TER General Board

Lack of common decency
CelticLass 4749 reads

It never ceases to amaze me the women who come up on this board and seem to forget that acting like a c*nt isn't very lady like. That is unless of course your name is Lass or OhMarcella, commonly known as the C*ntly Sisters...LOL.

Case in  point. I responded a few days ago to a gent complaining about the way he was being treating by his ATF. Now unfortunately the internet hasn't allowed us to read the emotions or tone of the posts as they are being written, so I responded to him based on what my tiny brain could decipher.

There were a lot of great responses but a certain person (lady just doesn't cut it in this case) could not resist in telling me what MY problem was. I was civil and other than telling her finally I was bored with the back and forth, I never once insulted her. Her response was

"Re:Whatever. Didn't you retire?
Posted by SASHA  , 8/5/2005 4:44:43 AM

So why are you giving advice when your obsolete?  Who even cares what you think."

Obsolete? I thought EVERYONE cared what I thought. I am aghast at this slam to my very existence on this board...blah blah blah...LOLOL

So here is my question of the day. Are there actually women out there who feel that because someone pays to f*ck them,  that it somehow gives them license to be insulting to others? I have seen this persons  reviews, they are pretty good. She seemed to get a lot of White Knight support. But your looks and profession do not give you free reign to be a c*nt. You actually get that title after being around these boards forever, taking an insurmountable amount of shit from both men and women and STILL being able to remain in the biz or retire with a sense of humor.

Emma Bond and I disagreed on something and God love her she was as cool and respectful as she has always been. I would prefer to be told my opinion stinks in an eloquent manner than that 5th grade "who cares what you think" attitude.

I could spend a copious amount of time taking Miss Manners apart but based on her oh so intelligent replies; it would probably go over her head, so let's not play that game today.

But let's play the game where everyone here gets a chance to put in their .02 cents. Last time I checked these boards were designed for the guys to search for information, and the chicks get to post here to make things interesting.

so common decency gets a black mark today but score 1 for the C*ntly Sisters.


P.S. modified for spelling errors. Because it is one thing to be a c*nt, but a c*nt that spells poorly is just unacceptable. :)
-- Modified on 8/5/2005 11:27:20 AM

-- Modified on 8/5/2005 12:29:14 PM

THFKAM3665 reads

Sounds right to me.  Just sorry you're retired.  On the other hand, who's going to speak more wisdom and truth than a retired provider with no agenda?  Stay on the board!

Hey 'Lass;

We all forget about being decent sometimes when on the boards.
Maybe that's part of being semi unknown in our handles.

I know that, on occasion, I too, have been "cross" in a response, yes, even me.

I am not a mean, nasty  guy normally, but sometimes things really get to me and I "crack" and go after someone.

But, I agree, that we really do need to remember that we all have opinions, we all have thoughts and ideas and that they will be different from someone else.

Let's be tolerant of each other and play nice.
There is a time and a way to disagree without being an inconsiderate or rude jerk.
Some people haven't figured that out yet.

Just my opinion...

-- Modified on 8/5/2005 12:18:44 PM

CelticLass2172 reads

she and others with her very similar attitude have failed to realize that they are just hurting themselves.

She may be right, who gives a flying fuck what I think. But.....it is how She presents herself on this board that effects HER not me.

Those who know me and look back on my posting hostory will attest to the fact that I haven't always been kind, I have been tactless and I have been wrong. But, I have never presented myself as anything other than an opinionated, sometimes overbearing pain in the ass who does care what happens to both sides of this hobby fence. My thought process has not changed one iota in my retirement. I am not out to impress anyone then or now.

The difference now is that I can use my experience to guide my thoughts and posts, and now I can tell people to get screwed in a more colorful manner.

kisses zin

Earning a place in the c*ntly sisterhood is an art form, which I earned and will happily share my place on the throne with my dear friend Lass.  It amazes me that certain providers and/or men are so insecure that they personally attack and name call others when voicing their opinions.

I too have ripped people a new one at times and I may not have agreed with another’s opinion. But who the hell am I to tell anyone what their opinion should be and means nothing just because one is no longer in the whore biz?

xoxo, Marcella aka Judy

Zin your slip was showing too so don't pull this I try to be polite crap. "Okay, Judy.  Set the temperature as hot as you can and flame away" You should really learn how to chill out and realize some things are just a joke.

TatterednTorn2390 reads

Yes, Zin pulls this nice/nasty shit all the time. Don't be a cad. If you have an opinion express it. trying to couch it in a disguise of being a great guy is as bad as all of the hobbyists kissing the providers asses when they know they disagree.

That are mean or spiteful just to post them that is not the point of this discussion board go find the old mean retired spiteful provider board and post this there.

CelticLass3214 reads

someone told you to just shut the fuck up. You are immature and obnoxious. Go blow someone and get paid and play in someone else sandbox. Your stinkin mine up.

TatterednTorn2281 reads

One should not expect much, but I suspect that we could all take a pill now and then. One of the really funny (to me)consequences is that people often blow gaskets about these posts as if the people were significant others in their lives. This is a slice of life, not really that serious in the scheme of things. Learn to laugh more and get with your favorite providers and providers get laid more often too when biz is slow.

Retired or not, an escort is an escort.

Get out of the forest and  look at the trees and those girls can see alot more than us working girls can.

Celtics rants,musings,advice,artwork, webwork, philosophy, are always welcome here. I see her posts in the middle of a huge thread, then I decide if the whole thread is interesting enough to read.

A recovering escort is that of a recovering alcoholic. They are a whole lot wiser than we could ever think of being at times. And since they've been there, they can tell us and guide us in the right direction. Kinda like our sponsors . Unlike AA when one wants another drink, but if we want to rip a mans face off. Celticlass soothes the whole situation .. LOL

As for her opinions, we all have them.

Paul Pierce2763 reads

Who the hell is this b--ch?!!

The season hasn't even started yet!  It's the summer damnit!!!  We won our division last year!

Some people have a lot of damn nerve!

Bizzaro Superdude4322 reads

But I digress.  when teaching my kids I try to get them to understand that to use foul language is to display their lack of vocabulary.  When hurling insults they display their lack of ability to get others to see their point of view...  But did you get what you wanted for Christmas?

posters on this board, IMO. I have never met her personally, but from here posts I see that she calls things what they are.
Long live Emma Bond, retired or not.

erbslydcw2969 reads

With pure calmness....I cannot see the value of sparring with anyone over one's convictions. If they don't get it the first time, I will not go to battle-a battle of wits.
Someone answered one of my replies with, "what does that have to do with anything?" I didn't waste one moment replying...he wouldn't get it.
Every profession has some who suck, and it's not a reflection on me, unless I let them suck me into their degeneration.
I have nothing left to prove, lots to share!!
You too??


DevinTaylor3160 reads

when she was in the biz and out. I can always count on her to be a "real" friend which most don't find amonst working ladies. The board is for debate,if not not it would suck. Love you,you fire starting hot redhead!!!!!!!!!!Hugs,Devin PS She was fun to mess around with too wink wink :)

CelticLass1893 reads

your elementary school education and attitude are paying off.

It is a joy watching you make an ass of yourself. Keep up the good work.

Since when is a currently active provider not allowed to answer threads. That is what I did.   The fact that I happen to disagree with your post is what started this.  So why is your retired response more relevant than my active provider response to the same post please enlighten me oh wise one

Sasha my dear,

Where does it state a current ho’s (but yet way past her time of retirement) opinion is worth more than a retired ho’s? Lass never said you shouldn’t post and didn’t have a problem with your difference in opinion. The lack of common decency came in with your rude comment about her being obsolete and her opinion means nothing.

Grow Up (Yawn) You started it”…………shall I have Judy rip you a new one for this ignorant comment?

Marcella another obsolete ho

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