TER General Board

Interesting argument: "more power to women"...
JustTryingHarder 6168 reads
1 / 18

Many clients have fallen for providers and occasionally providers fall for clients:


GLisHJ 3014 reads
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that a job you can't tell your kids about is a job you shouldn't have.  I don't agree, however.  I think we have a right to privacy, including privacy with regard to our kids.

As far as the woman goes, I agree with "Dear Abby" that this woman needs to wake up and smell the coffee, and don't ever contact the man again.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2876 reads
3 / 18

Jeez, the woman was asking for "help", and she practically got her head bit off.

mr.ed 14 Reviews 4923 reads
6 / 18

Can you believe this girl is gonna wear a white wedding dress in October?!!  And Dear Abby encourages it?!!!!

What is this world coming to?!!!!

-- Modified on 3/12/2005 11:28:17 AM

40-Watt 16 Reviews 5448 reads
7 / 18

White means purity. The woman needs to be a virgin. Abby's mistake was in not asking her that. And not suggesting modern-world coping ideas for maintaing one's virginity.

"Many young women who want their husband to be their first are missing out on how to keep him happy before the wedding. Did you know you are still a virgin if he shoves it in your ass? And there is no better way of showing him who's the man of the house than taking his shitty cock in your mouth afterwards. Show him an ATM isn't just for grocery money."

And how about that evil child who wants to control her pets' love?

"Not only do I expect you to love me, but you must love me precisely as I want to be loved."

Let this one grow up, and she'll start the TER for women.

I think the parents should have given her a sword like the Al Queda guys have.

"It's time you learned the facts of love. We can give you another doggie, but you have to blindfold and behead this one first. Then the kitten."

-- Modified on 3/12/2005 12:21:02 PM

Powderfinger...... 3581 reads
8 / 18

Hey ....not all of us married men are deceitful and liars. If he really cared for and loved her as she does him, he would be with her right now!  
just my option

eyescube 10 Reviews 5578 reads
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And the one the original poster was talking about was the first about the VIP escort. We could care less about the other two, in this forum.

InterestingWoman 2224 reads
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It's funny how the same sentence strikes people differently, isn't it? I saw her response absolutely judgemental, i.e. the find a legitimate job part. Just because American society doesn't view sex work as legitimate doesn't mean sexworkers don't play a very valuable role in our society. I could tell attorneys and used car salesman the same thing.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 2863 reads
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It would have been easy to get on a soapbox and Dear Abby did not.  As to the "legitimate job" part, I felt that was in response to the writers talking about that option to begin with.

SirPrize 3016 reads
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It is the nature of the business. That is why it is virtually impossible to take anyone at face value in this hobby. Those who do will almost certainly get burned.

Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 3831 reads
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I agree, her assumption that escorting is not a 'real job' annoyed me.  The only thing that makes it unacceptable are the US's lawmakers retrograde and draconian ideas about what prostitution entails, and how best to deal with it in the context of business and society.

It wasn't that long ago that any doctor who performed abortions, any merchant who sold alcohol, publishers of pornograpy and indeed, woman wearing bikini's risked prosecution.   The only thing standing between this woman and a 'legitimate' job is the stroke of a legislators pen.

Regardless, she sounds like a dumb, gullible bitch who really should know better, and he needs a big kick up the arse for ecouraging her dependency but not taking responsibility for the inevitable result.  The right thing for him to do is put the lease of the apartment in her name and pay the rent for the next 12 months.  Typically, when a gentleman tires of his mistress he is supposed to leave her with a substantial gift.  The french have a special word for this. Anyone know what it is?

simonsaid 50 Reviews 1518 reads
14 / 18

She said " Find a legitimate job so you won't have to hide from your kids, because, Sister, you're on your own."

As in 'lawful'.

tax time 3595 reads
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With a stroke of the pen, US lawmakers could make murder legal, or even drunk driving, or pedophilia.  Times change.  For ten years, capital punishment was illegal in the US.  Now it is again.  But state by state.  Same with the sale of alcohol.  Legal in the US for all but 14 of 230 years.

Prostitution may never be legal in the US.  Of the 13 original colonies, at least 8 were founded by religious zealots. Today, our  Southwestern states have a huge, and growing, religious Hispanic population.  Religion plays a major part in American society.  It does not in Europe, nor in Australia.  Like it or no, them's the facts Sheila. I do not like it, but I accept it.  As you are forced to accept the idiocy of the Royal Family, and the fact that Australia does not have Freedom of the Press as do we in the US.

The US is the most successful entrepreneurial society in the history of the world.  Maybe this woman should be entrepreneurial also, rather that totally relying on the largesse of her former lover.  Yes, her former boyfriend ought to recompense her for her "ways," just as most companies do for no longer wanted employees.  Truly, do we need any French word for that?  

It is called payoff.

celluloidliker 3211 reads
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What bugs me bout this, is some of us ligit fall for our providers - has happened to me - not to this extent, but if I were well off enough to take my heart throb on like this, and IF I could keep her happy sexually, well, lets just say I'd jump on it.  but ya know what - Ain't gonna happen.  so there!  but I am a bit disturbed by the jaded attitude of da "doc" - probably has a great bedside manner too.

Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 1827 reads
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And I'm over this bullshit about prostitution being illegal in the US because of the religious right's dominance.  There are much stronger theological arguments against capital punishment and usury and both are tolerated and even advocated in some circles.  I think the real reason that prostitution is one of the last vices - after gambling and drinking - to be 'legitimised' is that if it was, it would give more power to woman.  This is what really scares the fundamentalist nutters.

That the US has a large number of entrepreneurs is a fact.  However, success is a very subjective notion.

And do we 'need' a French word?  No, of course not.  But do you not find it interesting that they have a specific word to cover such an event?  I thought for sure you would be able to track it down for me.  After all, you are familar with the obscure and anachronistic term "sheila", a word that slipped out of the aussie vernacular 2 generations ago.

BTW, would you like me to inform the Vatican that they are now a secular state, or shall I leave that up to you?

tax time 2494 reads
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I would be interested in reading a couple of articles supporting that.  Had never thought of that position.  

But you need to realize that this is not a "religious right" position only.  There are many liberals who are religious.  They too would oppose prostitution.  It is not just the fundamentalist nutters.  Wish it were so simple.

Btw, the US is the only advanced nation in the free world that lacks universal health care.  That is more sad.  But, tada, almost every adult male and female can walk around the streets carrying a gun!  You cannot do that.  So bang-bang.

And it is illegal for an American to buy American-made drugs from a Canadian drug store.  Go figure.

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