TER General Board

It's poll, and I see independents and sleep well at night. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 482 reads


(or should that be "pole"?)
Service or Independent?
I haven't used a service so I don't know what that is all about.
Just watched a documentary on the industry and am really starting to distrust services....

GaGambler756 reads

Anything you saw in a documentary about whore mongering is sure to be full of shit.

Agencies are great for short notice, and/or as a Plan B when your highly rated Indy flakes out on you.

Indies tend to be a bit more personal, OTC time is more likely as it's HER time, not the agencies time to give. Indies are also more likely to try to cultivate "regulars" or as other people here like to call them "ATFs" but they Indies do not have a monopoly on this, Personally I have actually dated and been in LTR's with a couple of agency girls, but I am most likely the exception not the rule where it comes to that kind of thing.  

I have seen more than my share of both, and plan on continuing to do so in the future. So  my answer is a definite YES. (and yes, I know this was not a yes/no question. lol)

Thanks Gambler.
Here's the link for you:

Looked like a fair representation to me.

I sleep very well at night, too.  . . . .  Sometimes with one of them, sometimes without.

I typically see agency gals cause my schedule does not really allow me to preset appointments
Few days or few weeks in advance, and another thing I hate when  Independent gals text you or call you To solicit business at night. At least with agencies for most part they never call you to solicit business.

And another thing is, as much as I would like to develop more steady relationship with a working girl, I know it will start costing me more $$$ in the long run, and plus I would hate to get emotionally attached to any gal ,period.  I got plenty of my shit on my plate.  
So agencies one hour at a time are awesome choice for me.  ( And for most part I have shit loads of fun )  
At Times when I find an Independent gal that I like , I will for sure see her as well but the supply is so Great at my steady places that I would have to take on a second shift at work to pay for this damn hobby hahaha 

It just means you haven't given your phone number to them.  I average about two a night, mostly from girls I haven't seen in awhile telling how much they "miss" me.  I know they don't really miss me, they just miss my wallet, but they have a nice way of putting it. If agency girls know you're married, they are pretty good at not bothering you when you might be with your family.  Not the case with me because I'm single.

It's pretty fair except for the disproportionate focus on pimped and trafficked chicks and the wildly made up statistics they throw around ("98% of high end escorts are pimped," wtf?). I was just happy that they included my hero Amanda Brooks in it. Her handbooks were a godsend when I was a baby hooker and she's just so damn sweet.  

It's one of the better docs I've seen on the industry, I would have just liked to have seen more screen time for the independent ladies and a bit less histrionic coverage (the 911 call was a bit over-the-top, and did you hear it slip out that the girl on the recording wasn't even working for him?). Lisa Ling would have probably done a better story than the NatGeo chick.

Dear Ms. Telford,
No wonder you have evolved into the practitioner that you are today.  I can see that certain traits of Ms. Brooks have had an everlasting effect on you.  Also she gives you certain basic guidelines on which to predicate your professional practices and nine times out of ten  I am sure that her handbooks have served you well from screening to economics.  Also learning about where the best places to post to ascertaining that there is a class system of providers in the hobby as she elaborates on in her latest post on her site.  I am sure that you are proficient and efficient with a myriad of phases of your growing practice as a provider due to her experience and her leadership.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
It's pretty fair except for the disproportionate focus on pimped and trafficked chicks and the wildly made up statistics they throw around ("98% of high end escorts are pimped," wtf?). I was just happy that they included my hero Amanda Brooks in it. Her handbooks were a godsend when I was a baby hooker and she's just so damn sweet.  
 It's one of the better docs I've seen on the industry, I would have just liked to have seen more screen time for the independent ladies and a bit less histrionic coverage (the 911 call was a bit over-the-top, and did you hear it slip out that the girl on the recording wasn't even working for him?). Lisa Ling would have probably done a better story than the NatGeo chick.

Senator.Blutarsky472 reads

But I won't complain...😎

John_Laroche408 reads

I only see agency girls, but my main handle only sees indies (as far as he knows). Overall, my main handle has had more fun, but is sometimes left holding it when an indy cancels.

Other than that, I can only say I agree with GaG on the differences.

HoLogic534 reads

Answer:  Either

Why?  Cause this is like any other industry and the indie vs agency is just a marketing technique.  Indies bash agencies to get your money because you feel morally better.  Agencies will bash indies so you feel your info is safe and your not dealing with BCH.  And its ALL BS.  Effective marketing, but bs.

I have been in the game for a while and sadly I have seen indies do things to each other (special cruelness when 'helping' a new girl learn the ropes) and their clients that were just as bad if not worse than what is said about agencies.  

I have seen agencies do super crappy things to other agencies and indies.  Not so much clients cause they have a harder time rebranding.  But that doesn't make them better one bit.

It really is about the agency / indie.  Some are fabulous. Some are total nightmares.  We are just like any other industry - there is good and bad in all parts.

The documentaries are just fuel to justify the anti-trafficking budget which is huge and being questioned.  They need the hearts and minds of a country who does not really care about this if its kept where it belongs.  

CAVEAT:  Agencies - especially touring agencies - who are still massively advertising Russian, Polish, Czech, British and other white foreign women are incredibly dangerous right now imo.   Not because of treatment but because they are saying:  HEY TASK UNIT!  WE ARE THE DEFINITION OF WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TELLING EVERYONE YOU ARE SHUTTING DOWN! WE KNOW YOU MADE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT YOU HAVE SPECIAL VISAS FOR THE GIRLS WHO TALK.  WE HAVE THEM ALL RIGHT HERE!

But other than that, is on a case by case basis.

If her menu is inclusive of my likes, then I want to see her.

I haven't noticed any benefit either way, although I could see the agency alternative working in my favor if I wanted to book last minute.

Agencies have bailed me out also in the past when an Indy flaked on me..

I think as someone said agencies are good for last minute calls and if you want to choose from a variety of women but don't want to go through the screening process each time.  That being said...Agencies (usually) rate higher on the exploitation scale, usually go through providers quickly, don't seem to last for very long and definitely are more likely to be on LE's radar than an independent provider.  Agencies are usually more of a stepping stone for anyone who wants to stay in this biz longer than a year anyways.  If you haven't noticed agency girls tend stay in for maybe a year at the longest and then go indie or quit.

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