TER General Board

It's really just a question of supply and demand. Clockwatchers will get less business than those
GLisHJ 3617 reads

who are not clockwatchers.  But that's OK, it's their choice to have less business, and they have a right to make that choice.

Not a newbie but interested in when providers start the clock.  Is the get to know each other chat included in the time "on the clock"?  What happens if you get a chatty provider?  Guys how do you gentlemanly get on with the engagement?

Recently a provider called before a session and said lets do lunch in your hotel "I'm Starving".  I said OK and joined her for lunch and bought which I expected.  I guess I also expected 2 hours in the room.  I only got 1 due to lunch.  She invited me I didn't invite her.  Was I wrong and should I have only got one hour in the room and paid her for two?

One other time a providers phone rang in incall she answered and pushed me out semi nicely after an hour of a 1.5 hour schedule.  Needlessly to say I vote with my feet and don't return but guys what do you do in these situations and ladies when do you start the clock.  

I look forward to the threads.

I think you need to ask "on the clock?" when you go to lunch.  Her action was wrong- I think she may have done it accidentally on purpose

When she enters the room... and the small talk begins ..I consider that off the clock .... after the exchange of $$$'s I consider that to be on the clock ...I always keep a small clock by the bed and mention what the time is off the cuff, so we both know when we are starting .... sorry to say my sessions always run over .. (they just don't want to leave the tongue) lol.. as for a chatty lady ... DFK and DATY always shut them up pretty fast .. it's your session though you need to run it ... as far as lunch .. you should of asked and she did take advantage of you ... as far as the phone I always ask that they turn it off .. I turn mine off in front of them so they get the hint ... hobby safe hoby well hobby all you ca be ....

Regular Gal2913 reads

The clock starts when she enters the room.  Getting to know you chat is not off the clock.  But if she asked you to lunch that should have been off the clock.

Aunt JaMima3738 reads

The time starts the minute he enters the room/vice versa. We could be playing strip poker, yep-it's on the clock, from the moment he/she enters the room, and small chat included. I would be HIGHLY offended if a guy expected me to stay a half hour over, because we had pleasantries. If a gentleman schedules a provider for 1.5 hours (exp.), then she is only expected to stay for that 1.5 hours, not 2.0 hours. Yes, again, totally in agreement-By her asking him out for dinner, should have been off the clock!

Sometimes it blows my mind how cold this business can be.  Being charged for small talk and being pleasent it is a wonder guys hobby at all.  I must have been brought up wrong.  My hour doesn't start until I shut up or am completely ready which ever comes first .  But then again I believe in paying for my time wasting because it is usually a direct result of my ADD.  So why should a hobbyist have to pay for my Adult Attention Deficit.  They shouldn't so I do.  But I can tell you right now if I had to pay 300 for an hour of service and someone tried to kick me out in 20 or 30 minutes just because I already came.  I would be demanding change back and if I didn't get it I would be calling LE and letting them decide if I deserved any money back.  Sorry but that is how I feel.

-- Modified on 8/3/2004 8:57:17 PM

Regular Gal4004 reads

Who said anything about kicking someone out after 20 min because they came?  I believe in giving the full time agreed upon, but that time begins when the girl walkd through the door.  If the man wants an hour of full out sex then he needs to take the initiative and do so. If he wants to chat a little first, great.  It is his hour to use as he chooses.  And if you as a providor choose to stay over that hour that is up to you.  But don't lable us all "cold" when we give what we are paid for.

Maybe I am spoiled by the NOT so Regular Gals that I see.  Thanks to ladies like Sasha (whom I have yet to meet) and the many favorites of mine who spoil me by giving me extra time to wind down or catch up on the latest gossip before starting the clock.

Yes, technically the clock should start when you check in, but from a clients perspective, who would he return to for a future visit, all other things being equal?  Someone who pulls out a stop watch or someone who pampers you with a little added bonus?

If she asks you to go to lunch, it should be off the clock.  If I ask her to go to lunch, I ask her if it will be on the clock.  If it is on the clock, I politely cancel the lunch offer, period.  I choose not to pay several hundred for the privilege of buying her lunch.  It's just me.  And, of course, it is her choice to not want to go for free as well.

I believe the key is to develop enough of a regularity with your ladies in order for them to WANT to spend extra time with you though.  Don't expect it and it will be a pleasant surprise when you do get it.  Don't abuse the generousity of the other.

NetMichelle has not commented yet but during a recent visit she showed me a portrait she has done which addresses the discussion.  FYI, NM is not a clock watcher.

...of just the sort of provider I prefer to see.

Let me first state that I disagree with spinner's notion that the small talk/chit chat at the beginning of the session is off the clock. I personally prefer a little small talk at the start even with someone I've seen more than once. I don't expect that part of the session to be gratis.

I would take exception to the notion that just because a provider technically fulfills the hour requirement that by doing so she nullifies any argument that she is a clock watcher, or that at the very least that there isn't even the ambience of the clock watcher "feel" to the session. It's quite possible that a provider who strictly completes the hour session session, and no more, also delivers a very good experience. It's also possible that technically fulfilling the time scheduled doesn't negate, in all instances, the "feel" that the clock is being watched.

I get the impression that there is quite possibly something of an ego thing going on when a provider takes the position that she fulfills the complete hour and no more. It seems to be an effort, at least in some instances, to validate in her own mind that she is not going to be taken advantage of/that she will be compensated for every minute.
It is certainly her choice to take that approach, and she can certainly state with technical accuracy that she fulfilled her part of the bargain.

I don't expect a provider to remain past the strict hour scheduled but it seems to add to the warmth of the experience if
she stays a few minutes or so over, at least now and then if she is someone that the client has seen more than once. Even if it is a first date it is a nice touch and appreciated. I'm not talking about 30mins or more, more like 10 or 15.
On the other hand I would not choose to pressure her in anyway to stay beyond the agreed upon time. I don't think that is justified.
How could that mean anything if she felt pressured to stay?

One of Singer's points in his post is something I've wanted to comment on for sometime now.

Taken from his post:

"If she asks you to go to lunch, it should be off the clock.  If I ask her to go to lunch, I ask her if it will be on the clock.  If it is on the clock, I politely cancel the lunch offer, period.  I choose not to pay several hundred for the privilege of buying her lunch.  It's just me.  And, of course, it is her choice to not want to go for free as well."

I am very much in agreement with the above.
I choose not to make the multihour dinner dates/lunch dates.
If I make a multihour date it is essentially multihour "dessert" with small talk etc included.

If we go for lunch my treat then I have to say I too would have no interest in paying several hundred for the privilege of buying her lunch. She certainly has the right to decline with no hard feelings. I realize she may have other obligations/plans. However if she has the free time and would like to share that time over lunch as my treat then I would be thrilled. It goes along way with me when a provider is genuinely interested in sharing some off the clock time on occasion for something non physical such as

As stated by Singer "who would a guy return to all else being equal?" The one who shows a little flexibility and a touch of generosity with her time gets my vote.

I would agree that the key is her WANTING to spend a little extra time. Yes, don't expect it/don't abuse her generosity. It can be a very PLEASANT surprise when she offers to share a little extra time.

I've been fortunate enough to spend some time with a provider in a strictly social setting where nothing physical transpired. That meant a lot to me, far more than she probably realizes.

-- Modified on 8/4/2004 10:33:44 PM

-- Modified on 8/4/2004 10:36:03 PM

DATYForever3088 reads

One lady .. she was nice to me and she enjoyed DATY and the fuck. But after my first pop (20 minutes), she gave me a clear hint to leave as her phone rang and she wanted to smoke and then she told me she will give me extra time if I return to visit her. Whaaatt? This was a one hour (60 minutes) appointment and I paid in full. I was polite and left. Luckily this was through an agency, so the next time around I got a big discount. But I had to use another provider. The agency wanted me to use the same provider for almost 40% discount and assured me she will not leave me in less than half an hour. The agency owner said he had already talked to her about this behavior. But I told him "no, thank you."

Sometimes it blows my mind how cold a "gentleman" can be.

When you pay for time and companionship, that is what you get.  Since YOU pay for sex... it is a wonder ANY lady would accept your solicitation.

BTW, you are now a pariah in my book.  
You pay for an hour, talk for half and hour, have fun for half an hour... and you would be demanding money back or calling LE?!?  If it is not satisfactory and there is too much chit-chat, go in for the kiss.  Take charge.  Don't be such a...

-- Modified on 8/4/2004 12:09:34 AM

If you want or need to do it differently, then do it.  It may sometimes cause confusion or bad feelings though, on either side, spoken or unspoken. If you've avoided that, then what you're doing is working.

It's more hobbyist who need to be aware of these "defaults."  And if there are any changes, they need to discuss what the terms are.


I've been seeing Sasha's ..because I've never had a probelm with this ... I wonder If there is a big difference here with indies vs. agnecy gals.... and their thinking?

I think indies get to be more lax on the hour than girls who work for someone else . They have to report in. For me i give a very long hour most times. When I see someone new I feel the getting to know each other is important.It is part of making me feel safe and secure and comfortable.

If I have a 1pm appointment with my lawyer, and I get there at 1pm, and spend an hour there, but the first 10 minutes is chit chat, how much time do you think I get charged for?

The appointment is scheduled for 1 p.m. I arrive at 1 p.m. The appointment begins *at* 1 p.m. Contrary to what some may believe, it does *not* begin when the client lays down the money or mentions the time.

who explained her "rule of thumb" to me:  chit-chat, $50.00/hour; food, refreshments, libations, lunch or dinner, if not-prearranged and needed due to her not leaving enough time to eat before our appointed time: Free.

All other time at her published rate, rounded plus or minus.  Not a clock watcher.  (A keeper).

An hour is an hour.  This "starting and stopping" the clock once it has begun just confuses things and leads to useless disputes and bad feelings.  

If she arrives, says she's hungry and suggests lunch, she means lunch on the clock.  [Mind you, this does recall the old joke about the difference between a hamburger and a BJ, doesn't it?]  :-)


I don't mean to offend anyone, and this may be a bad example, but I think it gets my point across:

Let's say you hire a plumber, and when he arrives he spends the first 30 minutes chit chatting and then 30 minutes working.  Would you be willing to pay for an entire hour of his services?

Your not hiring a plumber, your hiring an escort, for which you are paying for her time and companionship. Sorry if thats a little blunt but thats way provders portray themselves. Seems fair to me.

Aunt JaMima2103 reads

Our buisness may not be splashed in the yellow pages, but it is still considered a business. No matter how much you may look at it. No matter how we ladies may sugar coat it (for safety reasons) on our websites, it is STILL a business!

what do you do when you get a chatting Cathy, a clock watcher, the constant ringing of her cell phone, the I need to take a long break after the first pop, or one of my favorites I need to shower before I go to my next appointment ... you can only be so blunt .. So If my hour starts at the door then prepare to rock the entire hour.... as I said I've been very lucky my ladies stay longer then asked ... on their own time ...Not sure what I'd do if I was with a lady that just stayed an extact hour ....

Aunt JaMima2846 reads

Regarding "Chatty Cathy" types: as soon as she enters the door, lay the ground rules. Then get to the matter at hand: YOU. You do yourself a disfavor, if you ALLOW her to chat on. You have a mouth USE IT. Kiss her immediately on the spot. That tells her that you want to start the session right away. Don't let her continue on and on. Also, ask her IMMEDIATELY to shut her phone off. Yes it is your time, and you can ask the provider to do back flips for you, for the hour, but it is the hour, not an hour and half or two hours. Maybe it hasn't ever occured to you, that the reason why a provider may stay over with you, for the fear of saying NO? I've spoken to many providers, who are scared to speak up. Sadly, they are out there. So don't assume that every single provider out there, will gladly allow extra time. For, I am here to say, as I said in one of my previous posts, that WE ladies do have an outside life, another client to get to, maybe even a family.  I am sorry Spinner, maybe you had the best intentions on your first post, but sadly, this is what drives more a wedge between those good clients out there, and good providers! When I read how you operate with providers out there, it makes my blood boil, and I am not happily flapping pancakes here. At least now, we ladies see where you are coming from, and we can make the decision to see you or not, in immediate future based on your feelings.

disagree then ....... I think many of your ideas are good ... I also think that some do not promote a GFE at all .... As I said before I will continue to look for Sasha's ...hobby safe .....

Aunt JaMima4064 reads

Remember, you control the flow of the session. You want Miss chatty to shut up, you need to take control from the beginning. If not, no wonder why she chats..lol Or, you maybe referring to me saying to you that NOT all women want to stay.. Okay, let me reverse that: Not all women are able to stay, for other committments. If they do, that is a good thing, and it should be on their own free will. NOT YOURS. Correct? ;)

-- Modified on 8/5/2004 6:50:09 AM

I'm not sure where your from or why you choose to use an alias ... but where I hobby there are a considerable amount of ladies that up sale, rip people off, bait and switch, don't follow through with what they have stated they will do, and we are constantly being taken by agenices, etc. this is why many of my posts ae geared the way they are .. I have never asked a lady to stay over and not pay her ....

If a lady stays over with me it is because she wants not that she ever has to.. it is always her free will ....so what do I do when I pay for a 2 hour session and the lady asks if she can spend the night ...is that on my time or her time? ... in this case all I did was pay for the 2 hour session...

another exemple which I think I will post seperately ... is where I booked a 2 hour session ... she stays for 2 hours plus .... when I pay her for the 2 hours ... she then calls me later saying that I paid her too much because she only had booked me for an hour session and now owes me an hour.... as for controling the flow of the session ... I disagree it should be mutual or 60/40 .... I always try and make sure that any lady I'm with has more O's then I do ...

when I do that I look at the worse scenerio ... I do all of my hobbing in Vegas ... where everything can happen and does .... so my answers lean in that direction .. the agencies are terrible and give the indies a bad name .... Having been in the hobby about 20 years now I have seen it all and made just about every mistake one can make myself ........ I do have a clock it sits next to the bed next to the candles ... with soft music playing ... I always have some type of drinks available I even have the ladies own towels and toothbrush set out for her, but so many guys in Vegas get taken and with so many poor providers out there that it is a much different animal then the rest of the USA.  Most ladies can give very poor service if they wanted to knowing that the hobbiest is probably only there for a very short time ...

-- Modified on 8/6/2004 4:49:31 PM

Basically, count on the clocking ticking as the door closes behind you.  One must remember that the ladies have lives outside the hobby.  An hour appointment that goes long should be compensated.  Also, there are times that the ladies might be in a time crunch between your time and her time.  Consideration should be present by both sides.

KamulRogue5383 reads

If you are going to be with a provider with lunch, don't each lunch. Make sure that you get your money's worth. The best time is about 1-2 hours after dinner. Lets say 8pm-11 pm. You get enough time to shower, cleanup, and brush your teeth.

Why is it that so many guys seem to forget this part of the deal.

Time starts when she/he walks in the door.

If she wishes to give extra time that is her option, not his.

I do agree that when she asked for lunch, that should have been off the clock. She was wrong and he should have said so.

All the ladies have their own "variation" of this, but it is the ladies who control the time, not the guys.

If you are unhappy with the results, you write a review stating so and she will reap the consequences.

Just my opinion...

GLisHJ3618 reads

who are not clockwatchers.  But that's OK, it's their choice to have less business, and they have a right to make that choice.

Aunt JaMima3116 reads

most of us ladies, enjoy the chit chat, for it goes with the territory. WE include in our services, for it's pleasantries in getting to know you!!!!! It makes us feel more comfortable providing for you!!!! BUT, it's another thing for YOU to hire me for 1.5 hours, I get there, small chat, now down to the erotic acts, and then when my time is up (rememeber, WE ladies have a life, outside job, another client we may have to go to), and lord be hold, you say my time is not up, because of the fact that we had small talk, before we took our clothes off????? How right is that????  I have 8 pages of reviews, which state that I am not a clock watcher. I always arrive on time, provide great services, which I highly enjoy. I always leave him with a smile on his face, and knobby kneed. In the 3+ years that Ihave been providing, I have NEVER EVER been robbed, abused, NOR taken advantage of in regards to time, "gifts", or in exchanging harsh words. Now, I am sorry but when I read the post about how how one man on here makes the girl stay an extra so minutes, because of the pleasantries upon on arrival, I thank my lucky stars the ALL the men that I have encountered and have spoken to on here, were 100% gentlemen, and didn't have the same mind frame as the poster. Sorry but that is how I feel.

questioner3817 reads

Why is it considered clock watching if you leave on time after giving the full time asked for?  Do you think it's fair to the man who is booked after you if we providors show up 10-30 minutes late because you want to take exra time?  Then you'd be bitching about the perpetually late providors.  We can't win with some of you.

An hour is an hour.  If we feel like going over that off the clock it is our choice, but once the hour is done we have every right to leave as you have gotten what you asked for and paid for.  Period.

Aunt JaMima3644 reads

No. It's not fair that a provider should be held up, because some client wants her to stay an extra half hour or so. It's not fair at all. No matter how a woman looks at it, SOME clients come off worse as women. Yeah I know us females are known to b*tch, but some men come off worse than that.

And if she thinks she's all that, tell her to get over herself!  No one is that f***ing enchanting!!!!


I hear ya, from a different perspective. I seem to have the opposite problem, oftentimes not knowing how to deal with the gent who stays waaay over the schedules time talking and talking. I am generous with my time, and do like to talk, we generally chat for a few minutes beforehand, and after, but for some reason I have the hardest time getting guys to leave in a reasonable amount of time, and end up rushing for my next appt or worse leave them waiting outside the door waiting for mr. chatty to leave. I try to hint very tactfully, and try to avoid saying right out that I have to get ready for my next appt, which may be a drive across town in busy hour traffic. I have very rarely gotten tipped for the extra half to an hour that many gents stay to have a listening ear, and while I emphasize and oftentime do enjoy the chats, I can't help but feel taken advantage of and my time constarints disregarded. on the other hand, since I avoid mentioning the reality of other clients, I know that the illusion of special devotion is important, but if loneliness is the driving force, then no amount of time would ever be enough.

I would love to stay and chat, *but*

1.  I have to take my poor little doggie outside. He's been so patient with me today, and didn't make a sound during our time together. He deserves some fresh air and play time.

2.  I have to take my dog to the vet. Appointment is an a half hour.

3.  I have an orthodontist/ob-gyn/dentist appointment.

4.  I'm expecting a phone call from my doctor or friend from overseas.

5.  I'm meeting my mom/sister/dad/brother/best friend for lunch or dinner, and really cannot be late. I'm always on time and they tend to worry if I'm more than a few minutes late.

6. I'm taking a yoga/pilates/strength training class. If I'm not there at the beginning of class, I cannot participate. (And that's actually true. My yoga class doesn't allow latecomers.)

7. I have to pick up my friend at the airport. She just flew in from Bangkok. She's had a very long day and the last thing I'd want for her is to have to wait for me. I'm sure you know how exhausting international travel is, especially these days.

8. I'm expecting the maintainance man any minute. 2:15 was the only time we could match our schedules today.  I dropped a penny down my garbage disposal. Whoops!

I hope these suggestions help you. I use them all the time. I'm never rude or mean, but I do make it known I have someplace to be. Remember that you're time is valuable too, but if you allow people to take advantage of you, they most always will.

-- Modified on 8/5/2004 5:44:34 AM

Your advice is very helpful, how could I forget the airport one, wasn't there a "Seinfeld" episode talking about the "airport" excuse?

Don't get me wrong, I really am very fond of most of my gents, but do have time constraints sometimes and though I allow extra time for padding a more than a half hour over the anticipated time can be stressful, and I don't want that stress to show to my guest lest he attribute it to something else. Plus I feel it's a good idea to have some structure to avoid blurring boundaries leading to confusion. Fine line between showing fondness and "leading someone on" as I've been accused of doing b/c I would allow to much time off the clock (not "out of context though, I prefer not to "go out" for nuch the same reason).

Thanks again, you have been most helpful!

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