TER General Board

It's OK to talk Money
Oldtimemonger 573 reads

It's OK to talk money and time. That's not the same thing as mentioning sexual services. Why did you leave ID? I never give ID.

It sounds strange that she asked about the P411 special and said even the amount was a typo. I've never been in that situation since I verify the cost before seeing them. Some of these girls might have 3 different prices in 3 different ads.

You are right. It sounds fishy that a P411 provider would not know her "special " price. Since she already knew it was incorrect she should have mentioned that before the appointment.

AFICIONADO131900 reads

I recently had an appointment with a well-reviewed lady that truly exceeded my expectations. It was a wonderful experience. This is what caught me off guard at the end of our session and have never been placed in this awkward situation in the 10 years I have been doing this.  

Let me back up and start with the screening process. She is a member of P411 which we all know has the discount section. She had a “special” rate listed under the discount section. I have seen ladies in the past that have listed discounts and I always went by them without questioning the provider if they was accurate or not. As we all know some/most providers does not want any mention of their rates during the booking process and have never ran into any problems of what was listed.  

When I arrived I place the envelope on the dresser along with my ID and excuse myself to the restroom as always do. When I returned to get my ID the envelope appeared to be untouched or as it seemed. Different ladies has their own way of doing things, sometimes it’s gone when I reappear, sometimes I can hear them open it, and sometimes it looks as if it’s never been bothered.  

As our session was ending and we was getting back dressed she ask “did I have a special listed on P411” to which I responded yes. She ask “what was it” and I told her what was listed. She said “oh no that was supposed to be taken down and even that amount was a typo” I told her I was sorry but that was all the cash I had brought with me, which was not true I normally bring extra to extend or tip, but I wanted to see how this was going to play out. She then told me “she didn’t want to be surprised when she open the envelope”  

So all this was a little fishy to me and I was going to tip her because the service was excellent, but at that moment I felt like I was being played. She told me it was ok that it was her fault and hug and kiss and I was on my way.

The soft side of me wanted to open my wallet and give her the full rate, but the business side told me that it’s the providers responsibility to make sure all rates listed are up to date and accurate.  

So guys have you ever been put in this situation? If so how did it turn out?

Ladies have you ever make this mistake? If so how did you handle it

BlondeRoots858 reads

I don't run specials because I am always special.  So there's no confucius about rates.  

But less special girls should honor the mistake rate because it is not your fault you were confucius.

is one that happens to be on this website right here. only because men (and ladies, i guess) are able to change it. i have signed on to my profile page and i have seen things that just aren't true. i can submit it to ter and have them fix it, but i can't check it every second of every day.

if its posted on p411, our website, date check, whichever... that is on us.

how would i handle it?

i guess if i counted the money and it was less than i expected i would have asked the same thing.. "was there a special somewhere that you saw?" because if it was someone writing it in a review, then that wouldnt fly. if you answered the same way i would have said, "oh crap thanks.. i forgot to update that, thanks for reminding me. lets carry on."


AFICIONADO13582 reads

Oh yeah I know you can't go by what's listed here on TER because you have little control over it. I don't even go by what's listed on a ladies main site. Since I only book through P411 I go by what is listed unless it's a extended date that's not listed or her P411 profile says see website.

It is the business side of the transaction to inform the client of what the rate is. If the business has a change in rates, again, it is there responsibility to inform you.

That is always the way I have rolled with it and never had a problem.

It's OK to talk money and time. That's not the same thing as mentioning sexual services. Why did you leave ID? I never give ID.

It sounds strange that she asked about the P411 special and said even the amount was a typo. I've never been in that situation since I verify the cost before seeing them. Some of these girls might have 3 different prices in 3 different ads.

You are right. It sounds fishy that a P411 provider would not know her "special " price. Since she already knew it was incorrect she should have mentioned that before the appointment.

AFICIONADO13476 reads

I have ran across some ladies over the years that if you mention or ask about their rates it will end all communication. Why did I give ID? Well that is part of the safety of P411. Plus I don't give a crap if they know who I am where what business I own and where I live. If they showed up at my front door I'd invite the right on in. Of course that would be on the house if they enjoyed me that much to take the time. LMAO

Yeah it's easy to find different rates on sites for the same lady. I always go by what posted on P411 even though I may find somewhere cheaper. That is just how I do business.

I agree and that is why I did not tip or hand over the rate. It was like she already knew. However I would most certainly see her again. What a ride!!!

I've never ran across a lady that got upset for simply mentioning time or money. I'm in SF so things may be done differently than where you are. It's usually only if you mention something like BBBJ_CIM or some other sex act. Since I have a family to protect I don't want them knowing where I live or showing up at my doorstep.  Giving a personal ID is not part of P411 protocol

AFICIONADO13412 reads

My understanding was that your first name, the day you was born, and four consecutive numbers that is part of your P411 ID also had to be on the ID that you showed the lady on your arrival.

Maybe I'm wrong or maybe it's change since I joined. I know lots of guy tape over all the parts that are not needed to match the P411 ID to the ID you present to provider.

My understanding was that your first name, the day you was born, and four consecutive numbers that is part of your P411 ID also had to be on the ID that you showed the lady on your arrival.  
 Maybe I'm wrong or maybe it's change since I joined. I know lots of guy tape over all the parts that are not needed to match the P411 ID to the ID you present to provider.
That's how the P411 ID is set up but ladies around here don't ask for ID if you contacted them through P411.

L.Guapo435 reads

Trying to talk to someone who doesn't write Inglish.
PS: That was sarcasm.

Yes, it happened to me. P411 will transfer some info whe creating a visiting ad and almost always, it needs to be edited.  

Point and case, my summer special is $150 off a dinner. Which on my regular ad it showed. But when I duplicated the ad to place in another city, the glitch showed P411 discount as $150 off! Yes I got a lot of inquiries, since that makes my donation nearly non existent, lol, but of those that contacted me regarding the mistake, I still offered a discount for catching my error. Yes it is up to me to keep ads and rates current and clear.Donation confusion is not the guys fault at all. And if she is really that bad at math, just do strict per hour rates and multiply times how many hours the guy wants. I have seen some creative donations before but that scenario sounds crazy, geez.

I recently had an appointment with a well-reviewed lady that truly exceeded my expectations. It was a wonderful experience. This is what caught me off guard at the end of our session and have never been placed in this awkward situation in the 10 years I have been doing this.  
 Let me back up and start with the screening process. She is a member of P411 which we all know has the discount section. She had a “special” rate listed under the discount section. I have seen ladies in the past that have listed discounts and I always went by them without questioning the provider if they was accurate or not. As we all know some/most providers does not want any mention of their rates during the booking process and have never ran into any problems of what was listed.  
 When I arrived I place the envelope on the dresser along with my ID and excuse myself to the restroom as always do. When I returned to get my ID the envelope appeared to be untouched or as it seemed. Different ladies has their own way of doing things, sometimes it’s gone when I reappear, sometimes I can hear them open it, and sometimes it looks as if it’s never been bothered.  
 As our session was ending and we was getting back dressed she ask “did I have a special listed on P411” to which I responded yes. She ask “what was it” and I told her what was listed. She said “oh no that was supposed to be taken down and even that amount was a typo” I told her I was sorry but that was all the cash I had brought with me, which was not true I normally bring extra to extend or tip, but I wanted to see how this was going to play out. She then told me “she didn’t want to be surprised when she open the envelope”  
 So all this was a little fishy to me and I was going to tip her because the service was excellent, but at that moment I felt like I was being played. She told me it was ok that it was her fault and hug and kiss and I was on my way.  
 The soft side of me wanted to open my wallet and give her the full rate, but the business side told me that it’s the providers responsibility to make sure all rates listed are up to date and accurate.  
 So guys have you ever been put in this situation? If so how did it turn out?  
 Ladies have you ever make this mistake? If so how did you handle it?  

Information up-to-date.

You handled as it should have been.

One thing I hate someone playing me. I don't ask for discounts and I pay what is on their Web or the rate they publish on TER as a special. That is it.

All you have to say is something like:  I'm relying on the info I saw on P411 (or wherever) for your donation.  Then she has the right to correct you if she wants.

I have not had this situation come up, but if it had, I would have given her the benefit of the doubt, especially if the session was great and I want to assure her good will for future visits.  So, I would have given her the tip on top of the discounted rate

Alan_Nimm346 reads

recently I headed off a potential oops. I had a date coming up with someone I've seen many times before, so I know her rates--but I always check anyway. Her rates are on p411 but not for the duration of our date. And there wasn't enough info to extrapolate. So I asked her a few days before what the rate is. She said X, making it sound like it should be obvious, but then offered me a nice discount (for being a regular I guess). I thanked her and told her why I asked. Turns out some of her rate info on p411 was wrong, it's been wrong for a long time, and no one ever noticed it. It's fixed now.

noagenosage335 reads

Despite clarity on websites, etc there are still frequent misunderstandings (outside of ripoffs) that make things difficult.  Sometimes websites are ambiguous about servies, e. g. FBSM or FS, although fewer and fewer providers seem to offer the former.  More difficult is OTC -- to me it means companionship, no sex, no $$$.  With a good friend who asked me to show her around the city we were in, I readily agreed, bought a modest lunch and was a good tour guide for a few hours. Taking her home, she was decidedly cool, although she didn't say anything.  I could only conclude that she wanted some compensation for her time, although that was never discussed in any way.  But she was, to me, clearly disappointed and because we got along well in public as well as our occasional paid appointments, I think we were both a bit put out.  I'm still puzzled.  
Bottom line: both parties have to try to make things clear, in a tactful way, from the beginning and avoid ambiguity, which is inherent in human relationships.  Especially complex are weekends or longer.  Remember, this is an activity for grownups, although we all behave in childish ways from time to time.

AFICIONADO13487 reads

like I said I never had a problem in the past, but I guess there is a first time for everything.

Maybe I should have. It was her first time visiting my city although she has been in the business for years with lots of reviews and a member of P411 for quite awhile consider her number is in the 4 digits so one would think she would know how P411 works.  

I'm sure it was a mistake and she wasn't trying to pull one no one I have found stated that ever happen to them with this particular lady after doing some back channeling, but in the moment right at the very end when I was on cloud 9 it caught me off guard. The way it was presented it smelled of trying to pull one over. Of course the first thing that pops in my mind was draw you in with a special rock your world then drop that bomb on you. It's possible.

Should I have tipped like I was going to? I should have. Should have I gave her full rate? Maybe. If she was a local most certainly yes to both due to the great time.  

I would have thought the same thing if she asked right when I walk through the door and pulled the I got you here game.  I guess a flashback from the not so good day's of BP and being ignorant otherwise to review sites.  

We are not talking a huge discount we are talking 100 bucks off her normal rate which in my area put her a little below the average normal for my area. It's not like I got 50+% off or she owed me change when I left. lol

I just wanted to throw this out here for a discussion. It was a learning experience for me. Gives me something to ponder if it happens again. I think I would handle it on a case by case basis.  

There are just things about it that makes one go hum. How did she know to ask a the very very end? What made her think about it at that point? Why not in the very beginning? If there was doubt why not count why I was in the bathroom?  She was not on her phone or computer to pull up her account and say oh no there is a mistake?  

Calling me after I left may have been a little more believable.

Reasoning behind that, if this all is legit (and I don't have any reason to think it is or isn't), ...

If she asked you at the beginning and you said, "oh I don't have any more cash on me.. "

You could have left and taken the money with you and not have had the date. Then she would have been out all of it. That's a pretty easy thing to understand. So, ...if she knew the money wasn't right and continued, hoping you two would work it out at the end, then.. Well, dang.. I give her an a+++++ for being able to give you such a great date with that in the back of her head! Not many can do that..

I imagine it was pretty awkward for both of you! I've had weird glitches (transposed numbers, discounts that won't delete), like Sexy Jaye, before, and it's hard to walk the line of "how do I 1) make sure this was an honest mistake, and 2) make sure I don't screw up any more than already has been". She probably just wanted things to go off without a hitch if you seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and didn't want to either offend or lose you all together if it was an honest mix up, so afterwards might have looked like the best time to address it to her. What're you gonna do? Some stuff just can't be part of a good fantasy no matter how you try, lol!

Yeah, she may have been doing something nefarious, but $100 discount and being so "no worries" professional afterwards doesn't give me that impression. It doesn't sound like either of you was trying to do anything but have a good time, so I wouldn't worry about it to much :-)

becase too often is for lesser time or lesser services.  If I do...  I bring enough for her full rate in case that turns out to be what I really want...  when we get BCDs.  That said, on the initial contact, I'll mention which ad I'm replying to.  She may not remember but I've laid the ground work.  
I prefer to get business out of the way ASAP...  so we can time the events correctly.

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