TER General Board

Is it that big of a deal?
Dfusethesituation 1723 reads

I was on my daily stroll through X and ran across this post from a highly priced provider.  Poor guy probably got a bad session all because of an accounting error on his part.  One would think that a provider who charges 800 to 1k per session (800 for 1 pop, 1k if you want MSOG) wouldn't be moved emotionally by $200, but I guess not.  Clients count your money before handing it over, providers I suppose don't mention an overage if you're the type to be easily offended that said client will want that money back. On the flipside, I can think of alot of things I can buy with $200.  Poor lady will probably have to cut back on her daily Starbucks run.  Not to mention she charges a 30 to 50% deposit.  So he probably forgot that he had already paid that $200 when he scheduled.  

"Client in Austin booked an hour, and left donation in bathroom. I counted it and it was $200 over. I then clarified with him if he only booked an hour and told him about the overage and he ASKED FOR IT BACK. I know it’s technically the correct thing to do but when I tell you my pussy has never been more dry then right after handing those bills back to him. Never experienced that level of ick so quickly before! I hope he buys himself something nice with that money he saved."

-- Modified on 12/12/2023 8:19:32 AM

I do not count the money before a session. I trust the person I am seeing. If there is extra I assume it is a tip. The amount this gal is charging is on the higher end, so I am not sure why he would have not counted it and recounted it multiple times to confirm. Asking for it back is tacky, but I also think counting it while the gent is still there is also tacky, but that is just me. Maybe he was going to go for the 2 shots but then did not "feel" it was going to happen?  
I feel like there is more to this story......

I have a counterfeit pen in my car, my purse & at home because I am a business woman. I am an entrepreneur, and own several businesses not related to this industry. One business is a wholesale auto dealer, so I count cash & would never wait until after the client leaves it’s not tacky it’s business.  If you’ve been in this business long enough to know it’s harder to collect the monies after the person leaves. I am sure it’s different for you because you live in a very small town. No real business person is not counting the cash first.

Posted By: QueenBia
Re: Business 101 always count the $ first.
I have a counterfeit pen in my car, my purse & at home because I am a business woman. I am an entrepreneur, and own several businesses not related to this industry. One business is a wholesale auto dealer, so I count cash & would never wait until after the client leaves it’s not tacky it’s business.  If you’ve been in this business long enough to know it’s harder to collect the monies after the person leaves. I am sure it’s different for you because you live in a very small town. No real business person is not counting the cash first.
I’ve run 3 of my own (very successful) businesses since leaving the US so I was defo a ‘real business person.’
I NEVER counted the cash during an appointment. I trusted the client to pay properly. Only once in 9 years did I get ripped off and that’s on me. My screening went beyond verifying gents and I also took deposits - and it worked for me.  
To say I’m ‘no real business person’ using your logic is laughable…to say I was willing to put any errors down to the cost of doing business would be more accurate….


Out of the approximately 70 ladies I've seen in this business, I have only come across 2 or 3 who have counted at the start of the appointment.

I certainly don't mind if they do - it doesn't bother me in the least and I want ladies to be comfortable that everything is on the up and up.

brownjack28 reads

This has been my (by comparison, limited) experience.

I used to put any tip in the same envelope as the primary contribution, with a funny little post-it note on it.  But, when I would emerge from the shower and ask how they liked the note, every single girl looked at me as though I was deranged.

Hence, my two envelope policy (see earlier post).

for the first time, I always prefer that she count it before we start to make sure there was no misunderstanding on my part about the rate or the length of the session and that we are good on the money.  When repeating, I usually pay at the end and they rarely count it.  From what many providers have said, they are more likely to get shorted or stiffed by a new customer than one who is already a regular.  If a regular is short, it's usually a honest mistake ion the count and he will make it up the next time.  In this old days when ATM's only gave $20's, miscounts were more common.  Now that you can choose higher denominations, miscounts have been non-existent for me.  

I am in the same boat Camille. In all my years in the industry I have been shorted once, and it was actually a regular (that I trusted!) who I thought just made an honest error but tried to say that is what he always paid me, which was a lie, so he got removed from the roster.  
There were some issues with my touring payments, but that was 100% on me. Once I corrected my website and made sure I had the exact amounts listed with locations I no longer had the issue. Again, this was *my* error that I was able to recognize for not getting paid the correct amount, not the client.  
And last but not least, we need to always remember that our profession is still ILLEGAL. The least possible discussion about money is always the best. Negotiating and undercutting has been a tactic by LE in the past to nab sex workers to discuss $ for sex, and that is the last thing I want to get tangled in. On the whole their tactics as of late have been just going after clients, but I still don't want to take the chance.  
When I worked for a legal brothel in NV we were able to discuss payments openly, but until sex work is decriminalized I think I will stick to my "non real business person" tactics that have been working for me!!  :)

Hey Scarlet

Sorry I missed your reply.
Agree with all you said :)
Happy New Year to you xx

I'm worried that I'll get a counterfeit counterfeit pen so I always carry a certified genuine Benjamin that I got directly from the Boston Federal Reserve Bank (Atlantic Ave., across from South Station). So far, none of the counterfeit pens I've tested have been counterfeit.  
It's a paradox. Is a counterfeit pen heterological or autological?

Posted By: QueenBia
Re: Business 101 always count the $ first.
I have a counterfeit pen in my car, my purse & at home because I am a business woman. I am an entrepreneur, and own several businesses not related to this industry. One business is a wholesale auto dealer, so I count cash & would never wait until after the client leaves it’s not tacky it’s business.  If you’ve been in this business long enough to know it’s harder to collect the monies after the person leaves. I am sure it’s different for you because you live in a very small town. No real business person is not counting the cash first.

and any honest provider will bring it to my attention and some will even try to hand it back to me.  When that happens, I tell them I'm tipping on spec because I want her to be motivated to give me her BEST possible service.  It almost always works.  

First of all I always state in my ads the Prices, Hours & Etc. I believe that if a client is stupid enough to over pay then I just consider it a "TIP".  Why not?!! I have just as much to worry about or even more to worry about then him/her.

I found extra after left I would have texted thanks for the extra tip!!! (Did cause one client never see me again cause he paid for 2 hrs but I thought it was one didn't know till after left and counted envelope so lost a repeat client by a mistake 😞)

If it was some one  I didn't know and there was more than I thought I would have asked is this 2 hrs or are you looking for a fetish appointment...?

Sorry but I wouldn't have been offended if he asked for it back ..it has happened before and probably will happen again.. in 13yrs I have seen it all.  

Also being in Vegas I have seen it all...

Recently a client almost paid me twice cause he was so drunk he forgot he paid me already but i said what are doing he said I can't find your funds so I might have to go to the ATM and I stopped him said you already paid me...he said you could have gotten another fee outta me ..but I m not like that type and I'm just very moral person...

Hugs Hazel Hayes

Posted By: Hazelvip
Re: Seeing Regulars I usually don't count it ..but
I found extra after left I would have texted thanks for the extra tip!!! (Did cause one client never see me again cause he paid for 2 hrs but I thought it was one didn't know till after left and counted envelope so lost a repeat client by a mistake 😞)
That was foolish on his part. He should have said something about the time at the "end" of the visit. If I was a regular in a case like that I would not have had an issue discussing it with you and worst case you could have made up the time next visit.

OjackieO37 reads

Although I never count the money beforehand, I go back in the room & say "So, which session did you decide on?"  I had a guy a few years ago that came in wanting the short (Massage) Session, I went over ALL of the options w/ him, then left the room while he got comfortable. He changed his mind to get an hour session, I didnt ask & he didnt tell me. So he got the short session. I take the money as I leave the room & see it is for an hour & went back in & told him we didnt clarify, so he could come back anytime for another (free) session. I think I have been ripped off maybe twice with like a $20 shortage. i dont say a word. But if they come back, FIRST I will make sure they gave all $$$$ & then their session is about 10 mins shorter. I think now, I would go back in and let them know. The problem is, was it intentional? Not always. But sometimes you get that vibe. Now if they hand the money to me, I'm counting it as I walk out of the room while they get comfortable, if it's short, I'll spin around and go back in & count it in front of them, so they dont think I laid, or dropped a 20 down somewhere to rip them off. I would take a $20 hit BEFORE I would let a client think I ripped them off. My regulars KNOW I am NOT that person though. I have a ton of people that I don't even count the $$ til they are long gone, b/c I trust them so much. Situations are different, ya know. We all have to look out for what is going on. xox Star

brownjack40 reads

And sometimes, triple and quadruple count.

But, I also often overpay, by way of a tip.  And when I do, I use two envelopes.  And I write the lady's name on the tip envelope.  I'll almost always drop the tip at the beginning of the session too (mostly for the reason previously stated, as "inspiration").

It works for me.

OjackieO35 reads

I try my best to make it clear & have ways of making sure they read the website before they can book. I want to know HE knows what he is paying for. Therefore, most guys know before they get there, unless they have a question as to whether or not to upgrade, It's up to them I do not push. im shocked at how many just dont want to read about what they are commiting to! I wanna know DETAILS & what is or is not available, BEFORE I go. i do not count the money in front of them. When I go back into the room, I do clarify what session he paid for, so there is NO confusion. When session is over, I take the money w/ me. Any extra is absolutely a tip, they are clear on the price & asked what they are getting, add ons, etc in advance. With NO pressure. You try to  hype it up, that something is SO GREAT, they pay $$$$ for it, expecting miracles, & leave disappointed if they were led into that. For exanple, ot every man like Pros /Massage, But I haven't met one yet that doesn't like anal stimulation. There's an ART to both. Being the one who pays for basic  & leaving upset b/c bells & whistles were not thrown in as freebies ( that clients PAY for). That isnt fair to the man that happily paid for the extra service. Just know what's up, lay down the money for what the service is. I have been in positions where a man fanned out  like $3,000 in bills. Well, I do not have a $3000 session. So is he going on hope & dreams. The girls do what they advertise. Most appreciate. Others push. Don't push. Be happy they provided a great experience for you, IF you went in knowing what to pay for. We can't roll out the red carpet of the higher session, others Pay for, to try to give you the best treatment. You want the best treatment, pay for it. Let it be known. I'm done ranting now!

When someone says they are a "numbers person" or a "business" person, they usually are far from it.  

Its fun to say, im sure.

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