TER General Board

It's just like drinking wine that costs a thousand bucks a bottle
GaGambler 524 reads

It's only stupid if you can't afford it.

I do find it kind of dumb if you have to save up for it, but I support the right for people to be dumb with their own money.

I mean honestly, who is the dumb one, the guy that can afford thousand dollar hookers/wine, or the guy bashing him for it?

Hi everyone!  I was scanning over reviews the other day and noticed some providers' fees are 500-1000+ per hour.  IMHO thats ridiculous!  I don't care what kind of perfect appearance she has or what service(s) she offers or how many pops she allows...that is crazy.  Don't get me wrong, I reallize everyone needs to make a living.

I've spent time with some very attractive providers offering 150% GFE, multiple pops, for far less money (the most I'll comfortably donate is 200/60) and I'm willing to bet that some of my favorites at 160-180 are just as good if not better!

just my two cent

The amount varies with each individual.  What may seem like a fortune to you may be frivolous change to someone else.  If that provider can command a high price and be successful, good for her! As for $200/hr.....I won't comment.....


No one is forcing you to pay more than you want.

What's my point?  I'm simply sharing an opinion.  This IS the "general discussion" area, right?

Have a great day

Just like to hear themselves talk, or read their type.. ;)

This doesn't come across as a discussion. It comes across more as a whiney "I can't afford... "

I wonder if he goes in to Nordstroms and says, "I can get a pair of Wranglers from another store.. " what the sales person would say. Probably just walk away ..
I'll dance away.. ;)

It's all in the eye of the beholder....if the $500-$1000/hr ladies were affordable to me, I would probably use them.  I guess the perception (whether real or not) is that the more they charge, the less clients they see which is more desirable.  Conversely, those in your range have to see more clients (more than double) to make the same amount of money.  I usually stick to the 250-400/hr range, but even using my regular, it can be eyeopening.  She charges $300/hr and $200/hhr (yes, I know) and on a recent visit she stated she had made $1200 the day before.  As I did the permutations in my head, it certainly detracted from the experience.  Now I only do early morning visits.  

Posted By: Demcc3
Hi everyone!  I was scanning over reviews the other day and noticed some providers' fees are 500-1000+ per hour.  IMHO thats ridiculous!  I don't care what kind of perfect appearance she has or what service(s) she offers or how many pops she allows...that is crazy.  Don't get me wrong, I reallize everyone needs to make a living.  
 I've spent time with some very attractive providers offering 150% GFE, multiple pops, for far less money (the most I'll comfortably donate is 200/60) and I'm willing to bet that some of my favorites at 160-180 are just as good if not better!  
 just my two cents  

Oops! I never even considered " the higher donation, the less clients...."  Thanks for bringing that up :-)

GaGambler527 reads

Even if you schedule at 6:00 AM, there is no guarantee that she didn't just bareback her BF 15 minutes earlier.

Trust me on this, I used to spend every night at my hooker GF's place, and sometimes she would have early morning appointments. Trust me her first appointment of the day was hardly her first sex of the day, I hope you enjoyed the taste of my jizz. lmao

I wanted to see a gal once who charged 1500$/hr. I am sure not paying that but if I ever won the lottery, I will.

Value is in the eye of the beholder and money available certainly plays into that.

followme773 reads

I wish I could be holding you now.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

I am actually playing the Lottery this week. :D

I never do unless it hits over 200 million and sometimes not even then.

Posted By: followme
I wish I could be holding you now.  
 Thank you  
 2015 = 28

on how much money you can burn. If you're a !%er, no amount is too much. Those ladies are catering to the high rollers. That's cool! I might do exactly the same thing. There's also another thing involved with those high end ladies, and that's called panache, pizazz, the it factor, charisma, charm, or to quote a famous TER handle, mojo. Some ladies have it in spades, and others don't know where to find it. One who has it can up the ante. I definitely have a ceiling, so many ladies will go untouched. But not a problem. As you stated, there are many it factor ladies well below the 1/2 to 1k range. Thank the TER Gods there's someone for everyone. I don't hold any ill will against whatever a lady wants to charge. But there is one thing that makes me think ridiculous. There are several God awful, Butt ugly ladies charging those high end rates. They're even butt ugly behind all their glam photo shoots. Are you kidding me? 700 big ones? But then you have to think. Maybe those ladies have charismatic mesmeric mojo. A lady's beauty increases tenfold if she's charming. Hey let's you and I put our two maximums together. We'll flip a coin, and the winner can go see one of those unattractive high enders to check out the hubbub factor. Heads or tails?

I agree with you 100% .....with me charm and personality make up for a lower skill set.

Btw, "tails"

Ahh, dang Demcc3, it came up heads!! Sorry man!

No, actually I thought you were going to say, "Head AND tail, any day of the week."

You hit the nail right on the head from my perspective.  It is all about that "it factor" for me.  I have seen 3 high end ladies and 2 of them looked looked like they could have been taken directly out of a magazine and put into my hotel room.  All of them were super easy to converse with, but an easy flowing conversation is not that hard to find even at lower rates in my experience.  It's mostly about the looks and reviews/services for me.  I look for a girl that is way out of my league or it's not worth it to me. I would just try my luck at a bar and plan on paying $75-$100 in alcohol for the night.  Perhaps my views are a little bit shallow, but I think this game is a little bit shallow by nature.  I'm sure I could find what I am looking for at lower rates to, but it would probably take a lot more time and trial and error.  


To clarify, you hit the nail on the head about the "it factor" being the draw.  Not so much about the high end ladies not being attractive.  I just realized it could have been interpreted that way when most of my post speaks to the contrary.

-- Modified on 5/24/2015 12:37:19 PM

GaGambler610 reads

Are HDH's being shallow by only fucking guys with the price of admission? am I am shallow pig for only sleeping with hotties?

Of course we are shallow, this is sex, not true love. I LIKE being shallow, and make ZERO excuses for it.

I agree with you completely.  I was just saying that because I realize looks aren't the main priority for some.  Some guys may simply be looking for something different (than their wife or SO).  Looks are by far the most important for me.  It's not that chemistry doesn't play a role at all.  I just don't think you can gauge that by online bios.  So I pick the hottest one in my price range, read her reviews and hope for a good time.

GaGambler520 reads

There is absolutely nothing a Fugly can do to turn me on, except for introducing me to her hot friend of course. lol

I go by looks as well. I also look at menu options when reading reviews. I rarely read much of the text as most reviewers are either narcissists whose reviews are "all about them" or they have no taste and their opinions are worthless to me. What they can tell me however is whether or not the overall tone of the session was good, how was her attitude, and are things like DFK and BBBJ, things that are important to me in a session are available.

Menu options and getting a sense of her attitude are the primary reason I read reviews as well.  I don't care how hot she is, if she generally gives a cbj instead of a bbb I will pass on her.

The ladies asking 500+ obviously do so because they get that rate. Just because you think it's high doesn't mean no one should ask that.

Hmmmm...i wasn't saying it is wrong and the ladies shouldn't charge the higher amounts. I was sharing my element of surprise and an opinion

Yes, you were asserting it is wrong. You called it "ridiculous" and "crazy". Obviously you've never experienced a woman that charges that, so who are you to bash on the women that do? You have no idea what the real difference is. If you can't afford it, fine. Just move on. You don't see me on here with an "opinion" talking about the women that charge far less than me...

Posted By: Demcc3
Hmmmm...i wasn't saying it is wrong and the ladies shouldn't charge the higher amounts. I was sharing my element of surprise and an opinion.  

I get that some ladies will imply "exotic" because they come from an area that is off the beaten path, and will charge a little extra for that.  I get that some ladies have film or magazine credits and will charge extra for the idea of being with a "star".  

Are these examples of the real difference you are talking about?  Or do you mean something else?

-- Modified on 5/25/2015 8:55:29 AM

Or high end AMG Mercedes? I mean do you go on forums and tell them how stupid they are for spending that much money on a car?  

Just because YOU can't afford it, does not mean someone else can't. I mean a car is a car right..the same way you intimated that pussy is pussy so why pay more.

There is no such thing as a high end piece of pussy.

All Men, including Women are created equal.

ased on observational non scientific evidence, I am convinced that BMW drivers have to surrender their brain when they take controls to the keys to their beemer... (doesn't seem to affect BMW bike riders though)

Guys (and gals) I have the feeling that I have offended some people here.  I was sharing my element of surprise and a simple opinion.  Thank you for all your responses too. I'm still relatively new at this "hobby" (off and on for abt 3 months)

If push came to shove, yah I could treat myself to a higher end girl once or twice a year

Have a great weekend!

PS I sincerely apologize to those of you that have taken my opinion in a manner in which it was not intended.  There's no need for bitterness and petty name calling

-- Modified on 5/24/2015 1:30:20 PM

It's just fun to rip on dudes who bitch about what they can't afford.

That doesn't mean I wont spend it, of course I won't drive more than fifteen minutes away to do so.

There have only been two women I've been interested at that price point. Both have won Miss TER, I'd have to sign up to view their websites, so it works out for the both sides.

GaGambler525 reads

It's only stupid if you can't afford it.

I do find it kind of dumb if you have to save up for it, but I support the right for people to be dumb with their own money.

I mean honestly, who is the dumb one, the guy that can afford thousand dollar hookers/wine, or the guy bashing him for it?

You'd probably say I was, I'd say anyone who thinks they are prestigious by association.

GaGambler637 reads

Yes, you are quite likely the dumbest person here, but be proud of it, it's quite an accomplishment with all the competition you have here.

The guy who takes to the internet to tell all of the big spenders how his $160/hr bargains are better...or the hooker who can pull $1k/hr from her vagina (figuratively speaking, of course)?

Posted By: GaGambler
It's only stupid if you can't afford it.

I do find it kind of dumb if you have to save up for it, but I support the right for people to be dumb with their own money.  

I mean honestly, who is the dumb one, the guy that can afford thousand dollar hookers/wine, or the guy bashing him for it?

The ladies are entitled to set their own personal rates, and that's over and above your personal limit, so be it.  End of statement.

the VW GTI and the Mercedes 350 coupe.  The prices are very different.  
While physicians have their fees limited by insurers and government, providers are still free entrepreneurs.
Too much is what they can't find a willing purchaser to pay.

GaGambler392 reads

There are $150 hr lawyers and there are $1,000 lawyers. It's a matter of personal choice as to which provides the best "value"

The difference of course is there are virtually no $1,000 hr lawyers fresh out of law school, while there are "some" hookers that start out as HDH's, but once again the market will decide who can continue to charge those kind of rates and who will have an empty dance card at those kind of rates.

It's funny, I do tend to stick to both $300 hour hookers and lawyers, I have been very pleased with both. I rarely go much higher or lower than that, well not when in the US at least.

Of course I do like the fuckings I get from hookers much better than the ones I get from lawyers, for a $300 hour fucking from a hooker I always at least get kissed, not so much from the lawyers I know. Maybe I should find hotter lawyers, you think??? lol

ValuedCustomer402 reads

$300/hr for the hookers and $400-$500/hr for the lawyers.  Personally, I like my lawyers old and ugly..

GaGambler463 reads

I used to deal with a lot of FCC and SEC lawyers and many of these guys billing out at $500+ per hours were fucking hacks that simply rebilled the work of others at ten times what they paid the people who actually did the work.

I had an FCC lawyer try to charge me six grand for some work that was a carbon copy of the work I had done by an FCC consultant out of Gettysburg who charged $60 hr. When pressed he admitted that she had done the work, I already had a copy of the same work that was ten hours of HER time, that I already had in hand. I promptly told the lawyer to fuck off and that if he pressed me on the bill I would go to the Bar Association.

Oops sorry for getting off topic, but yes we are pretty much on the same page here.

do not nearly equal the "perceived value" of either.

 A Toyota gets one to work or play as(or more) reliably as the aforementioned. The rest is simply marketing to ego and braggadocio.

 Stick to your personal price point and ignore the rest.

If I want to see a provider that charges more than I usually pay, I save some more money and see that provider.  
The OP could not see his $200 providers 5 times and enjoy the company of a $1000 provider.  

It's simple and not a problem. We are talking recreation here, right?

I think the issue is(from the OP's perspective) is a provider can not deliver a session worthy of a $1000 an hour. I don't think an hour, would provide enough time for a woman to deliver a thousand dollars worth of fun, so In order to provide a worth while experience I'm all ready looking at a multi hour session.  

The only thing a higher rate guarantees is exclusivity.

ottolbrock385 reads

From an expensive date with regret. I have walked away from cheap ones wishing I never went. I have had great times for under 200 but it is hit and miss. Always have fun with a provider who's reviews and reputation demands more.  Just my experience.

I don't review, neither do I put providers on pedestals...

You on the other hand do, I'd value your opinion more if I could see your reviews.

Quite the double standard, I know.  

I am also much more critical of providers with good reputations, and higher fees. I know it isn't fair, but I look for reasons NOT to see them, versus reasons why I SHOULD.

GaGambler456 reads

All it does is shrink her customer base to make it more likely that she see guys at a lower volume, but it is certainly no guarantee.

Posted By: GaGambler
All it does is shrink her customer base to make it more likely that she see guys at a lower volume, but it is certainly no guarantee.

toofuckingstupid694 reads

true but its all about the mind fuck. you know damn well someone charging a grand is not finding as many suckers as one charging 150. thats just a fact. sure the 150 gals can turn down more clients and dont have to be as reliable knowing many more are coming through, but there is more of a chance of exclusivity with a higher rate. i knew a hot lil college cutie about 19 who took 175 and only saw a few a week, but she also had a boyfriend giving her money and a babysitting gig if you can believe that. very rare. even in the shitty markets, 200 can still get a gal major business.

GaGambler549 reads

and there are quite a few gals out there who do such a great job of marketing that they manage to keep very full dance cards, despite charging well above market rates. Will they ever admit this? Of course not, that's part of their allure to most guys paying the big bucks, but it doesn't mean it doesn't happen quite a bit.

There are a LOT of very stupid guys out there, MacDiaper is one that comes to mind who will pass on a well reviewed $500 hour lady to take a chance on a $750 hr woman who not only doesn't have a single review, but doesn't even have a picture that would give you the slightest idea of what she actually looks like. They convince themselves that if she is charging $750 hr, they just MUST be all that.

There is an idiot like him born every minute, and plenty of woman who just love taking advantage of stupid men. I really can't say that I blame them. If I had a pussy and it was my most valuable asset, you can bet your sweet ass I would be selling it for as much as possible.

toofuckingstupid399 reads

use your brain if you can. higher priced providers aint sucking d*ck every day of the week unless they live in NYC or LA where those rates are about average. i would pay more for the benefit of being with someone who is generally more exclusive. at 150 even with a cheap rental most women need to clear 5 or 600 a week to cover all of their bills. do the math. 3-4 guys a week at 150 or one guy a week at 500? bet more would take the latter option if they could get it.  

no one gives a shit what you think is too much. that's you and you have a whole one review. you are hardly the expert or the voice of reason. just some newb pissed he can't pay to play the game. if the cheapos were that hot and great, where are the reviews to back you up on it? thanks.

Posted By: toofuckingstupid
use your brain if you can. higher priced providers aint sucking d*ck every day of the week unless they live in NYC or LA where those rates are about average. i would pay more for the benefit of being with someone who is generally more exclusive. at 150 even with a cheap rental most women need to clear 5 or 600 a week to cover all of their bills. do the math. 3-4 guys a week at 150 or one guy a week at 500? bet more would take the latter option if they could get it.  
 no one gives a shit what you think is too much. that's you and you have a whole one review. you are hardly the expert or the voice of reason. just some newb pissed he can't pay to play the game. if the cheapos were that hot and great, where are the reviews to back you up on it? thanks.

truetobetold420 reads

that 1k is high end, obviously you do not know anything.. in the high end world 1k/hr is a low figure. They cater to wealthy people who rarely care about these forums and the girls do not care about being here either. are they worth it? I do not know but all high end girls I met, have regular jobs and do not need to meet 3-4 guys a day to make ends meet

Posted By: Demcc3
Hi everyone!  I was scanning over reviews the other day and noticed some providers' fees are 500-1000+ per hour.  IMHO thats ridiculous!  I don't care what kind of perfect appearance she has or what service(s) she offers or how many pops she allows...that is crazy.  Don't get me wrong, I reallize everyone needs to make a living.  
 I've spent time with some very attractive providers offering 150% GFE, multiple pops, for far less money (the most I'll comfortably donate is 200/60) and I'm willing to bet that some of my favorites at 160-180 are just as good if not better!  
 just my two cents  

You have to punch your own weight. I know I can't afford a 1K/hr. lady. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like to. Just not a fiscal reality for me. By looking at the top providers here in NC, looks like most of them are charging in the 300-500/hr. range. What that gets you is an above average looking, well reviewed lady who will fuck your brains out. Unless you are a butt ugly, poor hygiene, stank breathed prick, you've got about a 95% chance of having an awesome time with one of these ladies. That's what the higher price tag is buying you. Like you, I've had some good experiences with ladies in the 160-180 range, but that is the exception, not the rule. The odds there are more like 80/20 ( your only gonna have a good time with 2 out of 8 ladies you meet in this price range, and that's probably being generous). So what you're buying is a guarantee. I like guarantees.

I should also point out that many ladies have to charge higher rates because of where they live and work. I recently had an email conversation with a lady who lives and works in NYC, and she has to charge higher rates due to the high cost of living/hotel rates there. Just thought that was worth mentioning. Doubt you'll find many ladies offering 1 hour incalls in Manhattan for 160 an hour. Just my 2c. ~~~~Rob

If it is beyond your budget, then it is "too much" for you.

I'm one of the ladies that tends to be on the lower end of the "payscale" so to speak.  There are tons of assumptions made on both ends of the equation, from rate=volume to rate=type of hotel... you name it.  What people often gloss over are the goals and needs of each individual.  I can personally charge $200-$225 and still be low volume and still stay in nice hotels because my needs equation isn't as high as some.  

Really-- if a lady is charging and getting 500-1000/hr, obviously there are plenty who find her "worth it".  There are some gents who wouldn't play below $400/hr, there are some gents who find $200/hr to be highway robbery.  It's really all relative.

I am personally in the middle of that range. I give a great date and am reasonably priced. I think my prices are fair and I am very flexible and time and length of dates. Providers set their prices at what they think they are worth (or can get a hobbyist to pay) for their time. Some are single mothers and are trying to raise their kids without being gone for long lengths of time from their kids. Some are going to school, some are married or, this is their only source of income and, some have other jobs and this is a way to make "fun money" on the side. We all have our reasons for doing this. It up to the hobbyist to do his research and determine who will be a good fit for him financially/personality wise. This isn't BP either. It is a different type of website and hopefully attracting an upper class base of folks.

Just my 2 cents.

I am one of those 1% who worked hard, earned a lot of $, then retired early.  no ex-wives or kids to drain my bank accounts.  have paid up to $1k for some big titty  porn star pussy and a little as $200 for BP girls.  don't start in the hobby if you have to worry about the cost !!!

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