TER General Board

shudaknownbetter 493 reads

It's really simple, A NSA with a provider, an affair which includes emotional element, or celebacy.  I made my choice.  
SO had no sex during a long interval when she was widowed...  said she could "take it or leave it".  I mistakenly thought she was willing (and genuinely enjoyed it) when in fact she prefered not to.

A late-20's provider who I saw today (my first time with her) asked me an interesting question - "I don't understand why I only get married guys, hardly any single guys"  
I don't think she was looking for a single guy to hook up with. I think her question was sincere - she was genuinely puzzled why married guys who have a sex partner outnumber single guys who don't.
I told her that I will ask the community. I assume she will be interested in your answers.  

(also posted in Chicago board)

For whatever reason the wife has closed the store...illness, not attracted to the husband anymore, was never really that into sex and dropped it as soon as she could, menopause, husband wants shit she won't do, she stopped doing shit he liked (BJ comes to mind)

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
For whatever reason the wife has closed the store...
Or the store is still open and she's busy serving other customers.

Alan_Nimm502 reads

As Big Al would have said.

Johnny3Balls638 reads

married guys pay women to go away and be quiet.

SodaPop659 reads

A good wife is a life partner.  She shares responsibilities raising the kids, paying the bills, saving for retirement; she even does a great job taking care of hubby when he is sick or needs a hand.  On occasion, the husband may be looking for another woman to fulfill a fantasy. A single man can cheat and only risks a break-up with his current girlfriend.  A married man that cheats risks a messy divorce that will change everything in his life.

Providers, as the name implies, give me a chance to play out my fantasies with little risk that I will get caught. I don't save names or contact information and the provider isn't interested in seeing me again unless I reach out to her for another date.  Providers, in my opinion, help my marriage because I am NOT looking for a woman to replace my wife.  A 1 hour session with a hot woman will keep me happy for months and I can focus on family. That's how it should be

Intrigued*605 reads

This is the perfect answer to the OP question.  

I would only change the title from "Variety" to "Practicality".

-- Modified on 9/26/2015 6:54:20 AM

It sounds like your relationship with your wife has evolved into the type of relationship you would have with a live in sister or close aunt. It happened to me, I recognized that I was no longer sexually attracted to my ex and she said she could tell a year or two before I brought it to her attention. Instead of both of us staying in a dead sexual marriage we decided to part on friendly terms. It was the best thing we could do as we are much better friends than we were lovers.
I'm fortunate that I'm in a recent relationship with someone who is the best lover and friend a guy could want. She's ruined me in a way that I stopped seeing other women and I only want her...
Best of luc

I'm a 28 year old single guy so I know I don't fit the profile of the typical client.  I'm an IT Engineer and make a decent salary, and I think I'm a decent looking guy.  Think big bang theory type, if you've seen that show.  However I have never been able to get women on my own because I don't have much social skills.  I hate bars/clubs and being around a bunch of people I don't know.  I'd much prefer to be home and mess around with my computers in my free time.

But with providers, I find it very easy to talk to them, I think because we both already know how this arrangement is going to work.  Plus there's nothing quite like being with a beautiful woman who makes you feel like it's her honor to be with you.  I have an ATF who I see every few weeks, and right now that is perfect for me.  One of these days I may come around and want an LTR, but right now the pay as you go plan is right for me

Many women lose their sex drive with age- if they ever had any.  

Many married women either wont try new things, or their husband is afraid to bring it up.

It is easier than a girlfriend/affair. There is a level of discretion, in that the heart is not being involved. When the heart gets involved there is the chance that one day she will start saying "When are you going to leave her for me"

Single guys, are probably hooking up for free.  

They do love their wives, but they have needs.  

They don't love their wives, but their situation is comfortable.

And, the list goes on....You doll must  be new, because this is something that I think us girls' learn fairly quickly. I don't judge at all, and in fact- I am quite baffled that so many women don't enjoy sex. I feel worse for them that they are not comfortable in their own sexuality then I do that their spouse is cheating!  

I am personally a fan of open relationships, bodies mean nothing- if I am with someone I want their heart and they to have mine, bodies I am not as possessive of

they can afford to.

I think many men prefer to seek multiple sex partners, but it is later in life that our incomes grow and allow the luxury.

I know that is the case with me.

Being married or not is somewhat irrelevant

bigguy30480 reads

Why limit yourself to one woman in life?
Just enjoy yourself and most providers don't care either.
They are probably in the same position whether dating or married themselves.
I don't care if it's inside or outside this hobby.
It's not that hard to be upfront and say this is what I want in my life.


Posted By: mrfisher
they can afford to.  
 I think many men prefer to seek multiple sex partners, but it is later in life that our incomes grow and allow the luxury.  
 I know that is the case with me.  
 Being married or not is somewhat irrelevant.  

Younger guys find it easier to go out and play the field to get the pleasures they want. Older single men would rather pass on the games. Discretionary money is another issue for younger men who may not be able to budget and afford to hobby.

I am always shocked when a younger single gentleman calls me but they do. I would say I have a number of regulars early 30's. I do have gentlemen in their 20's call but not sure if the real. They say they like older women.

Kisses Haley

shudaknownbetter494 reads

It's really simple, A NSA with a provider, an affair which includes emotional element, or celebacy.  I made my choice.  
SO had no sex during a long interval when she was widowed...  said she could "take it or leave it".  I mistakenly thought she was willing (and genuinely enjoyed it) when in fact she prefered not to.

1) There are roughly 8 or 9 married men looking to cheat for every 1 married or single woman looking for the same.

2) Real, actual affairs cost marriages, break up families and hurt feelings.  

Prostitution on the other hand is readily available and serves to even out the lopsided numbers pointed out in #1. And as far as #2 goes, paying for sex is relatively benign and mostly harmless to all parties involved.

So the reasoning is as old as the profession itself. It just makes sense that married men would dominate the market for sex.

I understand all the pragmatic arguments such as: "I don't want to jeopardize my marriage and family, and providers give me what I need." "older guys have money and they can afford it", hobbying actually may even save marriages", "single guys can pick up (really? ask a single guy and you'll be surprised how little he gets)" blah blah blah.  
I think there is another important factor: the thrill - thrill of cheating, thrill of living on the edge, thrill of doing something that, if exposed, can potentially ruin your life, and maybe even punishing your SO for "headache" the night before.  
Yes, there are the pragmatic arguments, but I think there are also a lot psychological reasons - for  
single guys, the social cost of being caught is a lot less, so there is less of a thrill. For married guys, hobbying serves lot more than the physical need.  

[Cross posted in Chicago board]

And possibly subliminally true for many guys...the "stick it (not literally) to the SO" for neglecting them.

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