TER General Board

Interesting how he chose the word Rapier and felt it's a creative handle?confused_smile
Blowing Chunks 548 reads

Maybe he hasn't had enough biscuits and fried potaters this week.

It was recently my 32nd birthday, and I realized that it was completely different from my 31st birthday, which was completely different from my 30th birthday. At 30, I decided to take a leap of faith and try to mix something I absolutely love to do with earning extra income so I could support my entrepreneurial goals as well as a college education for my younger brother. By my 31st birthday I had more experiences than I thought I would ever have, I opened myself up and absorbed good ones, tepid ones, and outright negative ones. My views of relationships were in some ways fortified and in others shattered, but in the way that makes you grateful that you are falling down and getting bruised at such a young age, because you have your whole life ahead to heal those bruises.

Whenever I think about what happened in that time between 30 and 31, it seems like a collage packed with countless images and information, and yet if I had to extract the most important learnings, they would be summed up in:
-Be courteous
-Be honest
-Be open-minded
It's not always easy to be these things, sometimes it is outright torture. But it is only through those concepts that we can hope to live an authentic life, as opposed to simply leading an existence.

Thank you for being part of what I hope is an authentic life. Though it's been more than a year since I have been active on the boards (having left abruptly), I thought it was better late than never to say thank you, it's been wonderful.

My brother graduates this week, from a top school like his sister, and I couldn't be prouder if I tried. I am back at work, a challenging gig, in the six figure salary that I left, and with renewed excitement about entrepreneurship. I did fall in love last year, it did not work and was heartbreaking, but like with everything else, time is healing it. I still believe we all have needs, and we should celebrate those who pinpoint them and seek to fulfill them without fear. We are here only for a transient time. We should make the best of it.

were you discourteous, dishonest and closed-minded

Ha, nooo, but they were very ethereal and vacuous ideas, oh yeah, be courteous, duh. Now it's more like, be open-minded that the guy who just stuttered talking to you may be great lover, because you know what, he very well could be, just open your mind.

GaGambler591 reads

Nice to see you posting, but it's nice to see you here because you want to be, not because you have to be here.

Thank you, I always thought if we met it could only go one of 2 ways: either a short drink or hours of strong opinions being shot back and forth. Maybe a slap if you called me fat.

Access to your gallery requires gold pass membership. I am just pointing out because there was an issue with few websites. The hosting company messed up.

Julio_Rapier541 reads

She probably knows.

Posted By: anonymousfun
Access to your gallery requires gold pass membership. I am just pointing out because there was an issue with few websites. The hosting company messed up.

and getting to know you somewhat, I have to say that your post makes me feel wonderful.

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful fortune with us, and it could not have happened to a more wonderful person.

I wish you a long, happy relationship and a prosperous career.

Thank you for wanting to get to know me. I definitely felt special and fortunate during each of our days. And the gift of seeing my favorite piece of art (Les Mis) of course, added to my good fortune.

Thank you.

Posted By: jean valjean

I will always think of Marius as my own son.  God bless both of you.

I am ready Fantine

I always enjoyed your posts.  

I hope you find all the happiness in the world.

Posted By: sophieb
It was recently my 32nd birthday, and I realized that it was completely different from my 31st birthday, which was completely different from my 30th birthday. At 30, I decided to take a leap of faith and try to mix something I absolutely love to do with earning extra income so I could support my entrepreneurial goals as well as a college education for my younger brother. By my 31st birthday I had more experiences than I thought I would ever have, I opened myself up and absorbed good ones, tepid ones, and outright negative ones. My views of relationships were in some ways fortified and in others shattered, but in the way that makes you grateful that you are falling down and getting bruised at such a young age, because you have your whole life ahead to heal those bruises.  
 Whenever I think about what happened in that time between 30 and 31, it seems like a collage packed with countless images and information, and yet if I had to extract the most important learnings, they would be summed up in:  
 -Be courteous  
 -Be honest  
 -Be open-minded  
 It's not always easy to be these things, sometimes it is outright torture. But it is only through those concepts that we can hope to live an authentic life, as opposed to simply leading an existence.  
 Thank you for being part of what I hope is an authentic life. Though it's been more than a year since I have been active on the boards (having left abruptly), I thought it was better late than never to say thank you, it's been wonderful.  
 My brother graduates this week, from a top school like his sister, and I couldn't be prouder if I tried. I am back at work, a challenging gig, in the six figure salary that I left, and with renewed excitement about entrepreneurship. I did fall in love last year, it did not work and was heartbreaking, but like with everything else, time is healing it. I still believe we all have needs, and we should celebrate those who pinpoint them and seek to fulfill them without fear. We are here only for a transient time. We should make the best of it.  

I was happy when it was somehow leaked that you had found that special someone, and that you were happy, even though that would mean that I'd never get the chance to know you. I'm sorry it didn't work out.  

I'm as proud of you as you seem to be of your Brother, that's an awesome sacrifice that you made to help him better his life.

You are good people.

...I hate to rain on your parade but reading your post I get the impresion you escorted to put your brother thru college when by your own admission you embarked on a journey to feed your sex addiction. You stated right up front on your website "I am a sex addict" and you blogged about it obsessively. Nothing wrong with that. A good thing in my opinion and you went about it very intelligently. So why the history rewrite. One more thing. Who cares if you make six figures.  

-- Modified on 5/13/2015 10:10:07 PM

-- Modified on 5/13/2015 10:11:22 PM

Indynow683 reads

I hate to rain on your parade-rain, cspatz, but your post reeks of jealousy and/or bitterness. I don't necessarily care if the girl makes 6 figures, but it doesn't do me any harm to hear it. It's actually kind of nice. You just seem extremely invested in this provider's life and her personal narrative. What the hell difference is it to you at the end of the day?? Get a grip man, it gets better! :)

Turn that frown upside-down and let the sun shine through those rain clouds, buddy-pal!! lololol

Very inspired to read your post!!!  Great job & hope next year is even better and so on.... Each year should be a growing/learning experience in everyone lives.... Stay positive & enjoy life!!!! #livingforlife #living......


Posted By: sophieb
It was recently my 32nd birthday, and I realized that it was completely different from my 31st birthday, which was completely different from my 30th birthday. At 30, I decided to take a leap of faith and try to mix something I absolutely love to do with earning extra income so I could support my entrepreneurial goals as well as a college education for my younger brother. By my 31st birthday I had more experiences than I thought I would ever have, I opened myself up and absorbed good ones, tepid ones, and outright negative ones. My views of relationships were in some ways fortified and in others shattered, but in the way that makes you grateful that you are falling down and getting bruised at such a young age, because you have your whole life ahead to heal those bruises.  
 Whenever I think about what happened in that time between 30 and 31, it seems like a collage packed with countless images and information, and yet if I had to extract the most important learnings, they would be summed up in:  
 -Be courteous  
 -Be honest  
 -Be open-minded  
 It's not always easy to be these things, sometimes it is outright torture. But it is only through those concepts that we can hope to live an authentic life, as opposed to simply leading an existence.  
 Thank you for being part of what I hope is an authentic life. Though it's been more than a year since I have been active on the boards (having left abruptly), I thought it was better late than never to say thank you, it's been wonderful.  
 My brother graduates this week, from a top school like his sister, and I couldn't be prouder if I tried. I am back at work, a challenging gig, in the six figure salary that I left, and with renewed excitement about entrepreneurship. I did fall in love last year, it did not work and was heartbreaking, but like with everything else, time is healing it. I still believe we all have needs, and we should celebrate those who pinpoint them and seek to fulfill them without fear. We are here only for a transient time. We should make the best of it.  

Please take Gemma's comments to heart, I know for sure that I could not have said is as eloquently.

We have missed your humanity, your honesty and your vulnerability since you've been away.  

Stealing a line from the movie "silence of the lambs", "the world is a much more interesting place with you in it".

On top of all else I've said good about you, the animal in me says "and apparently from your reviews you give great head". This is a great attribute in my opinion, but I thought the humanity and who you are should be on the forefront, and the fact that you're a good cocksucker be secondary.

I've been drinking, nah say it ain't so Russ, and when I drink I get slightly more emboldened and honest than when not, I lose my filter.

So, in summary, you are a wonderful person, and apparently a great cocksucker. I'd be happy to find out in person some day.

I sincerely hope you take this most endearingly, as that's the way it's meant.

Who wouldn't want that engraved on their urn: wonderful person and great cocksucker. Something that I wouldn't necessarily know had I not embarked on this. Now I know for sure that my oral fixation is not something to sneeze at.  

I wish you lots of good tongue action ;-)

I enjoy a good a read, and i am inspired by this.  

"To be Courteous, to be Honest and to be Open Minded is to LIVE"..  

Thank you


You have been missed.  Your posts on the boards kept the conversation moving and interesting.  Your sweetness and intelligence in person made me see you as much more than your run of the mill provider.  You are the one woman I have met in this activity we all share that I actually have regretted not being able to see again.

I wish you joy.  I wish you happiness and health.  You are a bright light and long may you shine.  Good luck and good fortune wherever your path may lead you.

Julio_Rapier793 reads

I don't think I'd care about any of that.


Posted By: sophieb
It was recently my 32nd birthday, and I realized that it was completely different from my 31st birthday, which was completely different from my 30th birthday. At 30, I decided to take a leap of faith and try to mix something I absolutely love to do with earning extra income so I could support my entrepreneurial goals as well as a college education for my younger brother. By my 31st birthday I had more experiences than I thought I would ever have, I opened myself up and absorbed good ones, tepid ones, and outright negative ones. My views of relationships were in some ways fortified and in others shattered, but in the way that makes you grateful that you are falling down and getting bruised at such a young age, because you have your whole life ahead to heal those bruises.  
 Whenever I think about what happened in that time between 30 and 31, it seems like a collage packed with countless images and information, and yet if I had to extract the most important learnings, they would be summed up in:  
 -Be courteous  
 -Be honest  
 -Be open-minded  
 It's not always easy to be these things, sometimes it is outright torture. But it is only through those concepts that we can hope to live an authentic life, as opposed to simply leading an existence.  
 Thank you for being part of what I hope is an authentic life. Though it's been more than a year since I have been active on the boards (having left abruptly), I thought it was better late than never to say thank you, it's been wonderful.  
 My brother graduates this week, from a top school like his sister, and I couldn't be prouder if I tried. I am back at work, a challenging gig, in the six figure salary that I left, and with renewed excitement about entrepreneurship. I did fall in love last year, it did not work and was heartbreaking, but like with everything else, time is healing it. I still believe we all have needs, and we should celebrate those who pinpoint them and seek to fulfill them without fear. We are here only for a transient time. We should make the best of it.  

Maybe he hasn't had enough biscuits and fried potaters this week.

Posted By: Blowing Chunks
Interesting how he chose the word Rapier and felt it's a creative handle? Maybe he hasn't had enough biscuits and fried potaters this week.
 From the outside looking in, I've noticed his weapon of choice is often sharp and two edged, with a narrow meaning subject to his adversary's deductions.
   Occasionally his opponent is stabbed without realizing Julio even had a weapon.  
  His  point is obvious to some, to others he's a constant riddle.  

 No offense directed at you, I believe like most people, you are skilled at something.

  America, where millions of English first language speakers, have no clue when they are reading hidden meanings .    :-D  


-- Modified on 5/14/2015 1:28:29 PM

GaGambler636 reads

"Rapier wit" is not one of them. Just like Fungy, his major SPOTY competitor, he is about as sharp as a 180 degree angle.

You can have this one cheap.  That may even things up?

for stopping by and sharing the update with all of us! I always loved your posts, and have missed them!

All the best to you and yours. Be well.

You sound like a lovely woman with a beautiful soul.  

I am just a few months into my journey into this world and your post resonated with me. Also, I adore your name, Cosette. It is from my very favorite story. :)  

I hope I have a fraction of the success you have had and wish you all the best, my dear.  

Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off. I hope you find the love you deserve

I'd like to hear your plans and I would be proud to go see you at your location, there are times in our life that we cross paths we don't take advantage to meet a friend and then we regret it later with like minded people don't realize it a the time and it often seems a shame. I understand from what you've said that you may mot be in this life anymore, but I would be very happy and proud to come to you city and invite you for a couple hours about anything that comes up or is on you mind

-- Modified on 5/14/2015 8:41:21 PM

I wrote this after a few Bourbons and after taking an ambien, so although I know what my intent was and what I was trying to say, I sure didn't do a good job of communicating it.  

Anyway Cosette, I sincerely wish you all the best, you are a really cool person and I've enjoyed the small glimpse you've given us of "who" you are.  

It was fun getting drunk while posting with you last winter.

I've never met you, or read any of your posts.  But this post sounds really great and positive.  My GF is a provider and I love hearing positive stories and really like seeing supportive and grounded people in this profession.  Thank you for moving towards courtesy/honesty/open-mindedness.  The world is better for each person that makes small choices every day.  You sound great and I hope that everything works well for you (or at least, you gain insight from your struggles if everything doesn't quite work out).

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