TER General Board

Lemme guess...
0603450onThe 865 reads

30 for a 5 min bj in the back hallway or something ridiculous like that. Quite honestly, that's what you get then. Sorry, but you boys get what you pay for. Not sure what else to say. Why you would EVER put yourself in that predicament is literally beyond me. Bet you almost shit your pants too....good, you deserve it if that's the case. I bet it was a roach motel too or something scary like that.  

Yes, 'I'm' flaming you and enjoying it too. Seriously? Comfort is key. And yes, money does buy you comfort. Period. Don't be cheap, this is one business you can't 'afford' to be.

-- Modified on 4/24/2014 10:40:48 PM

7cardstraightflush2464 reads

es, I’m posting under an alias so flame away if you must, but I just had my first “uncomfortable” experience nearly a year into the hobby and I’m wondering two things… 1)  Did I handle it right?  2) Should I respond to her email after I walked and explain what made me uncomfortable to get to that point?  

I reached out to a lady who is reviewed here though still less than 5 reviews.  A couple of the reviews are by members who’ve been reviewing for several years and have even seen some of the same ladies I’ve seen so it felt reasonably comfortable as pictures were deemed accurate, etc and those things I check in reviews...  

I reached out via a verification service of which we are both a member.  An email, a phone call, and soon the appointment was set for a short period of time later.  Initial information exchange and I was on my way.  I arrived and placed the call for additional information, no answer, no voicemail available.  I waited 2 minutes, tried again, no answer, no voicemail.  I sent an email saying… I’m here, but no answer on the phone.  I called the 3rd time a couple of minutes a later and got the final piece of information.  I said walking in now, see you in a couple of minutes and off I went..  The phone calls not a big deal to me, but no explanation given either, but I didn’t think much of it.  The ladies get ready all kinds of reasons you can miss a phone call.  

I arrive, cleaning carts throughout that hallway, but most seem to be working in the rooms.  I knock, softly but loud enough to be heard for sure, no answer.  Nothing..  Cleaning lady comes out down the hallway, I fumble like I’m trying to get my door card to work (I’m sure they’ve seen that one before) and the cleaning lady goes back into her room.  I knock a second time a little louder and wait that uncomfortable wait..  Still nothing.  A 2nd cleaning lady comes out and kind of looks at me as I’m turning away to step around the corner.  I walk away, and hey, that’s where the gym is in this place!!  

I walk back the 3rd time and as I do an older gentleman comes ambling down the hallway and it was then that I notice the adjoining room to the one I’m knocking on… It has the door propped open via the door hinge...  I know I have the right room because I confirmed it twice over the phone just before stepping into the establishment.  There are stairs behind me.. He opens the door and I here him going up the stairs, but more like a heard of elephants…I knock one more time, just short of knocking the door down..  Another cleaning lady!!  Okay… I’m getting really nervous now and step back around the corner basically ready to bail, when I see the same gentleman ambling back down the hall from which he had just come…  Hmm..  Maybe nothing, but in my heightened state of paranoia, I was like… Okay…  Then there was that door that was still open via the latch that adjoined the room on the door I was knocking…  

I walked…Down the hall and into yet a 4th cleaning lady, what the hell???  But at least she was leaving the job for the day.  I sat in a chair for a minute, honestly, at least 7-10 minutes have passed since I first knocked on the door.   I know time slows down, but I know what the time was when I got there and what it was when I walked out the door.  

I got in the car and left.  About 10 minutes away, the 1st phone call came, but I don’t answer while I’m driving and I’m still paranoid as this point.  Then came the email that said, “Please still come see me”… Like she knew I had walked or had watched me walked?  Just felt weird, or maybe from her perspective 2+2=4 in that now 15-20 minutes had passed since my arrival and I still wasn’t there.  Then there was a second phone call which I didn’t answer either.  

So..  From my perspective it was a combination of 3 things that led to my decision to abandon ship… 1)  Knocking 3 separate times with time passed in between and no answer…  2)  An older gentleman who really didn’t go up the stairs and turned around to come back?  Maybe he forgot something, but you know I’ve seen those mid 50’s LE types on more than one occasion..  3)  The adjoining room with the door open using the hinge and no cleaning people around that room..  Add in the cleaning folks in the general area and that simply heightens the tension in my opinion..  

So there you have it…  1)  Would most of you who are more experienced than I walk under those same conditions?  2)  Should I respond to her email and explain why I walked?  Or just let it go..  I don’t know that I care about trying to see this person again…  

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m interested in both parties perspective... Overly sensitive?  Or good move and get the hell away

Even in a year you develop a sense that alerts you as to when something ain't right. Actually, you've been developing that sense since you were born. Trust it. If it " feels" strange, assume it's strange. Could've been serious crap going down, or just a flaky chick bumbling about. Either way, you avoided a bad scene.

Besides, that much intrigue prior to a session? If you dig the excitement, you already got it without parting with your money. If you don't dig it, the encounter would be tainted if not ruined.

All this is IMOO, of course.

next to you & she thought she was clever by giving a false room number & planned on intercepting you.  If she was trying to be more secure by giving a false room, then the burden is on her to do the intercept.  Or maybe she remembered the room number wrong...  You might have tried the open door & if wrong, apologize & back out.  But it's easier to think this up here with no pressure.
I could be wrong.  She might have given you the correct room number.  You have to assume she gave you the correct number.  She didn't answer the door.  You can't be expected to stand in the hall forever.  

The older gentleman hovering around her floor could be LE, Hotel Management or her pimp...  in any event you can not hang around the hall.  Having staff on the floor, requires a bit of brass balls but also swift entrance.  

I don't think you were wrong.  You might have quickly checked the other room but as you say, you didn't notice it right away.  You can't hang in the hall long time.  Having failed at connecting you had 2 options...  find a place to call or text...  or bail.  You were there.  You made a call based on your perception.  I'll not call that wrong.

If you want to answer her, I'd let her know you knocked on the room & got no answer & the place was crawling with people.  

-- Modified on 4/24/2014 7:34:49 PM

Something was clearly wrong, either with her or the situation.  Knocking on a door when Housekeeping is around is perhaps the most uncomfortable part of this game.  The only thing I would have done different is, if I had time, gone back to the lobby or outside the building and called her again.

Loved JLo in this flick.

You had at least 4 to choose from....what's the problem?

7cardstraightflush848 reads

That would be a negative ghost rider...    Two of them were more than "double" J Lo booty per lady...  That's just too much ass attached to one body for me..

30 for a 5 min bj in the back hallway or something ridiculous like that. Quite honestly, that's what you get then. Sorry, but you boys get what you pay for. Not sure what else to say. Why you would EVER put yourself in that predicament is literally beyond me. Bet you almost shit your pants too....good, you deserve it if that's the case. I bet it was a roach motel too or something scary like that.  

Yes, 'I'm' flaming you and enjoying it too. Seriously? Comfort is key. And yes, money does buy you comfort. Period. Don't be cheap, this is one business you can't 'afford' to be.

-- Modified on 4/24/2014 10:40:48 PM

It's pretty clear what you just did was create an entire scenario out of thin air and then judge the guy.  Typical.
In fact, what we do know is there were several Housekeeping carts in the area, among other things. So where does  your "5 min bj in the back hallway" come from?  Oh, right.  Your hyper-judgmental brain.

Whenever you're ready to be 'un'fascinated by me and my words, you let me know.  


-- Modified on 4/25/2014 7:28:08 AM

7cardstraightflush732 reads

Seriously..  Thanks for the response and the feedback.....but that would be clueless for $600 Alex when it comes to the assumptions you've just made...   Not quite your range, but not much below it..  

If it was something like you described it would never have happened because I would never have attempted to connect with them.  It's not my style, it's not my preference, and it's not the experience I'm looking to have.  I certainly wouldn't be on here soliciting feedback for that type of situation because I would agree that I got what I deserved.  If it wasn't an alias you could see who I've seen etc and realize that I play where I play for the exact reasons you mentioned..  

I'll look at it as a general PSA for the community and move on

if you are going to post a thread about such a thing, perhaps you should do it with a lil more detail such as the 'whole' story, so that any feedback given like what you were so politely asking can come as a straight shot and not as an assumption. Don't hurt the messenger here. That was my point to why I replied the way I did.

Tell the whole story or don't tell it all. I hate making assumptions such as anyone else but I will if all the facts aren't out. I don't know you from Adam and certainly with an alias doesn't help.  

Yes, now this is just a lil PSA announcement for the community whilst posting about requesting 'feedback' from this lil community here.  


Posted By: 7cardstraightflush
Seriously..  Thanks for the response and the feedback.....but that would be clueless for $600 Alex when it comes to the assumptions you've just made...   Not quite your range, but not much below it..    
 If it was something like you described it would never have happened because I would never have attempted to connect with them.  It's not my style, it's not my preference, and it's not the experience I'm looking to have.  I certainly wouldn't be on here soliciting feedback for that type of situation because I would agree that I got what I deserved.  If it wasn't an alias you could see who I've seen etc and realize that I play where I play for the exact reasons you mentioned..  
 I'll look at it as a general PSA for the community and move on.  

...that could lead anyone to think your scenerio is what was going on.
Your post is an asshole post if there ever was one.
What the hell are you drinking,smoking,taking?! Maybe all three!

Don't call a post an asshole post when the OP as nothing to back up what he's posting. How could assumptions not be made. That was my point.  

I'm high on life. Don't need anything else, but thank you for your ever so kind words. And I'm a 'judger' here...ha. Now that's funny.

...could have been the case was not. I stand behind my original reply.

-- Modified on 4/25/2014 8:37:22 PM

7 card straight flush is a damn good hand, but after this experience, what with all the maid and the old man, you might want to change it to 4 queens and a deuce! Also a winning hand, certainly, but under certain conditions, it still might've been very wise of you to fold when you did.

7cardstraightflush570 reads

Agreed...   give up the hand, but I get the "bonus" of walking away..  

If only in Vegas on a Pai Gow table... Hell.. I'd just love to see it at a table I'm playing.

Sooo...YouWanna722 reads

Honest, loving question. Whyyyyy will a guy stand in the hall knocking like he wants the world to know that isn't his room? I've had guys do this with the damn door propped open. What gives?

Not answering the door is darn good reason to walk away. Cleaning ladies and older gentleman is not concerned about you standing in front of a hotel room door like fool. Assure you that you are not the center of their attention.

I do interviews in hotel rooms very often in many cities. I tell the front desk that, if someone comes and asks for me, send them up. Only difference here is I am using my real name instead of a made up one.

No way would I linger in a hallway for longer than 2 minutes. Some of the details were a little confusing, but did you say there were FOUR separate housekeeping ladies on that floor?! Hell to the no.

7cardstraightflush588 reads

By the time it was over.. Yes... There were 4 different cleaning folks that I saw in that short period of time..  Their "supply" area was at the end of that hallway.  Two were in rooms working, 1 went past me to another room, and the last I saw coming out of the supply area leaving for the day as I was walking away and headed out the door..  

I hear you on the time spent and believe me... A new "lesson" in this world....  One of those not so fun experiences I'm sure will happen from time to time...  We aren't all on our A game everyday

and I've experienced similar things.  

Many people have visitors to their hotel rooms, many people use cell phones inside a hotel, many people knock on hotel room doors.... and 99.99% of the time, it is legit. Hell, hide in plain sight! It is the nervous twitching and sweating, acting like you don't belong, that makes you look out of place.

I'd have knocked a couple of times, checked my watch impatiently like I had another business meeting somewhere else very soon, and then gone to the lobby/bar to have a drink or pretend to read the paper while I called her to see what the issue was. Whether you knock once or twice, boldly or timidly - if the staff was LE, you would have been f*cked the first knock no matter what.

If you own it and belong, you belong. If you don't you are out of place and noticed.

I am also assuming that your homework was well done, the gal was truly legit, and that this wasn't a BP rendezvous at Motel 6. No one belongs at Motel 6! Stick to nice business-class and above hotels.

Based on what you've written, I'd have walked, too.   But, do most of you think it was a possible sting?  I'd think that they'd set it up perfectly before sending the "come on up!" message and not give the guy the chance to walk away.  One half knock, open the door, pull him in, knock him to the floor and five 260 pound cops hold him down while stomping on his outstretched arms and screaming "SHOW ME YOUR HANDS!! SHOW ME YOUR HANDS!" at him.  

After leaving, I probably would have called from the lobby or close by to discuss / confirm what just happened.  What I mean is, that I was at the right room at the right time and, for some reason, she didn't answer.  It sounds like her text message confirmed the screw-up.  (If it was my fault, it'd be different.)  Since it's probably now 20 or more minutes behind schedule and I'm all stressed out I'd politely explain that I had allocated only a certain amount of time and will have to get back to work, don't want just a hh, blah blah blah, 'maybe we can reschedule some other time.'  

By the way, I've visited many people -- friends, business associates -- in hotels and there is nothing wrong or illegal or weird about knocking on a door in a hotel.  What the heck, when I travel with associates and we have to leave for a meeting, somebody (that would be me) usually has to knock on the slowpoke's (that would be the co-traveler) door to get them to hurry up so we can hit the road and not be late.

You're OK, did the right thing

All I have to say here is why did you even wait that long. I mean wow. And no, I would not feel inclined to contact the lady to explain myself. I would have walked, and I would have done it after the second knock.

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