TER General Board

Ladies, pls give your thoughts, who cares what guys think
joecarter 718 reads

Great question - how fat is too fat?  I have found that most ladies don't care but, on a first date, I warn them anyway that I am fat. Only a few have not wanted to see me due to my size (PM for names if you like) or even asked questions.  In 3 years of this hobby, I have found the vast majority of the ladies are gracious and make the best of things.  I also do a lot of research and try to see the most highly rated and classy women. I have never not been welcomed back because I try to be a gentleman, considerate and generous.

moreka2191 reads

I'm brand new and I'm also fat.  Will I have any problems?  Should I check to make sure the provider is OK with fat guys?  My money is green.

Obviously some ladies aren't into fat guys, but vast majority don't care one way or the other.  

If you are clean, screened and have the green, they'll see you.  


Posted By: moreka
I'm brand new and I'm also fat.  Will I have any problems?  Should I check to make sure the provider is OK with fat guys?  My money is green.

Analias916 reads

Checking is always appropriate.

And you can always send her this warnin

bonordonor967 reads

find your penis. I think you are good to go.

Many girls, for the right coin, will wipe his ass for him. Scat play is pretty big in certain sectors here.

Now, they may make him eat it too, IDK, and you'll have to check with them on the pricing on that service. It varies by girl, so I am told.  

I'll tell you this though:  

Jack aint into Scat. LOL

joecarter719 reads

Great question - how fat is too fat?  I have found that most ladies don't care but, on a first date, I warn them anyway that I am fat. Only a few have not wanted to see me due to my size (PM for names if you like) or even asked questions.  In 3 years of this hobby, I have found the vast majority of the ladies are gracious and make the best of things.  I also do a lot of research and try to see the most highly rated and classy women. I have never not been welcomed back because I try to be a gentleman, considerate and generous.

Vast majority of the time you won't have anything to worry about. All these ladies have been with every type imaginable (looks wise, performance wise, size wise ...they have seen/done it all). The great part is that you will never know if it bothers them because they are professionals and act accordingly. Your manners and cleanliness go a LONG time way with them; do your best with these 2 things and you will be well on your way. I also understand your concern in that I am not hung (at all) but I just go back to the fact they have seen monster hung dudes and micropenises and I am somewhere in between (albeit closer to the later).  Hell it's one of the reasons I jokingly call myself theperfectjohn - the lady doesn't have to worry about being sore after we are done hahaha. So if you feel it will put your mind at ease to let them know your stats beforehand then you will be that much more comfortable when they reply back that they can't wait to see you.

So dive in buddy and enjoy what these ladies have to offer - there are a lot of great ones!!

While, I would love to tell you that the size (of your body) doesn't matter, the reality is it's just not the case. Yes, it's a pay for play game, but that does not mean that every lady has to take your money and set up an appointment if you don't meet their criteria.  

Ladies can (and do) discriminate against clients on all various levels. Some ladies refuse to see men under 35. Some ladies refuse to see men over 50. Some ladies refuse to see African American/ or Middle Eastern Men. Some ladies refuse to see hobbyists who are low scorers in their reviews or who are serial reviewers. Some ladies want a $1500 an hour and thus discriminate against the "poor hobbyist". Some ladies won't see a man with a really large penis. Some ladies won't see someone who can't construct a coherent introductory E-mail. Some ladies won't ever do outcall. Some ladies won't see men who merely inquire about a discount or whom are overly aggressive on the phone. Some ladies won't see someone who can't provide 3 provider references. Some ladies won't see men who only want to piss on them and tie them up. And yes, some women won't see men who may be grossly overweight. This is reality. So yes, you could have a problem with seeing a lady who discriminates on the basis of weight.  

While the hobby is technically a business transaction, understand that it doesn't mean ladies HAVE to do business with every client who contacts them. Ladies run their business as they fit. If your personal situation doesn't meet their criteria, while frustrating, simply move on. There is no point in persisting on an appointment where the lady has reservations about seeing you.

they'd go broke.  However...  your biggest issue if you have a tummy roll is to be sure you take pains to be clean.  Be a gent...  if you are heavy, certain possitions will not work or will put undue weight on her.  As a pro, she'll likely have positions that will work.  CG tends to be a better one.

VOO-doo665 reads

As long as you're respectful and clean, your size doesn't matter to me in the least. One of my favorite regular clients is on the north side of 300 pounds. There are a lot of girls like me who will be very happy to meet you.

But, some won't feel that way. Disclosing your size upfront, during screening, might help you avoid some awkward situations.  

The only caveat for me, is that clients who are very overweight sometimes have difficulty staying hard and/or climaxing...if it gets into the territory of an endurance race, just be aware and considerate of her time and limits, etc.

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 2:57:25 PM

As long as you're not fat and lazy. If u want me to ride u the entire time because you're to lazy for any other position.....then I'll pass!! Oh and fat and bad hygiene definetly is not a good mix!!!  
As long as you're a gentleman....not a creep....and your money is green.... I don't see the problem.
Good Luck babe!!!

Posted By: moreka
I'm brand new and I'm also fat.  Will I have any problems?  Should I check to make sure the provider is OK with fat guys?  My money is green.

moreka838 reads

I have really good hygiene and decent stamina.  I'm actually fairly athletic with some muscle, it just has fat over it.

Well I think u will be ok. I have seen my share of fat men and its really not that big of a deal. Thank u for not taking offense to my reply! Good luck babe!!!! If you're ever in Northern Va I will gladly show u a good time!

IMO, that's a bit insulting - it's almost as if you think these traits are more likely for an overweight guy.
Let's just assume he's a regular dude like the rest of us who is a decent guy who takes care of himself like any mature ADULT male does, but who also happens to be heavy.  Isn't that the better starting point for assumptions?
I'm usually the farthest person from "the sensitivity police" type, but your post just struck me the wrong way.
Seems like a straight-forward, "no special requirements for heavy guys" would have sufficied just fine.

I understand what u mean.....and figured my post might be taken the wrong way. I feel the same way about a man weighing 180lbs. All those traits are turn offs coming from any man. So I still stand by what I said. It was taken wrong because I said it in response to a "fat man". It pertains to regular men too

That came off much better.
Obviously heavy guys - like members of other "groups" too - can be sensitive to perceptions, so it's wise to be careful...

Of course.....that makes sense!!
I will be sure to use my words carefully next time..... Thanks!!!!

I have exclusively dated big guys before and man, they really know how to work a pussy! I have had some great sex with big guys so I am a fan of big poppas always! And of the ones I have known personally, they have never been unkempt, always impeccably groomed and smelling fresh, and able to stroke a little while longer than most and always willing to please!

Now for hobby guys, I have not had many huge dates, a few overweight guys, and one super large I can recall, all were gentlemen and all were really sweet. And I never viewed them any different than a short guy or a super skinny guy, they were all just cool people who liked to hobby. I really don't see size any different than anything else, as long as you're a gentleman then I should be fine with sucking your dick. Lol!

Posted By: moreka
I'm brand new and I'm also fat.  Will I have any problems?  Should I check to make sure the provider is OK with fat guys?  My money is green.

As long as your clean and respectful I have no problem seeing you.  
I had one very large client, he disclosed it up front and was very nice. I enjoyed my time with him but I felt horrible, he was so big that I could not spread my legs wide enough to really get in my groove! We got the job done but I felt like it would have been so much better if I could do a full split! Lol

So if you are that big you might want to be more clear about it. I don't know how many ladies will think about the technical details, but some might. Regardless I would let them know in advance. You should have no problem finding someone as long as your respectful.

It's his nut so I do not expect to do all the work trying to stay perched on top a wide girth and if he can't hold himself up in mish and his bulk prevents proper respiration i will pass. If a guy can't at least do half of the work, then I am not interested . I work smart, not hard.


I don't care about who it's on.

Hahaha jk. But I like men of all shapes and sizes. And overweight is somewhat of a turn on for me.  I know you guys don't understand, but if you saw my porn clicks you'd believe me. ;)

Any shape & size is great tho.

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 7:28:15 PM

moreka807 reads

I appreciate all the info.  I think I'll just mention it when I set the appointment and maybe send a picture if they want it.

Never, ever a need to send a photo to a girl and anyone who asks you to should be avoided like the plague, imo.

Just be straight up with her as to your size if you feel like you must offer that info upfront.

Sending pics to total strangers over the internet in this day and age is a needless risk.

Good luck man.

moreka744 reads

I wouldn't send a pic that shows my face.  That's crazy.

Of course, the guy doesn't really have to do that with me, but I've noticed its a trend. And gets the point across without sounding too sheepish. Say it with pride!

Posted By: moreka
I appreciate all the info.  I think I'll just mention it when I set the appointment and maybe send a picture if they want it.

I always wonder why guys have pics on P411 accounts, etc. just not a good idea IMO.

Guys actually put pics up there? No way.

I just advised someone in the last few weeks to take his down.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 7:57:27 PM

Not many, but some. I haven't seen it much lately though. I still don't get it.

April 1st is still over a month away. I can't bite on that one..............

Lol I'm not going to prove it lol! But as Steph said, I do tell them it's not the best idea.. but I get a little lectury about it..  "hey. Wtf are you doing?!?!"


Every escort is different so just ask, if you're interested in seeing her just email and her are you okay seeing fat guys

and you got what it takes to be just fine; you represent yourself very well.

Just be yourself and be straight... you got all it takes.

the only thing I discriminate against is people are RUDE or MEAN to me.

The physical isn't an issue. Don't stress my darling.  Just do your research & see a lady of your type that you think you might be able to connect with beyond the physical for a more relaxing experience as a nervous newbie..

Best of luck...

xoxo Helena

P.S. Your confidence will increase the more you hobby, by the way

Absolutelly not! Someone is fat, the other one is slim...what really matters is an treatment and your behaviour!
No stress!

I prefer people who are larger than me. Once you get over the 350lb mark however, it becomes difficult to be intimate. It pretty much require that I be on top, and there's a good chance that it's not going to work. Not to mention that your penis will be shorter because of the padding at the base.  

When your resting state involves panting and heavy breathing like you just went up a flight of stairs: you're too heavy. I'm concerned about you health-wise at this point.

FIDCUOF560 reads

85% or more of their business is for guys that can't get laid.  
Either they are fat, old, ugly etc.   They provide a service to guys that can't get laid based in these attributes  
15% see providers becuase they don't want strings attached
They want to have sex without all the phone calls, texts and dating
That's the bottom line folks

GaGambler430 reads

Did you finally figure who Ickey Woods is? and did it really take you over two months to do so?

VOO-doo564 reads

Or do you just want to gratify yourself by thinking that you're in the top 15%?

Most of my clients are decent-looking, nice, interesting men.

Taking any rules you might have for not dating p4p clients out of the mix, for my scenario.

Some gals have put the number at 1%, some at 10% but I haven't seen too many estimates higher than that.  

I cant say Fidiculous is right but I aint saying he is wrong either.  

But of I had to bet, I'd bet he's wrong. LOL

GaGambler553 reads

betting against FIDIOT is usually a pretty safe bet. lol

VOO-doo557 reads

Looks aren't as much of a factor for me...I think that anybody who lives an interesting life and has a brain in his head (and takes care of himself) will appear attractive in some way. There are barely any who are so repulsive I'd just have to grimace and say "NO!!"  

If a guy is graying, or has a bit of a belly, I really don't care. I've dated guys who were much older than me, and who were not conventionally attractive by any standards. $$ wasn't a factor...at least, not explicitly...altho, you could say that I was subconsciously attracted so some essence of their prosperity/power/social aura.

If you ask me which clients of mine I'd never date for any amount of money, I can name a few right away. One is close-minded, condescending and judgmental (he told me that he picked my profile specifically because, on my p411 'will do' checklist, I DIDN'T have a certain very vanilla activity checked that most girls do...I wondered, 'Gee, should I tell him I just never bothered to fill it out? Naaaaaa.'). One is kind of insipid, or at least seems that way to me (likes to get drunk and send annoying texts about NOTHING). One is a hell of a lot of work in bed...I don't feel like staring dick in the face for 2+ hours in the morning and then possibly another 4+ (depending on amount of rounds) every evening.  

If you ask me how many I'd fuck for free...I'd say that's a very small percentage, but not because of looks. For one thing, the expenditure of time, energy, and emotion spent on sex is expensive, and cuts into things that matter a lot to me. Also, some elements of the p4p dynamic wouldn't work for me IRL. I am not the real-life equivalent of my escort self; but that's what most of my clients would expect and even demand. If a guy wants my escort self, he can pay. I'm not sure that most guys would pay for or want my real-life {weird} self. But, that {weird} self is who I want to be most of the time

I don't know who you are, but I was entertained by this post! 'staring dick in the face for 2 hours'...funny as hell.

I can change some names but we have a lot in common as far as these scenarios go. Oh except for the marathon dude, that will never happen over here.  

Yeah the money and certain expectations have me doing more and being more for work than I ever would IRL. When one of my guys asked what it might be like to date me, I said you'd leave before the week was out because half the shit we do I would not do and I would be fucking a few women  without you present.  

...I'm not sure that most guys would pay for or want my real-life {weird} self. But, that {weird} self is who I want to be most of the time. ... so freaking true.

They cling to the idea that most of the guys who engage in P4P are fugly, stupid, have no game, yada, yada, yada.    They send/post their photo to say "see?  I am not some fugly, fat, bald, dude, you will be GLAD to do me, I am not like most of those 'other' Johns."  

Of course, I don't know what the reality of the situation is, other than posts like yours and H+Ts, but the few conversations I have had on this topic with ladies would seem to indicate that 85% of the guys are not total losers.

A guy can be gorgeous and a loser.  

I am talking about the level of attractiveness, which is less than 1% from only my perspective. I would not date any of my johns.  

Geez I had one the other day ask me if I thought his body was attractive. He has moobs, looks like he is riding a chicken (skinny bony legs devoid of any muscle tone) and pasty white and flabby, yeah what the fuck was I supposed to say?  In his favor he is really sweet and gentle. That is why I keep him as a client and he tips well.  

I just wish guys would not ask those types of questions, it really puts me into a space where I have to lie or lose business because I tell the truth. I lie if I want to keep the guy and tell the truth of could care less if he walks.

VOO-doo459 reads

I had the opposite happen. This dood worked out a lot and would actually flex his muscles and pose. He'd ask me, "Do you think I look more ripped than the last time you saw me?" or "Do any of your other clients have abs like this?"  

Well, not many, but most of them can make better conversation!!  

I actually do find my clients attractive to some degree, for the most part. The reason I wouldn't date most of them has nothing to do with looks. It's safe to say that Flex-Man would be a NO. Moobs, on the other hand, could be a prospect. LOL.

Well, I did say a few posts above that I was weird, lol.

-- Modified on 2/19/2015 3:18:17 PM

Is your ass clean and I mean squeaky as well as every other part of you. And yes check because some are not.

in a heartbeat. It'd be downright refreshing. Have fun, stay safe.

xx kisses

moreka457 reads

Thanks for all the good advice.  I'll just let the provider know.  If they don't like it, I'd rather move along anyways

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