TER General Board

Is this the first time
hott_brie See my TER Reviews 2960 reads
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The forces that have managed to bully certain sites into shutting down their adult sections claiming it promotes sex trafficking seem to be winning.  However, their logic is flawed and crap on so many levels.  Sex trafficking has been going on FOREVER.  I had a girlfriend run away to NYC, because her parents were abusive.  No sooner then she stepped off the bus was she approached by pimps.  This was in 1986.  Of course back then, it was only teenage runaways, poor kids and women of color who were being pimped out and, well, who cares about those people, right?  Enter the internet.  Now, these same pimps are able to reach out to the girl next door and upper middle class "good" kids.  So, everyone's in an uproar.  We can't have that.  Let's shut it down.  I'm ready to shout all women matter, but that will fall on deaf ears. They've gotten two sites so far.  Who's next?  

Even though little miss innocent has access to the internet now, so does LE.  They know where to look for traffickers.  Before, it was very hard to catch pimps, not just because they didn't care about your typical victim, but because the streets are many.  Too many places to hide.  Cars come and go.  How are you supposed to catch them?  Print ads that a lot of people like me started out on are just as difficult?  How are you supposed to catch traffickers off a yellow page ad?  No IP addresses, pictures or locations.  Most ads catered to outcall customers only.    

Advertising sites like ours, however, provide pictures making it easier to determine if they look under 18 and the location of the place.  Yes, it's obvious when these pimps take a pic of a girl in a cheap hotel.  Yes, we all know a lot of those pics are fake, but not all of them.  And LE is also aware that they can put pics of 28 year olds on there to throw them off.  

In conclusion, online advertsing is one of the best sources we have to combat sex trafficking.  Backpage even has organizations like Children of the Night that are specifically designed to help women get away from these scumbags.  Shame on these California's attorney generals and other legislators for shutting down the only way we may have of catching these predators.  Adult-oriented sites need to back each other up or they are going to end up shutting every thing down.  And, no, I'm not trying to scare the shit out of anyone.  But they have no right to do this and they are doing more harm than good.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 625 reads
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Skyfyre 529 reads
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Well put. Even if you're just preaching to the choir here what you said are facts and already recognized widely in all circles relating to the hobby from the LE side to the activists.  

Unfortunately this whole "trafficking" scam is nothing more than BS politics. Have anybody noticed that this crap came out roughly the time the war on drug was peetering out in EPIC FAIL and marijuana started to be accepted and legalized? It's no coincidence.

The war on drug was the golden goose that feed a lot of special interests. It was a mean to rip off the taxpayers to pay for LE unions and made for cheap politician's brownie points.

Trafficking is just the latest scam invented to continue the ripping off the taxpayers and getting points for ambitious and corrupt politicians.

Just like the war on drug, driving the illicit vice activities further underground will HURT not help any victims and will further feed the criminals that run the activities.

Trafficking my arse. Worthless BS scam.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 552 reads
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Women (and men) slave under much worse conditions in the US and around the world to produce all manner of goods such as cheap clothing, fish products, electronics, etc.  These people often have no rights, work in fire traps or substandard factories that collapse on the them, and in a final irony, are often subjected to sexual harassment including rape on the job.

But where is the focus?  On the women who provide sex work.  Women who often are treated better and earn more than their poor relations back their native lands.

I guess sex sells if you're  a politician.

CaptAwesome 532 reads
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It all makes sense when you realize that victimhood is like gold to those who seek control.  They have no sincere interest in helping the "victims."  They are simply out to exploit the tragedy for their own ends.  We've seen it so many times before from all sides of our government.

EvaFantasy See my TER Reviews 565 reads
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I am not sure the 2 sites they have gotten to. I know Backpage but whar is the other one?

clairecavendish See my TER Reviews 583 reads
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And they know we can't all band together to flight these things because we have our anonymity to protect.
As it is I hear BP girls have just migrated to the 'women seeking men' section so they'll never be able to stop sex workers, any more than they seem to genuinely care about the real sex traffickers.

wrps07 489 reads
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Sending guys unsolicited invites on twitter, snapchat, instagram etc.

Naughtyfrederica See my TER Reviews 662 reads
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Its actually the BIG money that is behind this. Politicians and LE are only their puppets. The Ultra Ultra wealthy pretty much control America.  The masterminds to BP's demise are actually the uber rich wives of billionaires who are very religious and very conservative.  These old ladies, married to billionaires, or heirs to immense fortunes themselves, lunch everyday, where they talk and spend money on their charitable work, which is usually to help "poor oppressed women",  and help further women's causes. These rich, old women want prostitution, human trafficking and everything they think oppresses women abolished. They have the money and therefore the power to do it.

When a politician says he is going to abolish human trafficking, prostitution, etc., these ladies are interested and give him all the money he needs (or asks for) to accomplish this. Now do you think every penny they give him goes to this endeavor?  No way....into his pocket it goes.  Politicians see this as easy money.  And these women have so much money they don't even care how much he asks for, as long as he does what they want, and they want to be the next 21st century Jane Addams.
Case in point, at a dinner party a politician stands up and gives this cheesy speech on how LE is working hard to eradicate human trafficking.  At the end of his speech the billionaire hostess stands up and toasts her champagne glass, to the politician and says to all guests, that she is going to pledge her support (and money) behind him.  She invites all the guests to a fundraiser that she is going to hold with her multimillionaire girlfriends (who are desperate to show off and spend their husband's wealth), and raise all the money the politician needs for the cause.
You should see the politician's face light up.....for politicians this is easy money and a ticket to political power.
The rich know how to get their way....

I hope this helps,


dodge55 192 Reviews 502 reads
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Maybe she's referring to Craigslist, which I believe removed their category for this biz couple of years ago under similar pressures.

-- Modified on 1/25/2017 6:29:44 AM

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 623 reads
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I agree.  
It's the wives who are insecure, because they're not having Sex w the husband
and do not want him to have access to eager pussy.

We get labeled the Cock-Stealing Villains  
Religion and Politics suck her pussy.

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 507 reads
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I believe the only way to change the deeply engrained programming job Religion has done on people
is to categorize SEX
in the HEALTH section of Education
and make it absolutely necessary for Optimal Health and vitality.

Take it out of the shadows
Put it in the light as a necessary bodily function.

GaGambler 487 reads
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Feminism is not rooted in conservatism or in religion. Feminists and religious kooks are two completely disparate enemies of free choice where it comes to sex.

I will agree it's the wives who are insecure, wives have used pussy as a weapon for millennia, easy access to pussy nullifies that weapon and allows men to think with the big head and allows them to stop being led around by the dick by their old fat wives who only fuck them twice a year to begin with.

but please lets not lump feminists and conservatives together as it's quite rare to find a "religious, conservative, feminist" it's almost a contradiction in terms/

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 481 reads
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... would be to legalize and regulate sex work, including prostitution. The California law protecting MINOR VICTIMS from being prosecuted for prostitution, which caused so much screaming over in Politics and Religion from those who saw the propagandized version on their favorite right-wing websites and didn't bother to check the source, recognizes that fact and is a tiny step toward a solution.

I'm not holding my breath. Most politicians, when it comes down to a choice between the right thing and votes, will choose votes, and sex work is still too stigmatized to have a large and vocal body of advocates. And the laws against prostitution, like the now largely-discredited SCWOD (So-Called War On Drugs), while they do nothing to actually prevent sex work or protect vulnerable people, are effective as a means of social control.

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 451 reads
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"the uber rich wives of billionaires who are very religious and very conservative"

I didn't know the ladies in the story were "Feminists".

scoed 8 Reviews 669 reads
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But it is somewhat rare, and from what I am told and the research I looked at rarer in the online side of it. With proper screening ladies are less dependant on a pimp for safety. But as long as this game is illegal trafficking will happen. Scum even use LE fears to control their victims.  

Shutting down sites like BP will not help. It only drive this game further underground and make it much more dangerous for the ladies and increase trafficking. Want to reduce trafficking? Legalize this. Putting this out of the shadows makes pimping harder and less profitable.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 370 reads
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a lady told you to give their vagina back? Come'on, be honest with us Gambler :D

Posted By: GYBOpower
"the uber rich wives of billionaires who are very religious and very conservative"  
 I didn't know the ladies in the story were "Feminists".

Naughtyfrederica See my TER Reviews 533 reads
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their wealth and power, by appearing like they do something all day other than lunch, create parties, go to the spa, go shopping and hang by the pool.  Charities that support "poor oppressed women" are the trend these day. They're not really religious or conservative really, but want to appear that way.
Sweet kisses,

FatVern 462 reads
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That would be an absurdity since her Husband created the machine that facilitates trafficking.

FatVern 388 reads
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and every time you open a checking account, you receive one free BJ for banking with your bank.

GaGambler 489 reads
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My point is that the religious nuts and social conservatives, while not on "our side" are hardly the only people trying to tell women what they can and cannot do with their "lady parts"  

Feminists, soccer moms, et al are every bit as much our enemy here as are the religious kooks who think we are all going to hell simply for having sex outside of marriage.

Don't you just hate it when a bunch of supposed "do gooders" try to tell you that you are an "oppressed woman" for doing what you want to do with your own body and want to put you in jail "for your own good" I suppose?

GaGambler 557 reads
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If I did, I'd be more than happy to return it. Slightly (or not so slightly) used of course.:)

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 338 reads
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Umm, I guess I am dating myself a little bit there ... :-)

GaGambler 511 reads
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Moderate regulation like done in many countries, such as "health cards" would be beneficial, but the Nevada was of doing things is about the worst in the world.

I completely agree with your last paragraph. "faggots and stoners" had the guts to stand up and be counted, but there are only a small handful of hookers and even less johns willing to take a stand and be counted.

BTW I am known as a "righty" and if you will look on our P&R board, I am one righty who took the time to understand what the law actually means before making a knee jerk reaction to condemn it. I agree it's a step, albeit a "tiny" step in the right direction. IMO, Prostitution is a victimless crime, pimping is not. Any law that allows pimps and child molesters to be prosecuted while allowing for the fact that a minor is legally incapable of "giving consent" and thus innocent of any criminal act is a step in the right direction.

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