TER General Board

LMAO! :-) -e-
bonordonor 547 reads


The providers that do not charge extra for Greek really get off on it, they have multi orgasms, in fact they come more by Greek than the other way.   And the providers that charge extra seem not to enjoy it as much, they may not come at all

and also once you discover the pleasures of butt play... you just cant go back :-)

Posted By: sasha2cute
and also once you discover the pleasures of butt play... you just cant go back :-)

Posted By: bdb6
Posted By: sasha2cute
and also once you discover the pleasures of butt play... you just cant go back :-)

I absolutely do get off on Greek but I do charge more for it. Just read my reviews.  I really don't believe that just because a lady charges for it doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it. I say do your research whether they charge more for it or not to see if they enjoy it.  

BellaBinx711 reads

I for one do really enjoy Greek. But it's much more of an intense experience for me, and my delicate tushy. The reward is delightful, but the toll great.  

Posted By: terrilynn
I absolutely do get off on Greek but I do charge more for it. Just read my reviews.  I really don't believe that just because a lady charges for it doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it. I say do your research whether they charge more for it or not to see if they enjoy it.  

Would I like to drive thru your toll booth?  

I LOVE anal but not with anyone. Oddly,  
then again maybe not, there's several  
anal gals that I prefer "visiting" thru the  
front door.  

For me, all anal isn't created equally because
all butt holes aren't created equally. It's gotta  
feel as good or better than the pussy ... some  
are just too damn loose. TMI? Just my $100.

Anal thread to follow ...

When you enjoy something naturally the O's spill out uncontrollably!!!! Lol  

But it doesn't mean just cause a provider charges extra that don't like it....

It's not just the prep.  There are extra Dr exams too. Any lady that properly takes care of her ass specifically to do greek really should charge more just to cover all the prep time and extra expenses. I'm not sure what the big deal is with this!  If you want to fuck a woman in her ass,  pay the rate she asked and do your homework to see if she really enjoys it. I get that some do just for the extra bucks but most that do it charge more because the extra expense and the time consuming prep. I start preparing the day  before so it's not just wake up and clean out lol I also have to eat a certain diet to make sure all is good as well.  Sometimes,  guys think. ..well I can just show up and pound her sweet ass and that's where most don't realize all that goes into it when a woman truly cares about her own health and OUR fun :)

selfish. Just kidding ... I totally respect your position and those of your peers. I appreciate the prep you all go thru so that we both can enjoy the experience to the max. Being a wider fellow, finding a lady that enjoys me is important because I'm so selective.

I had an ATF that loved my cock in her ass and it was as clean or cleaner than her pussy. That's not an accident. I'm less selective with a woman's looks when I enjoy anal with her than otherwise.  

I enjoy 9s and 10s for looks as much as anyone but really crave a  
9 or 10 performance e
xperience more.

-- Modified on 6/21/2016 10:58:57 PM

Dfusethesituation608 reads

But providers charge extra because anal sex or "greek" is taboo, it's forbidden.  I don't buy all the charging extra because of prep work and doctors visits and this and that.  Providers charge extra because clients will pay extra, simple economics, the market dictates the value.  Even if a greek provider cannot accommodate certain gentlemen, once the envelope changes hands, one can't expect to receive his extra donation to be handed back.  For those who actually enjoy it, it's a win win, bust a nut and get paid the donation plus extra for Greek.

but it does take extra prep
i prep for anal all the time just in case:)

I still think you need to make a tour to San Diego lovely lady.

The 1st time I did anal.. The girl was riding me CG.. she asked if I wanted to try greek.. never having done it, I said sure.. why not.. She spun around RCG and stuck it in, and informed me that that would be another $100.. HuH? nothing anywhere about an extra charge..  and that session was over really.. One thing if up front you arrange for it.. but like that? it was awful..

Posted By: Greenbacks2
The providers that do not charge extra for Greek really get off on it, they have multi orgasms, in fact they come more by Greek than the other way.   And the providers that charge extra seem not to enjoy it as much, they may not come at all.      

Clients have a prostate gland up that hole.
I will always ask before I head for it.

I do ask for an additional +100 for a Greek session, but I hands down love it!  I always make sure to come extra prepared and always very clean to ensure that you have the absolute best Greek session.  The biggest and best orgasms come from my Greek sessions.  I can understand that being a generalization, but not every case is true to that statement.

I'm a fan of cruising the Mediterranean, I haven't noticed that.  

Posted By: Greenbacks2
The providers that do not charge extra for Greek really get off on it, they have multi orgasms, in fact they come more by Greek than the other way.   And the providers that charge extra seem not to enjoy it as much, they may not come at all.      

if a provider charges extra for a certain service she must not really enjoy it and only does it for the money.

Attitudes and expectations can be linked to perceptions

by your same logic, no provider enjoys any sex at all because they charge for it.

it's a job, bub, it's how these ladies make rent (and louis vuitton, to be honest). anal takes extra prep and skill, costs extra. res ipsa loquitur.

The you be not disgusted by putting additional 100 dollars price on ass hole.

Sorry but it is how ti is sound when there is an additional charge

but I think any guy would be OK to not  
have to pay to go thru that toll booth.  

you're a sweetheart and it's probably my
fault I didn't understand your point (wink)

I have always wondered ,,, Do guys want the ass cleaned out or not?  
I believe they love ass because it has a different smell to it than the other hole,
         so why clean it out?

Do guys want the ass cleaned out or not?  YESSSS !!!!

... they love ass because it has a different smell than  
the other hole ... only HALF RIGHT ON THAT ONE !
...  so why clean it out? BECAUSE ... it smells like shit !!!

There was a guy in work who one told me he didn't enjoy  
anal unless there was "corn on his cock" when he pulled  
out of a girl's ass.  

I enjoy anal, but  ......... EWWWWWW ... didn't bother to find  
out if he wore a rubber ... it wouldn't have mattered !!!!!! LOL

the other half of the above answer is anal with some ladies,
it FEELS BETTER than pussy ...  

I haven't cracked the corn, I mean code, on that yet tho!

-- Modified on 6/22/2016 6:33:51 PM

That's just gross and very unhealthy.  Yuck...

I directed question  toward the guys that like to put their dick in ass.

I just can't believe they are grossed out by a little bit of poop,
especially if he did not forewarn the girl of his poop-hole desires.

If someone is sticking their cock in there, there shouldn't be any poop.  I get what you're saying but it just seems like getting fucked in the ass might be a little over the top for you.  This thread is not about poop on the cock. It's about the extra charge and the lady that actually enjoys it.  If a guy doesn't let me know,  he'll have to wait until next time. I am the one that would not be cool with poop on the cock. If I were a guy, I'd probably leave if some chick shit on me!  
You don't even offer greek do you? Lol
Either way, have a fantastic night :)

JakeFromStateFarm555 reads

But to me that's scat play.  When I smell poop it makes me wanna puke.  It's the opposite of sex.  If it turns anyone else on, that's fine.  I'm not judging.  Just beware of e-coli.

The thought makes me want to puke too. Nope,  I just can't.  That's why guys that are really Greek fans don't mind paying a little extra IMO ;)

JakeFromStateFarm639 reads

For me, it's not the be-all and end-all. You seem to like it and I'm a pleaser.  So I'll give it to you.  But only if you come to New Yawk.
I just like your vibe.  And your pix, etc.
We also have a mutual friend.  The Semi-Sino-Sicilian.

No poop ... no poop .... no poop ...  

Floss till it's clear. Yea, been there.

-- Modified on 6/22/2016 10:43:42 PM

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