  go clean up that mold cuz your shtick is getting too old and moldy. It's time for you to change your diapers,  I'm sure you peed in your pants.  LMAO

Upfront I'm.p say: I enjoy your post on the GD Board & love reading them..... but dude do you actually see providers cause you're posting or replying 24/7...  When do you have time or do you invite someone over & while their sucking you you post? Lol ..... This is not meant to be crude, rude or disrespectful to you....  So don't take offense!!!! Just an inquiry....

I usually post while I'm taking my morning dump  
... while I'm working,  I am on TER sporadically  
during traffic jams
while waiting for dinner at a restaurant  
while waiting at lobby in incall
while having a drink after a session
while waiting for a client  
And before bed time

LMFAO-Good Answer!!! 😝😝😝

Surfing Ter- Sitting here BORED off my ass listening to my Mono-Toned Professor talking ... GAWD, I feel he needs to have his COCK sucked then maybe he wouldn't sound so boring!!

just like how you claimed all reviews on TER are fake and that TER doesn't have https. keep making up shit and dreaming up your own facts.  you live in your own little narrow world and that's fine, you'll get one right some day.  LMAO

bonordonor1833 reads

seems to me you have to be pretty small to enjoy that sport! Not to mention the one you're currently enjoying!

bonordonor1822 reads

My problem is a couple hundred of my posts that are much less offensive than yours are in the trash bin. lol That's what the fuck my problem is! Dip Shit! (And for the rest of you, I know it's dipshit)

NO Jerry Sringer shows on boards.. Have a good day folks!

-- Modified on 4/16/2014 5:59:35 AM

So, I consulted the medicine man of the remnants of a famous Indian tribe here in Ohio for a little ED problem I was having.

He said he could fix me up bc it was the time of year for his "fertility ceremony".

Seemed kind of expensive, but I thought "what the hell".

He had me squat in front of a campfire while he danced and chanted around me, sprinkling water on my head, and rubbed oils and ash on my chest and back. After about five minutes of this, he gave me a small vial containing a foul tasting dark liquid.

Said it was very powerful stuff, but when I was ready to initiate the spell, to take no more than a capful and say "1,2,3". He assured me that my little problem would be gone for good.

Also told me, in case of emergency, the spell could be broken if my partner said "1,2,3,4". But beware, he said ... "once the spell is broken, it cannot be re-established unless the next autumn harvest moon".

Got home and set up a meeting with my favorite lady.

When she arrived, I took a capful of the nasty liquid and said "1,2,3".  WOW! Felt an instant surge of power like nothing I have ever felt (at least, not since  I was a teenager).

The sex that night was incredible. Over ... under ... upside down ... inside out ... on and on and on. Just fantastic.

Until ....

She looked up at me, with glazed eyes, and said "you're amazing tonight - but what was the 1,2,3 for"?


And so, at last, the lesson boys and girls is this:

NEVER end your sentence with a preposition.

Or you just might end up with a dangling participle.

Get your HAPPY ON one and ALL!!
No point in being Mr. MISERABLE's...


DA, I like your ass, but I must call a duck (or hypocrite) one when I see it waddle by....

I wonder if it was more work for him to post the correction replies or for you to gather all the links and make thread about it...

I understand though dude... I get tired of the Conan/Connan crap myself, much like a poorly phrased joke that never hits the intended target.... Connan jokes neither make anyone's spell check skills improve or apathy towards grammar & spelling subside.

So, who looks like the bigger ass?  
The guy being assy or the one pointing the obviously assy guy out? Equal assisity?
(LOL hehe.)
And we're all bored here, because if we were getting it in (or on), we wouldn't be haunting these boards, right?

Fukkit, pass me the damned popcorn someone, and the salt.  
If we're all going to hell, might as well make it worth it.  
You got those tickets, right? The express way, straight down, right babe?
Like a G6.

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