TER General Board

Johnny, what can you make of it?
Oldtimemonger 1756 reads
1 / 51

Since Alyssa Marie and others wait for my penetrating questions every day I have to come up with something new to ask you guys/girls. :)

So how many of you have been booked, cuffed, fingerprinted and thrown in jail at some time in your life. Simply getting arrested and cited does not count. You have to have been thrown in jail for at least a few hours. If you were a juvenile delinquent and tasted a jail cell that counts for purposes of this question.

Tell us about it.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 577 reads
2 / 51
GaGambler 649 reads
3 / 51

but never for  anything to do with hookers, and not for quite some time.

but judging from how straight and narrow most of the posters here seem to be, I bet you I am in the minority. Honestly, most of you seem to have led quite boring lives. If this were truly an interesting bunch of people, a better question would be, "have you ever been thrown in jail in a foreign country?" Anybody have a Turkish or Mexican prison story to tell?

scoed 8 Reviews 601 reads
4 / 51

In my late teens and early twenties I got in a lot of fights. I was arrested several times but as no one wanted to press charges I was released each time except once. That once I made bail and split the state. They never really tried to drag me back. I was stupid. What else can I say. I did change my ways. I haven't got physical in the last 17 years. I never got convicted. I should have but it never happened.

some-guy 6 Reviews 506 reads
5 / 51
Alan_Nimm 501 reads
6 / 51

Which has as much to to with this forum as your question.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 625 reads
7 / 51

Can't a man make a few mistakes without paying for it the rest of his life?

Maybe I should make one more mistake

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 518 reads
8 / 51
riorunner 477 reads
9 / 51

when I was still a JD. I had a friend who had an after school job with a car dealership; washing cars, moving them around the lot etc. He knew the key system and lifted a service door key. We used to go out on weekend nights, get in, take keys for cars and use them to run around town to impress the girls. Would take them back and no one was the wiser. :>) Worked like a charm until one night we were pulled over in a Camaro RS, and the gig was up. Trip to jail, several hours later released to my parents in the wee hours of the morning and then juvenal court appearances etc. Should have taught me a lesson but kids can be dumb and I had my share of trouble for the next few years before wising up.

doncord 42 Reviews 550 reads
10 / 51

Years ago,  picked up a hooker in chicago and cops followed me to flea bag hotel, where they arrested both of us. sat in jail until a friend bailed me out.  then cops gave me a business card of a lawyer, who when contacted said he could take care of it for $500, went to court and the case was thrown out. Think the cops, lawyer and judge were in on it, yeppers I sure do, LOL  


russbbj 89 Reviews 614 reads
11 / 51

Do you like movies about Gladiators?

Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

Great movie, Airplane.

I must have picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue, and then he jumps out the window. Good shit, I'd like to party with whomever wrote that, lol.

russbbj 89 Reviews 484 reads
12 / 51

The Service requires doing so.

Fortunately for me, no jail time. Don't know what I'd do in jail, don't think they allow you to visit TER. Lol.

I've never been in a situation in our sport that I've worried about getting busted. Well that's not entirely true, I was stood up by a provider once, called a BP girl, went to the hotel and something just didn't feel right, I bailed and went home and spanked my monkey (he's a bad monkey).

Doing your homework is important. Gosh, I sure hope I have NOT rustled the P4P gods.

-- Modified on 9/23/2015 11:52:35 AM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 480 reads
13 / 51

Posted By: doncord
Years ago,  picked up a hooker in chicago and cops followed me to flea bag hotel, where they arrested both of us. sat in jail until a friend bailed me out.  then cops gave me a business card of a lawyer, who when contacted said he could take care of it for $500, went to court and the case was thrown out. Think the cops, lawyer and judge were in on it, yeppers I sure do, LOL  

GaGambler 803 reads
14 / 51

Back in the 80's I was in a bar in Texas back when they had those "entertainment" only black jack tables. Well after the place closed, the owner, myself and a few regulars had a real game that ended up lasting two fucking days, we played all the way through the night, the bar reopened the next afternoon and we kept playing all the way through the bar being opened, all the way until the following morning, around thirty six hours of non stop play until I finally busted out everyone at the table and every one called it quits.

I was way too drunk and tired to even think about driving so I stumbled over to a coffee shop less than a hundred yards away, ordered coffee and some food in a futile attempt to get my act together, only to pass out not quite with my face in my food, but pretty damn close. Next thing I know I am being woken up by the cops and being hauled off to jail to sleep it off. I woke up about 12 hours later, bailed myself out for a hundred bucks or so, called a cab to my car and went home to sleep another 12 hours or so.  

I woke up the next morning and read the citation I had received, found out I could just surrender my bail to settle the fine or go to court if I so chose, and picked the path of least resistance and just forgot all about it.

Funny, the name of the bar was the "chapter eleven" and sure enough the bar did go broke. The owner being a very bad gambler having a LOT to do with it.

I am sure it won't surprise anybody that I have done a LOT of stupid things in my life, but this is enough sharing for one day.

1705218 10 Reviews 606 reads
15 / 51

Well GaG. While I usually agree with your contributions. I think your checkered past, present and future life activities have clouded your judgement on the definition  of boring or exciting life. Exciting. Without ever even seeing the inside of a jail, my life has had plenty thrilling and exciting events, starting with a mistake I made as a teenager when I told my mother to "Quit her Bitching" The fury of being attacked by a pissed off Parent wielding a bottle-brush is something I remember vividly. lol. That is nothing compared with my exciting life events.Almost being killed when a snag  nearly crushed me when working as a teenager in the woods as a chocker setter. While commercial salmon fishing from a 16 ft skiff  in a treacherous Oregon location; 4 years in the Korean War, 2 years in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania  with encounters with Elephants, lions, giant Puff Adder, Hippos, While camping in tents 16 our of the 24 months my wife, and 2 kids were in Africa. Scuba and Skin Diving in Calif, Mex. Midway, Japan (being chased out of a commercial pearl operation that were looking at out of curiosity., The Aleutian Islands during a research project when the Atomic Energy was preparing to set off an atomic bomb 2 miles under the Island of Amchitca.  Since I'm about to go to a Doc's appointment, I add just one more recent terrorizing event. While visiting my second provider, She led me into her play room by a circuitous route and I place the envelope in a prominent location but she didn't see it and after the playtime she led me out a different route. She yealled at me, Where the hell is my money. That was very exciting but no jail time LOL

riorunner 453 reads
16 / 51

Hey Coop;
   Setting chokers in a logging camp is some dangerous shit!! Working with heavy, unstable weights sitting on a sometimes very steep slope, ugh. Know more than one seriously hurt doing that job!

GaGambler 720 reads
17 / 51

BTW I too "worked in the woods" as a teenager, bucking logs in Northern Cailfornia, and I too have narrowly escaped being crushed by a snag. Small world isn't it?

It's almost embarrassing to admit, but to many of our "peers" the most exciting thing they have ever done in their lives is to fuck a hooker.

pleaseme 23 Reviews 536 reads
18 / 51

a duck walk across the jail cell and a cavity search??? I pay extra for those

cocktail-party 518 reads
19 / 51

I don't see what pride there is in getting busted. I can think of ~10 instances where I could've/should've gone to jail (mostly youthful indiscretions: vandalism, theft, drugs, insobriety), but where I either managed to out run the guy who did get busted or to talk my way out of it (tip: a little blow can help you focus during a sobriety test).

GaGambler 548 reads
20 / 51

virtually everybody I grew up with was no stranger to lock up. It kind of came with the territory, and I guess a good reason that I don't have any "life long" friends. I have friends I have known for decades, but none from my childhood. I assume most of them are dead, in prison, or even worse MARRIED. lol

1705218 10 Reviews 407 reads
21 / 51

Yep , small world indeed. bytw what prompted you to come up with the "Ga" in your handle?

VOO-doo 598 reads
22 / 51

I guess my class must've been a bad one. We took a class trip to the local jail. I guess the purpose was to instill some fear of the law into future local delinquents of XXX Township.  

The police officer crammed our entire class into a cell, and shut the door behind us.  

Other than that, I was once served a warrant for not paying a traffic ticket. I was in college. I had no $$ to pay it, and it was TOTALLY a speed trap, anyway. Same town, by the way.

GaGambler 549 reads
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and while I no longer live there, I still consider ATL my home board

I was born and raised in the SF Bay Area however, which might explain my liberal leanings where it comes to social issues like abortion rights, prostitution laws and the War on Drugs, while I am a definite conservative where it comes to fiscal matters.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 437 reads
24 / 51

Yeah, but morning sex in jail ain't quite the same

Posted By: pleaseme
a duck walk across the jail cell and a cavity search??? I pay extra for those

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 507 reads
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rainrainrain 29 Reviews 467 reads
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YoMaMaDo 511 reads
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mrfisher 108 Reviews 536 reads
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Whose dad had him locked as a young child so he'd turn out right.  

The good news is that he went on to become the best film director of all time.  
The bad news is that he never got an Oscar for best director.  

He did, however, get in the last best word when presented with a Lifetime Achievement Oscar:

"Thank you

mrfisher 108 Reviews 406 reads
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mrfisher 108 Reviews 478 reads
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I may not have been a logger or wrestled a python, but just recently a flew on United Airlines in a non-extra leg room seat!

Top that anybody!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 553 reads
31 / 51

Look at me.

Despite my screw-ups, it's been almost 2 years since my last run in.  

(And waking up in strange basements is largely a thing of the past.)

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 614 reads
32 / 51

JK I didn't, but I did just watch jail gangbang last night. It's what I'm into lately.

So ...

No I have never been thrown in jail. Thank goodness, I wouldn't survive one second, and I'd probably be making all of the boys little blankets with party packs of candies and cigarettes. I would then become a priest or something in jail so everyone would be afraid to kick my ass. LOL

-- Modified on 9/23/2015 2:08:30 PM

zguy8 2 Reviews 482 reads
33 / 51

The hooker I saw last week ...

You wouldn't scoff at the excitement in my life.

1705218 10 Reviews 617 reads
34 / 51

I give up, such torture is inhuman,definitely a war crime lol

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 435 reads
35 / 51
Canitbe 551 reads
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Once many many years ago I was leaving my home to go to work, on the way I needed to stop at dunkin donuts for a cup of coffee after having been out to late the nite before .  I pull up in front, park my car and go in , I get my my coffee and head back to my car, with that I see someone doubling parking next to my car, I yell over I am leaving and they can have my spot. Well that gentleman proceeds to tell me he will be right out and just wait, I was a little hung over and basically told him to move his car I needed to go and probably a few choice words.  He comes walking towards me yelling, he never got his coffee yet and here we arguing about him needing to move lol. Well he proceeds to push me with with two hands , automatic reaction I punched him in the face knocked him on his ass and his shitty attitude and bloody nose . Now he is sitting there and goes to reach in his pocket I am thinking oh great he has a weapon , nope....off duty policeman.  Big man now calls the local precient  and I am arrested, I was held for about 15 hours and then released, no charges, turned out employee of dunkin donuts saw everything and told them he started everything.  Very funny now but not then.  Ironic how a dunkin donuts employee screwed a cop lol.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 583 reads
37 / 51

Since you brought it up. Tell us about you.


mrfisher 108 Reviews 590 reads
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Funds will see that I get plenty of physical therapy.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 422 reads
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1705218 10 Reviews 522 reads
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RR, I Hadanother close call when I first started in the logging job  as the Whistle Punk. I  relayed the signals  fr om the choker setters to the Donkey (big motorizesd engine) that the operator haulled in the logs to the landing which might be  a long way from the loggers attaching the cable to the logs.I was close to DC engine to untangle  a cable. I signaled for the engine operator to slack off the cable and he tighetend it and the cable caught me across my chest and flipped me about 5 feet in the air and I landed with my lower back on a stump, It didn't do much initial damage but many years later I had back surgery on that location.  

Posted By: riorunner
Hey Coop;  
    Setting chokers in a logging camp is some dangerous shit!! Working with heavy, unstable weights sitting on a sometimes very steep slope, ugh. Know more than one seriously hurt doing that job!  

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 534 reads
41 / 51

Only alter boys are afraid of priests ...

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
JK I didn't, but I did just watch jail gangbang last night. It's what I'm into lately.  
 So ...  
 No I have never been thrown in jail. Thank goodness, I wouldn't survive one second, and I'd probably be making all of the boys little blankets with party packs of candies and cigarettes. I would then become a priest or something in jail so everyone would be afraid to kick my ass. LOL

-- Modified on 9/23/2015 2:08:30 PM

hljockey 2 Reviews 513 reads
42 / 51

Went to jail in 1970 for protesting the War in Vietnam on the Ohio State University campus just a few days after I returned from the war myself. It was around the same time that the students were killed at Kent State if you are old enough to remember that.

Went there another time because of failing to pay a traffic ticket and then not having the money to pay when I went before a judge. Was supposed to spend 3 days in a workhouse but a friend came and bailed me out before I went there.
Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Since Alyssa Marie and others wait for my penetrating questions every day I have to come up with something new to ask you guys/girls. :)  
 So how many of you have been booked, cuffed, fingerprinted and thrown in jail at some time in your life. Simply getting arrested and cited does not count. You have to have been thrown in jail for at least a few hours. If you were a juvenile delinquent and tasted a jail cell that counts for purposes of this question.  
 Tell us about it.

russbbj 89 Reviews 585 reads
43 / 51

Hospital? What is it?

It's a big building with doors and windows, but that's not important right now

russbbj 89 Reviews 425 reads
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russbbj 89 Reviews 551 reads
45 / 51

With an ass like that, I may make more mistakes on purpose just to get you to correct me. Yummy.

bigguy30 535 reads
46 / 51

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Since Alyssa Marie and others wait for my penetrating questions every day I have to come up with something new to ask you guys/girls. :)  
 So how many of you have been booked, cuffed, fingerprinted and thrown in jail at some time in your life. Simply getting arrested and cited does not count. You have to have been thrown in jail for at least a few hours. If you were a juvenile delinquent and tasted a jail cell that counts for purposes of this question.  
 Tell us about it.

impposter 49 Reviews 571 reads
47 / 51

I grew up about this far from the local lockup.  I could see the comings and goings and that was quite a deterrent.  I did not want to be on the inside of that kind of place with those kinds of guys. Scary stuff.  

But if I knew GaG and you other guys were gonna be there, I'd have jacked a car or something and we could meet up at chow time!  

Maybe a little farther away than this:

-- Modified on 9/23/2015 9:38:20 PM

hey mikey 8 Reviews 430 reads
48 / 51


GaGambler 413 reads
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bigguy30 427 reads
51 / 51
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