TER General Board

It does for me. e.
hbyist+truth=;( 485 reads


Senator.Blutarsky1516 reads

We all have "handles" and "stage names" that we chose. I'm curious, does a guy's handle or a ladies stage name affect whether or not you book or accept an appointment?

For myself, a ladies name does impact my decision... I tend to pass on anyone with "princess" or "goddess" as part of their handle. I also will pass if they aren't even a proper name. These arn't hard and fast rules for me, but more of a bias.  

Anyway, what do the rest of y'all think?

In general, I think the ladies get judged more on their business names than the guys get on their handles.  In some cases, I don't even know the gentleman's handle on the boards or if he even visits the boards.  For me, their real name is much more important and also screening information which is sometimes gathered by his email address and sometimes - his screen name.

When I chose my business name, I put a lot of thought into it.  At the time I started, I only did overnight dates (I was booked by the night, not the hour) so I felt Knightly was a twist on my nightly rate.  

I personally prefer "real world" sounding names.  I do a lot of dinner dates and I wouldn't feel comfortable reserving a table for MsFucks-a-lot and her guest.

But, as Shakespeare wrote: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

Such a good point.  I purposely chose a name that didn't scream "I AM DEFINITELY AN ESCORT AND THIS IS DEFINITELY A STAGE NAME!" so that I wouldn't feel utterly ridiculous when I had to use my name for anything.

She could call herself Butch or Fido for all I care but if she's young, hot, skilled and has a certain downward flexibility in her price schedule, she will hear from Jack. LOL

But, to be honest, I might call her "babe" rather than "Butch" when I am about to spooge. :D :

thotlover498 reads

Really? What the hell does the name have to do who she is and how she performs? What does your name mean anyway? The reasons are known only to you and I seriously doubt that a provider will decide not to see you because of your fake name.

For starters ...

Pepsi - all I picture is a can of soda, not a provider

Abe - all I picture is Abe Lincoln, not a very pretty picture when thinking of booking an appt  

Noah - all I picture is a huge ship loaded with animals, not a provider

Yoyo - all I picture is a little round thing on a string that spins, not a provider

These are only 4 that immediately come to min

(Thank you Betty White & SNL!)

What are you trying to say?   That you wouldn't take seriously a woman calling herself Chardonnay?

Fall down at the feet of Venus?

Wholeheartedly worship Aphrodite?

Suck up to Aureola?

Go for a ride with Caprice?

Be duly awed and impressed by Divine?

Give fully of your body and soul to Essence?

These are all real stage-names of strippers I worked with over the years.  And oh, do I have more!  ;-)


Senator.Blutarsky572 reads

...I wouldn't rule any of those out. Now, XJX69 would give me pause... LOL

I picked my name because it makes me laugh, and I like clients who can laugh too.

I like an original sounding name that makes it appear the gal put some thought into it.

For example, I'm not going to give a plus to a name like Brandy or Sexy (Fill in the blank.)

And names that come off as offensive or dumb will probably turn me away.

By the way, I do see a few Goddess this or that.  They are often tantrikas and that's a predilection of mine.

I can recall one very effective name that is seldom used:  Fever!  She lived  up to the name too.

(figuratively, not literally

followme456 reads


Thank you  
2015 = 28

followme456 reads

Meat balls and bread sticks?  :)

Thank you
2015 = 28

....clams. (you knew that was coming!)

followme476 reads

I can do that lick-a dee- split.

Saw it cumming ....and you ?

Thank You
2015 = 28

stucaboy504 reads

I will always check out something that starts with something like " Black ________" or "TS_________.  Some triggers make me run but if I mention them I'll get my pee-pee spanked.

I love certain names like Stephanie or Devin.  Also like Jennifer and Jessica.

I avoid names like ghetto names.  I don't want to sound bigoted, but that seems trashy too.

What about Courtney?

Posted By: Looking4Phun
I love certain names like Stephanie or Devin.  Also like Jennifer and Jessica.  
 I avoid names like ghetto names.  I don't want to sound bigoted, but that seems trashy too.

When I first signed up for my own TER account, I chose THEAvaStClaire because AvaStClaire wasn't available.   As I really didn't think my handle was terribly important, I lazily threw a THE in front of it and went about my business.  

Silly me.

Since I've started posting on the boards, I've gotten more grief about those three stupid letters than anything else that I've said or done lol.  You'd think, since I don't actually refer to myself as THE Ava St. Claire, no one would think anything of it.  But apparently, with that one little word I've branded myself as THE most pretentious person on the board!   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Luckily, those that do actually contact and book appointments with me are smart enough not to put too much stock in a dumb username...

ottolbrock475 reads

I doubt she named herself but look how long that name has carried on . Probably not the best name advertising wise but it got it done for her.

Lol! You know she was nicknamed Big Nose Kate because she was in everybody's business. :D At least that's what they told me at the Bird Cage Theater.

choose their handles. Some handles are a complete turn-off! I wonder if they ever thought that the very women they wish to meet will see them. Sometimes I think not, or perhaps they could care less.

But if the guy approaches me with respect and I get good vibes and good communication from him (and he passes my screening), I'll be happy to book with him.

Oh goodness- ones that contain acronyms or body parts, especially locker room talk-ish ones.  

Sorry it took me so long to respond to this- sometimes I don't get notices when someone responds to my posts!

Posted By: joecarter
what types are a turn-off?

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