TER General Board

If you ask me now ...
cutehunkie 70 Reviews 4277 reads

for a fantasy erotic review that you can use to play with yourself ... I will gladly write one for you .. wink wink :)

DATYForever5142 reads

What do you do assuming there is some truth in the review?

1) Treat it as constructive criticism & take it lightly
2) If you know who did it, you won't see that person again and mark/block him off forever even if he is good business.
3) If you know who wrote it, you will make amends if given the opportunity to do so like if he came back one more time.
4) Feel really bad but do something about it
5) Feel bad and feel like quitting the biz
6) You do not read your own reviews
7) You don't really care
8) You want to kick the reviewer and curse him to high heavens?
9) Other reasons?

-- Modified on 6/25/2004 8:11:24 PM

Ci Ci2873 reads

gave me a 7 on appearance which, at first, made me feel kind of bad. But then I got to thinking about it and said to myself, "Heck, Ciara, that's pretty good for your age and being new to the business (which I was at that time), because if you think about it and compare yourself to Carmen Electra, then you probably would be a 7 or 8, and everyone's opinion will vary on what he/she likes anyway." Plus, I probably didn't put as much makeup on or dress accordingly to be ultra-sexy. I think constructive criticism is good, but you have to remember that we're not in this business to be rated like a piece of meat but to enjoy what we do with our free time and for the money. No offense, but it's true and I don't mind admitting it. It would be really hard to go back to the corporate world now. How would you guys take it being rated for looks and sexual performance? Just curious. Some of you say you'd be up for it, but most of you are full of testosterone (not always a bad thing, mind you), and it would hurt your ego a little. Come on, admit it. So, in answer to your question, of course it might bother us at times. We're human, remember?  Good post, though, and thanks for asking.


DATYForever3141 reads

Yes. I understand. Thanks for your candidness. BTW, would you see a hobbyist again if he rated you a 3 or 4 in performance? :) Of course, he would not likely come back, but what if he gave you one more try? Just curious.

DATYForever4299 reads

Since you said 'Pun intended' ... you would actually accept him back in your loving arms ... LOL.

at anyrate, I also posted this line of thought last week and I did it as a joke! I wanted to see if the ladies would rise to the occation and start to rate the men...ya know...looks (I'm dead on that one, right off the bat) penis size, over all performance.....the entire nine yards......thought it would be a real side buster.....boy was I wrong.......

Well my beautful friend...that was not the case. Everyone took it like I was serious (a silly thing to do...I'm almost NEVER serious unless I am at work) and went overboard with the hits.

I gave a provider a rateing last week that she really got upset about. She wrote me and told me her views...I saw and aggreed with some of what she had to say. I offered to make amends and re-write the review. She was graded down on looks but prasied in the original review for over all job performance. Her point was most of my really positive comments were in the part that non-members can't see. I rewrote the review to reflect that concern. Never even heard a thanks in return. Nore did I hear any comment about a tip I left her for understanding why I was late to the session due to work problems. (I was late due to work and the problem was totally out of my control. Called ahead and told her when I knew I was going to be very late)

I think you ladies really must have big sholders to read some of what is said in a review. I dislike the formate...as it is base in nature and does not account for the fact, that everyone has an off night...and not all people will 'click' with a provider no matter what she does/does not do. I think it also is rather cold be reduceing you woman to tits, ass, pussy, and if you give really good head.....that is cold at best.

When writing a review, I try to stay on the positive.....this is how the woman makes her living, and its not a good idea to hurt her biz...unless she was a major screw up from the very start. Of the three providers I've met, only ONE was a screw ball and I was not able to 'hit' her in a review because she does not post on this system. Live and learn. Most of the woman I've met are very good at making a man feel at ease. Wish civi woman would take a lesson from you ladies.

BTW, I've seen your web....you are a very pretty lady....
Welcome home...A big fan.....

deetaylor2929 reads

I have one reviewer who was not happy with my services I have to admit I was having a bad day no excuse just one of those days....I would love the opportunity to see him again and show him the kind of time other reviewers have written about,for pay of course but at a discounted rate.I have felt bad about this ever since it happened not because he wrote a review about it just because I wasn't at my best that day.

Great answer.  If there were more ladies like you this wouldn't be so "hit and miss" for us guys.  Even with VIP TER, I've made an ocasional error.

I've only written a few reviews.  Only two made it to the board, though, because the others had bad web sites.  I have, however, seen quite a few ladies -- far more than I've reviewed.  

I KNOW this is a business.  I KNOW the ladies' attributes are synonymous with my skills and knowledge out here in the corporate world.  I KNOW my superiors grade me based on my performance...but I just feel funny assigning a grade to a woman with whom I've just been intimate.

On the other hand, I DO understand that these ladies -- especially those who are independent -- are powerfully affected by hobbyist's reviews.  So, I make it a point to ask each lady if she'd like me to write a review based on our evening together.  A surprising number say they'd rather I don't, even though we both know my review would be excellent.

Given the potential effect on their business, I usually ask the ladies why they'd rather I not write a review.  Without exception, the answer is that they'd prefer not to reduce our experience together to that level.  

In most cases, these ladies already have a significant number of outstanding reviews, so I guess one more or less isn't seen as a serious concern.  But I'm still puzzled.  Ladies, can you offer any insights?  Thanks.

-- Modified on 6/26/2004 5:00:47 AM

DATYForever2802 reads

I've heard from many ladies here that they don't want to be reviewed. Ok, I respect that intimate experience. But in my experience, the ladies I've seen so far crave for good reviews. One even pushed me to review her right away (like after our session). Only one said she does not read her reviews anymore because one reviewer wrote a fantasy tale about her (it was a great review though, but she said it was not true). My observation is that the ladies who want reviews are the younger ones (may 26years or less). The lady who didn't want to - she's like 31 years and I really like her for her maturity. So, the demographic grouping may explain the preference of ladies for reviews or not.  In your case, your lady already have many reviews. But what if she still has none or just have one? Many people here will not see ladies who do not have reviews, so I guess ladies with few reviews will crave for it.  Just some insights.

I do tend to prefer more mature providers.  I guess that's the explanation.  Thanks.

ChrissyStone2374 reads

Bottom line, (good) reviews are great for business--they keep new clients coming in, and it reminds previous clients that I'm still in business and for them to come back and see me sometime.  :)

Sometimes the intimate and graphic details in reviews are hard to read, but I realize TER has certain rules and many men are looking for specific activities.

For example, I noticed an immediate uptick in business when a reviewer first mentioned I liked BBBJTC/CIM and facials. I didn't realize that was such a favorite with many men, LOL.

If I got a bad review, I think I'd be very hurt, and I wouldn't see any point in seeing the guy again or offering a discount. If we didn't click the first time, what would be different the next time around?

The exception would be if he was upset because of a communication problem or booking problem--something that can be fixed. My assistant and I are pretty organized and those things are extremely rare. But if I saw a review with those concerns,  I'd defintely contact him to remedy the situation.

BTW, the sting of a bad review can be lessened if written diplomatically. You can either be blunt and say that the lady had the personality of a pet rock, or instead say there wasn't much of a connection and maybe she was having an off day. (That's a very gentlemanly way to give the information without blasting the lady. Of course, if she's a rip-off, blast away.)

Ci Ci2734 reads

Don't ask me why, but you were standing near a harbor and a helicopter was flying overhead with a spot light and people were gathering around to watch. You were posing like a model. I came closer to have a peek and asked another provider that I seen there, "Isn't that Chrissy Stone?"  She said, "Yes, she's doing another promotion for the business."  Weird, eh?


ERichards3721 reads

I would care less because it would show I was a real person.  However my ego would be hurt if I got a lower rating than usual in the looks department but you have to remember it is all subjective.

I think there is too much grade inflation anyway. Too many providers pressure men to post reviews, and they are time consuming. I love mine, I like to read them when I get the blues. I like to ask for one if I had a good time. What better masturbation material is there for me? Besides, I like another POV. If I got a bad one, maybe I would be bummed. I think if something happens, such as being late, or he doesn't get what he wants, the reviewer takes it out in the scoring. The ladies know all about this, and there is nothing to gripe about since it is the staus quo. It is like bitching about L.A. traffic. What is the point, it doesn't change anything. Peronally if I was a gentleman, I would seek out the low end, low scoring range ladies who aren't ROBs. I bet there is a goldmine of wonderful and under appreciated women that may not look like Paris Hilton and can't suck the chrome off of an old Chevy but sure can make you feel glad that you are a man, and leave you with enough money to renew your subscription to TER.

If you come back to Atlanta soon, I'll give you a review that you could masturbate to every day.

for a fantasy erotic review that you can use to play with yourself ... I will gladly write one for you .. wink wink :)

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