TER General Board

Lemme guess....
wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 785 reads

I bet you're Italian too. It's ok, don't mind him, he can't handle brunettes with any lil bit of attitude not to his liking...we're like sour milk to this puddycat. He LOVES and EXPECTS kiss asses. Hahahaha, that does make me giggle (ok, I'm LMAO).  


Panthera122463 reads

about their personal lives on the boards?  

So, your mom is sick, your dad broke his leg, your girlfriend/hooker has to leave town, the dog has hip displasure and the cat feline leukemia.  
How about, "sorry I haven't been around". I never noticed that she/they were missing in the first place.
TER has been like twitter, like everyone really gives a shit. I see some of those posts and while some are intended for marketing, some are simply asinine.

I wish providers would stop dumping their garbage on the boards and save it for their white knights and lap dog hobbyists in private or better yet, the PO board where they can start a camp fire and make smores in between fights.    

Another thing, the restaurant threads should all be deleted as they are posted. This is not Zagat and many of the providers still have yesterdays pizza delivery box in the trash can. Can't you just Google and find a restaurant?  

How about some on topic posts with a little thought put into them. Some of the boards are dismal because the topics are so boring and lame.

is detailed information about their PERSONAL lives... like what they drive and what color that vehicles is.

Are you having your period or something? You do know a discussion board is about discussions and not every discussion needs to interest you. Discussions that no one cares about die soon enough. Just skip the discussions that you have no interest. Who made you grand arbiter of what discussions are worth having for everyone else? Get over yourself.

lol complaining about others complaining  

Posted By: scoed
Are you having your period or something? You do know a discussion board is about discussions and not every discussion needs to interest you. Discussions that no one cares about die soon enough. Just skip the discussions that you have no interest. Who made you grand arbiter of what discussions are worth having for everyone else? Get over yourself.

I am fine with complaining.

-- Modified on 8/4/2014 1:06:20 PM

nah im with u on this, my original post was directed towards OP

Posted By: scoed
I am fine with complaining.

-- Modified on 8/4/2014 1:06:20 PM

Panthera12891 reads

that look like they were written by a 5th grader, but not all of us are that simple minded. Wouldn't you agree that seeing posts that say nothing like "Today is Friday, yay!" are useless?

Panthera12934 reads

Didn't I apologize for taking your lunch money back in the old days?

Panthera12846 reads

How the hell does .75 cents accrue that much interest in only 25 years? I have even worse news for you. The statute of limitations expired 22 years ago! Look it up sucker!

I thought it was Monday and had planned to work the next two days.

in which every word is correctly spelled and used?
Not only that, where do you get off not behaving like a mangina?  We rely on you to stay in character.  When you do this I get frightened and confused. LOL! :)

tellthetruth131197 reads

That's all this guy does he is posting on every fucking board on here constantly. contributes nothing.
And Pantera sucked as a band

Panthera12996 reads

My alias is Panthera, not pantera. One has 8 letters, one has 7. Look closely and you will see the difference.

best restaurant to play naughty games under the table? How about ones that serve lion size portions? ;-)

Would that make you feel better about it? I'll start including it whenever I do one of those posts just for you, lol! And I haven't done one in a while but if I'm visiting some place new you'll probably see one!

Steph xoxo

There I go taking threads seriously again.


Posted By: MatureGFE
best restaurant to play naughty games under the table? How about ones that serve lion size portions? ;-)

Would that make you feel better about it? I'll start including it whenever I do one of those posts just for you, lol! And I haven't done one in a while but if I'm visiting some place new you'll probably see one!

Steph xoxo

Panthera12977 reads

Just reserve a corner booth while I keep an eye out for the waitress  ;)

What is so hard to understand about that?

I would advise them against sharing too much information however, which could end up compromising your identity.

I find these posts interesting myself, but of course people will differ about what is interesting.

Just pick and choose those discussions that you want to engage in.  That's what I do and I have no problems with it.

Panthera12869 reads

You are guilty of posting stupid idiotic threads yourself, such as the one that disappeared an hour ago. Some people just get tired of clicking onto stupidity.

Does this mean I'm agreeing with you or the OP?  Now I'm really confused.

welcome to actually contribute FIRST instead of only ever REPLY (I'll use this term lightly) to other's ideas and thoughts on any post, thread or topic on all boards.  Ha. Now there's a Novel idea. Genius actually. Ya know, last time I checked, it's a pretty free forum to post what you like, as you like, with whom you like. I suspect if it's on your 'own' accord, whatever topic that may be, perhaps you won't find yourself bitching or picking on everyone else's here. Just a thought.  


I'll be waiting for something original and unique to read then for a change from it's 'regulars'. I mean you should be quite capable, no? And you most certainly should be all 'pros' by now. So get to it already please. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I'll be waiting......very, very patiently.  

(and no, this thread doesn't count, it's a whine thread, so it doesn't count)

-- Modified on 8/4/2014 5:22:48 PM

meant, you would understand that I wouldn't be coming back at all then and indeed get your facts right as well. But it is ok, we understand you're a lil slow in comprehension sometimes. Happens to the best of us, well not me of course ;)  

Anyhow, how's that 'original' material coming for the fab viewers here at TER? We're all waiting for something mindblowing and 'new' to come from your fingertips most of all. I believe the last time you actually posted a full blown thread was in 'my' honor (ironically enough). That was an easy sell ;) I never did get to thank you. Just try not obsessing over one woman next time, ladies like a bit of a challenge here too sometimes.  

-- Modified on 8/4/2014 8:10:10 PM

Homewrecker1028 reads

Posted By: Panthera12
about their personal lives on the boards?  
 So, your mom is sick, your dad broke his leg, your girlfriend/hooker has to leave town, the dog has hip displasure and the cat feline leukemia.  
 How about, "sorry I haven't been around". I never noticed that she/they were missing in the first place.  
 TER has been like twitter, like everyone really gives a shit. I see some of those posts and while some are intended for marketing, some are simply asinine.  
 I wish providers would stop dumping their garbage on the boards and save it for their white knights and lap dog hobbyists in private or better yet, the PO board where they can start a camp fire and make smores in between fights.      
 Another thing, the restaurant threads should all be deleted as they are posted. This is not Zagat and many of the providers still have yesterdays pizza delivery box in the trash can. Can't you just Google and find a restaurant?    
 How about some on topic posts with a little thought put into them. Some of the boards are dismal because the topics are so boring and lame.  

Panthera12770 reads

Is it on topic? BBFS is on topic and so are the moronic dick size and black man threads. Those must be endured for that reason.

...that feline leukemia is a travesty!!!

Posted By: Panthera12
about their personal lives on the boards?  
 So, your mom is sick, your dad broke his leg, your girlfriend/hooker has to leave town, the dog has hip displasure and the cat feline leukemia.  
 How about, "sorry I haven't been around". I never noticed that she/they were missing in the first place.  
 TER has been like twitter, like everyone really gives a shit. I see some of those posts and while some are intended for marketing, some are simply asinine.  
 I wish providers would stop dumping their garbage on the boards and save it for their white knights and lap dog hobbyists in private or better yet, the PO board where they can start a camp fire and make smores in between fights.      
 Another thing, the restaurant threads should all be deleted as they are posted. This is not Zagat and many of the providers still have yesterdays pizza delivery box in the trash can. Can't you just Google and find a restaurant?    
 How about some on topic posts with a little thought put into them. Some of the boards are dismal because the topics are so boring and lame.  

Panthera121223 reads

Indeed it is. I could "litter" the board with animal obituaries, but that would be calling the kettle black.  

Just an FYI, but feline leukimia has been reduced substantially for indoor kitties. IIRC it is less the 3% largely due to the vaccines. Can we stay on topic?, lol.

JackDunphy1115 reads

How many times do you see this on fb or other social media:

chick: I cant believe what happened to me today?

friend #1: what?

friend #2: so sorry to hear. Plz share.

chick: I don't want to get into it.

Its always a broad, is it not? How many dudes pull that hen house shit? None I know of...oh, maybe a few mangina's here do though so I cant totally discount all the johns.

But mostly, its just biochemically unstable, fairer species/weaker sex shit, nothing more, nothing less.

Panthera121243 reads

because I know that it's true. Of course, if I wanted to read that inane waste of bandwidth I would log into social/moron media like FB and Twitter.

You really want to play the "chemically unstable" card? For venting on a discussion board some times? As a counterpoint when I think "chemically unstable" I think of the dudes I've known about who've slapped women around and worse. It's more common than you think...

But I don't want to get into it.

u sound bitter and bitchy.  Time to have a glass of wine (or five) and get a blowjob.

Panthera12938 reads

Just not with you (too average looking) and minus the wine. It upsets my stomach.

That wasn't an offer... and thank God you think I'm average.  Judging from your posts, I'd have to drown in wine to put up with your attitude.

-- Modified on 8/4/2014 1:48:19 PM

I bet you're Italian too. It's ok, don't mind him, he can't handle brunettes with any lil bit of attitude not to his liking...we're like sour milk to this puddycat. He LOVES and EXPECTS kiss asses. Hahahaha, that does make me giggle (ok, I'm LMAO).  


That's why she makes such a good companion.

Besides, if she's "average-looking," we're all in a lot of trouble.  

Posted By: Panthera12
Just not with you (too average looking) and minus the wine. It upsets my stomach.

Panthera121152 reads

She called me bitter and bitchy. I called her average. I was quite restrained in my reply. Besides, she talks about drowning in wine, and I don't believe in inebriating ones self. That's strike two. Lets not go for the third.

Seems with the legally blind reviewers here giving her only 7's and an 8 she's certainly in the middle of that curve.

But you are being a bit bitchy today.  

Maybe a trip to Gallifrey would do you some good?  

I'll leave Rory out of this trip...just you, me, Amy Pond and TS?   I get Amy however  ;)

Posted By: Panthera12
She called me bitter and bitchy. I called her average. I was quite restrained in my reply. Besides, she talks about drowning in wine, and I don't believe in inebriating ones self. That's strike two. Lets not go for the third.

What happens after strike three?  Are you threatening me?  I'm dying to know, keyboard warrior.  All I suggested was for you to chill out.  You're quite hostile and c*nty.

-- Modified on 8/4/2014 5:10:56 PM

bitter and bitchy?

Now he's hostile and cunty?

And threats on a discussion board?  Maybe take a chill pill and enjoy the game?  

Posted By: Bella_amour
 What happens after strike three?  Are you threatening me?  I'm dying to know, keyboard warrior.  All I suggested was for you to chill out.  You're quite hostile and c*nty.

-- Modified on 8/4/2014 5:10:56 PM

I agree, but no one is forcing you to read any of it.

after sucking my dick and not during the time I am paying her to spread her legs..

I am a great listener you see. I fire up my iPOD, put on my earphones and let her ramble...Its usually harmless.  :D

Panthera12879 reads

As an alternative, you can do a board search of your own posts and no, I am not singling anyone out.

I think she posted that she was going to Lollapalooza.

Maybe she'll let me know if she did the segway tour yet?

That could be an idea...maybe get TS to come to ChiTown and we can all go on that segway tour?

Posted By: Panthera12
As an alternative, you can do a board search of your own posts and no, I am not singling anyone out.  

Panthera121283 reads

I will give consideration to that tour as long as both of their mouths are taped shut. We can let Gemma talk a little though, but the other one must be held speechless.

in the near future, but it will a secret when I do arrive and I can assure you, no 'tour' will be happening with this chica. Plus, I'm not sure Dr. Who here can handle 'speechless'. He's a yapper and thensome. Maybe you should tape his mouth shut instead, hmmm?

What's with the new handle anyhow? Needed a change huh, I feel ya. Change is 'good'. I wish you luck with that.  


It's all your fault...you started that Papa shit and CPA just couldn't take it  LOL

But who knows what the future holds?  Maybe when Pan, myself and Amy return from somewhere in time we can all do that segway tour?

Would TaylorSteelereturns been a better new handle for me?  I think that would have been a bit confusing for the folks here  ;)

Posted By: Taylor Steele
in the near future, but it will a secret when I do arrive and I can assure you, no 'tour' will be happening with this chica. Plus, I'm not sure Dr. Who here can handle 'speechless'. He's a yapper and thensome. Maybe you should tape his mouth shut instead, hmmm?  
 What's with the new handle anyhow? Needed a change huh, I feel ya. Change is 'good'. I wish you luck with that.  

Did u get another handle?  I'm gonna talk ur ears off... Cuz I love to chit chat!!! Loudly!!! Lmfao!!!   Maybe run some peeps over with the Segway .... Maybe even you two!!! Who is the TS hopefully my friend, she's quiet so don't have to worry shutting her up....

CPA needed the Doctor to assist with some galactic matters here on Earth.  So he'll stick around a while and make sure that all of the companions are safe from the Daleks.

Time travel is a blast  ;)

And no shortage of really hot companions.

IsorokuYamamoto1319 reads

Gemma's back. What took so long?

Posted By: Dr Who revived
I think she posted that she was going to Lollapalooza.  
 Maybe she'll let me know if she did the segway tour yet?  
 That could be an idea...maybe get TS to come to ChiTown and we can all go on that segway tour?  
Posted By: Panthera12
As an alternative, you can do a board search of your own posts and no, I am not singling anyone out.  

It's nit automatic???   Good to know in the future....  Eom....

...just another rant behind an alias and a beat one at that. Many of them here.  

-- Modified on 8/4/2014 4:47:30 PM

-- Modified on 8/4/2014 4:50:56 PM

cheese with that whine? I'm sure I can come up with a fab restaurant who serves that, but if I tell ya, I'd have to, well ya know.

Skyfyre1230 reads

And you just now realize that overwhelming percentage of topics are boring and lame?

ROGM1061 reads

Same reasons why guys spill their guts. Because people need to vent out anger and frustration from time to time

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