TER General Board

Is he a "man hands" guy? They make me laugh. Ewwww MAN HANDS! -e-
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1050 reads
1 / 52

I'd just as soon make sure there are no lingering doubts about that issue.

As for the rest, these are things you just have to let go of.  Every so often a provider and a client are just not going to be compatible.  No one gains anything by airing it all on the boards.

GaGambler 1035 reads
2 / 52

After checking out your reviews, quite frankly almost all of them are subpar.

One other thing I might suggest before bringing something like this to the boards, and that would be a remedial writing lesson. Your butchery of the English language does not help your cause.

I really don't know what you want from us, but if it's sympathy fine. Yes, I feel sorry for you. Do that make you feel any better?

GaGambler 786 reads
3 / 52

If I have to walk out, and I have certainly had occasion to do so. There is no way in hell that I am leaving one red cent, all that does is encourage the bad behavior that caused me to walk out in the first place.

Now I am not talking about a lack of chemistry, that wouldn't be enough to make me walk. If I walk it's either because of a horrible attitude or a gross misrepresentation of her appearance. Either way, I don't reward bad behavior. and in the case of the OP, it's not just this one date that went badly, it seems to be a regular occurrence for her.

tiffany12 See my TER Reviews 3148 reads
4 / 52

I am a bit frustrated, I thought that by being nice and seeing a client a bit back despite his being tardy and aggressive and rude he would of it least just let things be.  Instead because i made it clear we are no longer a fit I am not being threaten with I am going to do this or that a tank you.... I already got the neg review let it be.  Only one who had an issue with looks which is hilarious... I work hard, I work out take care of myself do not choose to by anything more then a body rub girl with gifted hands.  So when clients push and push one tends to get cold.  I am asking suggestions on handling this in the future.  I have made it clear now you will NOT call me.  Email provide info.  Same client likes to blow up the phone.

Rips you off by taking $ off the table.
Are you gents offended when we excuse ourselves from the room with the donation? Providers is it really rude of us to make it a point that we need to take the donation out of the room and count and make sure all is set? I am to the point where I am trying to figure out a good system.  And gents I don't want to upset you since a few gents had feeligns hurt as stated when I use to do this...

GaGambler 1054 reads
5 / 52

and to put it kindly, your idea of a nine is MUCH different than mine.

also unlike you, I have no reason to fear any blowback for doing what's right. I am certainly not going to let some B&S ROB hooker intimidate me into rewarding deception.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1160 reads
6 / 52

In fact, I'm not a "hobbyist," I'm a john, a trick and a whoremonger.  But I doubt you'll get much sympathy here.  Most of the posters don't simply do massage.  And, no, they don't "take the donation out of the room and count."  Unless, I suppose, so many of your clients are low-end deadbeats you can't trust.
And, yes, the guy sounds like a huge douche so I'm sorry about that.  But this world is full of douches and you'll run into more than your fair share of them in your end of the game.

GaGambler 788 reads
7 / 52

Unless it's with a lady I have seen few times before, OR if it's in a country where it is legal in which case I almost always pay AFTER services are delivered.

Most of the time the lady makes no effort to count it or even acknowledge that the money is there, sometimes the money is still there when the session is over, other times it's been picked up discretely while I am in the bathroom, either way it's rare for a woman to be overt about picking it up and counting it in my presence.

That said, it really doesn't bother me when a woman counts the donation, it is a business transaction after all, but I agree the ladies that make you forget that it's business are the ones that get the repeat business. My chances of booking with someone like the OP are somewhere less than zero in the first place, so I guess what she does is really of little consequence to most of us. Except for anyone here who actually gives a fuck enough to give her some good advice. I save my good advice for hookers who have a clue in the first place, which sadly does not look to be the case here. I don't mean to be rude either, but I think I just have a knack for it. lmao

Bromios 7 Reviews 804 reads
8 / 52

...which I've never had to do, I'd leave the envelope or if my room, insist she take it.  My risk, imo.  Provider showed up, if she's not what I want I'd blame myself for failing to research.  That said, yeah, I'd not be seeking out someone with the reviews you have anyway, but I get that everyone's different.  Too bad that went poorly, I guess, but at the level you're working it seems likely you're gonna get some unfortunate experiences.

-- Modified on 11/15/2014 10:41:34 AM

Bromios 7 Reviews 938 reads
9 / 52

To the contrary, I've got crazy high standards and am really picky on setting it up, research a lot, and at worst am going to be disappointed by personality fit or maybe an unappealing face that was blurred.   I figure that's on me.  

If it ever got ugly for some reason, I have enough scratch and enough reason to want to avoid any drama that I'd rather leave an envelope than risk any chance of blowback.  But again, with the girls I'm generally seeking out we're talking an average in the 9s with plenty of reviews, so that cuts the odds on a disaster pretty low.  Just my way of keeping out of trouble, as well as ensuring a good time.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 779 reads
10 / 52

These kinds of questions are best discussed there. Or if your haven't posted much on the discussion boards, try the Facts For Newbies board. It's more laid back there.

I understand you wanting to make sure your have the correct fee for your services. I know some ladies have instructions on their websites and in their ads, ect to have the money in an envelope and place it in the bathroom while they are freshening up in clear sight. Then after the client is out of the bathroom they go in, out of sight and check the donation. If you don't want to do the whole envelope thing, just ask them to place the donation in plain sight in the bathroom and then check it in there as I described above.

I bit of advice, don't come on the General Board and post ONLY GOOD HOBBYIST OR PROVIDERS RESPOND...It would have been better to say something like, "I'd appreciate serious and constructive responses please", IMO.

The rest it, you just need to let it go.

Hope this helps.


hammerhead896 46 Reviews 966 reads
11 / 52

I always lay it down soon after I arrive and excuse myself to take a quick shower. If the girl does not choose to check things out during that time then that is her choice and I would say that probably fifty percent of the time the girls do not even do it then as I can see the envelope is exactly as I had left it but I actually do prefer if they have seen that I have taken care of things appropriately before we get going.

 As far as the jerks you seem to attract lets face it you are on the lower end of the scale donation and service wise so of course you are going to more prone to attract the bottom feeders. I am really not trying to be rude just pointing out a fact!

Bromios 7 Reviews 804 reads
12 / 52

YMMV, of course.  Curious as to who (if early reviews, I hadn't figured out my plan and kinda hear you, happy to pm) but either way, none reviewed would have been close to a walk out and that's my point

earthshined 878 reads
13 / 52

from the type of client youre trying to avoid. so ignore those posts.

you have to have your own standards and rules for your services.if a client violates them, dump him. period.

not offended at all with excusing yourself to check envelope.but its awkward if you count it right in front of me.

Posted By: tiffany12
 I am a bit frustrated, I thought that by being nice and seeing a client a bit back despite his being tardy and aggressive and rude he would of it least just let things be.  Instead because i made it clear we are no longer a fit I am not being threaten with I am going to do this or that a tank you.... I already got the neg review let it be.  Only one who had an issue with looks which is hilarious... I work hard, I work out take care of myself do not choose to by anything more then a body rub girl with gifted hands.  So when clients push and push one tends to get cold.  I am asking suggestions on handling this in the future.  I have made it clear now you will NOT call me.  Email provide info.  Same client likes to blow up the phone.  
 Rips you off by taking $ off the table.  
 Are you gents offended when we excuse ourselves from the room with the donation? Providers is it really rude of us to make it a point that we need to take the donation out of the room and count and make sure all is set? I am to the point where I am trying to figure out a good system.  And gents I don't want to upset you since a few gents had feeligns hurt as stated when I use to do this...

GaGambler 659 reads
14 / 52
GaGambler 834 reads
15 / 52

Not judging mind you, just asking.

Ok, maybe I am judging just a little, but she makes it so easy. lmao

DT_lover 188 Reviews 1016 reads
17 / 52

How about a career change?  

-- Modified on 11/15/2014 4:17:32 PM

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 845 reads
19 / 52

So your 9's could be someone else's 6. Just sayin...But I know you must have HIGH standards so poor us...

Back_In_Black 949 reads
20 / 52

you suffer from , get a vibrator . and have a  happy thanksgiving .

Posted By: tiffany12
 I am a bit frustrated, I thought that by being nice and seeing a client a bit back despite his being tardy and aggressive and rude he would of it least just let things be.  Instead because i made it clear we are no longer a fit I am not being threaten with I am going to do this or that a tank you.... I already got the neg review let it be.  Only one who had an issue with looks which is hilarious... I work hard, I work out take care of myself do not choose to by anything more then a body rub girl with gifted hands.  So when clients push and push one tends to get cold.  I am asking suggestions on handling this in the future.  I have made it clear now you will NOT call me.  Email provide info.  Same client likes to blow up the phone.  
 Rips you off by taking $ off the table.  
 Are you gents offended when we excuse ourselves from the room with the donation? Providers is it really rude of us to make it a point that we need to take the donation out of the room and count and make sure all is set? I am to the point where I am trying to figure out a good system.  And gents I don't want to upset you since a few gents had feeligns hurt as stated when I use to do this...

Bromios 7 Reviews 1506 reads
21 / 52

GAGambler was very kind to avoid identifying the woman about whom he took exception with my score, and we communicated directly and both realize some time has passed. Nothing to see here.

inicky46 61 Reviews 894 reads
23 / 52

And I have seen it in practice in Las Vegas and Costa Rica.  I tend to score the way many others do here and am generally 2 points above GaG.  We've sat together at a goodly number of bars and played the numbers game.  My 9 is his 7.  I don't think I've ever seen him grade any girl higher than 8. What a prick.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 797 reads
24 / 52

And her posting, what she said ...I gave her advice on that as well. I can't comment on the caliber on the PO Board as it might get reported.

I really don't see any difference in her and a certain dude who as reviewed some real doozies with $60 and $80 rates for FS for 15 minutes. Damn FS in 15 minutes, in my mind it looks like putting a porn movie on fast forward, only with average looking peeps in it!

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 11/15/2014 5:33:51 PM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1000 reads
25 / 52

Stop being such a turkey! Nah keep it up, your posts here have been missed by many, including me.



-- Modified on 11/15/2014 3:38:43 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 840 reads
27 / 52

I don't think he'd react well to....

-- Modified on 11/15/2014 6:51:10 PM

-- Modified on 11/15/2014 6:51:50 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 728 reads
28 / 52

Pretty sure no one posting here sees $125/hr FBSM girls.  Maybe you're the only one.

Panthera12 971 reads
29 / 52

I would venture to say that you are part of the problem, if not most of it. After reading what you wrote I can say it with certainty.  

You must be attracting the bottom of the barrel as far as your customer base is concerned. Just block the lowlife from your phone.  

There's always Chicago.  

Panthera12 (The good hobbyist)

Epsilon_Eridani 782 reads
30 / 52

... especially the part about her being the "lower end of the scale" in both donation and services.

she says that she takes care of herself, then why are her 'Looks' average score is at 6.18? Her performance score is a bit worse... at 5.45.  

once again, reviews needs to be taken with a grain of salt, especially if some of these reviewers are the "bottom-feeders" as hammerhead has pointed out.
Posted By: hammerhead896
Re: I find it to be in poor form and of very low standards to pick up the donation in front of me. I always lay it down soon after I arrive and excuse myself to take a quick shower. If the girl does not choose to check things out during that time then that is her choice and I would say that probably fifty percent of the time the girls do not even do it then as I can see the envelope is exactly as I had left it but I actually do prefer if they have seen that I have taken care of things appropriately before we get going.  
  As far as the jerks you seem to attract lets face it you are on the lower end of the scale donation and service wise so of course you are going to more prone to attract the bottom feeders. I am really not trying to be rude just pointing out a fact!

inicky46 61 Reviews 781 reads
31 / 52

she just doesn't qualify for high scores.  That said, I'll admit I wasn't motivated enough to read very far into her reviews so perhaps she's just not doing a good job and it's not all about the limited menu.  But that has to be at least part of it.

Panthera12 791 reads
32 / 52

The 3 and 2 scores are shitty reviews and the 5 sounds more like a 3. Granted she has two 7's, one by a guy with 2 reviews and one as his only review. Then given her OP, I would just as soon forget that I even read it.

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 870 reads
33 / 52

I consider myself to be a "good provider" and my reviews reflect that. Sometimes you get rude or aggressive people.  Why you would accept them back is beyond me. A misunderstanding is one thing but blatant disrespect should never be encouraged.  You do sensual bodyrubs and claim you have gifted hands, your reviews speak otherwise.  You charge enough to give a decent experience every time someone walks through the door. I suggest you find something you enjoy doing, this isn't it.

You work in an affluent neighborhood and you come off as low class. I am a bodyworker- bodyrub girl also but I really enjoy what I do :) . You aren't as advertised and that's bound to piss some people off. Rewrite your ad. I am seriously appalled by your last paragraph, if I were to see you I'd make sure to stop by the bank and get all ones. Enjoy!

inicky46 61 Reviews 993 reads
34 / 52

We are pretty dumb.  But methinks she must have thought we were even dumberer.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 831 reads
35 / 52
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 789 reads
36 / 52

Make it clear that you want the donation left in plain site on the bathroom sideboard, or whatever. People generally know the score regarding the handling donation. You should be in a different room when you need to count the money and there is no reason ever to discuss it before a session. As for the rest, you can't control what people think or say about you. It sounds like you're doing your best.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 920 reads
37 / 52

...is filled with only Rhodes Scholars and members of MENSA either lol. So......yeaaaahhh.

-- Modified on 11/15/2014 11:44:06 PM

GaGambler 1065 reads
38 / 52

I haven't been on the RO board in quite some time, and I don't miss it at all. My point is that inviting her over there would be like some guy inviting AnnoyingFungus to the RO board, the entire board would be dumber for it.

I suppose "maybe" some of you might slap some sense into her, but as a gambling man, i certainly wouldn't put any money on it. lol

GaGambler 735 reads
39 / 52

"I'm considered intelligent, articulate, honest, discreet and an elegant well educated. A wild combination of elegant refinement and down-to-earth fun."

and ladies wonder why we don't believe in "truth in advertising" anymore. lmao

I think if I were to see her, I'd bring rolled up pennies, bringing singles would be an insult to strippers.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 691 reads
41 / 52

“You cannot please all of the people all of the time”,

“Some people will be jerks, no matter what”,

“not let them get you down, push you around and move on and

“another can only as much power over you as you them”,

You will be fine.

GaGambler 792 reads
43 / 52

Sorry, but I thought I heard someone call my name. lol

That said, my posts made dead drunk are easier to read and make a hell of a lot more sense than hers. I really can't imagine what she was trying to accomplish with her little rant.

Bromios 7 Reviews 665 reads
44 / 52

The rest of the thread kinda clears this up.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 742 reads
45 / 52

Who leaves money laying around in any walk of life? I never go into any home and see money out . Not just at an appt but in life in general , I even have a water jug for loose change and its IN MY CLOSET not on the tables. I also keep quarters for laundry seperate and those are out on counter. But being organized is awsome.
          I bought some organization book on audio cassette months ago and one the suggestions was to make and effort to keep actually EVERYTHING in its place, even if you find a lone paper clip that belongs in the office in the bathroom return it to its place. Also to keep the tables and desks free and clear of things on them so you always have a clean empty table s and desk.
    Another friend told me a clean kitchen is actually one with NOTHING out on the shelves , everything is in a place. Only a coffee pot.  
      Its hard to do and i cant say all my counters and tables and stuff have no things on it but attempting to put everything back when finished, .  
 This go fors a donations too . Being neat and organized is not rude.  
                   I feel your pain, i also met guys that seemed like they werent being polite before hand or seemed mean , and i went through with it any how and regret it.
                     and bad reviews followed.
    I think its a positive to not be a people pleaser and have a few missed connections, No one who is any bosy is like by every one, No one in film , tv, music, politics.  
 If your liked by EVERY ONE that just means your a robot with no emotions and how is that good?
                   I know you cant see it know but it will blow over and won't matter any more.
 PM them and tell them your thoughts at least, maybe they will take it down,  
 I always told them my feelings after they dont care but FOR YOUR OWN mental sanity if you feel you been walked on you deserve the right to express your emotions, It aint gonna get the review down but stuffing the feelings then posting the complaint to public, Now all the guys will not want to see you.
                        Thats what happened with me i d complain after a misundetstanding then guys see that negative side of you complaining . Unfortunetly we have to try and act happy happy joy joy like al the time and smile and say it ok.
                     I will never be good at that I have the irish temper and the italian attitude. i even had a shirt that said that once. I fight!  
    But anger is still an emotion that is especially for women seen as uattractive. Weird but its true a man can get angry and he is the man a woman can and she is crazy. There are still stereo types with gender and men still many of them dont want to hear from us escorts as far as our drama or feelings go,  
                  I save it for counseling i go 5 times a month and trust me it helps you cut back on the amount of energy you soend telling things to people who dont care or matter to you or listen,  
 I see alot people on here that could use 5 hours of therapy a month too but they wont do it.

Back_In_Black 785 reads
46 / 52

to you Steph , and I hope the men in your life are far from turkeys ...only the best to you always ..

Posted By: MatureGFE
Stop being such a turkey! Nah keep it up, your posts here have been missed by many, including me.



-- Modified on 11/15/2014 3:38:43 PM

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 588 reads
47 / 52

I hardly drink, and I almost never get drunk.

Your other posts do clear things up, but my reply was to your first post.  
Posted By: Bromios
The rest of the thread kinda clears this up.  

DamienScott 797 reads
48 / 52

True. We do have MacLeaky.  

Posted By: TrulyMsMocha
...is filled with only Rhodes Scholars and members of MENSA either lol. So......yeaaaahhh.

-- Modified on 11/15/2014 11:44:06 PM

DamienScott 944 reads
49 / 52

Posted By: Panthera12
I would venture to say that you are part of the problem, if not most of it. After reading what you wrote I can say it with certainty.  
 You must be attracting the bottom of the barrel as far as your customer base is concerned. Just block the lowlife from your phone.  
 There's always Chicago.  
 Panthera12 (The good hobbyist)

balljointnut 23 Reviews 863 reads
50 / 52

never even bring up the donation. We do the deed and then I leave the gratitude. If they feel the need to count it in front of me  I include that in my review.

I see both sides. I am not a cheat or a thief so I am somewhat offend if they count it. I also understand that many will try to short change them.

tiffany12 See my TER Reviews 960 reads
51 / 52

Didn't want any sympathy, just asking opinions.  And it's hard when typing from a tablet that takes everything and moves it so I apologize on the butchery.  I have only ever in two years had two horrible clients and one guy whom sent an email saying would give me a bad review due to my limited services.  I will not be pressured to offer more then what I do.

Posted By: GaGambler
After checking out your reviews, quite frankly almost all of them are subpar.

One other thing I might suggest before bringing something like this to the boards, and that would be a remedial writing lesson. Your butchery of the English language does not help your cause.

I really don't know what you want from us, but if it's sympathy fine. Yes, I feel sorry for you. Do that make you feel any better?

tiffany12 See my TER Reviews 766 reads
52 / 52

No get cold when I had a client arrive 30 minutes late, grab my hair and attempt to press an issue of doing something I do not offer.  Yes a little cold, which about that time his time was over I stated would be right back went to take a washcloth wet it and bring back and he was already up getting dressed and upset because of limited services.  I have MANY great clients who enjoy just a body rub with gifted hands and enjoy their ending.  But I shouldn't have to give up my hobby I enjoy just because you say or because a client who is apparently able to bully others to do what he wants with threats via phone.  Yes I was told and I blew it off stating do whatever.  I am so wrong for asking opinions WOW

Posted By: DT_lover
How about a career change?  

-- Modified on 11/15/2014 4:17:32 PM

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