TER General Board

It's so pathetic that ROGM somehow thinks going BBFS with a hooker...
randy3579 1 Reviews 4199 reads
1 / 77

I am actually in an "arrangement" with a lady who I've been seeing for over a year.  We are each comfortable with the other now enough to cease using a condom.  My question for the ladies (and men who want to chime in) is when I'm done and pull out what do others do at that time?  Do I immediately get up and offer to bring her a warm wet washcloth?  Do we just lay there for a bit talking and loving on each other and let it run out for the time being?  If ahead of time I bring a towel to use afterwards that seems a little too awkward.  I'd love to hear what the general accepted and natural practice is here.  Thank you.

lordchesterfield 2 Reviews 1812 reads
2 / 77
GaGambler 1733 reads
4 / 77

They think we all must be as clueless as this tool.

To the OP, my suggestion is that if you are paying her, she gets the towel. If you aren't paying, then be a gentleman and get the lady a fucking towel. Unless of course you enjoy lying there in your own splooge.

Honestly, have you never been with a woman before?

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1955 reads
5 / 77

Have a towel handy you tool. Oh and I hope whatever birth control she's on doesn't fail since you CIV. Oops I just couldn't ignore it after all.

Is she exclusively seeing JUST you?

SMH at yet another BB thread.


-- Modified on 10/18/2014 9:53:00 AM

Arovet 62 Reviews 1652 reads
6 / 77

This is the best you could come up with to thinly veil your "look at me, I'm getting bareback with hooker!" boast? C'mon, man, you can do better than "whatever shall I do with my jizz," can't you?

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 1357 reads
7 / 77

Some confuse being stupid with being a gentleman. The OP is just the latest example. When did this rather simple and straight-forward endeavor become as punctilious as seeking an audience with the Pope?

GaGambler 996 reads
8 / 77
randy3579 1 Reviews 1408 reads
9 / 77

I can't believe you all.  I feel I have a valid question and all I get is bullshit responses.  My thanks at least go out to all of you who read the question and didn't respond with some immature remark.

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 1072 reads
10 / 77

I never knew the "general and accepted practice" is to have BBFS with a provider and then cum inside of her. Didn't realize I was doing it wrong all of this time.

Panthera12 1288 reads
11 / 77

When you play a clueless newbie in order to announce that you are participating in BBFS with a hooker, did you expect everyone to answer the stupid question or to comment on your statement?

Dr Who revived 905 reads
12 / 77

Maybe she would have been helpful?

How about signing up at your local community college and take "Common Sense 101"?  
Posted By: randy3579
I can't believe you all.  I feel I have a valid question and all I get is bullshit responses.  My thanks at least go out to all of you who read the question and didn't respond with some immature remark.

randy3579 1 Reviews 1024 reads
13 / 77

Yes, I am a newbie when it comes to BBFS and that is my own personal decision.  What I expected is for someone to at least point me to a thread or somewhere on this site where I can do my own research.  No one has yet to do anything other than to hide behind their computer monitor trying to prove they are more experienced than I am.

Dr Who revived 1265 reads
14 / 77

Did you register for that class yet?

Posted By: randy3579
Yes, I am a newbie when it comes to BBFS and that is my own personal decision.  What I expected is for someone to at least point me to a thread or somewhere on this site where I can do my own research.  No one has yet to do anything other than to hide behind their computer monitor trying to prove they are more experienced than I am.

Panthera12 1198 reads
15 / 77

Would you come on here and brag that you are allowing a hobbyist to shoot his load inside of you and ask everyone who should get the wash cloth for clean up duty? Really Rasha. There is no phenomenon here.

ROGM 1361 reads
16 / 77

Posted By: randy3579
I can't believe you all.  I feel I have a valid question and all I get is bullshit responses.  My thanks at least go out to all of you who read the question and didn't respond with some immature remark.
Randy, don't let the BBFSIP Haters bother you. They're just Jealous.

Here's what I do;

I just enjoy the moment and stay inside her for a minute or two. Then she gets up to go to the Restroom to wash up. When she's done I go in and wash up. Going BBFSCIP is great with the right Provider. Consider yourself to be the Lucky few that can go BBFSCIP.

Panthera12 1335 reads
17 / 77

You are paying her, it's her responsibility to clean up. You can also ask her if she cleans up the other guys that she performs BBFS with. You do know that you don't have exclusive rights to her service.  

Do you feel better now?

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 1373 reads
18 / 77

Never mind that you are engaging in an activity that many of us find cataclysmically reckless, your basic question was about washcloth etiquette. Frankly, the responses were more sanguine than you deserved. While there may well be no such thing as a stupid question, that doesn’t prevent stupid people from doing the asking.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 1164 reads
19 / 77

Ok wasn't going to say anything but not now. You're an asshat. How's that?

Posted By: randy3579
I can't believe you all.  I feel I have a valid question and all I get is bullshit responses.  My thanks at least go out to all of you who read the question and didn't respond with some immature remark.

russbbj 89 Reviews 1322 reads
20 / 77

Question for you, do you go to Spain and run with the bulls?

Because that is also an incredibly stupid thing to do.

GaGambler 1085 reads
21 / 77

I hate to say this, but while there is no shortage of BSC hookers, theere is simply no contest in who makes the stupidest posts. The guys win in this department hands down.

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 1187 reads
22 / 77

That’s what I meant by stupidity masquerading as gentlemanly behavior.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1095 reads
23 / 77

His English teacher, she is a hottie BTW (I just boned her, by pinning her against the wall, and yes used a condom) hasn't gone over those words yet...  

cataclysmic and sanguine... Oh my !! Jesus Fuckin' Mary...

Panthera12 977 reads
25 / 77
GaGambler 1231 reads
26 / 77

and this OP is proof positive of that fact.

I also agree that he should be getting an even bigger beating over this than he is. This also proves my point about TidWit, I had zero doubts that replacing his cluelessness on the board would take long. Lots of piñatas out there. lol

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1178 reads
27 / 77

as long as WitWit did..

That's what was so special about WitWit...

russbbj 89 Reviews 1294 reads
28 / 77

I enjoy when you post rrasha, I typically learn a new word, and almost always get a good chuckle. And then, as I will after I post this message, I visit your site to look at your amazing ass. Someone really should sculpt it, so that future generations can enjoy it.

Stay cool

Dr Who revived 965 reads
29 / 77
GaGambler 1050 reads
30 / 77

Of course for all we know, Tidwit might be here this very minute telling himself "Even I wasn't THAT stupid" of course he'd be wrong, because he was every bit that stupid. lol

russbbj 89 Reviews 913 reads
31 / 77

And who was the first guy that thought this was a good idea? Hmmm, let's see, run down narrow uneven cobblestone streets with frightened 1000 lb beasts that have long pointed horns. Yeah, folks that die doing this should be eliminated from the gene pool. It's said these fools do it to prove their bravery, I say it only proves their stupidity.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1164 reads
32 / 77

If he's gonna make a deposit like that and it's going to run out of her, the best thing to do is to have the towel by the bed waiting, then hand it to her so she can get his jizz before it makes that cold wet spot. Then she can get up and get her own wash cloth. This is about the bottom sheet. Of course if he really luvs her, remember that old saying? Love is sleeping in the wet spot!


MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 973 reads
33 / 77

Damn dude, since you take advantage of her when she's hard up for cash and get a severely discounted rate, get her a damn towel. It's called saving the sheets!

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1536 reads
34 / 77
randy3579 1 Reviews 1019 reads
35 / 77

Thank you very much for the answer.  Yes, I do think they're jealous among other things.  I've been a hobbyist for almost 5 years now and have never been BBFS with any provider.  This relationship has matured to the point now that we're dating one another and we have each recently been tested for STDs and have provided each other with the results that prove we're clean. The reason for my question was to try to avoid any awkwardness that may take place and to try to find out how others handle it.  Apparently there aren't many on this site who are knowledgeable about such matters.  Thank you again for sharing how you handle this.

Posted By: ROGM
Posted By: randy3579
I can't believe you all.  I feel I have a valid question and all I get is bullshit responses.  My thanks at least go out to all of you who read the question and didn't respond with some immature remark.
 Randy, don't let the BBFSIP Haters bother you. They're just Jealous.  
 Here's what I do;  
 I just enjoy the moment and stay inside her for a minute or two. Then she gets up to go to the Restroom to wash up. When she's done I go in and wash up. Going BBFSCIP is great with the right Provider. Consider yourself to be the Lucky few that can go BBFSCIP.  

Dr Who revived 1289 reads
36 / 77

is the epitome of success  LOL

I doubt there's anyone on these boards (or in life for that matter) that isn't/hasn't gone BBFS with various people.

I haven't tried it with a blow up doll that ROGM seems so fond of....and don't really plan on doing so either.
Posted By: MatureGFE
Damn dude, since you take advantage of her when she's hard up for cash and get a severely discounted rate, get her a damn towel. It's called saving the sheets!

orallyfixated 1276 reads
37 / 77

The board posts that I find most annoying fall into two categories: 1. Stupid  and 2. Self-aggrandizing.  Congratulations, you've managed to combine the worst of both worlds: Your post is moronic and it reeks of braggadocio.  
It proves that even idiots can multitask. You're a winner in my book!

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1197 reads
38 / 77

but had a demented sense of humor to watch others run for their life.. And what makes it more fun is no one is really forcing them to run...

GaGambler 1226 reads
39 / 77

Yes, I keep a towel handy as well.

but I do follow my other rule as well when one or both of us forget. I only get up and get the towel if I am not paying, but I don't really see myself having BBFS with someone I am paying anyhow, so I guess that's a moot point.

I guess another way of looking at it is, whoever came the most, gets the towel. lol

randy3579 1 Reviews 1115 reads
40 / 77

The only thing that I'll brag about is the fact that I posted a question that's gotten over 1,000 reads in less than 3 hours.

Dr Who revived 1058 reads
41 / 77

YOU claim that this gal is a hooker...and that YOU have an arrangement with her (as in SD perhaps?).

Now you are being completely naive in believing that SHE isn't fucking other dudes BBFS....and that some battery of STD tests from whenever means anything?

Better ask ROGM where to get your inflatable doll....and ask him for that multi-doll discount.

As for anyone here being jealous of some dude fucking someone else....perhaps you don't know that this is where people come to fuck strange.  And guess what randy...some are going BBFS.

Grow the fuck up and ask your mom about cleaning the sheets.

Dr Who revived 1043 reads
42 / 77

As of 2:15 CDT you had a grand total of 219 reads...probably half of them were YOU jerking off to your own OP.

Perhaps time to start a new thread discussing your massive cock size?

When does your dad get home...he'll want his computer back.
Posted By: randy3579
The only thing that I'll brag about is the fact that I posted a question that's gotten over 1,000 reads in less than 3 hours.

bdb6 24 Reviews 1098 reads
43 / 77

That your troll post got over 1,000 reads?  (Which it didn't.)  You must have felt so empowered in grade school when someone taped that "kick me" sign to your ass.  

-- Modified on 10/18/2014 3:19:36 PM

-- Modified on 10/18/2014 3:23:35 PM

randy3579 1 Reviews 1189 reads
44 / 77

That's 219 reads of my original question.  The rest are all reads of your smart ass comments back to me ass hole.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1419 reads
45 / 77

my guess is she's rather be called something else.  I'd love to hear what.

hbyist+truth=;( 838 reads
46 / 77

Posted By: randy3579
I am actually in an "arrangement" with a lady who I've been seeing for over a year.  We are each comfortable with the other now enough to cease using a condom.  My question for the ladies (and men who want to chime in) is when I'm done and pull out what do others do at that time?  Do I immediately get up and offer to bring her a warm wet washcloth?  Do we just lay there for a bit talking and loving on each other and let it run out for the time being?  If ahead of time I bring a towel to use afterwards that seems a little too awkward.  I'd love to hear what the general accepted and natural practice is here.  Thank you.

cocktail-party 1158 reads
47 / 77

Even for a few hundy an hour, I don't know how long I could put up with this idiot shit.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1005 reads
48 / 77

My guess is he's lurking here right now, champing at the bit to get back on and post more of his "wisdom."
I will welcome him back with open arms.  I made that promise to a lady.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1148 reads
49 / 77

1) No one is jealous of you.  BBFS is rampant in this world and it's the Third Rail of this game, meaning, touch it and you die.  By proudly announcing to the world you've been doing it you just ended up on the DNS lists of numerous hookers, and not just the ones who posted on this.  You also may have harmed the girl you reviewed, as guys who play safe may not wish to see her.  If she's your hooker GF I hope she has another source of income.  You guys are likely going to have to be monogamous.  Does this sound smart to you?
2) The real ridicule to which you were subjected was about when/how to get a towel to mop up your splooge. This is NOT a newbie question, as most sentient humans can figure this out for themselves.  So, another stupid question.  And you didn't like the answers you got?  Too bad.  Here's the solution. From now on don't post blatantly stupid questions.  I know, I know, you didn't (and probably still don't) think it was a stupid question.  The problem is, stupid people don't know they're stupid.
My advice to you is from now on just STFU.
You're welcome.

Dr Who revived 1187 reads
50 / 77

Otherwise the species is doomed  LOL

As for discussing it on this board, I still find it quite comical that so many decry that it's a "death sentence".  It's not...and many here do participate in BBFS with their hookers/johns.  In most cases however those playing there don't want to publicly admit it...and rightfully so.  It's a risk that each participant need weigh.

And don't suggest that randy STFU....at least till our former dimwit returns from Exile Island.
Posted By: inicky46
1) No one is jealous of you.  BBFS is rampant in this world and it's the Third Rail of this game, meaning, touch it and you die.  By proudly announcing to the world you've been doing it you just ended up on the DNS lists of numerous hookers, and not just the ones who posted on this.  You also may have harmed the girl you reviewed, as guys who play safe may not wish to see her.  If she's your hooker GF I hope she has another source of income.  You guys are likely going to have to be monogamous.  Does this sound smart to you?  
 2) The real ridicule to which you were subjected was about when/how to get a towel to mop up your splooge. This is NOT a newbie question, as most sentient humans can figure this out for themselves.  So, another stupid question.  And you didn't like the answers you got?  Too bad.  Here's the solution. From now on don't post blatantly stupid questions.  I know, I know, you didn't (and probably still don't) think it was a stupid question.  The problem is, stupid people don't know they're stupid.  
 My advice to you is from now on just STFU.  
 You're welcome.

random133 117 Reviews 1206 reads
51 / 77

After taking a dump do you prefer to wipe right away or is it better to let your sphincter relax a bit?

While having sex do you prefer to enjoy it or not?  

After trying  an exciting new sex position or sexual activity should I tell everyone at work?

random133 117 Reviews 1211 reads
52 / 77
randy3579 1 Reviews 153 reads
53 / 77

For you, it's two words.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
So...care to answer my question?  
 Or has dad come home early?  
Posted By: randy3579
That's 219 reads of my original question.  The rest are all reads of your smart ass comments back to me ass hole.

JohnyComeAlready 1256 reads
54 / 77

I thought you were tidwit.

Posted By: inicky46
My guess is he's lurking here right now, champing at the bit to get back on and post more of his "wisdom."  
 I will welcome him back with open arms.  I made that promise to a lady.

ZoePiers See my TER Reviews 1173 reads
55 / 77

Your delivery is a 10..

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 956 reads
56 / 77

Rod might have been gun shy on the whole cowgirl thing but posting about BBFS and what to do about the cum leaking va jay jay this is on a whole other level here.

And is there going to be early voter registration for the SPOTY award?

Steph xoxo

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 992 reads
57 / 77

And I hate to tell you but there's a glitch in he new version when it comes to how many reads. I'm on Classic and your post has about 350 reads. Of those I'm betting 300 are from you.

In case you didn't read my first to you, have the damn towel on the bedside table, hand it to her, ok? Then dip your dick in undiluted bleach! ;-)


MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 900 reads
58 / 77

Do you think he even read the responses answering his damn question abut the towel? Except from ROGM? Great post BTW!

Steph xoxo

randy3579 1 Reviews 873 reads
59 / 77

Thank you!  It's refreshing to have someone actually answer my question as well as see there are some normal people on this site.  Thanks again!

Posted By: RobbinYoung
Posted By: randy3579
I am actually in an "arrangement" with a lady who I've been seeing for over a year.  We are each comfortable with the other now enough to cease using a condom.  My question for the ladies (and men who want to chime in) is when I'm done and pull out what do others do at that time?  Do I immediately get up and offer to bring her a warm wet washcloth?  Do we just lay there for a bit talking and loving on each other and let it run out for the time being?  If ahead of time I bring a towel to use afterwards that seems a little too awkward.  I'd love to hear what the general accepted and natural practice is here.  Thank you.
 When I'm in a monogamous relationship and enjoying unprotected sex...  
 I keep several washcloths in a sealed tuperware container in my nightstand.  After my partner and myself have finished sex, I reach over and get one of the washcloths and place in on my crotch, so we may relax a few minutes and cuddle and not have semen soaked sheets.  Because doctors always recommend a woman urinates after intercourse ( to ward off a uninary tract infection) I then get out of bed and go to the restroom to pee.  After that, I get another washcloth and clean my girlie parts with warm water.  I dry off, and get another washcloth.  I run warm water on it, wring it out, and then I go back into the bedroom and I sensually and gently wipe and cleanse my partner's cock and balls...which, usually arouses him again, and we go for round two of passionate lovemaking. ;)    
 (FYI: I don't worry about becoming pregnant, during unprotected sex, because I'm unable to bear children.)  
 randy3579, I realize your question is a bit differnet than my scenario, but...it is similar.          

harborview 10 Reviews 1154 reads
60 / 77

and most guys here have been there at one time or another.  It's NOT part of the hobby & asking on a F*ck board has confused everyone.  YES, it is possible to have an exclusive relationship with a FORMER provider...  or a FwB...  or a GF.  Make sure she's on Birth control for real...  avoid nasty surprises.  I've been there with my Ex.    

Long ago, in various exclusive relationships (several, years apart) I had the pleasure. Yes, youlay in each other's arms while you come down (& Peter fades).  I particularly like putting my hand on her chest & feeling her heart beat syncronize with my own.  Part of the pre-sex routine was to stash a clean (dry) hand towel under the pillow or somewhere else within reach.  Typically she'd head to the bathroom with it tucked between her legs & return to clean me up though some gals would clean me up first, before heading off the the bathroom.  In every case she's gert the bathroom first & I'd wash up after.  (While she was in there, I'd get up & put the covers backon the bed as they invariably ended up on the foot / floor.)  Occasionally There'll be a puddle in the bed.  We ussually dry it as best we can with another towel & then put a dry one there while we sleep.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1057 reads
61 / 77

And I also made the promise, with one condition though...

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 1126 reads
62 / 77

“Always use paisley sheets. The semen stains will look like part of the pattern.”

inicky46 61 Reviews 1030 reads
63 / 77
inicky46 61 Reviews 1021 reads
64 / 77

What I meant is "tell the world you indulge in BBFS and your playing days are done, or at least seriously restricted."
Same goes for ROGM and His Provider.

Skyfyre 1360 reads
65 / 77

Like somebody already asked "what do you expected?" -that is, unless you just barely joined and have no idea whatsoever about the kind of posters in here.

So assuming that is the case then just ignore the knee-jerk reaction from the PC police and/or sanctimonious windbags who can't see differences in contexts and situations.

The simple answer to your question is NOT to ask the people in here as you can see how "helpful" they were, but instead just directly ask your provider friend. Simply have a wet washcloth ready then ask if she'd like one? or if she'd like to use your bathroom (in case of outcall) to clean herself up.

If you two are that close to each other she should have no problem telling or asking for whatever she wants.  

PS: Interesting to see how people jumped on you as a knee-jerk reaction WITHOUT realizing that it takes TWO to tango (or tangle!). They automatically assume that your provider is either a robot or somebody too stupid to make a decision for herself after carefully considering the risks. And then of course on this board the same people worship the providers like Goddess! Go figure

Ihaveabig1 1320 reads
67 / 77
GaGambler 1094 reads
68 / 77

His little club really doesn't sound too exclusive, now does it?

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 1169 reads
69 / 77

If you're taking advice from rogm you might as well throw that towel in now...

Posted By: randy3579
Thank you very much for the answer.  Yes, I do think they're jealous among other things.  I've been a hobbyist for almost 5 years now and have never been BBFS with any provider.  This relationship has matured to the point now that we're dating one another and we have each recently been tested for STDs and have provided each other with the results that prove we're clean. The reason for my question was to try to avoid any awkwardness that may take place and to try to find out how others handle it.  Apparently there aren't many on this site who are knowledgeable about such matters.  Thank you again for sharing how you handle this.  
Posted By: ROGM
Posted By: randy3579
I can't believe you all.  I feel I have a valid question and all I get is bullshit responses.  My thanks at least go out to all of you who read the question and didn't respond with some immature remark.
  Randy, don't let the BBFSIP Haters bother you. They're just Jealous.  
  Here's what I do;  
  I just enjoy the moment and stay inside her for a minute or two. Then she gets up to go to the Restroom to wash up. When she's done I go in and wash up. Going BBFSCIP is great with the right Provider. Consider yourself to be the Lucky few that can go BBFSCIP.  

Arovet 62 Reviews 1257 reads
70 / 77

ROGM is a mangy mutt and a post about BBFS is the sound of a can opener...he'll come a running' every time.

ROGM 1172 reads
71 / 77

Posted By: randy3579
Thank you very much for the answer.  Yes, I do think they're jealous among other things.  I've been a hobbyist for almost 5 years now and have never been BBFS with any provider.  This relationship has matured to the point now that we're dating one another and we have each recently been tested for STDs and have provided each other with the results that prove we're clean. The reason for my question was to try to avoid any awkwardness that may take place and to try to find out how others handle it.  Apparently there aren't many on this site who are knowledgeable about such matters.  Thank you again for sharing how you handle this.  
Posted By: ROGM
Posted By: randy3579
I can't believe you all.  I feel I have a valid question and all I get is bullshit responses.  My thanks at least go out to all of you who read the question and didn't respond with some immature remark.
  Randy, don't let the BBFSIP Haters bother you. They're just Jealous.  
  Here's what I do;  
  I just enjoy the moment and stay inside her for a minute or two. Then she gets up to go to the Restroom to wash up. When she's done I go in and wash up. Going BBFSCIP is great with the right Provider. Consider yourself to be the Lucky few that can go BBFSCIP.  
Your Welcome. Don't let the Anti-BBFS Morons bother you. They talk a Big Talk. But they can't Walk the Walk. Just enjoy your BBFSCIP Provider. You're probably going to get alot of Private Messages asking who your BBFSCIP Provider is. Don't reveal who she is. These Big Talkers will want to go BBFSCIP for themselves. Even though they say they're so against it.

Arovet 62 Reviews 1734 reads
72 / 77

If the girl even exists, and if he even sees providers. One review 5 years ago? Probably hasn't seen anyone since, but it was quite the troll post. As he was quick to point out, it got a thousand reads in three hours or whatever the fuck he said. So either he's the dumbest human on the planet or he gets off on the shit storm he created...I'd say the odds are fair it's the latter, which is almost as pathetic as not knowing how to clean up your own spunk.

wrps07 1106 reads
73 / 77
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1106 reads
74 / 77

You slay me in more than one way.

Steph xoxo

Arovet 62 Reviews 1151 reads
75 / 77

is to avoid booking with her accidentally. I don't want my dick within ten miles of where yours has been. Thank god she either doesn't exist or waits in your closet until you're ready to inflate her.

!_! 1216 reads
76 / 77

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I thought you were tidwit.  
Posted By: inicky46
My guess is he's lurking here right now, champing at the bit to get back on and post more of his "wisdom."  
  I will welcome him back with open arms.  I made that promise to a lady.

Considerthis 1266 reads
77 / 77

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 8:43:29 PM

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 8:44:35 PM

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