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Its okay, . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 272 reads

Vodka, even the cheap stuff, can sterilize most anything, so no need to worry if they washed this week or not.

ILOVEMILFS5480 reads

I'd Love to get the perspective of woman and men on my recent encounter...

I set a follow up date with a lady of which I am very fond of.  She needed to change the time of our date (she gave me a week's notice) I was more than happy to accommodate.  She asked if we could start at 4 and then said if I arrived earlier 30 mins or so that was cool as well.  I said no problem.

After a week of her emailing nice sexy emails, requesting my outfit request, saying hello etc...The day finally came.  I arrived at 3:40 for our 1 hour date.  We had a great time and as expected our time flew by.  Next thing I knew it was a few mins past 5.  

She was giving me a wonderful back massage as we chit chatted about our lives.  I said, I'm so sorry, I am past an hour.  She said no problem.  She knew I had other plans later than night around 6:30  and she told me to stay until my dinner plans.  I said, I really appreciate that but, I only booked an hour and I want to respect your time.  But, I did ask to take a quick shower as I was covered in oil and her cum.  (This was a repeat date :) )  

I took a quick showered and got changed.  I reached into my wallet and I only had $60.  I laid it on the dresser.  I felt bad, b/c I don't want to take advantage of this woman or her kindness  I think she charges an extra $200 for the extra 30 mins.  
She only comes to my area once or twice a year.  I do plan to make it up to her when she comes back.    

Ladies - how would you like your gentle to respond under these circumstances

GaGambler712 reads

and it sounds like she is a "nice" generous giving provider.

Just like an asshole and a bitch "deserve each other" so do two good people.

If you have any feelings of guilt, why not send her a nice email, thank her for both the great session and the extra time so she feels appreciated along with a promise to not only rebook with her the next time she comes to town, but that you plan on giving her a "nice little surprise" the next time you see her.  

I bet you it will make her day.

BTW, you most definitely did NOT take advantage of her, she OFFERED, you did not DEMAND. There is a HUGE difference here. but I bet she would love to hear it from you how much you noticed and appreciated the extra she gave you.

I'm gonna cry.....But I like you as the asshole that you are...don't be getting soft on us....lol

GaGambler432 reads

I can definitely understand if any one were to think it was not really me who authored that post. lol

JakeFromStateFarm511 reads

You were WAY too easy on this ass clown.  First of all, what kind of a douche bag walks around with only $60 in his wallet?  And even if that was the case, since he was at her incall, which was probably a hotel, all he needed to do was to go down to the lobby and find a fucking ATM.  Failing that, how far is an ATM from anywhere in America?
The guy is a dick and you're a wuss for giving him a pass, even though she told him not to worry about it.  This is a classic case of CYA on the OP.

want to re-read the OP. It was mutual consent to go beyond the time. He offered a $60 tip and said he would give her a bigger tip next time.

JakeFromStateFarm454 reads

She may not have been comfortable asking for more.  It was his obligation to step up.  And leaving $60 is an insultingly low amount.  His own actions show he felt leaving more money was appropriate but he weaseled out by leaving only the $60 he had on hand.  If there was, in fact, clearly mutual consent why did he leave any extra money at all?  It was a cheap and weasely move and in his OP you can tell he was a bit embarrassed by it.  If he wasn't, why did he need to come here and ask?
Your assignment is to go back and re-read the OP AGAIN and then re-read my first response.  And to get a clue.

GaGambler310 reads

Your inability to comprehend simple English is starting to rival BBBBB and both the Fatty twins.

YOUR assignment is to go back and re-read the  OP AGAIN, if you ever read it in the first place as you have missed this one by a mile AGAIN.  

Can I PLEASE buy you a couple of bottles of vodka so you can start making sense again, I will even spring for the good stuff.

I know your memory is fading, but you do remember that time you made me promise you that if you ever got as dumb as the Fatty twins that I was to "put you out of your misery"? Well that day is getting dangerously close, please get help and get it NOW. Please seek out your nearest bartender and have him pour you about four fingers of the cure.

...his Colt 1911.  It might be a better idea to have a panel decide whether to put Jake out of his misery rather than leave it up to a trigger-happy "righty."


GaGambler333 reads

but at least due to his apparent Alzheimer's it's unlikely he would remember my promise anyhow. I would just be rather sad watching him drown in his own drool.

As for his Colt 1911, he is much more likely to shoot off his own foot with it that he is to hit me, lefties believe in gun control, righties believe in "bullet control" as in keeping your shots in a tight pattern. Don't worry, I won't let him suffer, a double tap to the back of the head and he will go peacefully into the night with what's left of his dignity intact. lmao

...and he certainly did NOT tell her he would give her a bigger tip next time.

He merely put the $60. on the dresser.  He either should have told her that's all he had and would make it up to her next time or he should have immediately followed up with an email explaining that was all he had and telling her he would take care of her next time.

-- Modified on 10/6/2016 4:18:58 PM

like me.  I forget overnight who I was pissed at yesterday, so I start off each morning liking everyone here, until one by one, the usual suspects start saying some stupid shit, so that by nightfall, I'm pissed off at a third of the people here.  Then I sleep and we start over tomorrow.  I tend to say nicer stuff in the mornings

GaGambler436 reads

There are so many morons on TER and so few of them are memorable enough for me to remember them from day to day especially the ones that post infrequently. I've lost count of how many times I have read a board reply or PM that starts out with "Remember that time you called me a....." The answer of course is usually "fuck no, I have NO idea who the fuck you are" and then the little dweeb will go on to cite a thread from a year back that no one but him remembers.  

Part of how nice I am also depends on how long it's been since I've been laid. for about two hours after having sex I too tend to be a bit nicer. If the girl really rocked my world I might be too content to pick a fight for as long as three or four hours. lol

its not cumulative for me.  When I start over in the morning, its with LITTLE memory of being pissed at anyone here yesterday.

Yeah, the grammar error had me wondering ("you a nice..." sounds more like Rip ;-)

That is an answer why in states I just prefer to be a companion.
Seems as many american women as well.  
Oh american middle class men - any hope in you becoming more upbeat, more how to say- intelligent?  
It was fun to read how you was covered in her cum  
I think many did enjoy that reading  
Why I think - you are from middle west and she is from Russia?  
Match made in heave

The unwashed peasants who like to think of themselves as Europeans.

Vodka, even the cheap stuff, can sterilize most anything, so no need to worry if they washed this week or not.

GaGambler427 reads

and when your name is BBBBB who cares about washing?

and find a translator to understand  all but I think you will get and yourself :)

 Oh by way - list my voice on my site about vodka  

generally here American and Russian men trying to get along ..    
 and seems they got along not too bad.

-- Modified on 10/6/2016 4:22:35 PM

Sometimes time gets away from us a little.  If you had an extra $200 on you then it would have been great to give that much more.  But you gave whatever you had a tip to show your appreciation for the fact that she was willing to be relaxed about the time.  She invited you to stay, so it doesn't sound like she was counting the seconds until you left in her mind.  I think we all feel disappointed when we go above and beyond what we've been booked for and the client doesn't reciprocate in some manner by going above and beyond on his end.

Yes she charges $200 for the extra 30, but you didn't agree to pay for that.  It's debatable who is responsible for keeping track of the time unless her website says otherwise.  She gave a little extra on her side and you showed your appreciation for giving a little extra on your side.  Most providers I know, myself included, would appreciate the gesture.

If the money is not an issue for you, you really like her, and you wanna be absolutely sure she feels fully compensated for her time, why not drop her an Amazon gift card for the remaining $140 to her email address?  They are delivered almost instantly, can be used to purchase almost anything, and are fully safe and anonymous for her to receive from you digitally.  :)

GoogleWasMyIdea539 reads

It's far, far more anonymous.

I'd heard great things about it and used it for the first time myself yesterday (and actually in a very similar situation) and it worked like a charm. And the young lady involved was, I think, genuinely surprised and thrilled to get the gift.

I always have enough "extra" on me to cover up to one additional hour plus tip at the posted rate, because sometimes I'M the one that wants to extend if I'm have a great time and her schedule permits us to extend.  If you make this your practice, you will never be short on the tip if she does something extra special for you, like you describe, that warrants demonstrative appreciation.

If so find an appropriate item and send it to her.

Otherwise there are other good suggestions in the thread.

stucaboy550 reads

in line behind waiting for you to pay for gum using a fucking debit card?  Put a couple hundred dollars in your pocket...it won't kill you.  No. don't give me the bull-shit that it could be better invested and gaining interest.  If any of you are worried about money and are playing this game, I would recommend you spend some time finding a girl-friend.

The reason being, is if it's initially being given out of guilt, it automatically creates a psychological debt to both parties. One to the giver because they'll never be sure if they did enough, and the other if the receiver senses the guilt or feeling of debt, they have to somehow figure out where the giver's mind is to assure them they're good.  

It creates a Barrier that doesn't need to be there.  

Think about this. You've seen this girl multiple times. Perhaps she was giving something to you out of appreciation for your returning business.  

That moment was right, and she saw a great opportunity to give you a small perk. As a result of her trying to go above and beyond, you've accepted her "gift" with "debt"

What I suggest in the future is to accept the gift. Take time to think on it. Then if ever so inspired, show up the next time with a little extra, thought out, and given with pleasure.  

Otherwise you're leaving with a bad taste you've put in your own mouth, when she wanted you to leave with a sweet taste. ;)

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
The reason being, is if it's initially being given out of guilt, it automatically creates a psychological debt to both parties. One to the giver because they'll never be sure if they did enough, and the other if the receiver senses the guilt or feeling of debt, they have to somehow figure out where the giver's mind is to assure them they're good.  
 It creates a Barrier that doesn't need to be there.  
 Think about this. You've seen this girl multiple times. Perhaps she was giving something to you out of appreciation for your returning business.  
 That moment was right, and she saw a great opportunity to give you a small perk. As a result of her trying to go above and beyond, you've accepted her "gift" with "debt"  
 What I suggest in the future is to accept the gift. Take time to think on it. Then if ever so inspired, show up the next time with a little extra, thought out, and given with pleasure.  
 Otherwise you're leaving with a bad taste you've put in your own mouth, when she wanted you to leave with a sweet taste. ;)
-- Modified on 10/6/2016 8:33:39 PM

A woman after my heart. You have perfectly dissected this conundrum!

Sometimes in life it's nice to just do something for another with NO expectation of anything in return, just out of general kindness or to show you care for the person.  And after doing that, I appreciate a thanks, but the last thing I want is to have the person be a little too insistent on paying me back sometime, thus almost reducing the act of kindness back to a transactional type of thing.  But I have also come to learn that some people have a harder time accepting generosity for some reason, and just NEVER want to have ANY feeling of indebtedness to another.  I try to not take offense at this, as I know we are all wired a little differently (but I do laugh, as my good friend/work colleague counts the change to pay me back to the PENNY if I bought her even just a cup of coffee or a danish).

Noone likes that feeling. Know what else people don't like? Not feeling appreciated. I am sure you don't like those feelings and have a deep appreciation for folks who do NOT do that to you.

Send her an email and tell her you would like to send her a thank you gift and ask her which would be the best form of delivery to her.

If you want VIP treatment the next time you see her, you have to act like a VIP before then. Providers LOVE nice guys. Be that guy, not the guy she resents having to work with

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