TER General Board

Incomplete Information
HandsFree 61 Reviews 3244 reads

The hobby is a "game of incomplete information..." with so many ladies to choose from, there is only so much that can be deduced from websites, pictures, and questionable reviews. Are we engaged in a form of "Liar's Poker?" With so many poor scores for performance on this and another popular board and donations increasing, I have talked to a few guys who are beginning to walk away.

Ladies and gentleman, what are some of the things you do before a 'first date' to ensure (as best one can)that it is going to be successful?

-- Modified on 9/26/2005 9:39:58 AM

I go on a dinner/drink date with the guy just to make sure we hit it off. I don't want a guy who pays for my time and then treats me like I am beneath him along with every other woman he has know.  I have exboyfriend for that

Patooie!2274 reads

support any intelligent conversation, or write a complete sentence. I know it doesn't make a difference with the actual performance, but there are other connections, that if made, will lead to a better time for both.

-- Modified on 9/26/2005 9:14:32 PM

kchun1913 reads

I wish I could introduce you to my husband so he'd quit pestering me for everything. He is not even close to being what I want in bed and I encouraged him to seek someone from here. But Phil's exactly the type of guy you mentioned.

I guess he's waiting for the ultimate affirmation of your willingness to cat around: Pay for it!

-- Modified on 9/27/2005 2:39:44 PM

sicnarf1437 reads

I ever had with a provider was on a whim I called a lady in Washington DC.  Met her and she provided the best fantasy of my life.  Never had met her before - but when I called to set up the appointment - we chatted - kinda like setting up a real date.  Call the lady you choose, if you do not like what you hear, don't go.  That simple.  With respect to agencies -there are good bad and uglies out there, your local board will be able to help you sort through those easy enough.


and think of handsfree to get all horned up :)

There were plenty of horny toads waiting for your visit. I won't need any porn, but bring your stash if you must.

-- Modified on 9/26/2005 1:21:18 PM

I get to know potential clients through email and phone conversations. Works just fine.

"With so many poor scores for performance on this and another popular board and donations increasing, I have talked to a few guys who are beginning to walk away."

Matched no doubt, by the numbers of good providers  who walk away from the juvenile behaviour on review boards to fly under the radar.

The system isn't perfect for anyone.

Sssssssssssssst2353 reads

from the juvenile behaviour on review boards to fly under the radar.

A mouthful my dear, and so true.  I am a well known, respected provider who has grown weary of the attitudes of some of the  rude posters.  Yet I sorrow because I see the incredible men pop up on this board here and again and wish that I was out here to chat on the boards with them.  

I'm  tired of being a "voice of reason", a humourist, or a  comfort trying to balance against just plain rude people.  (Not necessarily men, either.)  

So I stay with my regulars and with an occasional new gent should I be lucky enough to find him to be one of the aforementioned.

-- Modified on 9/26/2005 7:56:25 PM

A very large percentage of my clients aren't board guys anyways; they may lurk but they don't post and very rarely, if ever, review.

And that seems to work just fine. Mostly, for me, the boards are a way of letting off steam and getting a heads up on various issues.

Sssssssssssssst3244 reads

out here with posting frequently with your link and so forth.

...hotel room out of LEGO® and rehearse the entire date with Star Wars action figures.

and do you tape the conversation?

C'mere, you naughty girl!

...involving shovels and crawlspaces?

Not really my thing.

Kinda like "mystery meat" night at the dorm dining room?

Walk away?  How long can YOU hold your breath?

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