TER General Board

It's not that you are adult, there is another reason you don't mind
GaGambler 390 reads

Your reputation is already so bad, there is NOTHING anyone could do to worsen it.

Thought I'd post this on the general board to get some opinions from around the larger community.  

A local board I visit infrequently has recently been visited by someone (as with all alias's, no one can even tell if they are woman or man) using the name of a provider who used to work in the area.  Not just any name--but a highly unique name that as of today still has not been used by another provider with reviews on TER.  

It would seem to me that TER would want to police such things, as the potential for confusion and harm is clear.  A number of folks on that board that the "new" person was in fact the old provider, for example.  

Is this something others see happening around the community?  Has anyone ever complained about it and has TER ever stepped in to do something?

Disclaimer--I saw the original provider whose name is being used as an alias by this person.  And I have a long history of questiong why alias's are even allowed as it seems 90=% of all board drama and strife is caused by people hiding behind one

Good luck with that!

I've been confused by provider/personas with very similar handles/names. With a minimal amount of research, usually clicking on their webpage I was set straight. In summary I'd say you are over reacting.  

Posted By: bluwoodsman
Thought I'd post this on the general board to get some opinions from around the larger community.    
 A local board I visit infrequently has recently been visited by someone (as with all alias's, no one can even tell if they are woman or man) using the name of a provider who used to work in the area.  Not just any name--but a highly unique name that as of today still has not been used by another provider with reviews on TER.    
 It would seem to me that TER would want to police such things, as the potential for confusion and harm is clear.  A number of folks on that board that the "new" person was in fact the old provider, for example.    
 Is this something others see happening around the community?  Has anyone ever complained about it and has TER ever stepped in to do something?  
 Disclaimer--I saw the original provider whose name is being used as an alias by this person.  And I have a long history of questiong why alias's are even allowed as it seems 90=% of all board drama and strife is caused by people hiding behind one.    

What you are describing is a situation where names are more common and easily confused.  This isn't a case of "Susan" using "Candy" or some other common name as an alias.  You'll have to trust me on this as I won't name her, but the providers name being used as an alias in this case is extremely unique.  

I THINK (again, who really knows?) that the person using the real provider name as an alias is a provider.  She didn't post anything outlandish.  Yet.  

For me it's another question regarding what effort TER really puts in to protect providers or hobbyists.  Such name use could create all kinds of havoc, even if it hasn't--yet--in this case.  Would seem it would be something that isn't allowed.  

Doesn't TER know the true original name behind the person using the other providers name as an alias?  Would seem to be a no brainer to not allow that kind of use.  

Lets flip the switch here.  What's to stop me from using an alias of "JohnnyCumAlready" and stirring up all kinds of trouble?

Although for an accurate analogy, it woul be more akin to someone using your exact name of 'JohnnyComAlready" as an alias

Go ahead make up an alias, how about JohnnyTheRapist ? and reek all the havoc you like.

I think I'll be alright.

Posted By: bluwoodsman
What you are describing is a situation where names are more common and easily confused.  This isn't a case of "Susan" using "Candy" or some other common name as an alias.  You'll have to trust me on this as I won't name her, but the providers name being used as an alias in this case is extremely unique.    
 I THINK (again, who really knows?) that the person using the real provider name as an alias is a provider.  She didn't post anything outlandish.  Yet.    
 For me it's another question regarding what effort TER really puts in to protect providers or hobbyists.  Such name use could create all kinds of havoc, even if it hasn't--yet--in this case.  Would seem it would be something that isn't allowed.    
 Doesn't TER know the true original name behind the person using the other providers name as an alias?  Would seem to be a no brainer to not allow that kind of use.  
 Lets flip the switch here.  What's to stop me from using an alias of "JohnnyCumAlready" and stirring up all kinds of trouble?  
 Although for an accurate analogy, it woul be more akin to someone using your exact name of 'JohnnyComAlready" as an alias.    

GaGambler391 reads

Your reputation is already so bad, there is NOTHING anyone could do to worsen it.

Posted By: GaGambler
Your reputation is already so bad, there is NOTHING anyone could do to worsen it.

This isn't true for providers, just saying. I take my professional reputation extremely seriously. I can't give a fuck less about what you clowns think of my board reputation. One I live on and puts food in my families belly the other I fuck off with. Big difference in levels of importance.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Go ahead make up an alias, how about JohnnyTheRapist ? and reek all the havoc you like.  
 I think I'll be alright.  
Posted By: bluwoodsman
What you are describing is a situation where names are more common and easily confused.  This isn't a case of "Susan" using "Candy" or some other common name as an alias.  You'll have to trust me on this as I won't name her, but the providers name being used as an alias in this case is extremely unique.    
  I THINK (again, who really knows?) that the person using the real provider name as an alias is a provider.  She didn't post anything outlandish.  Yet.    
  For me it's another question regarding what effort TER really puts in to protect providers or hobbyists.  Such name use could create all kinds of havoc, even if it hasn't--yet--in this case.  Would seem it would be something that isn't allowed.    
  Doesn't TER know the true original name behind the person using the other providers name as an alias?  Would seem to be a no brainer to not allow that kind of use.    
  Lets flip the switch here.  What's to stop me from using an alias of "JohnnyCumAlready" and stirring up all kinds of trouble?  
  Although for an accurate analogy, it woul be more akin to someone using your exact name of 'JohnnyComAlready" as an alias.    

89Springer521 reads

How exactly do you confirm the sex of anyone, anywhere on the internet?  For all I know, Dr. Who may actually be a 115 pound, 36D-24-36 SI swimsuit model (or was that Victoria's Secret).

But I'd think that this is closer...except I prefer hockey.

But Rod doesn't know that  ;)

Does Timonem still have any life in him Doc? I think a corpse would be an upgrade at this point, but do you thin he's still a difference maker?

Lambert would have been a hell of an enforcer in the old days if he ever laced em up!

nom_de_plume489 reads

When creating an alias, one should avoid using the hobby name of someone else if it's unique and well-known in the TER community, as in this case.  I would hope the person who created the alias would have more common sense and consideration than to do such a thing, but not everyone has common sense or is considerate of others.

Have you tried reporting this to TER Admin to see what they'd say?  It's not something they'd be able to catch on their own.

And yes, I often post under an alias.  Not to cause strife and "board drama", but because of some of the legitimate reasons for using an alias on TER... of which there's several.

Considerthis474 reads

Blaming the use of an alias for the inappropriate use of a screen name is like blaming drivers licenses for negligent driving.
That logic escapes me. Report the behavior to "the authorities" [sic] and find something better to do.

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