TER General Board

It obviously works for the providers, or they wouldn't be doing it.
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 618 reads

But like many others, personally I move on. Obviously I am not their target audience.

40Cops1729 reads

Just curious. Do others get annoyed by providers who require you to log-in to their website to view photographs and other information? I just keeping moving on to other providers with easier access. I understand the business strategy of doing it, but I think providers lose a fair number of potential clients by creating this restriction. What do providers think?

Providers CAN require you to join in order to see private photos but they cannot require a log-in to enter the website itself if they want the website to be linked to their TER profile.

GaGambler958 reads

This is not one of them, personally I find it annoying as well, and simply move onto the next lady that interests me.

I realize that "some" women actually want to cut down on responses, I say this is a very effective way of doing so. Now for the vast majority of the women who want to drive MORE traffic, I will add my name to the list of the guys who find this a huge inconvenience and who won't even think about jumping through this hoop to check you out further, much less book with you. I don't find that if makes you seem the least bit more exclusive, it just makes it appear that you have control issues to me.

At least two of them were Miss TER last year.
Should I have been submitting problem reports all this time?

GaGambler750 reads

If their entire site required a password to access then most definitely "someone" should have reported it.

I don't know which providers you are talking about as I pay almost no attention to who wins Miss TER and even less to the photo board as a whole, but it does seem rather pointless to be posting pics graphic and revealing enough to win Miss TER, but keeping the rest of her gallery under virtual lock and key.

Oh well, I don't understand hooker math either.

I have seen that on several profiles in the past, however the two Miss TER's were Melaniee Benson and the lady from Canada who delisted after her win. At the time of their wins, their profiles had links to protected websites. However, one of those two providers are no longer on TER and Melaniee's website link is no longer on her profile. Funny thing is she has a link to a myproviderguide ad, as well as P411. There are pics there as well as on her TER ads. I guess her reason for protecting her website has nothing to do with pictures.  

I also rarely look at the photo board, but I'm always on the GD and there is always a congratulation thread here for the new Miss TER. When those two won, there were posts in their congratulations thread that mentioned the blocked websites which is how I first became aware. However, like I said, I have seen it on other profiles. Just that those two popped up as odd because of the whole Miss TER thing.

GaGambler659 reads

So that leaves Melanie in good shape there as far as TER rules go, I can't speak to the other lady as she has been delisted and quite frankly unless the research can be done with three keystrokes or less, I am just too lazy to do the work to find out. lol

I was just commenting on the fact that there were definitely locked websites on the profiles.

Also shaking my head over the blocked websites while openly advertising elsewhere. Isn't myproviderguide about one step up (or maybe a step sideways) from backpage, (Not that there's anything wrong with backpage, but like you I still haven't figured out hooker math.

Posted By: GaGambler
So that leaves Melanie in good shape there as far as TER rules go, I can't speak to the other lady as she has been delisted and quite frankly unless the research can be done with three keystrokes or less, I am just too lazy to do the work to find out. lol
-- Modified on 3/11/2015 11:57:41 AM

The lady is fully vetted and screened. A big part of that is what is on her site. This creates an issue as it is hard to vet her without knowing the information on her site. So unless I can find it elsewhere I will not sign up. If I get it elsewhere what is the point of her site again? All it can do is convince me not to see her after all at that point as by the time I am willing to turn over information I am willing to see the lady. Now I have a very controlled board email I give out freely but that is useless for screening as I don't use it to book, nor is it linked to my real info. I mostly skip such websites at any rate.

Posted By: 40Cops
Just curious. Do others get annoyed by providers who require you to log-in to their website to view photographs and other information? I just keeping moving on to other providers with easier access. I understand the business strategy of doing it, but I think providers lose a fair number of potential clients by creating this restriction. What do providers think?

It cuts down on the window shoppers and time wasters. It also heightens the "exclusivity" factor, which I do think is bullshit marketing, but if it works in getting her the clients she wants then more power to her.

VOO-doo682 reads

A girl's pool of potential clients is reduced very drastically if she password-protects her site.  

There are many girls out there - most of whom do not put up barriers to their sites - so the fact is that most men will just move along to the next girl, and some of those men would have been perfectly fine clients.  

Most girls (including myself0 I've known with who have had to password-protect their sites did so out of a need for greater privacy or security. Being outed, being stalked, going through a court proceeding, having another job where being outed would result in immediate termination, things of that nature.

It certainly does repel timewasters, and it certainly does create an aura of exclusivity. However, in a majority of cases, it will decrease the amount of money a girl can potentially make, so it doesn't stand to reason that a girl would do it purely for marketing purposes

...in terms of IT security, I've seen some that were poorly locked down and could easily be broken into by a determined individual (ex. easy passwords, not all pages locked). Hopefully, this worked as intended for you and those you know.

Vagazzle648 reads

Not every provider necessarily NEEDS new business at all times.  That's why some girls do not do any advertising.  The guys seek HER out if they want to see her.  Including registering for the site.  That's half the situation of the beautiful girl from Toronto who has her site locked.  That, and a higher need for security which is only her business.

VOO-doo638 reads

Its not necessarily a business strategy. If she wants to be exclusive, then she can set her rates and standards high, and refuse dates that don't meet her criteria.  

More often, she will protect her site due to valid privacy or safety concerns. For instance, if a girl was stalked and/or outed, or is worried about the possibility...obviously, she wouldn't want her photos/blog posts publicly displayed online. Some escorts have jobs, and exposure as an escort could result in immediate termination. One girl I knew was granted a merit-based fellowship, and did not want to risk losing it.

Yes, it severely limits the amount of clients a girl will potentially see. If she's limiting her exposure to such an extent, then it stands to reason that she can afford to do so, and is perfectly fine with the fact that some clients will not give her a second glance.  

Some men do understand and appreciate that it is quite a big risk we take in placing our photos (and even such personal information as likes and dislikes) online. There are men who are actually reassured when woman takes that extra precaution, just as some men are reassured by the fact that women screen.  

-- Modified on 3/11/2015 6:30:43 AM

VOO-doo661 reads

For the public photos, I just kept it to a very few I was comfortable with, and for which there would be A LOT of plausible deniability. For instance, until my hair color and style had completely changed, I didn't show hair on my ad photos (I did show my hair on my site). For the public photos, I just kept it to a very few I was comfortable with, and from which there would be A LOT of plausible deniability

and not for me to second-guess them about it.  

I've been interested in reaching out to a few women until I encountered their "lockdown" sites. Annoyed? No. A bit disappointed after having found someone I was otherwise interested in? Yes.  

This isn't the same as going to the mall... I'm sure Kmart and Neiman Marcus both would be out of business if you had to "register" to step in the store. I doubt that is the case for some providers - only they can say how they benefit.  

I won't register for a site on lockdown unless I already know the lady and am invited to do so. Generally, that means I'll pass. I presume enough decide to register. To each their own

bigguy30568 reads

Posted By: 40Cops
Just curious. Do others get annoyed by providers who require you to log-in to their website to view photographs and other information? I just keeping moving on to other providers with easier access. I understand the business strategy of doing it, but I think providers lose a fair number of potential clients by creating this restriction. What do providers think?
-- Modified on 3/11/2015 7:28:42 AM

But like many others, personally I move on. Obviously I am not their target audience.

I always getting a feeling that she is trying too hard to be pretentious. I just exit off immediately. Plenty of other gals in available anyways. Stuff like that pisses me off.

Posted By: 40Cops
Just curious. Do others get annoyed by providers who require you to log-in to their website to view photographs and other information? I just keeping moving on to other providers with easier access. I understand the business strategy of doing it, but I think providers lose a fair number of potential clients by creating this restriction. What do providers think?

40Cops735 reads

Melaniee Benson (TER ID: 215896) is one example with no pictures on the website but several on the myprovider link. She is highly reviewed so it must be working for her. Lovely Isabella Fox (TER ID: 263731) is another with no pictures on the website but are located on other links.

GaGambler553 reads

Great reviews don't mean that a woman's business is great, it just means (or at least it is supposed to mean) that the guys that did see her enjoyed their time.

also keep in mind that Melanie has pics on her P 411 site and those pics along with her reviews is plenty of info to book from, just like the many women who ONLY have a P 411 site and do just fine. As for Isabella, she appears to be delisted, so I really don't see your point here.

I will not dispute that password protecting their site works for some women, but guys who think said women are more "exclusive" for doing so are idiots IMO, but each to their own. I don't tell the restaurant owner who refuses to accept reservations and makes his patrons stand in line to be "lucky enough" to get a seat when he has a line going around the corner to get in, but I won't patronize his restaurant either.

I am afraid that it will cause too many to get discouraged and leave before the miracle happens. So, I don't... But, I think those that do, are not concerned with gentlemen leaving. I believe that these ladies want to be ultra discrete and so, they know that the men that are ultra discrete will respect their desire to keep things private.  

I personally, love to check out other ladies websites and find it frustrating when I can't have access, but I get it. If you want to be super safe, that is your prerogative. I have thought about doing it for certain, extra special photos, too. While of course still leaving the ones that aren't as extra special up, so it wouldn't limit anything.  

Some ladies want the gents to be of a certain quality, and I guess they feel if a gent is willing to do a little bit extra work then it means that they really want to see her. Or at least this is my perception of why they do it. The beauty of this business is that we all -ladies and gents- get to set our own rules.

40Cops691 reads

Jamie. I disagree with the basic premise that these providers are motivated by the desire to be discrete or that somehow they attract a "higher" quality of clients by limiting access. Anybody who is on TER and P411 who is willing to log in, has the cash and references can see them. So much for exclusivity.  

 I have seen top ranked providers who see a wide range of clients from all income levels. I think it is a marketing ploy designed to suggest exclusivity by the provider in the clients they see. Sort of like providers that claim to be "low volume."  

I will continue to take a pass on such providers.

GaGambler742 reads

It does seem to be a complete contradiction, doesn't it?

Of course what do I know? I am still trying to figure out hooker math. lol

and pictures hardly screams exclusiveness. For many of us ladies and gentlemen searching for our next possible playmate it just screams a pretentious and transparent sales tactic that fails. We move on to providers who don't make it so difficult to find out the info that we need to know before deciding where we will be spending our hard earned money.

-- Modified on 3/11/2015 11:37:43 AM

VOO-doo581 reads

and I repeat, marketing had NOTHING to do with it, especially as I got LESS business than I would have otherwise. I'm in this business to make money, not play Pretty Pretty Princess. I was actually exposed as an escort IRL.

And, actually, I did attract a more serious, respectful client than I had previously...however, that's also  due to other factors, and as it's a multifaceted phenomenon, I can't say with certainty that a locked-down site was the main contributor. But I'm sure it helped.

Reading the replies, the conspiracy theories and paranoia surrounding this topic rivals that produced by the issue of screening forms....and that is saying a lot!!

Most sites that require a log in will also have a tracking software that can locate you within 100 feet.  Not ALL but most!  It is the same way that any ole sales and marketing firm tracks potential client by locale so they can sell info to their clients.  It helps ladies verify you without you knowing.

hey can keep themselves locked up also. Not calling

GaGambler656 reads

It's almost as funny seeing him call someone else annoying as it is when he calls someone else stupid. but I suppose if anyone knows stupid, it would be the two time SPOTY champion of TER.

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