TER General Board

Ladies (You can use an Alias), How much was your best & worst earning in a week?
DoggieStud 11426 reads

And if you want to share, what do you consider a satisfactory income in a week? Satisfactory in the sense that you may refuse additional clients for that week.  

-- Modified on 6/29/2004 5:51:24 PM

Jen2443932 reads

This is none of your business -- why are you guys so obsessed with how much we make?

-- Modified on 6/29/2004 7:37:30 PM

DoggieStud3240 reads

And if you look at the survey here at TER, you will see the income of hobbyist. So why not ask the income of providers? So, we both know each other pretty well :)

DoggieStud3613 reads

I'm just stating facts. And you cannot contradict facts or events that happened. You are only speaking for yourself and not for other providers (and that is respected). But let me give you one example -  One respected hobbyist here said he caught a provider looking through his financial statement and told him point blank "Well, it looks like you can afford to see me once a week".  So while others do not want to know, others providers do.  

We're just exercising our freedom of speech.

It is also a fact that there are providers here who are willing to share their info, so please let them so. If you don't want to, please do not comment or flame. That's all.

There are post here that I don't agree with, but I respect the right of people to ask questions.

-- Modified on 6/29/2004 9:41:04 PM

Ci Ci3422 reads

I was the one that said I don't really care what you guys make.  I also said it didn't bother me that someone asked the question too. I believe Jen was bothered by it. Get your facts straight, darling?  If you really want everyone to be able to post about it, then why flame me when I didn't have a direct hit anyway?


DoggieStud3839 reads

That's your own point of view and not of all providers

Ci Ci3321 reads

I said I don't care because you asked us (providers what we make), and I responded to Jen's post that I don't care what you guys make. I'm not that materialistic. If you're paying me, I don't know nor do I care where your money comes from. I cannot speak for all providers. You're not making any sense and see no point in talking to you any more.


Ci Ci3652 reads

Actually, I understand what he's saying. I just think he misunderstood that I wasn't answering his question to what I make in this business but rather a response to Jen's post.
Some people are not good at reading. Heck, sometimes I'm not either. Anyway, I tend to like a lot of his posts. I just can't stand all the post-bashing when someone asks a question and another tries to be polite in his/her interpretation of it.


Oh, darlin,
I hope you aren't totally declawed.
Stand your ground and don't back down.

See ya soon.

Just my opinion...

Ci Ci3832 reads

I have piercing eyes and flexible toes with nails.


Couple of G's per hour.  Two or three sessions a week is a killing.  Since most of it is cash, they probably have a hard
time with banks and the IRS.

The smart providers filter some money through legit profession so they can file tax return, maintain good credit rating, etc. Like all of us, they have lives outside of escorting and want the same things such as owning house. Can't do if they appear jobless and broke to financial institutions.

Had a client BEG me to get an incall location and so I did at a four star hotel at a price of $200. Then the client STOOD me up so I ended up having to pay the price of the hotel without any earning! I wish I could kick him in his butt! :0

PeterPickle3409 reads

Responses on the other end of the spectrum would be interesting to hear too.  

There was a provider touring my city recently who was telling me about her 2 overnighters and dinner appt that were screened and booked a month in advance cancelled on her at the last minute. She turned down a bunch of other callers because she thought her money was already made for the trip, but when they cancelled on her she didn't even come close to breaking even for her tour.

common cents3102 reads

why not have a list of regulars you can call in a pinch and offer them a special?  This works with my ATF and me

-- Modified on 6/29/2004 9:32:50 PM

This has happened to me also. It is extremely annoying and rude. And it seems to happen when I have already turned down a regular client to see a new one and they don't show or get lost for hours and can't find the hotel etc. It is rare for me but when it does happen, I am usually too upset to do another call and just end up wasting the money for the room.


sexxygirrl4659 reads

About $4K per week is my desired target income.

If I couldn't earn that much consistently, I'd go back to the corporate world. It wouldn't be as much fun, and the hours not as flexible, but at least it would be legal and there would never be a worry about screening out undesirables.

DickBead5343 reads

So you are selling pussy?

dickpleaser3941 reads

If I could make 200K a year in the corporate world would I be selling pussy? Hell NO!

I need to lose weight, so I don't eat much...only need a 3x6 area to sleep...and would be on call 24/7 for all your medical needs.

Only need about 50K a year, with some type of stock optinons plan?

How about it? Big brown eyes, cute smile....thick black hair (ok, gray in beard/hair...but still very thick, and very soft....) and not too bad looking in my class A uniforms.

Whatta say???????????????

I really do have big brown eyes that are very cute.......grin...

carpevinum2779 reads

Southern CA area. A good week for me is $1000. The most? Probably $2000. Plenty of money for me, don't need more.

Turkana3922 reads

plenty of posts here on what providers do and don't make, so take a look at the board and you'll find out.  

In the meantime, consider the realities:  no real job security, no unemployment insurance, no steady income, the risk of LE, the risk of STDs, the risk of clients who are unpleasant, abusive or nosy, the continual need to please other people in order to make a buck, no regular hours and an uncertain future.  

I suspect that for most of us hobbyists, we'd have to be making a very pretty penny before we'd work under these conditions.  In other words, for most providers, whatever they are making, they're earning it.

Thank you Turkana,,,you get it. Even though I love what I do all the above apply. For me and many other gals, add in the expense of touring, the hours that it takes to answer the email, phone calls, verification, scheduling and travel. Still, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Newto3542 reads

There are really two issues here:  1) are providers overpaid - do they deserve what they are paid?  Without a doubt, I strongly believe that providers are, if anything, underpaid - for all the reasons listed by Turkana plus their limited job lifetime as a provider.  In a way, providers are similar to athletes; as they age their earning prospects decline (no offense to you Anneke).  While people in "traditional" careers see their incomes steadily rising as they enter their 40's, most providers, at that age, are headed rapidly downhill.  2) is the income providers receive any business of hobbyists?  I believe it is.  First, there is a natural tendency to benchmark with folks you are familiar with.  I want to know what competitive professionals - my physician, lawyer, accountant, are earning.  Secondly, some of us may have an emotional attachment to a provider so their income is of interest.  

My sense is that like athletes provider incomes vary significantly.  The top ones probably have annual gross incomes between 250-350K while the average ones are at 125-150K and the marginal ones at 50-100K.  Seems like a lot but its really not given the relatively short career span of most providers and the lack of any business asset at the end (there's nothing to sell).
Finally, contrary to what some folks have asserted, I believe that most providers do pay their income taxes.

Telling ItLikeItIs4895 reads

I am speaking about the ladies on TER.  Some extremely elite providers make more than TER ladies, but most make less.

And yes, most do pay taxes.  

-- Modified on 6/30/2004 7:14:47 AM

...and what I've found is that smart, professional and independent ladies in the $$$ range make $3,000-4,000/wk. Those in the $$$$ class can make $5,000-plus/wk.  That's provided they're motivated, willing to take appointments at really odd hours and do outcalls.  The ones who take every call, every appointment and really hustle can make more.

The weekly earnings can be deceiving, for several reasons.  Ladies don't get paid for vacation time, visiting family or sick leave, obviously.  Ladies often experience dry spells that can last from a couple of weeks to a couple of months in which they work only one or two hours a week.  Additionally, there seem to be several weeks in the year that are simply dead business-wise, usually holiday and vacation time.

The weekly earnings are also deceiving at another level.  While many ladies I've known splurge their earnings with weekly sprees at Gucci and $800 lingerie ensembles, some are plowing a large percentage into a kid's future college education or mutual funds.

Obviously there's as wide a disparity in income as there is in the quality of service in the provider.  Generally, I've found the market rewards ladies who are smart, motivated and strive to be very good at what they do -- the same as in any other business segment.

DoggieStud4050 reads

LE busted her agency and she is deciding to go independent. She does not know how to manage her money. Precisely, she has no job security, she has kids to feed .. where's your heart people. I'm trying to get more info so I can help her.

If I caught a provider going through my financial statements without my permission then she would find it very easy to provide rear door service in the future because it would take a surgeon to remove my size 11W foot from her behind.

As to what the ladies make it varies all over the place depending upon what the lady's goals and abilities are.  Some only do this part time, some want to make a good living with a lot of free time and some want to make as much money as humanly possible.  This topic has been discussed many times on many different boards so if you want a wealth of information just do some searching.

And you do not really need this information to help your ATF.  You can sit down with her and figure out how much money she needs to subsist, how much to live comfortably and then she will have to decide how she is going to make the money she desires.  If she wants to make a $1000 a day it might involve 5 clients at $200 each or 1 client at $1000 but knowing how much each lady makes per week is not really going to help you much in teaching your ATF how to manage money.

DoggieStud4885 reads

I'm already getting good feedback on this thread, so it was a good idea after all :)

Ci Ci3305 reads

risk we're willing to take with this occupation. Let's pretend someone makes $600 a day. Okay, that person has spent three to five hours on the computer answering emails or even phone calls. Then there's the advertising costs on each website, figuring out how much to claim at the end of the year. I don't know about you guys/gals, but I want to show some income so I can buy a new car in two years or a house. Then we have no health insurance or pay a lot for it. Then there's the cosmetic end of it. We have to purchase those darling little foiled-wrapped safetys, as well as keep up with our makeup, nails, toenails, clothes and lingerie.  It all adds up.  Actually, we'd probably do better if we had a corporate job that paid $60,000 a year. But who wants to be eyeballed all day long and put up with that crap (other than being flamed TER, of course)? Wink!


MikeAndIke4094 reads

turns out that she found a sugar daddy. She see's him exclusively for two evenings a week . In return she gets $10K per month in cash, another $5K per month for shopping sprees. Plus a $25K down payment for a new flashy car and full health insurance.

ready4u3559 reads

I might if I knew where your reviews were

Ci Ci4450 reads

you need to look me up.  But I always sign my posts this way:


I didn't know which Ciara you were and i was having trouble placing the websites with the persona in my mind (that I've created reading your posts).  Of course I'm still trying to figure out how after all these years your profile is full of "don't know" s on all my favorite search questions!

Ci Ci4084 reads

Hugs & peace,

...........I might even consider going into the closet myself for a deal like that! LOL  Been hanging out at the nursing homes for far too long now looking for that rich, sickly, female widow without success. Perhaps this might be easier. Hey, don't laugh. You've never seen me in drag now have you?

I don't care and don't want to know.

I have never had any lady ask me what I made, that is a question that is none of my or her business.
If I can afford her rates, that should tell her something.
If I make special arrangements to come see her, that should say something.
And since you know her rates that should give you an idea.

But, the bottom line is..
It's none of my business and I would never ask, and it's none of her business and I would never tell.

Just my opinion...

followme3145 reads

WOW I go away for one day and I got all this reading to catch up on!!!

Ok I read some not all of the posts in this thread and as,i think it was, CICI and some others put it IT AINT NONE OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS!
They did of course state it in much much nicer terms than I just did. That's cause they are much much nicer people than I.They are right it is not our business

Of course human (yes I am human) curiosity at times makes me wonder also, but on occasion I wonder what the guy next door makes too, but I DO NOT ASK nor does he ask me.

If anyone is curious as to what I make.

OK if you must know it is 6 figures....if you count both sides of the decimal point.

I am somewhat amazed that this question/post got so many replies
but here I am putting in my 2 cents...ooooops.....didn't mean to give away how much I get paid.

Thank You

DUHHHHH3014 reads

It's all in the details, the marketing and the attitude. One of the $3000 girls is marrying one of the men she met and one of the $150 girls got shot, a couple got raped and many have been arrested. None of the $3000 girls had a bad experience they talked about other than one once lost the jaguar emblem off her car at a parking garage. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out how that works out.

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