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Today's Lesson for youregular_smile
VisitingProf 26 Reviews 2529 reads

Okay, a thread below about knowing whether a lady has an orgasm or not prompted this post.

Since very few things in science are ever "100%" settled (even the speed of light being a constant has its detractors), I am sure you can find info contrary to what I am going to posit. That is fine. That just means that author hasn't expereinced what I and many others have.

So, unless there is a physical/structural issue, women CAN and DO ejaculate fluid that is not urine. This occurs during orgasm and is an indicator that an orgasm occured. (Refer to the link below for a pic that will give a nice general representation of what I am going to say.)

In the development of the human body, some of our sexual organs stem from common parts between men and women, and then differentiate as growth in the womb occurs. (Simplified)

Women don't have a prostate. Instead, they have what are called para-urethral (Skene's) glands. Just as the prostate surrounds the urethra in a man, so too the Skene's are located adjacent to the woman's urethra. (From what I've read/seen, the glands in women can either empty into the urethra, or, to the outside, on either side of the urethral opening.)

Studies have shown that the fluid which comes from the Skene's glands is similar to that which is produced by the prostate. It is NOT urine. These glands hold varying amounts of fluid, depending on the woman, as well as how long it has been since her last ejaculation (which she may or may not know occured, depending on how in-tune she is as well as how in shape her genital muscles are.)

Men, when you have your finger inside the lady's vagina, and you notice a 'ridge' on the top-side, this is where her Skene's glands are. Does a prostate massage feel good to you? Well, a woman can also enjoy this area being massaged/touched if done properly. Notice too that this area of the vagina is called the G-Spot. Hmmmm, notice a connection? :-)   Men can have powerful orgasms from prostate massage. Women can have powerful orgasms from massaging the part of the vagina (G-spot) that touches the Skene's glands. I hope this is 'clicking' for you.

From my own 'research' experience, I can definitley confirm that women ejaculate, and that the ejaculate is different than urine. The consistency is much more slippery. It is different also than the normal vagina lubrication. The taste also differs. It is a sad state of affairs that as we age we lose some of our ability to taste and smell. Thankfully I have not hit that point yet, so I can definitely confirm when a lady reaches the point of orgasm, and produces more fluid, that particular fluid has a distinct (subtle) flavor. I prefer to think of it as the nectar of a beautiful flower.

Some other points

The longer you take to build arousal in a lady, the fuller the Skene's become, and the more fluid that will be released when she orgasms.

Her diet does affect the taste somewhat. One lady I knew literally tasted like honey. If you want to know when a lady ejaculates by the presence of different tasting fluid (just to establish that what I am saying is true), and your tastebuds have moved to middle age or beyond (not being able to detect delicate flavors anymore), you could ask her to eat some pungent foods for a day or two prior to making love. When she does ejaculate, there will be no chance missing the different taste. (Hey, somebody has to do all this research! I won't recommend anything I wouldn't try first.)

If you are digitally pleasuring her while DATY, and you sense she is starting to go 'over the top', switch from the 'come here' finger curling (if you've been doing that to increase her arousal) at the point of her orgasm to more of a finger tap/push (as much pressure as you use to press a keyboard key). This will assist her orgasming muscles, and it will release even more fluid from the Skene's. Women have told me it is like a 'turbo boost' to their orgasm, and it makes them feel even more 'drained' and 'released'.

So, your homework assignment is to focus more on the lady's response next time you are making love and pleasuring her orally/digitally. If she hasn't been aware of any 'squirting' (forget what you see in porn, some women do squirt projectally, but others just 'ooze' their nectar), you can help her release her fluid, and possibly confirm it via taste and a change in slipperiness from pre to post orgasm. Let me just say from personal experience, women do get excited when they realize they have this ability after all. Their smile is priceless!  :-)

Stay tuned for next week's lesson on why, although common wisdom gets reported that 'the most sensitive part of a woman's vagina is the first few inches' is only partially correct. We'll delve into the world of the "Epi-Center" or "Deep Spot". (You'll get a clearer understanding of why some women have incredible orgasms while visiting 'Greece' as well.)

Side note - I am still working on getting back VIP since my 'review days' expired. I know I have PM's, I just can't access them yet, for any wondering about responses.

-- Modified on 2/16/2008 7:12:33 AM

-- Modified on 2/16/2008 7:13:04 AM

-- Modified on 2/16/2008 7:14:10 AM

Reasonable579 reads

but getting them to come is a horse of an entirely different hue.  A guy can usually come with physical stimulation - if it's hard, chances are it's gonna shoot if you pump it one way or the other (unless, of course there is a medical problem).  A woman will only come if she allows herself to, and that usually has much more to do with how comfortable she feels letting herself go at that particular moment.

I will assume you are talking about DATY above because you cannot taste or distinguish fluid consistency with your dick (particularly when covered as it better damn well be).  Typically, with your tongue, you can tell if the O is real through the buildup of swelling of the area around the clit leading up to a release of the swelling and a change of taste.  Taste, however, can sometimes be diluted with your own saliva, or, presumably, by either the diet or hydration of the lady in question.  So, you cannot say that a woman has not hit the O because the taste and consistency has not changed as the absence of taste and fluid consistency can be explained by the failure of the measuring instrument (tongue).

Therefore, if you cannot ever really tell whether or not the lady has cum, don't let the absence of the O affect the quality of the experience you are paying for.

It always amazes me when I read reviews and posts just how much some guys are tied up with making the provider come.  I understand more than most that giving her pleasure is a great thing, and can definitely enhance the experience, but beating your chest when you think you have succeeded and having your ego deflated when you don't seems to be to be very counterproductive.

just my 2 cents

"Typically, with your tongue, you can tell if the O is real through the buildup of swelling of the area around the clit leading up to a release of the swelling and a change of taste."

If your experience doesn't tell you, you can see via close-ups of female anatomy on many of the free sites out there that structurally the outer organs of women have a lot of variety. So no, you can't take it for granted that you will notice swelling. Besides, men can get aroused and have a hard erection and still not ejaculate. So swelling does not have to be present. For some women, the swelling 'goes in' versus being visible outside.

"Taste, however, can sometimes be diluted with your own saliva, or, presumably, by either the diet or hydration of the lady in question.  So, you cannot say that a woman has not hit the O because the taste and consistency has not changed as the absence of taste and fluid consistency can be explained by the failure of the measuring instrument (tongue)."

But, unless you are eating food when you start DATY, or start eating WHILE DATY, the taste in your mouth will have nothing from yourself to change it. All new taste sensations will be because of where you are now tasting. Sure saliva dilutes it. But if you are DATY for more than a minute before an ejaculate orgasm, and your taste buds have not felt the ravages of time, you will notice a difference. If you can't, that is fine. There are those of us who can. And that taste can't be faked. Just like with men, women can have "O"'s without ejaculating. Ejaculating (not counting 'drippage/leakage') accompanies orgasm.

"but beating your chest when you think you have succeeded and having your ego deflated when you don't seems to be to be very counterproductive."

If someone has their ego "tied up" that is another issue unrelated to the physical workings of orgasm.

Reasonable177 reads

Of course pussies are different, hence the word typically, and the very carefully tailored statement that someone can't tell if a O has NOT been achieved rather than HAS been achieved.

Carrying the "pussies are different" premise further, not all women will have such strong or different taste as to be easily distinguished or even tasted at all.  Again, hence the careful tailoring of the idea that an orgasm cannot be ruled out.  BTW, you don't have to have just started eating because residual flavors can be diminished or enhanced through the course of DATY for a number of reasons.  Example: if you are kissing her, you probably had a mint or recently brushed your teeth - do you think maybe you will experience a change in taste in your mouth during DATY that won't have anything to do with her cumming? Like maybe the mint taste diminishing?

My premise, expanding on yours, is ultimately, that the whole issue of whether or not she comes is intricately tied into some hobbyists ego and experience in the Hobby, sometimes to their detriment.  Some guys are setting themselves up for failure if they are basing their experience on whether or not they can get a woman to O, because a lot of times, it has nothing to do with them.


to your point

"Some guys are setting themselves up for failure if they are basing their experience on whether or not they can get a woman to O, because a lot of times, it has nothing to do with them."

Since 80-90% of sex 'occurs in the brain', someone can 'psyche themselves out' or through time, pre-condition themelves to limits. What ticks me off is seeing bad articles in places like Cosmo that repeat self-defeating ideas to women. "Most women dont have vaginal orgasms during intercourse", etc.  Now, if a woman has had some sexual expereince, and has not yet had a vaginal orgasm, she may just think she is part of the 'most', thereby denying herself something that she may actually be able to experience at some point in the future.

I don't think any get-together between a man and woman has to be scripted. (Even to the point where the man always has an ejaculation.) As many of us have shared here, we often like to give more than recieve. As much as I've expereinced, studied, and researched, I think I am still only touching the surface of what is possible. Since it is always better to run more 'experiments' than not to obtain more understanding, my purpose is to just pass along info that some have felt helpful and enlightening, and let those who want to run with it do so. By doing so, I think it is 'seeding' (no pun intended) better conversations down the road here when we get these similar questions popping up.

I never come out of a date thinking I've failed, since my goal is to get to know someone else more intimately. If I can leave her feeling she is better for the meeting, then all the better for me.


To think he knows anything about a womans orgasm.  LMAO

being able to learn something about a physical phenomena unrelated to ones own body. Who would believe something actually measurable! Next we'll be told men can be OB/Gyn's, can use MRI's to measure the linkage between thoughts and brain activity, etc.

Now if we can just get people to just understand there is a difference between orgasm and ejaculation, they might not sound so ignorant.

There are many women running around who don't know a thing about their own orgasms (assuming that they have them at all)... THIS man likes to study them.  I love his input and hope that you were joking lightly and not being facetious!


It was indeed very tongue in cheek.  Don't know what he got all pissed off about, LOL.

Well let's see PF, VisitingProf takes a good deal of his time to compose and share his experiences and experiments in sexuality, and your reply is a one-liner that can easily be seen to be scoffing at him for thinking he knows what he is talking about.

I'd be pissy with you too.  In fact I kinda' am because it's frustrating over and over again to see great posters discouraged from sharing their words...

The funny thing is we're all shaped just a little differently and such. So when my friend's boyfriend was reading stuff like this in a magazine, he tried it at home with her and she peed all over his face. haha. I still laugh about that story. Apparently, she's very sensitive or something and too much of a good thing isn't so nice. lol.

You can't control for everything and though you may try, you certainly can't control for a woman's orgasm, no matter how hard you try.


must not have read the part about how a lady should first empty her bladder prior to activity that might lead to 'squirting'. Info at the 'Cosmo' level usually doesn't cover enough detail to be really useful. Just reading the cover headlines on a lot of the magazines at the check-out register is cringe-inducing. They should make Human Sexual Physiology a required college course. (Ahh, to be a tenured Prof teaching that course!)

some tell tale signs.  For example, her vocal reaction will be noticable.  Yes, there are actresses out there, but an experienced hobbyist can usually tell the difference.  Also, her legs will squeeze your head with uncontrolable contractions.

We're not talking about orgasms here, but ejaculation.  We don't want to sound ignorant or otherwise offend the good prof.

See the smiley!  This is supposed to be _fun_

Sorry, keystone, nothing to do with you or your post.  You just got in the way, LOL.

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