TER General Board

Keep your eyes on the prize...
Arovet 62 Reviews 615 reads

After I became a dad I let my weight creep up until I got to 257 at my heaviest. I felt like shit all the time, both physically and mentally. Took awhile but I dropped over 60 lbs, and the only weight I gain now is muscle. Keep at it, it will happen and you'll look great, feel great, and fuck your brains out. GOOD LUCK!!

89Springer2211 reads

A previous thread got me to wondering just how out of shape the guys who say they're out of shape really are. So, let's find out.

I'm 5'11', 158 pounds. Waist is now 34" (it was 32" two years ago when I was hitting the weights daily at the gym). Chest is just 38" or 39". I do 3 to 5 miles non-stop every night on the treadmill, doing 4 mph with 2 minute bursts of 5 mph every ten minutes.  

Anyone else want to spill his guts? ;)

Pump some iron and eat a sandwich will ya?

Christ ANY hooker could kick your ass. LOL

GaGambler1045 reads

I think he too was almost 6' and was not only "happy" to be that thin, but was trying to get others to emulate him by walking 6-8 miles a day, or what ever the fuck he was doing for exercise.

Personally I feel a bit skinny at 5' 10" and 170, I would much prefer to gain another 10 pounds or so, but only if it were not concentrated around my gut. and somehow I don't see that in the cards for me, anymore than I see myself doing sub six minute miles again anytime soon.

For me I try to balance my drinking like fish, eating like a pig and fucking like a rabbit, and not becoming  a huge blob of fat while indulging all of my vices.

89Springer903 reads

I can't gain any mass from eating and working out. I get stronger, but any "mass" just goes to my gut. Give it another ten years and you'll see what I mean.

Even when I was in my 30's and doing very heavy physical work, I didn't gain weight. I got really strong, but was still skinny. I still can eat two or sometimes three restaurant meals at one sitting.

GaGambler910 reads

I have been the same way most of my life, except it was only the last ten years or so that I have to worry about my gut.

I used to try my  hardest to gain weight and just like you, I would get stronger, but not any bigger. I am now at probably one of the healthiest weights i have been at my entire life. I would love to gain another ten pounds, (of muscle of course) but like you, I just don't see it happening.

It's funny people who would never dream of calling a fat person fat, have zero qualms about calling an underweight person skinny.

Come to think of it, I don't think i even broke the 150 mark until I was well over thirty. I spent most of my twenties weighing around 145, as a teenager I was able to fight as a 5' 10' featherweight, I guess those days are gone forever. lol

a small amount at a time, Any excess turns into fat to be stored as fat asap. For me at 122 my normal weight when i do alot of body building training and diet.

For me at that weight and at the activity level i have when not prego.  

I need approximately 6 small meals consisting of roughly 260 or more cal. and roughly 26 grams protein, and then doible that in carb.

ypur body is a machine and protein required by the body to build lean muscles mass not fat.

By eating two to three meals worht of food in a sitting, your body, at your height and weight, your body can proberly absorb around 45 grams of protein as muscle lean  muscle mass building, per meal.  

You can decide if you like to gain muscle, you know to do so its 80 percent diet , not much a percentage actual work outs, the diet aspect in gaining muscle is larger in importance.

It also means getting accustomed to , in beginning eating when your not hungry, but as you grow accustomed to it, you will find you feel and look better....


I even got a guy i was with on same meal plan but i calculated the exact protein to carb ratio he would need to gain ten lbs of muscle for his height n weight.

for me the ultimate lean body muscle diet is 6 small; meals every three hours,  
this can mean making a large blender full of a delicious healthy shake of your choice, maybe with egg white poteing and spinach and banana.  

but to do the small meals and feed your muscles the protein every few hours, it is hard to actually EAT solid food that often so shakes are helpful./

but yes if you just eat when the body feels hungry despite your work out regime, even if its three meals worht of food in a sittring the human body can only process a certain amount of protein per sitting the rest will go to your gut and be stored as fat.


I think also cardio would be better like say 2 times a week then instead focus on certain muscle groups on certain days like this:
monday :hamstrings/calves
tues: back and three mile jog for cardio
wed : bi's n tri's
thur legs  
fri :shoulders and some cardio of your liking.  

    but the muscles need protein to grwo and every 3 hours your muscles especially if your lifting weights, they r looking for some protein, if you starve them they will feed off muscle tissue instead, Leaving you with a what i call "skinny fat"
look. Its like people whom they are skinny, they still have no muscle because they go to long between meals and or snacks, with protein, forcing thier opwn muscle tissue to be feeding on itself and also basically making any weight lifting your doing not even benificial if not going to eat correctly and nutritiously.  

any body builder will tell you diet is almost more important than work outs!
  not too toot my own horns, but if you look at my non pregnancy photos, those are proof i am an expert at diet and excercize, but what i have to say is this, the six small meals protein every three hours, at least 4 times a day protein if you cant swing 6.      

I even will some times keep a protein shake handy to drink mid of night so my muscles are even being contantly fueled even during a long sleep. so i dont lose any my hard work it took me to build the muscles.


as of now it is an exception for me as i am looking out for  my baby and not doing any extreme diets nor excercise that will raise heart rate too too much as this is not advised, I have dont light jogging again but i stop and slow down to a walk when i feel the heart rate going up immediatly. I have still done a few wprk outs with weights but not as much as my usual regime.


    there is a calculator on body space .com to enter your height and weight, and enter the amount you d like to gain in muscle,  

it is a choice its not your destiny to have a skinny fat body, you can build any body you wish its ALL MATH...................XOXOXO

FROM THE "DITZY"   escort angel. lol

89Springer1011 reads

All my life I tried eating different ways, different foods, etc. It never made a difference, except for beer. That added to my middle. ;)

For five years straight I was doing the gym every day, working the lower half one day, upper the next. I followed diet recommendations, etc. I reached a point where I'd see guys with good muscle definition in their arms and chest, watch them struggle with a press or fly machine, then wander by when they were done. Very often I'd see that they were struggling with much less weight than I was doing on the same machines.  

Right now it's age, as well as my metabolism. When a person gets to this point, he/she can't usually build any more muscle than what's there.  

It's not all bad, though. The few times I'd attend a high school reunion, it felt pretty good to still be slim and have hair, and watch the fat, bald captains of the basketball and football teams. ;)

GaGambler741 reads

I am an inch shorter 5' 10" a few pounds heaver at around 170 lbs. Waist is 32-33" I haven't measured my chest lately, but I would guess around 40"

I had myself up to doing one hour workouts on the treadmill of about 6 miles, until my knees decided they didn't like the pounding and i had to take a couple of months off from running. I have since started running at an even slower speed, barely even jogging to tell the truth at between 4.5-5mph, but I do it on an 5%+ incline so I am still able to do a workout in the 7-800 calorie range. I am trying to increase the incline until I can get back up to a 1,000 calorie workout, but at my "advanced age" of 56, it is becoming more and more of a challenge to stay in anything resembling decent shape. Of course "round" is a shape,just not the shape I would choose for myself.

I have no delusions that I will ever get back into what I would consider "good shape" but as long as I can date twenty somethings without looking like we are too out of place, i can live with it. I will further confess that it gets harder to do every year. I used to be able to whip myself into shape in a couple of weeks and still be in decent shape after taking several months off from the gym. Now it takes me months to get into shape and it seems like even a couple of weeks away from the gym feels like starting all over again.

I guess getting old sucks, but it does beat the alternative. lol

Dude... At 5'10" 170 and 56yo, I guarantee that you look out of place dating twenty-somethings.

Pal to pal... reality check time.

Posted By: GaGambler
I am an inch shorter 5' 10" a few pounds heaver at around 170 lbs. Waist is 32-33" I haven't measured my chest lately, but I would guess around 40"

I had myself up to doing one hour workouts on the treadmill of about 6 miles, until my knees decided they didn't like the pounding and i had to take a couple of months off from running. I have since started running at an even slower speed, barely even jogging to tell the truth at between 4.5-5mph, but I do it on an 5%+ incline so I am still able to do a workout in the 7-800 calorie range. I am trying to increase the incline until I can get back up to a 1,000 calorie workout, but at my "advanced age" of 56, it is becoming more and more of a challenge to stay in anything resembling decent shape. Of course "round" is a shape,just not the shape I would choose for myself.

I have no delusions that I will ever get back into what I would consider "good shape" but as long as I can date twenty somethings without looking like we are too out of place, i can live with it. I will further confess that it gets harder to do every year. I used to be able to whip myself into shape in a couple of weeks and still be in decent shape after taking several months off from the gym. Now it takes me months to get into shape and it seems like even a couple of weeks away from the gym feels like starting all over again.

I guess getting old sucks, but it does beat the alternative. lol

GaGambler913 reads

but with my FWB who is about to turn 26 I know for a fact we don't look out of place, when she was nineteen and we would check into a hotel together I would get those "looks" like I was robbing the cradle. People now assume we are married, waiters, desk clerks, other couples we meet at the bar all act like we are a married couple.

Maybe part of it is, I don't feel out of place with younger women, so I don't look out of place.

Pal to pal, I don't really give a fuck what you think.

ot out of shape at all. No gym. I walk my dog a lot.

After hurting my back, along with emotional disasters the past two years….I've gotten to the heaviest I've ever been.  I'm 6'2" 275lbs.  It's so embarrassing.  Most people don't think I'm near that heavy when I tell them, I carry it well etc.  But I KNOW I'm way overweight.  I'm around a 40" waist now.  No idea chest etc.  

That being said, I have been hitting the gym again FINALLY since November.  It took some chiropractic work and lots of patience but I now can do 4-6 days per week.  I put up big numbers again with weights (never skip leg day either) and I do an hour on the treadmill afterward most nights.  My goal is 215-220lbs.  Wish me luck.

And any of you trying to get back into it, good luck as well!  Stay the course.

After I became a dad I let my weight creep up until I got to 257 at my heaviest. I felt like shit all the time, both physically and mentally. Took awhile but I dropped over 60 lbs, and the only weight I gain now is muscle. Keep at it, it will happen and you'll look great, feel great, and fuck your brains out. GOOD LUCK!!

6' 2", about 200 lbs, 33" waist, 45" chest. Resting heart rate = 48. Run 20-30 miles per week, 5 days strength training and swim or elliptical twice a week on running off days. Pretty much in the best shape of my life, thanks in no small part to this particular pastime and my desire to get the most of it.

...I'm 6'4". 195lbs. 38" waist 44/45" chest. Work out regularly at the gym. Knees are becoming a problem. I am in the process of changing my whole workout routine to accommodate knees and lower back disc problem.

Thought I'd add age. I'm early 60's.

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 3:09:40 PM

GaGambler902 reads

I may start splitting time on the bike for my cardio work to give my knees a break, and I never had a bit of problems with my knees in my youth. Another option is to walk using  a very steep incline over 10%, I believe that 4 mph at a 15% incline will burn about 1,000 calories an hour, similar to running over seven miles an hour on level ground, with a lot less stress on your knees.

...slow walk on the treadmill. I'm using a recumbent bicycle more now for knees and back. I'll need to change my resistance work too.

5'9" 240 lbs 44 waist.  Heavy but not blob material.

Entering this hobby and spending time with beautiful ladies helped motivate me to get my act together (after several years of little exercise).  Completed several triathlons in the last couple years

Good for you for making that kind of commitment, I've been thinking about getting into triathlons but the time required is a killer.

I used to do marathons, but can't handle that amount of running anymore.  Triathlon training is so much more enjoyable to me because you get to mix things up.  You should look into it - start with a short Sprint Triathlon.

Since I'm on my bicycle or at the gym doing light lifting 6 days a week my body looks better than most guys my age, and better than some 20 years younger.

cashorcredit625 reads

I could use some muscle tone. but I ain't trying to be no bodybuilder.

...good for tone, firmness, definition, and improves bone density.

cashorcredit508 reads

and free weights, tone without building too much muscle, thanks for the tip will add to my regimen.

Senator.Blutarsky938 reads

...doesn't really tell you how fit you are.  Men's Health came up with 10 standards to gauge your fitness. The only gripe I have is it's not age adjusted. I can still do over half of these, but being in my late 50's can't do what I could in my 20's and 30's. But the important thing is I can still kick my son and nephews asses. LOL.  

Since you all shared... I guess I can too... 6', 200 lbs, 34" waist, 45" chest, and less than 18% body fat.

89Springer729 reads

But it's a start. After listening to so many providers talk about the fat slobs they deal with, I thought it might be interesting to see how many fit that characterization. Problem is, anyone who does is not going to chime in.

Senator.Blutarsky681 reads

...as guys do, trying to show off for the ladies. The thing is...are any of us being truthful?

89Springer608 reads

I almost always tell the truth. No percentage in lying, and I don't have to remember what I said.  Besides, who would lie about being a skinny 64-year-old?

they're legit for sure, and I can do most of them, but I've always looked at resting heart rate as a better gauge of overall fitness than any particular feat of strength. Anything in the 50s or lower and you're in pretty damn good shape.

Damn that 300lb bench press is a bitch.

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky
...doesn't really tell you how fit you are.  Men's Health came up with 10 standards to gauge your fitness. The only gripe I have is it's not age adjusted. I can still do over half of these, but being in my late 50's can't do what I could in my 20's and 30's. But the important thing is I can still kick my son and nephews asses. LOL.  
 Since you all shared... I guess I can too... 6', 200 lbs, 34" waist, 45" chest, and less than 18% body fat.

2 new hips in 4 years. i was 6', 188 and now I'm 6', 210. 56 YO...effing golden years!

and like others, most motivation is from entering hobby. It not only gave me motivation to get in shape in order to enjoy more physical activity of an amorous kind, but motivation to simply live longer.
53 yo
150 lbs
8-10 dead-hang strict pullups
Gym 5-7 times a week when injury free, including an occasional gym class with my much younger ATF (always kicks my ass). She has been an incredible motivator.
December of 2013, I weighed 197 and could not do a single pullup.

At 44 6' 190lbs. One advantage to working for a living is that in the past I really didn't have to workout after work. The problem with that is that now that I mostly supervise I find that while I have been able to maintain my weight, rather than being 190lbs of muscle I am 190lbs of some muscle and more fat than I am happy with.

a few years ago--down from 240 to the 203 with a 36" waist down from 40".  I have much more stamina BCD.

How--Elliptical machine and weights at the gym.

Why--Dr. said I needed to in order to avoid diabetis.

height for me personally (if I had the choice), but all heights and sizes are sexy if they know how to work it :)

xx kisses

Posted By: keystonekid
a few years ago--down from 240 to the 203 with a 36" waist down from 40".  I have much more stamina BCD.  
 How--Elliptical machine and weights at the gym.  
 Why--Dr. said I needed to in order to avoid diabetis.

gravity put them there. let  'em stay where they are.

I have HBP and get somewhat winded going up a long flight of stairs.

Diabetes in family but, thankfully, I don't have it.  

used to play golf years ago  but lately just walk for "exercise".

Posted By: 89Springer
A previous thread got me to wondering just how out of shape the guys who say they're out of shape really are. So, let's find out.  
 I'm 5'11', 158 pounds. Waist is now 34" (it was 32" two years ago when I was hitting the weights daily at the gym). Chest is just 38" or 39". I do 3 to 5 miles non-stop every night on the treadmill, doing 4 mph with 2 minute bursts of 5 mph every ten minutes.  
 Anyone else want to spill his guts? ;)

To be at 240-250 lbs  
I'm 6'3" barefoot  
size 36 or 38  
280 lbs

Then again, I was just bitching to a lady that I have gained 10 pounds in the last year and I am disturbed by it.   I am 5'9", 175 pounds and I have a 33" waist and a 41" chest.    It is not so much the looks part of it that bothers me, it is the fact that all my really good pants don't fit.   At this point, my trim suits remind me of sausage casings.    Glad to see that so many of you have discipline, I am going to try to start working out again. Uggh!

Still a 30-32. I'll die of a heart attack skinny, and handsome.

GaGambler676 reads

You'll be singing a different tune if surprise, surprise, you end up living another 40 years, as unlikely as it may now seem to you. lol

Every sixty year old here was once 20 years old and bulletproof. Myself included,

given advancements in the medical arts and pharmaceuticals it's more likely you'll just have a long, shitty back nine. You're Pfizer's wet dream: healthy, bad. dead, bad. Chronically ill? Priceless.

89Springer768 reads

I also drank anywhere from eight to eighteen beers a day. At all-you-can-eat restaurants, I'd make the waitresses work their tails off. I once ate thirteen plates of fish at an IHOP. It was payback because they wouldn't give me a second helping of coleslaw.

With all that, I didn't gain weight. I didn't need to work out in my 30's and 40's, though, as my job was very physical.  

Come your mid-fifties, though, you'll see some flab around the middle, and you won't be able to get rid of it. Even the hunks in Hollywood can't seem to get past it. In the movie "Edge of Darkness", made in 2010 when Mel Gibson was 54, there's a brief shot of him shirtless, and he has a bit of a roll of fat at his waist. Ditto with Clint Eastwood.

GaGambler1006 reads

Once upon a time, it didn't matter what I ate or drank, until recently I too drank 10-15 beers on an average day, and then went "drinking" in the evening. lol That and an appetite that would have me eating a dozen lobsters at a single sitting, or an entire sack of crawfish all by myself (but not in a single sitting. lol) Yes, I should have weighed 400 lbs with all the calories I consumed.

It was just recently that I had to swear off the beer. Or at least cut down to less that a six pack a month. (Thank God for vodka, and vino. lol) When you are our size even an extra 5-10 pounds around the middle gives you that "pregnant" look, So I swore off the beer a year or so ago and lost two belt loops off my waist. It was either that or spend four hours a day in the gym trying to burn off those empty calories.

Sure, the john 'population' is probably similar to the 'regular' population. But...I bet there are more good looking, in shape types than the average person thinks. Most (I said most) guys on this board are educated, have great paying jobs (or are just plain loaded) and those kinds of people generally are self motivated people who also care about their health. I doubt the majority of TER members are fat asses barely skimping by to make ends meet.  

I would be interested to hear if the ladies back that up or not.

I think if you fall into the fit/healthy category it's foolish to think the providers you see are thinking how awesome you are because finally they are seeing someone they find attractive. (A generalization I make based on quite a few posts that hint at that perception)

back your first paragraph up. There are more very attractive, fit, very sexy, sensual men here than most think. From the ladies perspective, there's nothing like being surprised when you see "him" for the first time. Now mind you, attraction means something different to all of us I'd like to think. I'd also like to think it keeps alot of ladies here playing in this world. Why wouldn't it? I know it keeps me here vs dating in that "other" world. No thank you LOL.  

Spot on observation btw.  

xx kisses

Posted By: MrTwister
Sure, the john 'population' is probably similar to the 'regular' population. But...I bet there are more good looking, in shape types than the average person thinks. Most (I said most) guys on this board are educated, have great paying jobs (or are just plain loaded) and those kinds of people generally are self motivated people who also care about their health. I doubt the majority of TER members are fat asses barely skimping by to make ends meet.  
 I would be interested to hear if the ladies back that up or not.  
 I think if you fall into the fit/healthy category it's foolish to think the providers you see are thinking how awesome you are because finally they are seeing someone they find attractive. (A generalization I make based on quite a few posts that hint at that perception).  

Good for you guys to get some connection there.
Please do not use our discussion as a reason.
It cheapens your connection...
Thank you. Have a nice day.😈

Weirdest and least comprehensible post I've ever had directed my way.

strictly you define it.  when you see a woman in public who is not overweight is she fit? does it mean you're attracted to her?

I'll try to make my point differently.

The thread was about fitness. I have made a generalization, right or wrong, that quite a few guys have the perception that most of the men that providers see are not physically fit or attractive. I disagree with that sentiment, in fact, I believe it's the opposite.

I secondly noted , also a generalization, that those same people who think that most guys are fat , unattractive slobs, but are not themselves (because they ARE fit and healthy) think they are gracing their provider with an upgraded physical experience that they are not accustomed to because everyone before and/or after them falls into the fat slob category. And my point is, if , because you are fit/healthy/attractive, you believe that you are somehow different , or more appealing to the provider based on the perception of what most johns look like, you're probably wrong.  

You might be attractive on your own merits, but there's not a comparison they're making, and sighing relief that you don't fit into the norm of who they typically see. I think it's the norm they are pleasantly surprised at who they see and rarely are ( but of course it happens)  disappointed and then just deal with it because it's their job.

JMO...of course I don't know. BTW..I limit that opinion to the majority of guys on this forum. Not the industry as a whole. Big difference guys setting up 'dates' through a paid-for membership with research functionality and the guy pulling up to the curb in AnyCity, USA and asking how much for a BJ

I'm 6' 158. I was 175 last March, but I felt miserable and started running in the park. Couldn't run a mile the first run, now I'm running anywhere from 5-12 miles per run. Very motivated to run a half marathon this spring in Pittsburgh. Also lift 3 times a week, and do some kickboxing from time to time as well.

nom_de_plume811 reads

... especially considering my age (well into AARP territory).

168 lbs. (closer to 160 in the summer)
44" chest, 32" waist (31" in the summer), 38" hips, 23" thighs, 15.5" biceps.  Depending on season, I sport a four pack (winter) or six pack (summer).  

I work out almost every day for an average of 1 hour, with half of the workouts cardio and half weights, and core work about 5 days a week. I tend to do more/longer cardio (outdoor running) in the summer (as evidenced by numbers above).

But most importantly for me, providers seem to like grabbing my butt, so I must be doing something right and I'm going to keep doing it!  :)

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