TER General Board

I've never done that ... Yet eteeth_smile
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 368 reads


what is up with that?every guy who emails me mentioned how often they work out , and that they are in amazing shape and looking super handsome and much young...and gift of gods to women in general...why all men think girls are into the same type of guys...i personally like older men who look older and don't try too hard to fool the time and i prefer guys over 200lb...a little gut on a guy and cheeky face actually turns me on more than hard muscles, jet black colored hair, lipo, plastic surgeries etc


it is up to other people to decide if you are gl or vgl

besides it is not really masculine to ring your own bell...make it stop please:))

lets not to forget to mention how a lot of guys mention in the first email how large they are and their amazing daty skills:)))

do other providers experience the same? and why you guys even bother to mention how often you work out when contacting the provider?do you think if you would not mention that, that gives you less chances to get a date?  

cannot wait to hear opinion

As much as I love a hot hard body and a six pack...at work it is usually accompanied with a shitty attitude because they are paying. Very different in my experience in the outside world. There is not the power of being the buyer. So if I happen to see the self promo crap in an email I decline...too much trouble.

i  often do the same:))

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
As much as I love a hot hard body and a six pack...at work it is usually accompanied with a shitty attitude because they are paying. Very different in my experience in the outside world. There is not the power of being the buyer. So if I happen to see the self promo crap in an email I decline...too much trouble.

Bob.Sugar508 reads

I'm too lazy to attach all of your prior posts claiming to not see old, fat, ugly and so on.  But now you also add you won't see hot, hard body and six pack  LOL

Must be tough living in your world.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
As much as I love a hot hard body and a six pack...at work it is usually accompanied with a shitty attitude because they are paying. Very different in my experience in the outside world. There is not the power of being the buyer. So if I happen to see the self promo crap in an email I decline...too much trouble.

Dear Hbyist+truth
I am just wondering being since screening is a large part of your business, what are the certain elements that you look for in a piece of correspondence?  I am thinking a lot of it would be the compatibility of the potential hobbyist and his psychological makeup.  I am guessing one of the traits of men that you would be incompatible with is anyone who is extremely narcissistic within their presentation.  Also there are certain sensitivities that would jump out at you and immediately raise a red flag knowing that this isn't someone that you would be able to get along with for five minutes much less an hour.  Although you tend to give most men one chance, would you say immediately when encountering this persona your guard immediately goes up?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
As much as I love a hot hard body and a six pack...at work it is usually accompanied with a shitty attitude because they are paying. Very different in my experience in the outside world. There is not the power of being the buyer. So if I happen to see the self promo crap in an email I decline...too much trouble.

Does that mean I should not tell younI am an old fat guy as part of my intro?  LOL

While I am not attracted , you guys are generally nicer and well mannered and way less arrogant. Sometimes the money portion turns good guys into assholes...you know the type...I am paying so I make the rules etc.  

As far as I am concerned you need not tell me anything in regard to your appearance. Just show up clean, gentle, respectful and ready to have a nice time.

In your ad, you ask that prospective clients tell you their height/weight and general appearance.  

This could lead people to believe that you base your decisions partially on looks, and they assume you're more interested in those with stereotypical "good" looks and fit physiques.

That's just a guess, though.    Guys could also think you'd be impressed by muscle-bound bodies due to your youth.    

IDK if it's because I don't ask for a physical description, or because I'm old enough to be your mother (likely both lol) but I very rarely get the types of descriptions you're talking about.  

But then.... the majority of my clients are over 60 and past the typically boastful years.  Although many of them are in great shape! ;-)


girl, you are right
i need to change that in my ad:))i do like men over 60 and 70. my ex was  70+
age is just a number

thank you for the input  

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
In your ad, you ask that prospective clients tell you their height/weight and general appearance.    
 This could lead people to believe that you base your decisions partially on looks, and they assume you're more interested in those with stereotypical "good" looks and fit physiques.  
 That's just a guess, though.    Guys could also think you'd be impressed by muscle-bound bodies due to your youth.    
 IDK if it's because I don't ask for a physical description, or because I'm old enough to be your mother (likely both lol) but I very rarely get the types of descriptions you're talking about.    
 But then.... the majority of my clients are over 60 and past the typically boastful years.  Although many of them are in great shape! ;-)  

GaGambler511 reads

In your case you are simply getting what you ask for. You really can't bitch that your would be clients are simply following your directions.

Guys know providers get a ton of emails when they post an ad so I guess some guys think they will get picked if they look like a Men's Health magazine cover model. After all, you providers are all really nymphos who got into this because you just want to bang hot guys right?
I tell providers important things so there are no surprises, but I haven't had anyone turn me down because I'm heavily tattooed or have piercings. In fact, I've created one new fan of nipple rings. That's a plus in my book.

-- Modified on 11/17/2015 2:37:02 PM

I guess they're just trying to let you know that they're not repulsive. But yeah I have gotten a few inquiries such as I am a 45 year old male who works out regularly ladi Dadi da....lol...

sorry;(( i got carried away...it is just wanted to let people know what the thread is about without them having to click on it and waste their time if they are not interested;))

i will try to be more concise in the future

Posted By: TS Sasha

No it wasn't because of that. About your post: It happens a lot. I guess some guys do want some validation as well as we do. Except that u usually see that In girls rather than guys. So when u see a guy flattering themselves, it can be a little odd.

I'm 5'4" and in my late 30's. I drive by the gym every day on my way to McDonalds (sometimes multiple times a day). I'm super toned for someone who sits at a desk all day and plays video games all night. I'm also very active in the local beer pong league. You won't believe the size of my package (that is if you can even find it). I'm sure we can have a great time together as I am a TON of fun!!!

All kidding aside I am surprised that many guys tout thier looks when making an introduction. I figure most ladies would look at my profile here or on P4 to see my description which really isn't that detailed. I actually have a difficult time giving a description as that is not my style. I do like when I get compliments from my many friends though!

Brings up another question. Do ladies ever ask for a physical description when checking references?

Posted By: fleric69
I'm 5'4" and in my late 30's. I drive by the gym every day on my way to McDonalds (sometimes multiple times a day). I'm super toned for someone who sits at a desk all day and plays video games all night. I'm also very active in the local beer pong league. You won't believe the size of my package (that is if you can even find it). I'm sure we can have a great time together as I am a TON of fun!!!  
 All kidding aside I am surprised that many guys tout thier looks when making an introduction. I figure most ladies would look at my profile here or on P4 to see my description which really isn't that detailed. I actually have a difficult time giving a description as that is not my style. I do like when I get compliments from my many friends though!  
 Brings up another question. Do ladies ever ask for a physical description when checking references?

The more we try to show off and impress, the worse impression we make.

I give gals an honest description of myself, and I've always done OK

Bob.Sugar457 reads

I guess you haven't noticed how many of the hookers babble (posting and on their sites) about their world travels, incredible educational achievements, amazing gym workouts  LOL

Most people lie about themselves.

Why some dude would tell a hooker that he's whatever amazes me still.  Bring the bucks and have your fun.  

Posted By: mrfisher
The more we try to show off and impress, the worse impression we make.  
 I give gals an honest description of myself, and I've always done OK.  

GreekGoddess505 reads

you are a real sweetheart are you not
sounds like you have some really deep rooted issues going back to your childhood...you can hate on hookers but you still need them;))

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
I guess you haven't noticed how many of the hookers babble (posting and on their sites) about their world travels, incredible educational achievements, amazing gym workouts  LOL  
 Most people lie about themselves.  
 Why some dude would tell a hooker that he's whatever amazes me still.  Bring the bucks and have your fun.    
Posted By: mrfisher
The more we try to show off and impress, the worse impression we make.  
  I give gals an honest description of myself, and I've always done OK.  

Bob.Sugar405 reads

I'd also surmise that you're a credentialed professional with the unique ability to ascertain one's mental state from a post.  That is an amazing skill.  I'm quite surprised you have time to comment on this board given you must be in great demand within the psychiatric profession.  

Or are you just upset that I hit the proverbial nail on the head...again  LOL

Posted By: GreekGoddess
you are a real sweetheart are you not  
 sounds like you have some really deep rooted issues going back to your childhood...you can hate on hookers but you still need them;))  
Posted By: Bob.Sugar
I guess you haven't noticed how many of the hookers babble (posting and on their sites) about their world travels, incredible educational achievements, amazing gym workouts  LOL  
  Most people lie about themselves.  
  Why some dude would tell a hooker that he's whatever amazes me still.  Bring the bucks and have your fun.    
Posted By: mrfisher
The more we try to show off and impress, the worse impression we make.    
   I give gals an honest description of myself, and I've always done OK.    

GaGambler430 reads

but his criticism was at least as much in regards to johns as hookers, not to mention there is no denying that "some" hookers do babble on and on about their many advanced degrees and world travels, but at least when hookers do it they are doing it in an effort to market themselves. Why a guy would want to "impress" a hooker in order to see her knowing full well that he can't hide a forty inch waist once she meets him is beyond me too.

As for myself I never give a description of myself and if pressed my answer would simply be "not repulsive" Any hooker who needs more info than that goes on my "must miss list"

Wait I take that back, recently a young Asian girl currently on tour in NYC as for a brief height/weight description of me, She later admitted she doesn't see overweight guys, apparently I passed the test. She was hot hot hot, so I broke my own rule and jumped through that one small extra hoop and afterwards I was happy I did.

GreekGoddess507 reads

here is the thing
does his comment pass "the newspaper test," in this case if he was not posting anonymously would any reputable provider see him after he used word "hooker"

you be the judge

that is all i am saying

Posted By: GaGambler
but his criticism was at least as much in regards to johns as hookers, not to mention there is no denying that "some" hookers do babble on and on about their many advanced degrees and world travels, but at least when hookers do it they are doing it in an effort to market themselves. Why a guy would want to "impress" a hooker in order to see her knowing full well that he can't hide a forty inch waist once she meets him is beyond me too.  
 As for myself I never give a description of myself and if pressed my answer would simply be "not repulsive" Any hooker who needs more info than that goes on my "must miss list"  
 Wait I take that back, recently a young Asian girl currently on tour in NYC as for a brief height/weight description of me, She later admitted she doesn't see overweight guys, apparently I passed the test. She was hot hot hot, so I broke my own rule and jumped through that one small extra hoop and afterwards I was happy I did.

GaGambler404 reads

and unlike either of you, everyone can find out who I am IRL.

I have ZERO problems getting "reputable providers" to see me. HOOKER HOOKER HOOKER!!! See the sky didn't fall on me after using the word.

I think you need to get over yourself.

Senator.Blutarsky396 reads

You better take care or she'll strike you dead... BTW, I like 'Harlot' better.

GaGambler391 reads

but honestly, anyone who's claim to fame is how well she takes it up the ass really shouldn't be so sensitive about the word "hooker"

So instead of hurling lightning bolts at me, she'll dump a bucket of shit on me?

Interesting.  Half Chinese, half Italian, is that true?  Not at all what I had been imagining...

Pretty nice bio there, lol.  

I have to admit, I'm continually impressed with your transparency.

GaGambler407 reads

Actually Sicilian and Chinese, but Italian is close enough.

If you got that from where I think you did, that's one of the few things they got right. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, but yes I am quite transparent. Unlike many here, I am not the least bit ashamed about seeing hookers, and I count many hookers as some of my very best friends.

GreekGoddess383 reads

ok, then you are a trick...lol peace  

Posted By: GaGambler
Actually Sicilian and Chinese, but Italian is close enough.  
 If you got that from where I think you did, that's one of the few things they got right. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, but yes I am quite transparent. Unlike many here, I am not the least bit ashamed about seeing hookers, and I count many hookers as some of my very best friends.

GaGambler352 reads

Why are you so hung up on labels?

For someone who brags about taking it up the pooper, you seem to be quite the tight ass.

GreekGoddess390 reads

it is the problem, you only see hookers and their only god is $$ if they let you see them ...you can be kinky and dominant yet respectful... a legit courtesan with half brain won't see somebody who is so offensive:))

good luck to you

Posted By: GaGambler
and unlike either of you, everyone can find out who I am IRL.  
 I have ZERO problems getting "reputable providers" to see me. HOOKER HOOKER HOOKER!!! See the sky didn't fall on me after using the word.  
 I think you need to get over yourself.

been out of the country but her ad said she was a "world traveler"

She was young... I don't see young ladies any more.

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
I guess you haven't noticed how many of the hookers babble (posting and on their sites) about their world travels, incredible educational achievements, amazing gym workouts  LOL  
 Most people lie about themselves.  
 Why some dude would tell a hooker that he's whatever amazes me still.  Bring the bucks and have your fun.    
Posted By: mrfisher
The more we try to show off and impress, the worse impression we make.  
  I give gals an honest description of myself, and I've always done OK.  

VOO-doo387 reads

By calling herself a 'world traveler', she could have meant that she has traveled/will travel to certain 'countries' - namely, the Greek Isles, France, Russia, and Asia. That would be the first thing that I'd think if I read that phrase...maybe I've just been hanging around here too long, though.

FatVern416 reads

I don't. I find that most women are tuned off by my penis, more than likely because it is attached to me. I'm also terrible at eating pussy, so I usually don't go that route.

Alan_Nimm433 reads

as I don't think it's pertinent to screening me. I've never had any provider object when I walked through the door, so I figured the details of how much I work out, body shape etc didn't matter.  

However, since I'm only 165 soaking wet, have no gut or cheeky face, and am pretty muscular for my size, I guess I won't need to bother you with any emails.  ;)

P.S. I also don't mention my DATY skills. I figure each provider will let me know what she thinks about that. :)

Alan_Nimm403 reads

If they were thinking, "Ohhhh... I wish he had a gut on him!", they didn't mention it to my face. :)

really have no DATY skills at all. sigh! I think you have the right attitude about it.

Steph xoxo


Posted By: Alan_Nimm
as I don't think it's pertinent to screening me. I've never had any provider object when I walked through the door, so I figured the details of how much I work out, body shape etc didn't matter.  
 However, since I'm only 165 soaking wet, have no gut or cheeky face, and am pretty muscular for my size, I guess I won't need to bother you with any emails.  ;)  
 P.S. I also don't mention my DATY skills. I figure each provider will let me know what she thinks about that. :)

the problem is that so many gals go Oooo and ahhhh while guys go down on them even though they are lost at sea.

If gals would educate them as to what to do, what a wonderful world this would be, n'est-ce pas

I get the fakery. However in real life when you pick your partner, there is attraction and no money is directly involved a woman is entitled to hers so she had better speak up or deal with less than optimal results.

so true ....#sorryaboutit

guys, stubble hurts, either have a nice soft beard or close shave...:)


Posted By: MatureGFE
really have no DATY skills at all. sigh! I think you have the right attitude about it.  
 Steph xoxo  
Posted By: Alan_Nimm
as I don't think it's pertinent to screening me. I've never had any provider object when I walked through the door, so I figured the details of how much I work out, body shape etc didn't matter.    
  However, since I'm only 165 soaking wet, have no gut or cheeky face, and am pretty muscular for my size, I guess I won't need to bother you with any emails.  ;)  
  P.S. I also don't mention my DATY skills. I figure each provider will let me know what she thinks about that. :)

Same goes for kissing.

"I personally like older men who look older and don't try too hard to fool the time and I prefer guys over 200lb...a little gut on a guy and cheeky face actually turns me on"

Damn girl, were you looking at a photo of me when you wrote that? LOL

lets always remember that both providers and hobbyists:))


Alan_Nimm366 reads

And so fitting from someone who describes herself as "perfect companion", "very pretty", "very unique and special" etc.

But... how's your DATY skills?


(And to save Conan the trouble... it's "humility".)

well i had to market myself somehow and explain why i am worth spending time with....i will work on toning it down...thanks for the feedback...at least i do not have extravagant wish list ....i am at that moment in life when i am trying to own fewer items and keep my life simpler... i do not even go shopping except for necessities....i am pretty humble...  

Posted By: Alan_Nimm
And so fitting from someone who describes herself as "perfect companion", "very pretty", "very unique and special" etc.  
 But... how's your DATY skills?  
 (And to save Conan the trouble... it's "humility".)

and I did not even mention that I worked out and am amazing at DATY.

BernardShakey327 reads

-- Modified on 11/17/2015 10:28:09 PM

I never tell how old i am or if i look good personally i don't think look all that hot and daty skills whatever if i make her cum then i guess I'm good enough. I do however somehow try to mention the size of my junk with out coming right out and blurting it out. I don't do this for ego or to try and impress the ladies i do it simply because i love greek with ladies. Becuse i am of larger size and width no I'm not tooting my own horn here it's just fact i like to know she is going to be ok with the size before i spend my money. So many times i have gotten to that point with a lady and she say now way thats to big for greek and while i still may have a good time with her it's not what i came for. Some even so called greek goddesses have turn me down but then I'll meet some little tiny girl who i would never think could and she performs like a champ. Anyway thats my own personal reason for including something about my size.

It is sad and pathetic when guys who pay women to have sex with them brag about what kind of studs they are.

I'm sure some no doubt are guys who could have sex with good looking women without paying but most of us are not. As a man pushing 50 it is highly doubtful that an in shape women in her mid 20's would be interested in me without the envelope.

I guess a lot of guys have a need to have their ego fed and have the delusion they are pleasing a woman.

I am older and not a hard body at all.  My favorite line is to wait until they are just about to mount be in cowgirl and say...I'm an old man darlin, so I have a favor to ask....they look at me and I say....FUCK ME HARD or HURT ME BABY....the looks I get.

Posted By: octavia.lexa
what is up with that?every guy who emails me mentioned how often they work out , and that they are in amazing shape and looking super handsome and much young...and gift of gods to women in general...why all men think girls are into the same type of guys...i personally like older men who look older and don't try too hard to fool the time and i prefer guys over 200lb...a little gut on a guy and cheeky face actually turns me on more than hard muscles, jet black colored hair, lipo, plastic surgeries etc  
 it is up to other people to decide if you are gl or vgl  
 besides it is not really masculine to ring your own bell...make it stop please:))  
 lets not to forget to mention how a lot of guys mention in the first email how large they are and their amazing daty skills:)))  
 do other providers experience the same? and why you guys even bother to mention how often you work out when contacting the provider?do you think if you would not mention that, that gives you less chances to get a date?  
 cannot wait to hear opinions  

finally a girl who has similar tastes in men as I do  

greetings girlfriend  

Posted By: Kitty_Rains
So I advertise to mature and cuddly guys :-D

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