TER General Board

Ladies, are we cheap?
FatSmartHappy 8196 reads

I was wondering what percentage of clients tip?  In my dozens and dozens of encounters, there has only been one occassion when I did not tip and the provider was simply horrible and unclean.  I could not finish the session.  I wonder if tipping is the norm or the exception.  Before I thought it was the norm but now I'm beginning to think it's the exception.

LARRYWALL3260 reads

I am only inclined to tip providers that have a great warm attitude, offer anal and CIM.  After all they already make better than 5 times an hour more than I.

Kimi_Lixx3963 reads

No, I don't think most men are cheap.
No, most gentlemen callers don't tip.
I don't think you tip your plumber, roofer, doctor, or most other service industry people.
Waitpersons receive a wage lower than minimum wage in most cases because they are considered to be working both for the restaurant and for the diner - thus the burden of payment for services falls to both the restaurant owner and the diners.
If a gentleman chooses to tip, I assume he feels he received service above that which he believed the fee covered, and I appreciate the compliment.

I mean. Its a straight deal, I am not a hostess at a restaurant trying to seat you at a table that will give you a better view of my tatted ass nor am I the guy waxing your sports car at the carwash. I am a hustler baby, and if you want to make me happy call me and come see me again and again. Yeah, it’s cool like that. Peace.

CelticLass2900 reads

the hotter you are...*sigh*

still coming to the wedding nekkid? *perk*

what up hoes3518 reads

I would probably tip someone who charges less (200-350/hour) as opposed to some one charges 400-500 because it's like their tip is already built in the price.  Just my 2 cents

I've come to the conclusion you're the coolest person on earth.


So down to earth and solid.  I love it.

with indies, there is no need to tip.  Really.     Tips are different ways of saying things.  An token for going way overtime, an apology for being a bit more testy or pushing the limit too much, Oh, I don't know.  Sometimes someone will tip just because they are so happy and want to do something extra nice and that's the boundary that expression allows.  Money is energy.  Pure and simple.  Tips are an expression. However, I never go beyond myself to get a tip. I feel that it's rough when people have to work for only tips.  I used to do it as a waitress and as a dancer, but now I couldn't handle it.

A clean and decent person who is polite and courteous and has some integrity is PLENTY tip for me.  It's a joy.

I have wondered about tipping too. And how much.. would the girl be insulted if its less than $50-$100? Your words put much in perspective Felicia.

So to speak.

I agree with you about the difference between seeing an agency girl as opposed to an Indy.

But for some, such as myself, tipping is a form of expression beyond just a way to say thank you, or I think you went above what you needed too.

I tip most of the times. It's not written in stone, but more times then not overall. It's as much about me as it is about the lady in my case. Tips do not always have to be monetary in nature. I have at times bought everything from gift certificates to wine to books to a die cast Harley model for a lady once. I've made CDs of music I thought a lady might like also. It takes on all forms (Sorry, never been able to bring myself to do the flower thing).

As self serving as it will sound, I do it equally for me as her, if not more. I enjoy being able to shop for a woman, but am not in a position at this time in life to do so, so it's a way for me keep in touch with part of myself and also hopefully give a girl something she will enjoy. If she likes it great, we both win. If she tosses it in the trash as soon as I'm out the door, that is her choice.

Sometimes the best tip you can give is the fact that you took some time out of your day to focus on what another person might actually like to get, as opposed to putting more in the envelope, although in most cases that would probably be the thing that goes the farthest.  

This is just the reasoning behind it for me. The tipping issue is one that will never be able to be settled. world peace has a better chance.

-- Modified on 3/23/2005 2:20:07 PM

It is the same for me in many respects. Some guys want to make sure that the ladies know we really appreciate their company. It isn't required to do so, and that is what makes the gesture genuine...and I hope...happily accepted.

Good to see you're still around Soj. You back to stay for a bit or just passin' thru?

-- Modified on 3/23/2005 4:54:06 PM

Good to see you too! I'll definitely be around more on the board...hopefully hobbying more too! lol

-- Modified on 3/23/2005 6:21:39 PM

So I suppose that tipping is another form of a gift, which is what I would consider a bottle of wine, cds, flowers and so forth.  But yes, it is self expression.  I commented all about that on another thread...where one of the fine ladies on this board actually expressed her disdain at tipping and gifts. (Not me, because I do know it involves thoughtfulness and extra time!)

I have also seen it though where a man will take all that out of the original donation...Not you, sweetheart...I know you wouldn't.

I don't see why a reason a provider shouls be tipped. Tipping is generally used to enhance service in situations where you cannot choose the service provider. For example, you cannot choose your server in a restaurant; therefore, the tip is a way to motivate the server to provide better service. Remember that that restaurant owner considers this part of the server's salary. The owner does not pay them much in way of hourly wages.

In case of a provider, you choose the provider you want. The service motivation of the provider is to get repeat business and not to get a bad review on a site like TER. Plus, their hourly wages are quite high compared to other professions. If a providers sees two clients a day, she will be in the upper middle class categorie making more money than most Americans.

Private Companion3177 reads

Firstly, it's standard practice.  Secondly, they have scissors in their hands!!!  And providers hold much more precious parts, and are infinitely more discreet than the ever-gossipping hairdressers....

A simple gift, as small as a single flower or a note would be lovely and would heighten the start...

loarthan_nh2817 reads

Providers are, for lack of a better term, professionals.

Commonly, no one tips a professional.

Addtionally, most of these women own their own business as providers.

Commonly, no one tips the owner.

At best, a provider that works for an agency might be considered for a tip in much the same way as a server in a restaurant.

Just my opinion and I could be wrong.

BTW: I have only tipped one provider in my life and when I did, she decided to stay for the either evening (not my intent, but a great ourcome) and serviced me until the dawn.

GaGambler3576 reads

You might have answered your own question.

SirPrize6781 reads

Only done it in a few very special cases. These ladies are not waitresses working for minimum and relying on tips. They are professionals charging professional fees, same as my lawyer. I'm getting fvcked by both for about the same hourly rate.

We covered this last year, and wow, did I get a hammering for saying......

Tipping is demeaning.  You shouldn't tip me for the same reason you don't tip lawyers. I am fucking you, not parking your car.

Most guys don't tip.  It's in the interests of some unscrupulous providers to perpetuate the myth that tipping is the norm.

The size of tips in any situation has more to do with the tipper's perception of what others tip rather than the actual service level.

Bottom line, when you pay a fee, you should expect the level of service commensurate with the fee.  If a provider will only give 100% service in expectation of a tip then she should just cut the bullshit and up her rates.

Now, don't get me started on those idiotic 'wish lists' with their simpering pleas for Victoria's Secret Gift Certificates, Sephora candles and other hooker chic ephemera.

And it's a fee, not a bloody 'donation'.  If I wanted donations, I'd dress up in a koala suit and go and rattle a bucket on the sidewalk for Greenpeace.

-- Modified on 3/23/2005 3:50:34 PM

Right on baby!  Will you marry me...lol?

followup business.  Seems like there are some deeper issues and meanings around here and I don't need to psychoanalyze or impute motives should someone wish to express or not express his feelings that way.  I simply liken his expression of a gift or a tip to saying thank you for a compliment and leaving it at that.  I  don't expect tips, or gifts, neither do I spam clients for appts, or push or nag someone for reviews.



-- Modified on 3/24/2005 8:55:44 AM

MainlineGuy4058 reads

Goddamn! Emma, if I ever have the pleasure of meeting you I honestly think I won't know whether to bed you or just crack a bottle of good wine and talk to you for a couple of hours.

Suzanne in San Diego3067 reads

I never expect a tip ... as already mentioned in this thread, the donation alone is stretch for a lot of guys and I appreciate each one of you wonderful gentlemen who chooses to visits me. If you had a great time with me, just cum back and visit me again and again, please! (I offer special rates to returning/regular clients  2 -3 times during the year to encourage return visits ... my way of thanking you guys for cuming back.)  But I am always particularly touched by the thoughtfulness and kindness of the gentlemen who choose to offer a tip/gift ... happens about 25% of the time, $, gifts of flowers, wine, lingerie, perfume, fresh homegrown fruit/vegs/flowers, a manicure and pedicure, and even a leg of lamb large enough to feed 15 people once!  You guys are just amazing!

'Wish Lists'
I’ve heard different opinions about escorts including a ‘Wish List’, on their websites.  Some guys say it makes them feel as though the escort is asking/expecting a tip or gift, while others say it’s helpful when deciding what the lady might prefer.  I tend to agree with the former opinion, but that’s just my opinion!  Any thoughts about this, anyone?

Suzanne in San Diego

I agree with you Suzanne.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-gifts.  I wouldn't dream of visiting someone for dinner without bringing wine, flowers, chocs or whatever and in the context of most of my escorting interactions it's not out of place.  In the corporate world and in the 'real' professions, particularly medicine, gifts of flowers, wine etc are commonplace.

But like you, I think the Wish List on the website just seems like a tacky grab for more, more, more.  I'd be really interested to know where and when the practice started and whether it delivers the intended result for the women.

What I find truly fascinating is the sub-text in many of the sites that incorporate these lists.  The infantile tone of many of these requests for gifts from 'daddy' is startling, and more so when juxtaposed with the hypersexualised imagery that accompanies them.  I wonder if the subconscious intent of these lists is to neutralise the intimidating, predatory aspects of the providers exaggerated female sexuality?

My perspective5274 reads

and more so when juxtaposed with the hypersexualised imagery that accompanies them.  I wonder if the subconscious intent of these lists is to neutralise the intimidating, predatory aspects of the providers exaggerated female sexuality?"

Please expand on this, Emma.  This is very interesting stuff.

It's hard to demonstrate without directing you to specific sites and I'm obviously not going to do that.  It doesn't take much research to find a plethora of sites with wish lists.  Compare the content and the tone of the lists with the overt message of the site. It's very interesting.

Marvelous deconstruction of the gift page within the context of of the escort web site. What about the terms: rates vs donations or even sometimes "gifts" ? Next, we will have provider listings at retail websites and department stores or even on Amazon !
For the most part the gift is understood and approached either as a mode of economy or a form of exchange. We all understand  what the form of exchange is but the idea of the gift attempts to mitigate and/or deny the actual exchange. Irony-- Gifts do function as a syatem of social relations. Is the gift giving act in this exchange an attempt to change the basic nature of the relationship ?

Thought Seeker4670 reads

When going to a Japanese company to discuss business relations, it is anticipated and expected to bring a gift, in addition to a "courtship" of sorts!  Maybe these particular providers studied at a school of international business with a specialty in oriental culture and its influence on the business world....?  eh?

It tells me something more about her, and if I haven't met her, whether her personality and mine would mesh. It's always good to know what I could buy for her if I'm so inclined.  Sometimes, I have to admit, the things she asks for can be a turn on in themselves.

Yet, it can feel manipulative, especially with the sexual content of the rest of the site.  I do wish sometimes that it can be posted separately from the rest of it, so that clients who know her better can find it once told about the "hidden" page.      

The biggest tip of all is to schedule another session.  Yes, I have brought gifts in the past--sometimes flowers, almost always candles, sometimes chocolates, etc.

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