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Could you ...
DaveMogal 74 Reviews 1906 reads

Participate in the hobby without drinking alcohol before starting a session ?

This question is for both providers and hobbyists. I have seen it happen with just a few providers. Some of them feel like they have to get a buzz before they start a session.

I love a good drink...but I never drink before a session.  I might have when I was first starting out in the hobby -- to cool my nerves.  But now, having a drink beforehand would never occur to me.  I don't want anything getting in my way of feeling everything that's going to happen!

Yes.  I don't drink alcohol. Prefer juice instead.

I don't drink or use any form of recreational substance. If a gentleman has had a drink or two before seeing me, that isn't a deal breaker, but I very much prefer that they didn't. As long as he isn't three sheets to the wind though, its fine with me. But men take note - if you've tossed a few back before coming to see me, don't be surprised that I won't DFK. The smell and taste of alcohol on a man's breath is not pleasant to say the least :)

After a client spiked my drink early last year, I lost nearly all desire for alcohol.

I prefer that my clients not drink before seeing me.

I heard that story, it was awful; I'd certainly respect that. . Most people aren't responsible with alchohol that is the problem.


If I know she likes wine, champagne or a particular beverage I'll bring it and enjoy it there. I have gotten buzzed up during a session with providers and that's always been fun.

I would never show up with a few in me, that's the quickest way to be shown "The Gate". But with them is a totally different story.


No drinks for me unless it's several bottles of water.  I tend to get dehydrated during our sessions... wonder why???  lol


Well since I don't drink alcohol, that would be yes. Personally I don't understand people who feel they "need" to drink alcohol. It is just like any other drug (only drinking is legal) whereas you get a "high" feeling then crash. Just like any other drug addiction, I just don't understand it.


I don't get a 'high' feeling then crash, it's not heroin, it's a couple of pops. It's a buzz, this is pretty common in modern society. Yes no one should stammer into a provider hammered.. or vice/versa. It's all about being responsible.. Let me put it this way if I could get a DUI, or even be suspicious I wouldnt see a provider in that state....(anywhere near over a legal limit..)

Need is a strong word, I would go with 'enhances..or helps kill some nerves...' I think a nice healthy buzz (1-3 drinks) enhances sex.

I don't agree about it being 'like any other drug'... Though I've never taken drugs (aside from alchohol, and caffiene/perscription drugs).

Now this is not rationalizing as It is hurting your liver, it is wrong, you shouldnt drink and drive, and it is unhealthy...but when I've got $$$ on the line I'm going to be relaxed if I can.

I feel like the only boozer steppin up here' too many worried about image...join me my drunks. So funny , paying for companionship and concerned about image...on the evil scale alchohol > hobbying... lol. (edit: is alcohol drinkin worse than cheating on your SO to be with a provider -- would that be Alcohol > Hobbying > Infidelity..)

Besides, it would take one amazing woman to make me see her when shes upset about a drink or two before a session.


-- Modified on 2/3/2008 2:14:09 AM

Your "buzz" is the same thing as "high". It is the feeling that all drug users try to find. Either in a lower (probably more controllable form) like alcohol or deeper (and probably uncontrollable) like hard drugs.

The same "buzz" that potheads go after. Buzz=high. You stated that your buzz enhances sex for you, so in another way of saying it, you need to get your buzz (high) in order to have better sex (for you). I am not saying anything is wrong with that, I was just saying I don't understand it.

I don't think it is an image thing as this is, for the most part, an anonymous board. Not too many people here know who the others are.

Don't get me wrong, I used to drink a lot (was in the military and overseas), but I haven't in over 14 years. I didn't even start drinking until I joined the army, but I stopped after a few years because I couldn't really find the "justification" for it. I have more fun no matter what I am doing when I don't drink. But that is me and I am not trying to promote my personal views and experiences on anyone else.


GaGambler389 reads

I often drink before or sometimes during a session, it all depends on the lady's attitude towards drinking. If the lady in question doesn't like alcohol I usually refrain. To me, it's not that big a deal.

I'm ok with a girl drinking before the session, if she needs to, or wants to, although usually it's a shared thing. (bottle of wine or something.)

Neither should have too much , but I think a light buzz never hurt anyone. I've never had it affect a session negatively.

I'll usually have a little bit of wine before I go just to get a light buzz, I'm way too uptight otherwise. It takes me longer to get comfy and I waste too much time.


I have had two Providers tell me that they have to be in an altered state to participate in this hobby. For me I prefer a sarsaparilla before I participate.

I don't drink, and I have never had a drink prior to a session and only one provider that I know of had a drink prior, and that was at the start of the session in my hotel room.  Normall alcohol is not involved at all...

I want all my energies to experience the moment. Drinking during the session would just take away from the allotted time. I usually find other ways to fill it.

Depends, what you mean on drinking 'during' the session. If your just having conversation in the 'get to know you' phase, if your sipping some wine, i dont know how it would detract from the time. If it took extra time then maybe, but you get that bottle uncorked and just start chatting up!

Far as drinking before, I think it's not to be overdone, but some of us get nerves..and as I mentioned above..I lose time, if I don't have a small buzz, cause I'm a bit of a wreck..

YMMV of course though.


First, I want to be fully "there" for it.

Second, I have enough trouble getting Mr Happy to cooperate with adding in more problems.

The lady who just left doesn't drink alcohol at all, so there's two more...

Since wine is one of my other hobbies, I really enjoy sharing a glass or two with a provider who knows and appreciates wine as well. We generally have a small glass while chatting, before we get started, and then another while resting up between rounds. At the end of the date, the bottle is almost always still half full, so we obviously don’t drink it for the buzz.

If I had to give a reason for having a drink with a provider, it would have something to do with appreciating the finer things in life, or some such nonsense.

To answer your question more directly, it depends on the provider. I see a couple of providers who don’t drink, so I don’t drink before or during a date with them.

I definitely do not have to drink before starting a session. I wouldn't even want to. I want to be clear-headed for my appointment.  Plus, if at the beginning of the appointment the lady noticed I was buzzed, she may very well leave right then.
Now, I do enjoy a glass  of wine with a lady during the appointment, if she also enjoys wine.  I'm ok with doing that.

-- Modified on 2/3/2008 5:35:55 AM

But lately I don't really want anything to do with alcohol, working or not.

I think the need, the desire (or lack of) inebriants before, during, or after hobby sex is as individualistic as the participants and their emotional wants, needs, and fears.

As long as neither party is an obnoxious, stumbling, word slurring drunk, an agitated, anxiety ridden, quick tempered tweaker or a goon in a psychotropic haze of euphoric oblivion; If both parties are cool with it, and neither is going out into the world immediately thereafter to drive or operate heavy machinery...its all good.

Which was once.

Now maybe they were drinking or toking before the start of the session, if so, I've only smelled it once.

BTW, I thought the session starts when at the first time when you're both in the same room. Before you start the session, or do you mean when the session starts? Or do you mean you both separately get snockered?

Yes I can. Do it every week!

The ones that need a buzz usually have some thing that makes them feel guilty or bad about what they are doing....

Part of being a great provider is that I LOVE WHAT I DO!

It doesn't make me feel bad at all, I would be wasting my time and myself if I did not like what I was doing.

There is a really great feeling that I get when I am making dinner or picking up the kids from school and I think about all the great O's I made that day!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure..I seldom drink unless the Gent brings a bottle of wine and would like to share a small glass.

As pocketfisherman said, I also want Mr Happy to be able to fully stand up and be counted.  I usually abstain from drinking for 2-4 days before I go to  visit a lady.  Like another one said, I too tend to get dry-mouthed during the session.  Most ladies have offered a bottle of water, which is appreciated.

I'm not much of a wine drinker, so I don't bring it with me.  If she offered something after the event, I would of course join her in a drink, but would probably refuse it beforehand, and say, "let's have it later."


Don't like to drink during sessions because I have to drive home, and have been through DUI check-points when doing so several times.  While I love a glass or two of good wine or bubbly, this does nothing to enhance sessions, and poses the main risk I have encountered in hobbying...  

-- Modified on 2/3/2008 10:23:14 AM

If a gent felt like he had to get drunk before being with me, I think that would bring up some negative questions in me... such as, are you really enjoying your time here, or are you trying to get away from something else?

I will gladly share a glass of wine or two if the gentleman presents it, as I do enjoy some wines. But seriously, a glass or two! I've had gents try to press me into more, after which I'm usually dead asleep... or depending on the venue, grabbing strippers off the stage for some spicy VIP action. Either way, not the most responsive sexual partner :)


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