TER General Board

Jacksons, Grants or Franklins?
OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 992 reads

Most ATMs dispense Andrew Jacksons. That is often OK, but there have been times when the white envelope was bulging... Before something else :-)

On a couple of occasions, I have used higher currency without problems.

Was curious on what people thought. Remember seeing a thread a while back on fake $100s being circulated.

Gals should always be on the lookout for phony money and know how to spot it.

There are on line tutorials on how to do this.  A small ultra violet light could come in handy

GaGambler301 reads

I just use whatever I grab from the bank, my bookie (whenever I collect) or the ATM. As long as I don't show up with a wheelbarrow full of rolled up coins, I think I am on pretty safe ground.

I will agree that carrying around a grand or more in twenties can be a bit much, but I can't remember the last time I needed anywhere near that much to pay to a provider.

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 2:01:03 PM

-- Modified on 2/14/2016 9:48:24 AM

i try to avoid $20's & $10's; too many bills in the envelope

Minimal # of bills.  A simple scan rather than taking time to count

...one provider who said: "Fifties are easier to spend than hundreds."  After I stopped laughing, she said that she meant fifties were easier to break in the stores in which she shopped.  I replied: "Fifties are easier to spend, but hundreds are easier to save."

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Most ATMs dispense Andrew Jacksons. That is often OK, but there have been times when the white envelope was bulging... Before something else :-)  
 On a couple of occasions, I have used higher currency without problems.  
 Was curious on what people thought. Remember seeing a thread a while back on fake $100s being circulated.
-- Modified on 2/13/2016 11:28:34 AM

JustMyPOV263 reads

...large bills, $100 or $50. For an escort, twenties  are like dollar bills to a stripper. Who wants to deal with a fistful of bills at the end of the day?

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Most ATMs dispense Andrew Jacksons. That is often OK, but there have been times when the white envelope was bulging... Before something else :-)  
 On a couple of occasions, I have used higher currency without problems.  
 Was curious on what people thought. Remember seeing a thread a while back on fake $100s being circulated.

six of the seven responses have been from men.  I'd more like to hear from the recipients of the bills than the givers

I don't think it should matter. As long as it all adds up to the final number any of these denominations should be welcome.    I usually end up with a mix and I've never gotten it thrown back at me, and I'm always welcomed back.  And I generally pay more than $1k.  It's a lot of cash to hand to someone; I'd just be glad someone is willing to pay it regardless of the denominations.

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 3:06:27 PM

Rolled coins but coins nevertheless.  Cash in any paper form is perfectly fine.  Please no coins

Personally I prefer carrying less bills so I use Franklins and Grants. However it depends what I have available. If it's a last minute thing and I have no large bills, then smaller bills it is. In 30 plus years I have never had a provider complain about (or even mention) the denomination of the bills I have given her. By the way, there are ATMs that dispense fifties and hundreds if you know where to look.  

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Most ATMs dispense Andrew Jacksons. That is often OK, but there have been times when the white envelope was bulging... Before something else :-)  
 On a couple of occasions, I have used higher currency without problems.  
 Was curious on what people thought. Remember seeing a thread a while back on fake $100s being circulated.

Just get the total right.

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Most ATMs dispense Andrew Jacksons. That is often OK, but there have been times when the white envelope was bulging... Before something else :-)  
 On a couple of occasions, I have used higher currency without problems.  
 Was curious on what people thought. Remember seeing a thread a while back on fake $100s being circulated.

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