TER General Board

Is there any one thing in a provider's profile that is a deal-breaker?
zisk 86 Reviews 2622 reads

For me, its a smoker. Even if it says "smokes, but not in session" I assume at this point that it means the smell of smoke was still in the air, or on her. Otherwise, how else would the reviewer know? I've become so sensitive to smoke over time that its a major-turn off for me.

Although I do not a smoke I dont let it deter me from seeing a lady. AS long as the "no smoking lamp is lit" durng our date I have no issues; Indeed, I have no issue with smoking at the conclusion of the date.

I grew up around many smokers but never picked up the habit. I did observe how difficult it is to stop smoking so I guess Ive got some empathy here.

I am not saying that smoking is a great idea. Its just that if my other criteria are met the smoking issue is not a deciding factor

Several things:

No BBBJ (although Tasha is a notable exception)

My desire is for true GFE type experiences so if you're missing any of these things above it's a deal breaker as far as I'm concerned.

I will read the entire review as long the profile doesn't show a CBJ or "NO" for kissing or DATY.  CIM or anal play is always ladies choice but I look for a passionate GFE and in my opinion you can't really have that without lots of kissing and oral pleasures.

Obesity is contagious.  it proven scientific fact.

So based on the respnonses so far, I assume that it would be ok to confess to being a reformed axe murderer on my website??

*kidding* :)

it's my front I'm really concerned about anyway. :-)

I would consider my duty to try to give you enough DATY O's to make your arms too numb to lift the axe. Or at least motivate you enough to keep me around.


Now wait, I did say REFORMED axe murderer!

But here is food for thought.....so brandishing an axe may work as a motivator to make sure your tongue keeps going until it can't move anymore? Hmmmm, this has possibilities.....

What's so good about the internet era of hobbying is the choices. I prefer the bbbj but never let the cover stop me. I would have to say I'm partial to blondes but love red heads and brunetes also. Thinking more about it the smoking thing also goes for me.

If there is no DATY then I'll pass. I'm always trying to practice practice practice. One day I'll get good at it, until then the ladies will have to suffer through as much practice as I can get.


A thread a while back, a gent stated that if she has music on her site he will exit out from her site. Will not see her period. (rolling my eyes)

We look at your web sites from work.  We look at your web sites while our SO is sitting in the same room.

Music unexpectedly blasting from the speakers is NOT a good thing, and it did nothing to enhance our experience.

While I have never made a decision not to see someone based on whether she has music on her site, I would go so far as to say that it displays a certain lack of consideration for her clients.  After all, I have never see any guy post that "Jane" has a great site, sure wish she would add some mood music.  How many times have you seen guys post that they don't like it?  All the time.  The only reasonable assumption is that the ladies put it there because _they_ like their site better that way, not because it enhances the experience for their customer.
For the record, I don't recall having ever visited your site (not in my area), and I don't have a clue whether you do or don't have music, so none of this is personal towards you.


Yes I know I know I know.  The music issue has been posted to death. I'm not defending or advocating the music...I was mearly stating it as a reason to not see a lady for some. Please don't let this turn into a diatrade on music on websites.

If you're trying to be sneaky while searching for someone to cheat on your wife with IN FRONT OF YOUR WIFE why don't you proactively turn the volume to mute? My computer's volume is ALWAYS muted unless I see a song on a friend's myspace that I want to listen to.


My laptop is also ALWAYS muted.  There is almost nothing on any website that I need to hear.  Music on a site isn't a problem for me, I won't hear it anyway.  I just can't understand why a lady would deliberately set a potential bomb to explode for her target audience.

I believe this was about the profile page for a lady here on TER, not about their own private website.


Sigh, its a dirty job, but no sacrifice is too great to ensure you are a Master Cunnilinguist ;)

I am a slow learner, it may take years and years of long practice sessions just to get to "good" much less a Master.


Hours??? Oh my. That would just be TORTURE. Still, I must do what I can to assist the aspiring cunning linguists among us. *sigh* It is my cross to bear :)

Hmmm... where do they list your pets on TER? ;)

I love pittbulls, though... I know a few that my friends have who are the sweetest dogs EVER. I love pittbulls. If you treat them nicely like any other dog, they aren't violent. In fact, they are sooooooo cute!!!!



Those are good dogs, my buddy used to raise them and I really had a bad opinion of them till I met some. They are cool. In fact, I find them generally just as tame if not more tame than most dogs, they just have that crazy switch that you don't ever want to flip. If raised correctly though you won't ever see it


Mine appear Rock hard.. note "APPEARANCE"

They are however soft and VERY sensitive to the point I can O from them being sucked..

The "Smoker" issue doesn't bug me. My ATF was a smoker until recently but in two years of visits the room never smelled of smoke and neither did she. I guess the issue would be how much the lady smokes, if she does it in her room, and how much effort she puts into keeping things smelling smoke-free. It can be done if a lady cares enough to do it!

The no-DATY is a deal breaker for me. I get as much fun from giving as I do receiving. If a gal has it on her profile or reviews that DATY is a no-go I will not book. If I see a lady and she either doesn't allow it or is dismissive about the experience I will generally not repeat with her.

I am in sync with BG57; No DATY/BBBJ is pretty much the deal breaker for me.

During my research I will try  to determine (if possible) the extent of DATY the lady enjoys. I have been known to enjoy DATY prior to & subsequent to Vaginal Sex.

I was boinking away with my ATF after about forty minutes of mutual DATY/BBBJ and a couple of great O's for her. I never pop inside of her and she knows it.  We always finish with BBBJ to completion and then pretty much collapse on each other. On this particular night she blurts out, in the middle of Asian Cowgirl, "Oh baby, can you just lick me again!" I tore off the condom, we cleaned off the lube and I went down on her to the tune of two more orgasms before she finished me off with her mouth. Once I could breath again I gave her one more O just for coming up with the idea!

Interesting story BG.A few months ago I arranged a 2 hr date with a lady here in our area. This was our first meeting. Unfortunatley when I got there she advised that she had some issues come up (real issues BTW) and could we just do the 1 hr.. I said.."but ofcourse". THings happen in life.

I think I spent almost the entire hour on DATY with her. She was that nice in the pleasure areas. In fact she had to remind me that it was time for some CG, RCG, & MISH.

The experience made for a wonderful drive home on our traffic infested freeways that evening..It was a long drive home but I enjoyed it quite a bit..The visual memory I replayed and the nice music I had going in the car made for a really nice experience.

I love love love love love love love DATY. Hell, if a guy wanted to, I'd let him be down there all night. I have no complaints about that (unless you're into teeth. That would make me push you up for air in a second flat. No teeth. *shudder*)  


Hell, just this week a lady ASKED me to use my teeth.
Just goes to show there isn't one right answer...

True, Pocket.  To me it's an OW!, but it goes along with the client who wanted me to bite his privates and drag my teeth up the shaft!  Different stokes....lol


Oh lord, actually bite the privates? . . nope


ilovealmostallwomen393 reads

I only see women where the standards are there: daty, bbbj, dfk.  But the only deal breaker: if the rate is over $$$, greek better be available.

As several others have said, no DFK, no BBBJ are my two big deal-breakers.  As a former smoker (quit in 1988), I don't mind if she is a smoker, but would prefer she not do it during session, and I don't have to taste it during kissing.  

Not being able to DATY would not be a deal-breaker, but I think she is missing out on a very fun part of our meeting.  Many women that I have read about, do not O easily form plain ol' vag sex, but will get multiples from my dining techniques.


If you're that good, you must come to L.A. and dine at my Y. ;) hehe.


Thanks for the compliment, Katie.  I wish I could come and see you, but Tampa is a little far for me to do it today.  You are a real cutie, too.  By the time I get to LA, you will probably have graduated college and gone on to another career.  I'll just have to dine at your Y in my dreams.....


My hobby is not sword fighting!

-- Modified on 2/2/2008 3:55:29 PM

"Delivered as promised: No".
"Sex: No".

I do have some other strong preferences, but they aren't as absolute.  I prefer not to see smokers, though if a lady is careful about the smell, I can cope.  I prefer ladies who are willing to let the session go where it will, and who won't put an unreasonable "one pop" rule in place (though I can certainly understand not wanting to rush things unduly, and if time just gets away from us, well, that's fine).  I have a personal problem going back to my upbringing that makes it difficult for me to enjoy time with black ladies... but that is my own damn issue, and I'm not proud of it; it has nothing to do with any specific lady's appearance or actions or anything else, it's just me.  I also prefer ladies with a slender or athletic build, although that's not an absolute thing, either.

for me, i like oral sex, so no BBBJ/no DATY is a dealbreaker most of the time.

can we at least kiss ?

...but not so much anymore. If she can pretend to think I'm hot, we're good,

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