TER General Board

I'll have to remember that one - honey I can't go out with you anymore because I'm gay. [eom]teeth_smile
frankie2003a 4340 reads


"Does it matter if a provider is a lesbian as long as she provides good service?"

How can a provider be a "lesbian" if she still sees men in the business for sex??? If she sees men strictly on a business front but is only involved with women in her personal life then doesn't that classify her as being bi-sexual then a "lesbian"

A true lesbian would be strictly involved with women in her personal life and would (or want)have little association with men. Especially if it deals with sex.

I just can't see a Lesbian woman doing that.

I know that some women can separate themselves from the emotional side of it but thats a big thing to separate from...I can see a straight woman who is married doing it but a lesbian.

I have heard of strippers being like this because they get disgusted with the men (that their involved/do business with) and eventually turn to women for comfort...But dancing nude and having sex are two totally different things.

Any opinions on this??
...Should the question be changed??? Or claified better?

Dr. Nick Riviera2921 reads

Bi-sexual means that the person is atracted to BOTH sexes.
If a lady is a lesbian, she can have sex with men and not like it.
Remember this is a business, and to some ladies it is just a job, to others it's alot of fun.
You would be surprized at how many ladies in this hobby are not really attracted to men.

Somewhat Damaged4554 reads

if she is a lesbian in all other aspect than seeing hobbyists.  

If they said "bi-sexual", that could be interpreted as she enjoys men equally as well as women, and I think the implication is that she would only want to have relationships with women, but would work in the business seeing men.

So...would ya? :P

-- Modified on 6/2/2004 4:47:14 PM

They should say "bi-sexual" then because she would have to enjoy (or act) being with men, even if it is just business.

If it doesn't affect her business with the men then I'm ok with it but I really don't think it could be possible.

Turkana4190 reads

encountered have been lesbians in their civilian lives.  The question is whether that sexual preference interferes with -- or is perceived to interfere with - their performance.  

I don't think a provider's lesbianism necessarily has anything to do with disliking men as a result of her work. I know a chef at a Spanish restaurant who prefers to eat Chinese on his day off.

Interfer with their performance?

I get the chef statement...but how can a provider be a lesbian if she has sex with men? I dunno...Lesbian in civilian life but straight in business???

Geez guys its not rocket science- we all know that a lot of Straight porn guys are really queer- and that a lot of gay porn guys are actually straight. Would it shock anyone to find that a fair number of the ladies would rather clean the carpet?  I think you are right in that this is the drift of the question, however poorly presented.

I have a long history of getting along great with "the ladies in comfortable shoes", having grown up in the Bay Area.  I have no probelm wit it.  Or less of a problem than I have spelling anyway!

This is the first time I'm hearing about some straight porn guys being really gay and vice versa with the porn gay guys. Thats too weird.

I would be surpised if a provider I have seen tells me she is exclusive to girls in her personal life...

frankie2003a2479 reads

Those people don't eat those huge spiders in their real life.
They're just doing it for business, for the money.


Somewhat Damaged4199 reads

and if they entertain the audience while doing it, then they are doing a good job.  Same thing for providers who only date women away from the hobby...if they make the guys happy, then they are doing a good job, but they may feel they could never have a "relationship" with a guy.

sans the dome3128 reads

gay or not gay? It means nothing towards what you are paying for. The real cynic in me understands that this is ultimatly a business. PERIOD!!!! No matter how much they say they LOVE being a provider, if given the chance to do something else for the same money, they would.

Oh but they all so love the sex! If they really love the sex as much as they say, there would be thousands of guys willing to help out. FOR FREE. So please!

It is specialized entertainment. nothing more, nothing less! She eats her bull penis and I give her the money for the show.

When we are together, if the lady is thinking about susan while I'm on top of her, I'm probably thinking about susan too. Who the F cares if she is gay? . LoL

She pays her bills, I yell and cuss a little less for a few hours. So be gay, be straight, just be able to choke down that garbage with a smile on your face. And yes I'll be clean, polite and safe. Hell, I may even have flowers for you.

that some of the women in this biz feel no attraction at all for their clients, don't really enjoy the sex, are just in it for the money.  Maybe not a majority, but surely some.  And of those, some you'd never guess; they put on a good act.

How would it be different with a lesbian?  To my mind a lesbian is a woman who feels sexual attraction to other women, not to men.  It doesn't mean she can't have sex with men.  Doesn't even mean she can't enjoy having sex with a man once in a while.  But left to her own devices she'll seek women as her partners.

What's the big deal.

Oh, and lesbians are not necessarily man haters.  I've got too many good friends to believe that.

unless you are using the dictionary definition "inhabitant of the island of lesbos", you'll read that it refers to a woman whose "sexual orientation" is towards other women. "sexual orientation" means sexual interest or sexual preference. you will NOT find a definition that indicates that lesbian women hate men, are physically repulsed by men, or are unable to perform sexually with them.

they just prefer women.

why would a woman who prefers other women (sexually) choose to work as a sex provider for men? because men are the people standing in line with large sums of cash in hand. is it possible to have sex with someone that you are not particularly attracted to? you tell me.

sans the dome2471 reads

but you said it with more intelligence and flair.

KamulRogue3437 reads

This is a very important survey question. Why, because many of the bi-providers are providers strickly in it for fast easy money. Deep down inside they are very bitter. You can tell how they perform and lack of closeness during the session. If you do research you will see that many come from broken relationships with males (divorce or engagement breakup). Some have come from very abusive relationship (mental and sometimes physical). They use the hobby to take it out on the ex.

They also seem to be very careful in terms of screening. This leads me to believe that they have been a victim of violence or they know a provider who has been attacked before.

This is on of the reason's why this site, expecially the review section is so important. You can do your own research and samples to see what I am talking about.

As a hobbist if you are with a bi-provider go the extra mile to treat them nice. Make sure that you please them before they please you. You will be amazed how good the experience can be. They really appreciate it.

Many have had good experiences where hobbist treat them better than their ex's. That is why it is so hard for them retire from the hobby.

Sorry guys, it just doesn't make any difference.

If you had a good time with her, and you got what you came for, what the hell difference does it make?

If she is "only in it for the money", so what, you are only in it for the sex.

I dated the first "great love of my life" for a year. We were wild, young, sexual, and madly in love. Then she fessed up to me that she was really gay, had been since she was younger, and liked women and would never be able to have a real relationship with a man. We are still great friends, but, the intimacy we shared during our time together was as real and as true as any I have had since.

Remember, we are all actors on this stage and in reality, we live in a fantasy world, so if she provides you with the experience you want, who cares.
Not me.

Just my opinion...

Having been a male lesbian for most of my life, I can tell you that my lesbianism has not interfered with my love of women or my ability to perform with women as their provider.

I most certainly do not have sex with men, being a male lesbian makes that impossible for me to consider.

wanted a 2-girl set and the couple that showed up made one thing very clear--I could do girl A but positively not girl B.  I was allowed to watch A go down on B but not even so much as touch.  B clearly enjoyed the attention from A and even got off but she never so much as shook my hand.  it was weird and uncomfortable but it occurred to me about 2 minutes into the session that this was essentially a lesbian couple that was willing to have men pay to watch.  I would have to guess that A was actually Bi (going by the according to Hoyle definitions of these things) and B was a lesbian who was at least willing to tolerate my presence for some quick cash.

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