TER General Board

It works both ways
Alan_Nimm 623 reads

There's questionable scores on the low end too. There's some reviewers who never give anyone higher than a 7, even those who routinely get 9 or 10 and deserve it.  There's reviews that rave about "gorgeous" or "perfect body" and the score's a 7 or less.  The there's the "WTF?" scores where everyone else gave 8s or higher and this guy gives a 5, or even a 4, with no explanation.  

Learn to read beyond the numbers. If mere mortals like me can do that, I bet the Amazing Bob Sugar can do it too.

Bob.Sugar2154 reads

Over the years the scores here have become just a joke.  Can it really be that most reviewers have never actually been with a really hot woman?  So anyone they see here is automatically a 9...and if she sucks him she's a 10?

C'mon boys...seriously?  Have so few members actually been with hot chicks?

I guess if the new scoring system starts at 9...maybe time to revamp and go up to 20.  That way the 9's and 10's most of you clowns toss out there would be far closer to what many of the hookers you review would compare as to the rest of the female population.

I apologize to the gals that really are hotties here.  The spineless saps here have really ruined things for the few really hot ones!

Bob.Sugar809 reads

I know talent when I see it!

Bob.Sugar766 reads

Look...it's OK.  I know that you're not trying to be a BSU.  You honestly think that middle aged women are hot...all of them.  That's OK...things will be just fine.

But c'mon pal...rating average as exceptional is just destroying this site.  

Did you get all A's too?  Along with every other student in school?  Were there none in any of your classes who simply were average (or *gasp*...below average)?  

I guess not in your world.

IfIdknown635 reads

And who gives a shit?

Bob does..usually about 4 times daily..the only thing more diarrhetic is his mouth..

Posted By: IfIdknown
And who gives a shit?

Bob.Sugar574 reads

Yup...another one of those spineless suckups that tosses out those 10's to anything that breathes.

Thanks for your input...but I'll continue my efforts to improve the value of this site.

Perhaps it's better for you to join another site dedicated to middle aged women who are average in appearance that love to hear old farts tell them how beautiful they are.  You do a fine job of that.

Most of us have learned to dig deeper past the numbers. This is an old and tired thread.

C'mon sugar - you can do better than this....

IfIdknown794 reads

Ol' BS  is  old and tired as his posts.

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Most of us have learned to dig deeper past the numbers. This is an old and tired thread.  
 C'mon sugar - you can do better than this....

more mindless bullshit from a mindless fucking troll..

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
Over the years the scores here have become just a joke.  Can it really be that most reviewers have never actually been with a really hot woman?  So anyone they see here is automatically a 9...and if she sucks him she's a 10?  
 C'mon boys...seriously?  Have so few members actually been with hot chicks?  
 I guess if the new scoring system starts at 9...maybe time to revamp and go up to 20.  That way the 9's and 10's most of you clowns toss out there would be far closer to what many of the hookers you review would compare as to the rest of the female population.  
 I apologize to the gals that really are hotties here.  The spineless saps here have really ruined things for the few really hot ones!

L.Guapo755 reads

The Top 100, in particular, has driven girls to go to desperate lengths to get 10/10s and the guys are happy to oblige in the hopes of getting "benefits" of all kinds, mainly a pat on the head.
So you can lament it all you want but it's not going to change.
The only thing you can do is use the system to verify what a girl really looks like.  And it's not very hard to do. That's the good news.

Bob.Sugar753 reads

So that we can really see what the gal looks like IRL.  You know...when she's just going to the mall...or grocery store...or shopping for shoes.

This technology can cut both ways my friend.  The gals who are seeking those 10's with glam shots and sites...well, maybe it's time the dudes use the technology as well.  Then a guy can decide for himself just what she will really look like.

As for the current state of reviews...as you commented..it's deplorable.  BSU giving average looking women top scores for a pat on the head.  

Look for my prospectus online soon...it's ticker symbol is BSD (Bob Sugar Drones).  

Posted By: L.Guapo
The Top 100, in particular, has driven girls to go to desperate lengths to get 10/10s and the guys are happy to oblige in the hopes of getting "benefits" of all kinds, mainly a pat on the head.  
 So you can lament it all you want but it's not going to change.  
 The only thing you can do is use the system to verify what a girl really looks like.  And it's not very hard to do. That's the good news.

Until You can write a review that is without consequences then reviews  will be too high. I know of several ladies I've seen that were 15 or 20 pounds and years heavier than their stats say and they get all 9 and 10s

Guys will never agree on the numbers so why worry about it.   Like has been said many times, numbers are subjective.  One man's 7 might be another's 9 or 10.  Most guys, based on what I have read give more credence to the text of the reviews than the numbers anyway.


Bob.Sugar714 reads

How do you think the "scores" would skew if ALL the gals used similar sites and non-glam pics?

I seem to see a correlation between the gals that learned a few years back that glamming things up and trotting out Aldo pics (although there are many other really good photographers today) with the overweight on the 9+ scores that have bombarded these reviews?

Posted By: swimtrekr
Guys will never agree on the numbers so why worry about it.   Like has been said many times, numbers are subjective.  One man's 7 might be another's 9 or 10.  Most guys, based on what I have read give more credence to the text of the reviews than the numbers anyway.  

I was recently denied an appointment with someone with a very open menu. This has never happened to me.  I have written many reviews on another board but recently posted three on TER and used those for a reference. Two received eights, nines and tens and one seven and eights from me. I was refused because of some comment. I don't know what was said. I do know I have seen all three for a second date or at an event. One out of three wasn't friendly anymore. Guess I should only give nines and tens on Ter going forward.

Bob.Sugar759 reads

As I just posted to L.Guapo...I'm investing in a line of drones that will be available very soon to the reviewers here.

Just think Joe....for a low low rental you and all the others here can rent a drone...check out the gal who piqued your interest...see her up close and personal.  THEN...you can decide if you really want to waste those hard earned dollars on a middle aged woman who is pretty average in appearance.

Just think...truth in advertising will become the law of TERland.

Watch for the IPO....ticker symbol BSD.

And be sure to visit my new site when it's up and running.  A new and enlightened world is just around the corner!

I came across that and noticed that the ratings were sort of all over the place. I started reading more reviews and pay att to the girls sites and pics. I decided that the ratings are purely subjective and one must rely purely on what the person in question wrote. And as long as the pics of the provider are real, then it's up to you to decide if she's a 10 or a 2. But u can't force ur ratings on other people. Remember beauty is in the eye of...

Fin lol

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
Over the years the scores here have become just a joke.  Can it really be that most reviewers have never actually been with a really hot woman?  So anyone they see here is automatically a 9...and if she sucks him she's a 10?  
 C'mon boys...seriously?  Have so few members actually been with hot chicks?  
 I guess if the new scoring system starts at 9...maybe time to revamp and go up to 20.  That way the 9's and 10's most of you clowns toss out there would be far closer to what many of the hookers you review would compare as to the rest of the female population.  
 I apologize to the gals that really are hotties here.  The spineless saps here have really ruined things for the few really hot ones!

Bob.Sugar809 reads

Over the years the "top rated" gals realized that glam pics and glam sites got reviewers to pay "top dollar" for, in many cases...average looking women.  

But now...all that is about to change.

With the rollout of the Bob Sugar Drone....any prospective reviewer will be able to rent a drone...see for himself what the gals actually look like...without the photoshopped nonsense...lighting tricks...and blurred faces.  

This will help gals like you who post natural shots of themselves...as the john will know exactly what he is getting.  

This could and will be an explosion unlike the world has ever seen!

Posted By: TS Sasha
I came across that and noticed that the ratings were sort of all over the place. I started reading more reviews and pay att to the girls sites and pics. I decided that the ratings are purely subjective and one must rely purely on what the person in question wrote. And as long as the pics of the provider are real, then it's up to you to decide if she's a 10 or a 2. But u can't force ur ratings on other people. Remember beauty is in the eye of...  
 Fin lol  
Posted By: Bob.Sugar
Over the years the scores here have become just a joke.  Can it really be that most reviewers have never actually been with a really hot woman?  So anyone they see here is automatically a 9...and if she sucks him she's a 10?  
  C'mon boys...seriously?  Have so few members actually been with hot chicks?  
  I guess if the new scoring system starts at 9...maybe time to revamp and go up to 20.  That way the 9's and 10's most of you clowns toss out there would be far closer to what many of the hookers you review would compare as to the rest of the female population.  
  I apologize to the gals that really are hotties here.  The spineless saps here have really ruined things for the few really hot ones!

While it is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one reviewer's idea of a 7 is another's 10 and all that...... the numbers do have descriptions next to them.    

I sometimes get 9s but do I agree?  No.    
It actually makes me nervous for the person who walks through my door and is disappointed to find that I am nowhere near as thin, blemish-free, or in possession of  many other qualities that one might expect of a real model.  
Because that is TER's definition of a 9: Model Material.

I'd truly love to see all reviewers stick to giving the score appropriate to TER's definitions.

We'd see far fewer 10s but that is as it should be.  There ARE very few 10s in real life.  
Which is probably why the description of said number is "one in a million".  



-- Modified on 8/15/2015 5:44:20 PM

I can solve your problem.  Hire me as your personal reviewer concierge.  For a small fee in addition to her fee, I will visit with the ladies and report back to you with all the details.  It will only take a few encounters to establish our parameters so I can better report on those things that you discern one way and you will figure out how I discern those things.  I, of course, will learn to provide ratings tuned to your preferences.  

For example, my personal rating of an appearance or performance feature might be low (oozing sores), but I will report a higher value to you if I know it is something you value so as to help you make the best decision for yourself.

Because we are in different regions, we should probably start with the touring ladies who visit both areas.  We can exchange lists and you can give me a wad of cash the next time we are in the same city.  Or you can prepay the ladies and they and I will make our own arrangements for meeting up.

The quality of my rating service is something that can only improve the more you use it.  I will fine tune my recommendations based on your feedback.  

As always, it's 100% me or it's free

Scula737 reads

I agree with OP 100%
When I started the hobby I was trusted only the referrals but after I found TER I was disappointed when I seen 9 and 10 ladies.Still waiting for a real 10 once in a lifetime

It's obvious to me now...
You have never been truly intimate with a woman!
I'm sorry... I didn't realize.

True intmancity has no eyes.
Trust me

Some of the busiest women I know average in the 7's. Possibly because they don't make a big deal and stalk their reviewers.

If its fake, get that taken down because it gets dangerous, and a girl gets blamed for the troubles of a fake reviewer can give to another girl can be a bummer.  

That or surprise anal if someone writes a fake review w anal. That sucks lol

-- Modified on 8/16/2015 1:31:17 AM

Plus, if everyone has different standards for scoring then obviously the scoring will be a mess.  In the wide world of looks I would give myself a 7 because I'm not 25 but luckily I still turn a few heads now and then.  But if a 6 is really a 2, then that means almost everyone is a 10?  Confusing.

Bottom line - for me the performance scores matter more.

Have you ever written one?  Allow us to read yours before you critique others...

Bob.Sugar674 reads

But thanks to some of the less discrete morons that are here it became necessary to "hide" those reviews from public display.

You've known me in many different forms...this is just one more.

Now address which part of the OP is incorrect.  

Posted By: Crazy Diamond
Have you ever written one?  Allow us to read yours before you critique others...

That being said, we all know the review criteria if confined to numbers ain't what they are purported to be.  Reading the entirety of the review is necessary before you can make an intelligent evaluation.  Embellishments are always present, usually to make the reviewer and provider look better.   That was true back then, and still is now.  There is nothing we can about that, so smart judgment is the best you can do.  That's one the reasons why attending M&G's is so valuable.

Go to church every week and give 12% of your earnings to the church until you get everyone to write reviews to your standards.

-- Modified on 8/16/2015 1:13:32 AM

Are you the official review counter?

One thing for sure, you are clueless just like the OP

Alan_Nimm624 reads

There's questionable scores on the low end too. There's some reviewers who never give anyone higher than a 7, even those who routinely get 9 or 10 and deserve it.  There's reviews that rave about "gorgeous" or "perfect body" and the score's a 7 or less.  The there's the "WTF?" scores where everyone else gave 8s or higher and this guy gives a 5, or even a 4, with no explanation.  

Learn to read beyond the numbers. If mere mortals like me can do that, I bet the Amazing Bob Sugar can do it too.

the men that give real reviews.. it appears ter knows what they are doing1111 THEY RULE!!!
Lovely Lorena De Leon

-- Modified on 8/16/2015 11:59:16 AM

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