TER General Board

Keeping in touch with your emotions.regular_smile
letmejustsay 276 reads

I say give it sometime  and see other escorts. This will allow for things  to cool down or at least to a point that you are able to get your feelings in check.  Then remind yourself to never make that mistake again bro.

Hello, I'm having a similar situation as clockwork11 in the earlier "thank you email" thread with a few key differences, which are: 1) I met her through an agency so the only contact information I have is what she gave me (email and cell phone); 2) we've exchanged emails and texts a number of times and seen each other since; and 3) (this is the key) Yes, I've fallen (hard) for her and told her so the last time I saw her.

She hasn't answered my last few emails so now I'm afraid I effed up big time (although she didn't answer every email before my slip up). For now I'm just keeping quiet and laying low. But do I try to see her again on her next tour though (still through an agency)? Wait for a sign? Never been in a situation like this before, feeling quite lost. Help!

MSHSEX376 reads

1. Fall out of love with the paid escort.
2. If the paid escort is smarter than you (and I suspect she is since she has avoided all contact with you since you professed your love to her), then you won't have to wait for a sign, since none from her will be forthcoming.
3. Do NOT fall in love with paid escorts in the future.

Posted By: fit4funma
Hello, I'm having a similar situation as clockwork11 in the earlier "thank you email" thread with a few key differences, which are: 1) I met her through an agency so the only contact information I have is what she gave me (email and cell phone); 2) we've exchanged emails and texts a number of times and seen each other since; and 3) (this is the key) Yes, I've fallen (hard) for her and told her so the last time I saw her.

She hasn't answered my last few emails so now I'm afraid I effed up big time (although she didn't answer every email before my slip up). For now I'm just keeping quiet and laying low. But do I try to see her again on her next tour though (still through an agency)? Wait for a sign? Never been in a situation like this before, feeling quite lost. Help!

Illuminaughty69389 reads

I enjoy your posts a great deal but you need to stop saying "paid escort". Every time you use that phrase ask myself, does he know something I don't? Are their any free escorts? WTF?

Back to OP's question: see MSHSEX's answer and follow his advice.

Martha_Focker429 reads

Send her 5 or 6 emails a day.

Shes probably just busy and overlooked the previous ones.

Contact her agency, and demand her real name.  Go to her house and wait in the bushes for her to get home, with a dozen roses.  Women just LOVE suprises!  She most likely has fallen for you too.  

Good luck!!

MSHSEX344 reads

That sounds just like something a client on the Atlanta forums tried to do. Well, he only got the paid escort's home address from another client that also saw her. But it's entirely possible he would have done the rest of the stuff mentioned if given enough time.

Posted By: Martha_Focker
Send her 5 or 6 emails a day.

Shes probably just busy and overlooked the previous ones.

Contact her agency, and demand her real name.  Go to her house and wait in the bushes for her to get home, with a dozen roses.  Women just LOVE suprises!  She most likely has fallen for you too.  

Good luck!!

yea ..you sure did eff up..

I am still working on the first one... And yes you screwed up major league. I am sorry bro but you need to really separate this...

MSHSEX246 reads

I'm not surprised. Many older clients are nearing that age where senility sets in. They're the ones who hire paid escorts just to sit there and TALK to them. As if you couldn't do that yourself at any public place (library, movie theater, supermarket, etc.).

I reread your post and I am sorry I kinda messed around with you with my previous posts.

But seriously it is a hard question. Let's face it. The fact that she detests it is clear. But to help you get over it, I don't think anyone here can help. You are falling for someone who is.. forbidden. Since I know your post is not trolling, since you didn't use alias, I can only sympathize with you bro. This is also my worst fear. I am learning to keep things cool.

MrObviousToYou243 reads

You probably scared her off. This hobby is P4P, and you should always keep that in mind. Seeing a provider a few times, it's only natural to have feelings for the girl. But, you shouldn't express those feelings out loud to her because love is a big word, and not that many people can handle it, especially in the P4P world.

You may "feel" that you love her, but, does does she love you? Ask yourself that question next time before you tell the person you just paid money for to have sex with. She gave you her email and cell phone number so she can book you, and keep the profit for herself. That means, she doesn't have to pay the agency their fee. If however, she invites you to spend time with her OTC, go out to dinner, catch a movie, and have sex with you OTC, then, "love" may be in the equation and can be express mutually.

It might be awkward to see her again if she hasn't returned your emails or your phone call yet. Think that may be a sign to move on and find someone new. Best of luck!

You started this game now you gotta go hard!

Call up that Agency and book her for as long as you can afford, and I mean long!  She will have to say yes or confess to the Agency that she saw you after giving up her contact, which is a NO,NO!

Don't ever threaten her though, or bring it up, just go on like nothing ever happened.  

Go get your girl!

RayGx212 reads

Get her name tattooed on your chest... and make her a mixtape.  That should work.

True story, and a free plug for Sydey Rose.  Please come back to Boston soon.

Happened to me but very early on, when I was a newbie. I'm still getting over it. There is something else happening in your life that's causing you to seek out a different type of companionship than she can offer.  What you need to do is deal with both things.  If you want to keep hobbying you need to see other providers, don't get attached to just one.  Don't email her anymore, eventually she will tell you to stop, which will crush you. Or else you will start buying her things and over doing it which will eventually cause her to ask you to stop which will crush you.  Either that or she will take you for a ride that will turn out to be expensive and painful.

Do your best to reconnect with your SO if you have one.

But remember a few things 1) this is a fantasy for you, fantasies are always better than real life, you have to find enjoyment in real life as well, you have to begin to enjoy the simple things in life, 2) it's a job for her, her job is to make you feel special and build a client base, but if she is a decent person, a professional, once she thinks you can't handle it, she'll cut you loose, FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, 3) this shit can be addictive, it's called "sex and love" addiction.  It's a progressive addiction, it starts with sex and escalates to love.  If you feel your self going there you should seek professional help.  Most likely they will try to talk you out of hobbying.

Don't know about you, but I'd rather get laid a few times a years and learn to enjoy the mundane aspects of real life, than get caught up in an expensive addiction that ends in pain.

Thanks. Yes it happened after all this time because she was the only one I've met that I actually wanted to keep in touch with. She's been scoring 9s and 10s across the board but it was her civvie life that i found compelling. so when she suggested it I went with it. It seemed like a good idea at the time...

AnotherPerspective269 reads

"(this is the key) Yes, I've fallen (hard) for her and told her so the last time I saw her. "

If she is a catch and release mangler you were only her game .

 NEVER tell a woman you  have fallen for her
 until long after she has told you the same .


Posted By: fit4funma
Thanks. Yes it happened after all this time because she was the only one I've met that I actually wanted to keep in touch with. She's been scoring 9s and 10s across the board but it was her civvie life that i found compelling. so when she suggested it I went with it. It seemed like a good idea at the time...

Once you move into the civie life drama, it goes from fantasy to "appear" to be reality.

Be careful dude, can you really share in her life?  What happens to yours?  Is it realistic?

One of the girls told me once, after I spent an hour on the phone crying about some other provider, "we all have a tragic story, but you pay for a fantasy, if you want drama, you can have a mistress, that's what we are for, sex without the drama. In the end you pay us to leave and take the drama with us, and while it's our job to leave, it's your job not to care."

That's why some guys, when they start hearing about the civie stuff, RUN.  I read about it on some of the posts, they complain because some girl starts talking about her SO or her kids. But guys like us, with a sensitive side, maybe a little lonely in our real life, or distant in our current relationships, we fall.  Try to seek out girls that state in their ads "NO DRAMA".  What that means is that they know, and they can keep the relationship professional.

In reality, if she were a little more experienced, a little more professional, she would have kept it to herself.

Please dude, forget about her, reconnect in your real life, then go find some hottie to fuck and only talk about fucking.  Sometimes it's hard, but if you really try you can do it.

letmejustsay277 reads

I say give it sometime  and see other escorts. This will allow for things  to cool down or at least to a point that you are able to get your feelings in check.  Then remind yourself to never make that mistake again bro.

letmejustsay217 reads

Maybe this will help you put it in perspective.

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