TER General Board

I've never given a 10 review score
MiamiBoy1946 11 Reviews 1997 reads
1 / 36

I've noticed that some providers have ratings on their looks ranging from a low of 6 to a high of 10. How is it possible that one man's 10 is another man's 6? After all, the guys who rated her a 6 had the opportunity beforehand to see her pictures and decide if she appealed to them. I'm referring to current reviews, not older ones in which the provider might have been closer in age to the pics she posted.

I had a very nice session with a provider who consistently got 10s for looks but the best I could give her was a 9, and a weak 9 at that. One of her admirers actually PM'd me demanding that I revise my rating because to him she was the ideal, most perfect woman ever!  

The only rating I can rely on is performance, since those only vary depending on the chemistry between provider and client. Even then, someone who gives a provider a 9 or 10 despite the fact that she wouldn't DFK or BBBJ just doesn't make any sense to me and makes me wonder how low their expectations were.

I guess the only reliable rating is YMMV

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 614 reads
2 / 36

I struggled with these issues initially to the point I was pissed off a couple of times.   It is absolutely possible for one man's 10 to be another man's 6.    I asked essentially the same issue you have and it is this:   if the photos are "accurate" and in their review they rate the lady a 6 or a 7, why in the world would he have scheduled her?    There are a couple of good explanations.  First, may be chemistry was more important to them.  Second, perhaps the fee was right, not every guy aims to see a 10 every single time.   I don't aim for a 10 in looks, chemistry is really important to me most of the time.  Then again, I would never try to schedule what I thought was a 6 or a 7 either but we all do this slightly different.

To me, what is most important is what is actually said in the reviews by multiple reviewers who each have several reviews.    I think that learning to use the review system takes a bit of trial and error.   After a few early outright missteps and some so-so experiences, I am now on a great run in which every appointment has been very fulfilling, and to be honest, this has included some ladies who had a few really bad scores which I either asked about or simply disregarded as outliers

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 519 reads
4 / 36

Some men like petite women, other men think petite women are too skinny.  Some men like blondes and some men like redheads.  Some men compare the provider they are seeing to the average woman while some men compare her to a celebrity.  More often then not a provider will manipulate her reviews and then get upset over a 7 in appearance.  I never understood this as a 7 is suppose to be attractive and she's mad that she got an attractive rating as opposed to a "one in a life time"?  Anyways reviews are fairly subjective...I've heard from some hobbyists that they read the lowest rated reviews and then go from there.  I think if a provider has enough reviews you can easily figure out the good and the bad things about her appearance.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 653 reads
5 / 36

I would rate a ten ten.

at first glance maybe a 5/5.

the ladies attitude can change the ratings. say the lady is hot in pics but she gets awkward during an appt for some reason that day.

different things can go into how one is percieved by another such as thier atitude. Their general vibe they are giving off.  

         you know how many times i have this outstanding time with a guy i wouldnt look twice at if he walked by me?

then he is like a ten to me.  

like wise a super hot babe that is turned off by a certain atitude from the client, or maybe even a certain feature or a certain way he is performing .

so many variables.

I have gotten maybe 5 or 6 ten scores. never really any ten/tens.               rarely. in my 4 or is it 5 years of reviews here.

got one or two 9/10 scores.

                       for me it was usually the guy being kind. or felt bad or just wanted to make my day i guess. I just had some one give me a ten ten, and i thought it was kind hearted and sweet. But i mean lets be serious. I am 178 lbs right now i am not a ten in this shape.  

But it was nice of him to do i suppose. I highly doubt he really thinks i look like a ten , more like a beached whale right now.



          Alot of guys like the lady you speak of with all ten ten. and you gave her the only 9 ever.

alot of guys are just by nature , overly kind to women, and overly compliment them. it is a certain type of man. They just want to see women smile.  

So you have to realize sometimes these guys are just the types that want to make women happy and they are kind.

   I can attest the scores are not always accurate and alot of guys sometimes they may give us a nice review to make nus feel better. or to be kind.

                  Then some are very serious about it, they take the whole thing very serious and its like a eal interview of sorts where your really being sized up and compared and scored and they just are takin it all way to serious. .......


I have seen some ladies in national top 100 recieve 9's and i also get angry.

                                    I look at them and go, now who the fuck is considering her not aonce in a life time?

               I cant get over it really, some the girls in national top 20. They have all ten ten, they have a barbie face and body with perfect boob job . ect ect.

then they get 9's. i am like how is this chic not a ten to you? if that chic is not a ten then god help us what is?

some guys are just critical. We are pieces of fruit in the grocery store to be poked and prodded and decided on wether or not we should and are worth the purchase.

the worst was on easter a fat ugly korean guy came here and did an l.e. check as he caled it. Even though I am clearly not le! which showed what an imbeccile he is!

then he got all squirelly and claimed he left a CAMERA IN UNLOCKED CAR HAD TO GO.

 and he left quarters on the desk as my tip for me. I said hey you should leave at least 50 bucks, for my time and hassle and wastin my time. seeing me nakes, feelin my tits.

he goes no you can have those quarters!  

I never felt more like a piece of fruit on a shelf at agrocery store before than that day, it was very weird. he ran in , squeezed my boobs, lokked at me, then made a bee line for door, he made his decision i was worth quarters to him and then left.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 455 reads
6 / 36

Reading the reviews, both the general and juicy details gives me a much better idea of what to expect. And as far as another reviewer pm'ing you,  complaining about your score, welcome to the world of white knights. It's happened to me as well, I simply ignore pm's like that.  

Posted By: MiamiBoy1946
I've noticed that some providers have ratings on their looks ranging from a low of 6 to a high of 10. How is it possible that one man's 10 is another man's 6? After all, the guys who rated her a 6 had the opportunity beforehand to see her pictures and decide if she appealed to them. I'm referring to current reviews, not older ones in which the provider might have been closer in age to the pics she posted.  
 I had a very nice session with a provider who consistently got 10s for looks but the best I could give her was a 9, and a weak 9 at that. One of her admirers actually PM'd me demanding that I revise my rating because to him she was the ideal, most perfect woman ever!  
 The only rating I can rely on is performance, since those only vary depending on the chemistry between provider and client. Even then, someone who gives a provider a 9 or 10 despite the fact that she wouldn't DFK or BBBJ just doesn't make any sense to me and makes me wonder how low their expectations were.  
 I guess the only reliable rating is YMMV.  

cocktail-party 573 reads
7 / 36

This includes looking at the aggregate and reading not only her reviews, but the other reviews of her reviewers to help get a sense of which reviewers are hard/easy/(un)reliable, along with PMing reviewers for comments they may not have been willing to put in their reviews. You do have to approach reviews with some level of suspicion - there are plenty of shill and manipulated reviews to sort through.

While appearance and performance are distinct categories, many reviewers score them in conjunction with each other. They'll dock her appearance score if they had a bad time, and they'll raise her appearance score if her performance is off the charts. It's about perception - real (or imagined) chemistry will make someone appear more attractive than at first glance. Chemistry is what is truly YMMV.

Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 678 reads
8 / 36

It seems like the guys who have a lot of reviews who have numbers all over the place that are pretty consistent with the ladies averages should be fairly reliable.  Reviewer's who have all nines and tens and maybe aren't so reliable.

A client once told me he throws out the highest and the lowest reviews and looks and all the middle ones.  The highest could be artificially inflated and the lowest could be written by a jerk.

When I have gained weight or quit exercising for a while over the past several years that I've been doing this my review averages have gone down.  So I do believe that they mostly reflect the truth.

I have become a firm believer in chemistry since I've been doing this work. There's nothing wrong with me and there's nothing wrong with him but sometimes it really works and sometimes it doesn't.

I will close with another quote from a client that I thought was really cute. He said, "Hobbying is like pizza. When it's good, it's excellent. When it's not good, it's still pretty good!

GhostWriteroftheDamned 732 reads
9 / 36

"Appearance" scores are completely subjective and open to every influence from being innocently smitten to culpable venality .  
IMO if more than 15% of a provider's total number of reviews are 10-10 I start thinking "venal".  

 "Herding" is also common. Many reviewers don't like to convey they received less service than the prior reviewer(s); hence the male ego influences the "Performance" score given.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 599 reads
10 / 36

I only give out 9s and 10s, including yours, but that is only because I am a complete puss and I don't have the guts to score when I have not had a great time.   It is really simple, in my 9 months around here, I have already seen guys get taken out to the woodshed by the provider and even other guys for scores that were not even that bad.   Sorry, but I don't want any part of that drama.    I will alert my fellow sport fans about something really awry but I am not going to stick my neck out giving somebody a score that is a couple of notches below what others have given.

The funny thing is that I just received a review rejection for a 10 because the TER profile does not say that she will do multiple guys, gals or anal.  I am confirming with her, but it may end up being a 9.    I say it is funny because even if it ends up being a 9, the reality is that  I just don't see many 10s coming from me in the future, but I will have fun trying!

Tylor See my TER Reviews 393 reads
11 / 36

I noticed my ratings tend to relate to the chemistry we have. I know in civvy life someone will be more physically attractive once I click with them.  
There have been a couple people I just did not mesh with and I got 6's and 7's in both categories from them. The people I feel a connection with usually leave 9's and 10s
I do have one person who left me 6/7 yet every time he's in town he calls, even twice in one day once. We click decetly well and have a great time. I don't understand how I could be a 6 and he keeps calling.  
Its all in the eye of the beholder and all depends on what perspective you have.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 456 reads
12 / 36

You certainly have a point. Looks are so subjective that 10s don't mean a lot, unless the provider has several of them. I've seen some 10/10 reviews that I knew were total bullshit. A provider who has been pulling 8s and 9s suddenly gets a 10/10 it's probably because the reviewer thinks they are going to get something for it from the provider. I agree. The "ratings" are a joke. I want to know if she was on time, clean and performed. The rest is all YMMV as far as I'm concerned. I've never had a 10 session yet. Once in a lifetime means just that. How some TERHOLES give them out like candy baffles me.  

Posted By: MiamiBoy1946
I've noticed that some providers have ratings on their looks ranging from a low of 6 to a high of 10. How is it possible that one man's 10 is another man's 6? After all, the guys who rated her a 6 had the opportunity beforehand to see her pictures and decide if she appealed to them. I'm referring to current reviews, not older ones in which the provider might have been closer in age to the pics she posted.  
 I had a very nice session with a provider who consistently got 10s for looks but the best I could give her was a 9, and a weak 9 at that. One of her admirers actually PM'd me demanding that I revise my rating because to him she was the ideal, most perfect woman ever!  
 The only rating I can rely on is performance, since those only vary depending on the chemistry between provider and client. Even then, someone who gives a provider a 9 or 10 despite the fact that she wouldn't DFK or BBBJ just doesn't make any sense to me and makes me wonder how low their expectations were.  
 I guess the only reliable rating is YMMV.  

stickit55 29 Reviews 431 reads
13 / 36

Could it be a client will research highly rated providers to reduce the odds of not having a good time. I know if I am seeing lady's with 6-7 scores there is a real good chance I will pass on the possibility of not having a good time. This could lead to some hobbyists having mostly high scores?

WymenLover 36 Reviews 334 reads
14 / 36

Posted By: Tylor
I know in civvy life someone will be more physically attractive once I click with them.
A middle-aged female posted on another site that when a guy is nice to a woman her brain does a "photoshop" thing and he becomes more attractive to her.

Seems that is analogous to another adage that has always received a knowing laugh from women:

"No rich guy is ugly.

lordchesterfield 2 Reviews 512 reads
15 / 36

It works the other way too....I saw a gal I thought was the most beautiful gal I've ever seen until she opened her mouth. Maybe we need what they have in hospitals for the patient to say how much pain they are in, ten smiley faces, except pictures of ten gals. YMMV is the word of the day.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 512 reads
16 / 36

Now if we can just get the ladies to stop using old pics ...

Posted By: lordchesterfield
It works the other way too....I saw a gal I thought was the most beautiful gal I've ever seen until she opened her mouth. Maybe we need what they have in hospitals for the patient to say how much pain they are in, ten smiley faces, except pictures of ten gals. YMMV is the word of the day.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 572 reads
17 / 36

That point is not the one I agreed with. "Subjective" should have made that clear ...

Posted By: SweetMelissa
sat around with your boys beer or no beer. rating the girls in the bar. 1 buddy says he is smoking hot and the other says she is far from attractive? why in the world would you ever think that beauty and CHEMISTRY is not in the eye of the beholder.............  
 Have you ever meet a lady who was eh. kind of attractive until you got to know her and then she became a lot more attractive.......??  
 YMMV ALWAYS!!  your idea of attraction may be different then others and our chemistry may or may not work.. DUH!! I am surprised that this would not be obvious even to the average less then intelligent person.........................

hammerhead896 46 Reviews 585 reads
18 / 36

I may not have seen some of the most beautiful and talented girls in the world who yes I also gave 10 scores. I have said before that it is your score to give and the girls score to get but 10s in my mind do exist and I really appreciate the reviewers who helped me make a great choice to see the same girl.

 Yes I have seen some very highly reviewed girls who way underperformed their previous reviews but for the most part they have been but a few and you know this is kind of a numbers game and the odds are if you see enough girls your bound to catch some on a bad or off day.

MyphonyTERalias 522 reads
19 / 36

This topic has been done to death over the approximately 15 years I've been on TER but it's still interesting. In my experience, there are a couple of major problems with the rating system. The first is score manipulation. I've seen it happen lots of different ways. The most common in my experience has been providers who promise things to hobbyists (discounts, extra time, special services) in exchange for high reviews. I've seen it the other way too, where well-regarded hobbyists promise high reviews in exchange for extras from providers. However it happens, score manipulation creates confusion and uncertainty about what a provider is actually like, both in terms of performance and appearance.

The other issue is reviewer unreliability, exemplified by Pangloss's comment. He admits that he gives artificially inflated scores because he "is a complete puss" (his words) and because he doesn't want to get into trouble with providers and hobbyists. If other hobbyists then rely on Pangloss's 9s and 10s, they may very well end up disappointed when providers turn out to be 6s and 7s. But I understand why Pangloss does what he does. Sometimes it's better to get along and go along than it is to make waves. Of course, it's possible to spot the Panglosses of the TER world by checking their review history. I'm always dubious of any reviewer who has never seen a provider who rated less than a 9.

Ultimately, I don't worry too much about reviews. I check the ratings averages, get a sense of what the provider may or may not do, try to figure out how accurate the pictures are, and then take my chances. That approach has served me quite well over the years, much better than relying on performance and appearance ratings.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 446 reads
20 / 36

Hey Miamiboy,
   Sometimes some clients give the rating because they believe that the more they do give great ratings then just maybe the provider will give him/her(The Client) a leave way with the price or with what he/she(The Client) wants.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 488 reads
21 / 36

Speak of the devil, what are you doing here?   Just laughing, it never occurred to me that you would come visit, I thought I was just sharing with hundreds of other friends.  I take it back, it was an awful time!  Ha, ha!

You are right, if I have an awesome experience, why should the fact that the lady does not do X factor into the score if I don't give a hoot as to whether she does X or not.

WICardinalfan 352 reads
22 / 36

Beauty is a the total package of physical looks, attitude, intelligence, capriciousness, and chemistry.

I have been blessed to have visited a great variety of women in the hobby.  I like all kind of women, tall, hard bodies, not so hard bodies, small boobs, big boobs, large nipples, small nipples, etc, etc.

Each CAN be beautiful in her own way.  I say CAN for a very good reason.  I was with a Latino provider in Dallas a few years ago.  Smoking hot body...but I felt like a number passing through.  Plus she made a comment about how my penis shrunk in size after I had an orgasm.  NOT COOL! ( I am a one and done guy, older, and turtle likes to go back in the shell after playtime).  

Not to take anything away from anyone I have seen, but to me the most beautiful provider I have been with to date is Freya Fantasia.  Why?????  

Well besides being physically attractive, Freya did something that made me feel 20 years young. I use a cock ring which, combined with a condom, makes it a challenge to cum while fucking.  We were going at it for a good while, MISH, Doggie, and  during CG, I commented that I was not going to cum  and would like to finish CIM.*  Rather than jump off my prick to finish me off with her mouth, Freya kept riding me both in CG, Reverse CG, and Asian.  She was humping me for the fun of it, and even if she was faking, it made me feel SOOO good. Yeah, I know some may consider this performance, but I don't.  I call it inner beauty.  

So to me beauty is a combination of things as I have listed in my opening.  

My two cents.  

* P.S. We did finish CIM and it was fantastic.

waynenotwayne 356 reads
23 / 36

As you caught on, different people different preferences. (For instance, I have a preference for a certain type of face, legs and butt. Others put preference importance on breasts.)

I use the ratings as a general guideline. I tend to do more research than a buddy of mine does and for the most part (not always!), I get good sessions from my providers because I matched up with I like and what they do.

If I encounter a reviewer who seems to like the certain things I like, I start to look for their reviews on a particular provider I am thinking of seeing. (And even that is not 100%.)

I do a few other things but you get the idea. It is worth the work, in my opinion, to get a great session.

(Don't get me wrong, sometimes I don't do any research because the need is so intense that I just want it yesterday -- those are 50/50.

joecarter 549 reads
24 / 36

I just saw a nationally top ranked provider with nearly all 10/10 ratings.  While very nice, very few should have given her a 10 for looks.  She was in her mid-late forties and quite lovely but I would give her a 8.  She may have been closer to a 9 in her prime.  Performance wise, while wonderful, she was no nicer than many ladies I have given a 8 or 9 to.  I paid top dollar as well.  I won't see her again as I have many other superior options at a much lower price-point.

She admitted to discouraging those who would not give her top marks and did that with me.  

I also recently saw a lady who was very highly rated (9/9 ish) in my area who didn't compare favorably to other providers that I have seen with much lower scores.  Many ladies are, understandably, becoming skilled at gaming the system.

I am much more careful these days and am sticking with a few favorites and ladies they recommend.  Also, unless a lady has a 9 or near it, it really isn't worth it for me given the apparent grade-inflation going-on.

The YMMV for looks is nonsense (attitude/connection/performance is a different matter), most men agree on what is or is not really hot.  Marketing materials also has a lot to do with it.  The ladies I spoke of had really well-written and professional web-site and ads.

It is a damn shame.

-- Modified on 5/19/2015 6:10:34 PM

Tylor See my TER Reviews 367 reads
25 / 36

Its just a number! It baffels me that girls will go to such lengths to get a better score or that guys will use it as leverage!
I've done my best to represent myself, both in looks and personality on my website and in my ads. I would hope that people take the time to read it and figure out if we are a good fit. The scores and reviews should only back up if what I'm representing is accurate. You get the same experience w me regardless of how you rate me.
No one thig should hold so much weight that people can use it to their advantage.  

Posted By: MyphonyTERalias
The first is score manipulation. I've seen it happen lots of different ways. The most common in my experience has been providers who promise things to hobbyists (discounts, extra time, special services) in exchange for high reviews. I've seen it the other way too, where well-regarded hobbyists promise high reviews in exchange for extras from providers. However it happens, score manipulation creates confusion and uncertainty about what a provider is actually like, both in terms of performance and appearance.  

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 503 reads
26 / 36

And I mean that with all due respect and sincerity! You're never going to be able to control it. As many have pointed out, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and YES, some men may do it for alterior motives! As some providers may do things to influence jacked up reviews. Goes both ways. Again, never going to be able to control it. You will have a better chance of bringing World Peace!

Be willing to find out for yourself or get out of the game!!! Btw. Reviews as a whole are better than one or two of course but even that's not fail proof. If youre a guy who prefers regulars, this probably won't be an issue. If you're a guy that loves to explore, then be prepared to be disappointed at times!!! Part of the game. Reviews really cannot stop it. It's just the way it is. Tired of some crying about it. Not you but def some. Like damn mofos, get there faster would ya. LOL. Smdh.

And wooooo on the PM. See, there needs to be a feature on TER where you could smack someone from your device with shit like that. I hope you didn't respond to his foolish ass!!! Lord mercy. Men have the right at the end of the day to write and "rate" what and how they fucking want to. I'm sorry but it is extremely comical how some just can't get pass the dynamics of it all. Seriously, if a big part of you is not willing to let go of your donation at times for the sake of R&D, then I don't know how you intellectually remain in this hobby if you like to explore.

And yes, some mans 6 or 7 can be truly another man's 9 or 10! It's OK!

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 297 reads
27 / 36

Disillusioned with rating?  

Everyone knows that the ratings are inflated crap so, act accordingly.

xyz23 45 Reviews 329 reads
28 / 36

Guys like what they like. Some guys really like BBW's and give them 10's. You may wonder why? Some want only spinners. You may say they are too skinny. It's what you like that matters. So give the appearance rating you want to give. When reading reviews and checking scores in researching who you want to see depend on the details not the scores. Don't be that guy that wants others to tell him what's good. You look at her photos. You make the decision. Face is blurred or photo is without a head? Do what you can to find out. Now that's what you do about appearance.

One thing I have begun to do is attend Meet & Greets. Then I can see and talk to the lady. This along with the review details pretty much answers the questions.  

Regarding performance it appears you agree with TER that a lady can't perform at the 10 level unless she does certain things. Well, that's not performance that's services. They aren't the same. Why can't the FS she gave you be a 10 even though she did a covered BJ first. Why does she have to do anal for a 10 performance. ( Doesn't have to be anal. Could be any of the five "extra" services required to qualify for a 10.) If it's truly performance then it's how well she did what she did. End of discussion.  

Yes, I know the TER guidelines and I follow them but I think you get my point.

I believe I answered your question about appearance in my first paragraph. Considering the performance the only way to judge in regards to whether you want to see her and it goes well is to read the details. Hmmm I said that already when I answered about appearance.  

Oh, that's right. You have to read the reviews details in order to make an informed decision regardless of what you're trying to determine.

Therefore don't be disillusioned with ratings. Don't rely on them. Read the details. (and as another poster said check out the reviewers review history so you can know where he is coming from.)


I'm not holding my breath until TER decides that a provider doesn't need to offer "extra" services to qualify for a Performance rating higher than 7. But I can hope can't I.

Oh, just to be clear I won't see a lady that doesn't offer at least LFK, BBBJ, and covered FS. But those are the minimum services I want in my sessions. It's not related to whether I think certain services should be offered to get a "Performance" rating of 10.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 329 reads
29 / 36

the juicy details in the reviews and make your decisions based on what you have read.

justintime2985 2 Reviews 429 reads
30 / 36

In my opinion appearance standards have both objective and subjective components.  Suppose you find a girl you consider to be a 10.  A different guy may rate her a 7 or an 8, but it's unlikely that he would rate her any less than a 7 if he gave his honest opinion.  While everyone has their own preferences, there are still certain looks and traits most people find attractive.

I do think the appearance ratings on here are generally higher than I personally rate girls in everyday life.  Girls with an average rating of less than 9, I figure I can deduct a point or 2 and get my real number.  Girls between 9 and 10 on TER usually fall anywhere between 8 and 10 on my real scale.

Having said that, I would adjust my rating to fall more in line with TER If I choose to write a review.  I would do this because I figure if other girls are getting slightly inflated scores, then they also deserve slightly inflated scores.

I am a lot pickier on appearance in the hobby than in relationships.  In the hobby I want as close to a 10 as I can get.  In civie life physical appearances are less important and I tend to focus on other qualities.  For example, I may be willing to date girl I consider to be a 6 or 7 but would never see an escort I consider to be a 6 or 7.

ucguass 18 Reviews 485 reads
31 / 36

i. e if a provider is rated 10...expect to see an 8. Keep in mind that when a provider gives really great service guys are more inclined to rate her higher in the looks department. I'm personally guilty of doing it in almost all of my reviews unless I had a bad time.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 478 reads
32 / 36

As someone else noted, there is nothing manipulated or inflated about my scores, I simply do not review when the experience is less than stellar or less than what the average seems to be.  Yes, it has to do with cowardice, I have no problem admitting it.  As I stated, I have seen a few incidents that have dissuaded me from doing it.   Of course, there is more to it, there is that "chemistry" that everybody talks about.    

Chemistry, like looks and many other things, is highly subjective but it runs both ways.   Although the ladies are "professionals," I don't expect everybody to put up with me and my personality.  Maybe I turned them off, maybe they sensed that they turned me off, human relations is not a perfect science.    I am not about to punish someone for finding me quirky or less than interesting, sorry if that disappoints my fellow sports hobbyists.

Given how I feel, I have two choices:  (1) I am a complete leech in this community and offer absolutely nothing; or (2) I confirm when I come across somebody that was great and who lived up to or exceeded what others had to say.    Beyond providing some sort of feedback to the fellows, I think that a review is a tangible way for me to recognize a lady whose company I really enjoyed.  

On the scores themselves, I don't interpret a 10 as perfection in either looks or performance.   There will never be a perfect looking person nor will there ever be a perfect "performance."  Did the lady make me feel great?  Did I feel like I could be myself with the lady?  Did I feel like the lady showed me a little bit about who she is?   Did she seem like she was just going through the motions?  Did it occur to me at any point during the session that I was paying for the experience?    Those are some of the questions that go through my mind and if I can honestly answer them a certain way, the lady will be getting a 9 or 10.    I hate to be crude, but these are ladies with experience, there are only so many ways that someone can suck or ride my cock, OK?   Intangibles are what separates everybody in this realm.  

Last but not least, I find the review system as it exists to be repulsive, the reviews are not easy for me to do and I understand why many guys simply don't do them.   While I am a very open person, and a bit of an extrovert in real life,  I believe some things should remain a mystery not to mention that grading another human being like a cow at the county fair is awful.

Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 417 reads
34 / 36

Did I?

It wouldn't be the first time, lol.

I'm grateful for your review.

Naturally, there are more particular clients who will only see "9/10"s.  And if you choose not to wright reviews for less than wonderful experiences that's your business

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 550 reads
35 / 36

I was kidding :)   Nothing to be grateful about, I had a great time.   Really, in my OP, all I was trying to say is that the content of the review is much more important than a silly number.   I mean, how does one really differentiate between an 8 and a 9, for example.    I love wine and most of the time I can't differentiate between the wine that scored a 96 and the one that scored an 86, and quite often, I actually prefer the one that scored the 86.    Yet, I have friends with such fine palates who can go on and on about the differences, and in my mind, and this is what I have to say about it:   bullshit.

Then, as I said earlier, the idea that a 10 is for perfection is not one that I buy, not in looks and not in performance.    And if we really want to be technical about it, I will only be able to decide about my "once in a lifetime experience" when I am done having sex and I hope that will be a very long time from now.    I already have a pretty good idea as to what that experience will be, it will be the night my W says she fell in love with me.   Too personal, but what the hell, we were going away for three nights, we had never been intimate and I bought three three packs of condoms, thinking that three pops per night would be reasonable.  Well, we used all nine condoms the first night as we laughed and screwed the entire night, I don't see how I will ever be able to duplicate that, nor am I sure that I would ever want to even try

redbeat 1 Reviews 265 reads
36 / 36

As someone whose main experience of ratings and reviews is on other sites I can honestly say that no system is without question, or without complaint (Ladies I see aren’t generally on this site, though I do like the forum).

Allowing anything more than a couple of tick-boxes, was it the lady as advertised (Y/N), did you enjoy the time you spent with her (Y/N), seems to do nothing more than provide regular debates on forums. I’m sure someone with too much time on their hands could resurrect a similar thread from a few years ago with almost identical opinions being aired.

Essentially, unless a lady has so many reviews that her scores provide a statistically relevant number the figures are largely irrelevant. A nine is the same as a ten, and possibly an eight. The lower numbers can also be grouped together, one to three, terrible, four to five, not good, six to seven, good and eight to ten, fantastic. Quibbling over the difference between a nine and a ten is like the scene in This Is Spinal Tap where they argue over whether the ‘eleven’ on one amplifier is louder than a ‘ten’ on another. You also have to remember why someone might give a nine instead of a ten, maybe they want to reserve ‘tens’ for a one off, life-changing experience that they may never have. Or maybe, in the case of the one review I have on here, you may be posting a review at the same time as an earlier thread was running casting doubt on the number of ‘tens’ being given out, so to avoid getting dragged into that debate I decided to give a nine, though believing, as I say here, that they are essentially the same mark.  

To suggest that top marks are only available for a lady who provides certain services renders the whole process farcical. To just reduce this to just ticking items off a list seems like the coldest, most mechanical way for any two human beings to spend time together. If that is what some people are after then I believe the Japanese have made great strides in the development of sex-dolls, you can even get them shipped over in the outfit of your choice!!

Do you really see yourself wanting to give a lady a ‘ten’ in a review but being unable to do so because she doesn’t offer every service a list requires, what are you going to do, keep knocking at her door asking
‘Do you do A-levels yet’?
‘Do you do A-levels yet’?
‘Do you do A-levels yet’?

What many here have mentioned, and what a review, any kind of review, can never capture, is the element of chemistry, that indefinable ‘something’ that can occur between two people. That special spark that tells you in some deep place that not only are you going to have an amazing time with this lady, but you are also going to want to see her again and again.

Reviews on this site probably allow more scope than others whereby it allows numeric scores along with space for descriptions. But some will not like the numeric scoring, as mentioned above we’re not giving out prizes at a county fair, while others will feel incapable of describing their experience without resorting to cliché. No matter what way we try we can never truly capture an experience in a short space, especially a great one.

All any of us can get from a review is a general impression, we may then meet the lady in question and find our expectations have been met or it lacked a certain something that others seemed to enjoy. There can be many reasons for this, but sometimes things don’t work out, just chalk it up as such and move on.

Oh, and regarding my one and only review on this site. Having met the lady in question on more than one occasion I can honestly say that knowing her has been one of the great joys in my life and she has provided me with moments of absolute pleasure that I will always treasure and I know now that even when that curtain starts to close for the last time I will still think of her and smile.

How can any review system ever be expected to capture something like that

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