TER General Board

In light of recent posts, should TER limit the # of one's posts per hour? -e-teeth_smile
bonordonor 1499 reads


GaGambler494 reads

Or over a million reviews.

Even your lame ass is permitted to post to your heart's content. Why should everyone be limited in what or how much they can say, just because we have to put up with a few trolls in the process?

It is better to have one shining post get through in the midst of a 100 turds than to lose that shining post through a crude expedient.

I simply skip over the posts of those whom I come to expect aren't worth my time and attention.

To that end, it's like most of what life is about.

the more some post, the more clear it is that you can't polish a turd.

magicsam467 reads

Some folks post for a host of reasons: too much time on their hands; loneliness; intellectual curiosity; need to be provocative; craving for attention; desire to be the top poster on a board; and every once in a while to inform. Let em be.

bonordonor567 reads

Of course, that's why most of us are here, either to have them or to cause them. I enjoy reading both.

GaGambler503 reads

It's funny, for over a decade people have been grousing about how mean the boards are, or how they were "nicer" in the past. Or how we are chasing off all the women.

That's BULLSHIT and anyone with a lick of sense knows it. Does anyone see a lack of women on this board? Does anyone REALLY believe that this place was ever NICE? If so, I have a wonderful bridge to sell you, at a great price. Give me a fucking break already.

bonordonor556 reads

the "manginas" if you will. With the exception of a very few of us, there seems to be only 3 types of posters these days, the woman-haters, the man-haters and the idiots. The boards did used to be nicer imho.
edited because I failed to mention the ever present fucking trolls!!!

-- Modified on 1/18/2015 12:37:27 PM

Or are you putting yourself in the good, decent and honorable fourth category?

I don't hate anyone here. Not the women and not the guys. I don't give a fk what the gender is of the person posting, it doesn't even cross my mind.

I may have more differences with the gals here but it isn't gender based, it's "client vs. business" business practice and theory based, for the most part.

But how many db johns do I take a shot at here and virtually every day? As GaG points out well, no one ever accuses me of being a male hater but some women here see my posts through the eyes of gender.  

If there were males escorts on here stating things I disagree with, does anyone here really think I wouldn't take them on? Every time an idiot John comes on here to talk about how he can extract his "revenge" against a gal because she NCNS on him I blast him repeatedly. Until he stops. Several gals would vouch for witnessing that first hand. Don't get me wrong, there are ways to deal with a NCNS gal because that is annoying, but revenge or threats should never be one of them.

It is my experience that some people here like to slap labels on people without being aware or not caring to be aware of their posts in their totality. For example, I refer to some gals as BSC. But it's been very, very few. I'm fact, recently on the NB I put the number of BSC at about 5% of all gals. Does that stop some from saying i call or will call a girl BSC at the drop of the hat? Nope.

It doesn't matter. People see what they want from whatever lense they happen to be wearing at the time. I don't hate anybody here. The thought of it is actually funny. I come here to laugh, make fun at times, make fun of myself at other times and engage in good debate at times.

The day I start hating anyone or getting pissed when I come here is the day I leave. There are some things in life I take very seriously. In this biz, it's UA/human trafficking, outing/threatening people and the gals safety, among a few others I am sure.

But banter between a few posters that may seem to go over the top at times? Lol. No, I don't take that seriously at all. But others are free to take it as serious as they want. It's their life, it's their choice.

-- Modified on 1/18/2015 12:57:47 PM

The repetitive dude/s Who hate themselves  because of Who they are, while never disguising Who they love the most, their Bro's.  
  Everyone should be free to make fools of themselves Whoever they are  .  
 I enjoy reading stature seeking ignorant elites, Who don't realize  how stupid they look.
   To avoid confusion from those with comprehension issues, I didn't say all bromantics are  
woman - haters, even 50/50  bromantics who also  love women, know Who I'm talking about. :-D  

  Later, guys and gals , bus leaves Mayberry in ten minutes, TV reception is bad here , I'm going to my favorite sports bar in Petticoat Junction, with hopes  my favorite team doesn't continue today's beat down.  
    Y'all have fun now, especially my huckleberry, you know "Who"  ..  :-D  

Posted By: bonordonor
the "manginas" if you will. With the exception of a very few of us, there seems to be only 3 types of posters these days, the woman-haters, the man-haters and the idiots. The boards did used to be nicer imho.  
 edited because I failed to mention the ever present fucking trolls!!!

Who must be MODERTATED.  Why are they being APPROVED?

Posted By: harborview
Who must be MODERTATED.  Why are they being APPROVED?

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