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vernjones 48 Reviews 101 reads

And thank you!

Would seem to me many providers would have the down time between appointments to utilize to keep them current- a few here in Boston area use their twitter to post content not available on their website- and for some, you get a much better handle on their personality ( sense of humor, stuff like that) from the blog that you don't always pick up on the web or here-  


Some providers have blog sites- I have seen both twitter and tumbler-  
Curious about ease of use, which were more popular, advantages/disadvantages.....

Twitter and Tumblr are more micro-blogging platforms. There are a bunch of west coast providers that use twitter, but it's not a common thing.

 The problem is, for a blogging platform to generate leads, the content has to be up to snuff. This takes more effort than the average provider is willing to put into it and so it doesn't really do much for them.

 Proper blog platforms are usually based in wordpress or similar and I don't know that I've ever seen a provider that consistently blogs in this format. It's a shame, because from an SEO standpoint, you can't get better content than a proper blog.

In the spirit of your question, advantages are lead generation, increased audience, ease of fan interation. Disadvantages are, you're not in control of your content when using someone else's platform, they track everything you do on the site as part of their ad platform (aka privacy concerns, aka use a VPN), and you might never see improved sales if you're not good at it.

My profession involves a lot of client contact in internet marketing (non-adult business marketing), and so the first thing you need to know is that any of the platforms can work if someone is actually putting in the effort to supply good content.  

I have never seen a real blog (Tumblr, WordPress, etc) used to good effect by a provider. I think Twitter can be useful if used properly. The advantage of Twitter is that the posts allow the girl to let people know where she will will be and if she is good at the social aspect of using Twitter, she can get exposure from other ladies, without a lot of effort. And of course, Twitter is so good at sharing pix

And thank you!

Would seem to me many providers would have the down time between appointments to utilize to keep them current- a few here in Boston area use their twitter to post content not available on their website- and for some, you get a much better handle on their personality ( sense of humor, stuff like that) from the blog that you don't always pick up on the web or here-  


It sure can be a good way for a provider to market herself -- but it takes a certain talent. Social media marketing is a big thing for all types of businesses these days - it's one of the hotter new job types. So if businesses with big ad agencies and marketing departments are adding social media marketing positions to their payrolls, it tells you that it there are certain skills required to do it right

My preferred platform for sharing more wordy narratives is right on my website. Squarespace makes it pretty convenient to not need to maintain a blog on a whole other platform.

As a companion who is niche in more ways than one, the fixed content on my website does accurately convey what my personality is like, but it's a little more toned down. One benefit of blogging is that I can get a little more "real," or rather in-depth when it comes to my perspectives on a broad range of topics that interests me. And while I can be a little shy with sharing what are almost diary entries in such a public manner, when I receive affirming feedback that I'm not just writing for an audience of one and that others have actually read my posts and found them to be insightful, it motivates me to continue sharing. So in that way it's a great way of connecting with whoever is interested in knowing more about me in ways that are a little deeper and more complex.  

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