TER General Board

Why are YOU who you ARE????
companionaz See my TER Reviews 7530 reads

I like to jump from board to board and see the different posts
and the things that people can ask, say, comment on, disagree with, lash back at, and I could go on but won't.

The one thing I find myself doing the most though is checking out some of the names well all the names I can some are plain and then some are just toooo dammmnnn FUNNY.  

What I was wodering is just how some of you guys and girls pick your handles, aliases and did thought go into it or just the first thing that came to mind.

this is for girls and boys alike but if it's apperent why your handle is your handle (i.e.  Derinda) there was no thought but if you have an alias (i.e. companionaz)  well then like me I did have thought when I picked companionaz we all know the companiona and the AZ is because... okay thats a no brainer too yes I am in Arizona.

I realize some of you don't want to be known or your aliases so you can stay hidden but just the same those of you who post as
someone that doesn't want to be found out have got the best handles of them all.

Lex Luethor3466 reads

...Pippi Longstocking was already taken.

Shlomo Shlong Dong3281 reads

around with a shlong that resembles a large kosher dill pickle.


goes crazy for cookies.  Only I slobber all over provider's pussies, munching on their clits.

Pippi Longstocking3203 reads

I just created that alias after reading your msg.
What a liar

Lex Luethor2804 reads

...add it to my list of vices.

Lex Luethor3942 reads

Yes, well, other than about the baby, you're right, Ms. Lala. Thank you for remaining faithful during this attack of the mundane.

Oh, I almost forgot... the map... so you can find your way...

New York


Washington, DC  +----- Luethor Lair


KLTPZYXM3728 reads

I don't see no fuckin' kryptonite!

You ain't shit without kryptonite.

hehehehehe  :)

-- Modified on 1/31/2005 11:04:44 PM

Lex Luethor3718 reads

...I ain't shit. That, apparently, is my particular idiom.

More specifically, I chose something that would set me apart from the providers, because I didn't want my opinion on things to be confused as a providers opinion, since people are so often asking for advice. My opinion isn't relevent in those specific terms.

-- Modified on 1/31/2005 4:40:30 PM

Super Size3308 reads

Need I say more, my alias says it all, or does it really describe me?

Only the providers I see know the answer for sure.

And those I shall see shall find ouch.

LiliMarlene3031 reads

So, HerrZunge, do you like die sexischen strippern Schühe oder die schwartzen ledern high-heelischen Stiefel?

Vee grossen deutschen Mädchen vant to know, Schatzi!  


...and I'm no spring chicken anymore (shoot that old expression probably made me sound even older), and neither is my member...

Aphra4478 reads

Aphra Behn broke every rule. Born in 1640, she was a spy, she was a writer, she was thrown in prison several times for her debts and her politics, she may or may not have been married and she had a live-in lover for nine years.  Her wit and beauty caught the eye of the royal court and it was rumoured that she was James II's mistress.  

She is considered the first professional English woman writer and originator of the novel in its modern form.  Because of her sex, her work was derided as smutty and later marginalised.

Virginia Woolf said of Aphra Behn:

"All women together ought to let flowers fall upon the tomb of Aphra Behn ... for it was she who earned them the right to speak their minds. It is she--shady and amorous as she was--who makes it not quite fantastic for me to say to you tonight: Earn five hundred a year by your wits."

In all those circumstances, I thought her name an exceedingly appropriate username for this site.  My aliases, however, are another story:).


+Alias4264 reads

This particular alias is because every alias I tried was taken... My main reasons are in agreement with bi-polar and Stealthmode.  I also adopt an alias if it's helpful in getting my point across.

PS:  Nice thread companionaz!

-- Modified on 1/31/2005 6:07:46 PM

When I was in eighth grade, the Bill Cosby Himself movie was fairly new then, and I knew it word for word, especially his Dentist routine. I use to do it in the lunch room, in class, restaurants and hotels, wherever a crowd had gathered. One night my mom, best friend and his mom and I were all out to dinner and our principle happened to be there with his wife and he asked me to do the routine for his wife as she'd not heard it. When I was done, he said he was gonna put me on stage at the last assembly of the year and have me do it for the school, some two hundred students and faculty.

When he introduced me and I hit the stage, he held up a banner that simply read JIMBOMANIA ... by that late in the year, the WWF was nearing it's yearly WrestleMania event. I did the routine, killed, and was hugely popular from then throughout high school. In our Senior paper, one of the "Remember When" memories was JIMBOMANIA.

I had moved to a new town to start my eighth grade year (1985) in a new school not knowing anyone, after my dad had passed away that May. Hard to believe that's nearing twenty years ago, seems like it was someone else in some ways, and like yesterday in others.


my highschool nick name...and my ems badge number

Great topic, I often wonder or amuse myself at the wit of others names as well.

Mine was just too obvious to me at the time, becuase it's my real name. It just so happpens that Mr. Mann also would sound like a hobbyist screen name.

-- Modified on 1/31/2005 8:23:46 PM

Mine is a tribute to my ex-wife, the world's champion ball buster.

aboutface3861 reads

This alias, like for others, is a way for me to disguise my "true" provider identity, for now.  (Sounds kind of funny, since that isn't a "true" identity anyway)
When thinking of possible names, this one sort of popped into my head, but I chose it because it's significance was threefold.

Point 1) For me in sexual encounters (and porn), of course I love all the parts of the body, but the face is key for me, as to whether the person is enjoying themselves etc. (I really want to see that one vid where they just show the faces of people having orgasms...and have you seen that commercial for the rabbit?  Link below)
Point 2) Ironic commentary of the dichotomy of emphasis on the importance of the face over body (ie more of an spiritual emphasis b/c the eyes are the window to the soul) and societies brutal emphasis placed on the body and it's impossible quest for "perfection".
Point 3) (and most relevant) Becoming a provider has had a large positive impact on my life.  I feel like my life has done a 180.

Oh, and the face is on the head, and I'm all about that....

Op Amp5176 reads

I’m an electrical engineer who likes to frequent or Operate in Asian Massage Parlors.  In electronics, Op Amp is short for Operational Amplifier, which is a solid-state integrated circuit that uses external feedback to control its functions.  I use feedback from my lovely Asian provider to control the amount of pressure I apply to her beautiful little package.  The end result is maximum pleasure for both participants.  Oh Yeah!

I am a pyrotechician and Bob is easy to spell.

Fireworks, anyone?

I am paingod. My handle is taken from a short story by Harlan Ellison. It's one of my favorite stories, and he's one of my favorite writers. BTW, the story has nothing to do with S&M.

at the sight of a beautiful woman and the thought of the giving and receving of oral sex that will follow.

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