TER General Board

If you are talking about who I think you are talking about
GaGambler 655 reads

I will agree that his review scores are rather high, but his personal standards are not quite as easy as his review scores might indicate.

PussyLipGloss2102 reads

Guys -

If your review starts with the following sentences and the prior reviewer said she was a 10 in looks, please please please STOP-LOOK-LISTEN before you score the woman 7 in appearance.

"She has one of the most perfect natural bodies I have ever seen. I arrive at her door and she is in a long see through nightie that shows how perfect her body truly is. Incredible tits and ass."

Ladies -

If this happens to you, don't BL the guy. Just.....before confirming the booking, check out his review scores, and consider that like you would his provider references. Some dudes aren't built to score correctly despite the clarity of TER guidelines. It's not their fault, just a disability, like Autisim.

NumNumMan809 reads

As was mentioned yesterday, in the thread I link below, this is a perpetual problem. My experience has rarely been with false appearance scores. My problem has been with way too frequent FALSE performance scores. This reply may go better on the other thread, but providers submitting fake reviews or getting only good reviews by implying BL is a real problem.  

I saw a TER top 100 and the experience was a disaster. It was not YMMV. The performance was barely above street walker.  Her good reviews are very few and far between, but they are almost all 10/10. I would give her a 8/7 at best.  As with me, she implied serious "outing" and BL if I reviewed her. Since she had heavy screening, I was not about to submit a bad review.  

I have even gone to "extra provider screening" to reduce the frequency of bad performance. I am not a cheap hobbyist, so bad performance pisses me off. Personally, I am much better at finding good providers than I used to and my mistakes are few and far between. But, it still happens.  

It is like intelligence and counter intelligence. Providers are getting better at disguising fake reviews and hobbyists need to get better at smelling them out.  

That being said, the majority of my experiences have been amazing and I LOVE PROVIDERS!!! The women I have met in the hobby have enriched my life beyond words. But, there are some bad apples

GaGambler820 reads

He is showing the other side of the coin. That is hardly off topic. Only a blind man would argue than guys score too low on TER. A typical TER 10 is barely a GaGa 7 at best. A LOT of TER 10s don't even make a 6 on my scale. The very thought of guys grading too harshly here is down right laughable.

Posted By: GaGambler
He is showing the other side of the coin. That is hardly off topic. Only a blind man would argue than guys score too low on TER. A typical TER 10 is barely a GaGa 7 at best. A LOT of TER 10s don't even make a 6 on my scale. The very thought of guys grading too harshly here is down right laughable.
The girls will say guys who give 6's are "bad reviewers" and must be avoided. You are right. The looks scores are way too high. Whenever I've said that in other groups some guy willl say "What do you look like?" The girls will ALWAYS say that the hard graders are the ugliest guys. Regardless, we pay them for merchandise and service. They don't pay us.

In terms of looks I've found that the lowest score she got is the most likely to be accurate. Some have mostly 9/10 but if you go back and find an older review that gave her a 6, she is a 6.

GaGambler728 reads

but even a few 6's or even 7's usually means Butt ugly.

The worst part about guys with no taste is when they do finally meet a woman deserving a high score, they can't score her any higher than the pigs they have already handed out tens to.

I have said this before, but I think the biggest "victims" of review inflation are those women deserving of 9/9 scores or above. Their well deserved high scores are cheapened by these guys with either no guts or no taste giving out tens to rather average looking middle aged fat broads.

They guy playing in NYC/LA is going to have a wider frame of reference for beauty than the guy who never gets out of Frogballs, Arkansas.

GaGambler721 reads

but yes, I agree with your point. If a guy sees nothing but OTHFBs in his daily life, almost any women not 200 lbs begins to look hot to him. OTOH a guy living in NYC/LA is going to see hotties everyday in the normal course of his day and at least "should" be a bit more discerning, but I see the same type of grade inflation in both NYC and Frogballs, Arkansas. At least the guy in Frogballs has an excuse.

I agree.....what do I look like?

a fist full of Benjamins

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: GaGambler
He is showing the other side of the coin. That is hardly off topic. Only a blind man would argue than guys score too low on TER. A typical TER 10 is barely a GaGa 7 at best. A LOT of TER 10s don't even make a 6 on my scale. The very thought of guys grading too harshly here is down right laughable.
 The girls will say guys who give 6's are "bad reviewers" and must be avoided. You are right. The looks scores are way too high. Whenever I've said that in other groups some guy willl say "What do you look like?" The girls will ALWAYS say that the hard graders are the ugliest guys. Regardless, we pay them for merchandise and service. They don't pay us.  
 In terms of looks I've found that the lowest score she got is the most likely to be accurate. Some have mostly 9/10 but if you go back and find an older review that gave her a 6, she is a 6.

PussyLipGloss821 reads

The TER rating system is 100% controlled by, and created for, hobbyists.  

The TER rating guidelines I linked to before (and have included again below) are extremely clear.  

The guidelines are solely for the benefit of hobbyists.  

Junk In = Junk Out.  

Appearance is subjective but BLOODY HELL this reviewer's own words told the true story (and not his 7 score).

Now, some guys have well-justified beef with providers who strong-arm them into inflating (or not posting) scores. Any guy who faces this issue has three powerful revenge tactics: (1) post an anonymous TER review via their alias; (2) complain right here on TER using their actual handle; and (3) www.ripoffreport.com. Bitches will ack rite after that, betcha by golly now.  

But don't hijack my thread on a different topic. Man up and post your own. Biiiiatch!

GaGambler832 reads

and just what rock have you been hiding under all these last several years.

Once upon a time the rating system "might" have been controlled by the guys, but that ship sailed years ago, even before the advent of the "top" lists which was the final nail in the ratings coffin. Since the "top" lists came out, 10 have become completely meaningless.

A seven is "attractive" just what the fuck is wrong with "attractive"??? An eight is "really hot" I love to fuck "really hot" women. Model material is not supposed to mean modelling on "Fat broad weekly" and "one in a lifetime" is not supposed to mean every single woman that will get naked for you.

NumNumMan623 reads

I do not often agree with GaGambler posts, but you have my total respect on this one.  

The OP says "idiot proofing" scores. How do you Idiot Proof reviews fraught with inflation, fakes and intimidation.  As GaGambler also said, the victims are the beautiful women with great performance. So many legit 9/9s are lumped in with the fakes. The one bad review I had the guts to Write got me "banned" from the agency (more like a group of independents). But, it was such a rip-off, I had to write it.  

Posted By: GaGambler
He is showing the other side of the coin. That is hardly off topic. Only a blind man would argue than guys score too low on TER. A typical TER 10 is barely a GaGa 7 at best. A LOT of TER 10s don't even make a 6 on my scale. The very thought of guys grading too harshly here is down right laughable.

bobs.sugar.baby780 reads

Her face but didn't verbalize it. If he did think she was a seven because of her face, but didn't write it, that would be nice of him. If he did mention he did not like her face in the first sentence, say goodbye to a lot of new clients for a while

PussyLipGloss938 reads

There is NFW she's below an 8 ("She was really hot"). The reviewer says so himself ("most beautiful perfect natural bodies I have ever seen...").  
Soooooooo.....combined with her photos, how is she not at least "hot" by any objective or subjective measure? Who can honestly say she is merely "attractive"?  
I encourage all reviewers to post accurate (not inflated, not deflated) reviews.  
This one?  
Careless or caustic, you decide.

nom_de_plume576 reads

... including no touch-ups, she is definitely at least an 8 in my book. But a 10?  From what I can see, no. But I've given only one 10 for Appearance.  

This is so subjective, I think it's pointless to argue one score over another unless someone is being ridiculous, eg if someone gave her less than a 6.

I get what you're saying; I've seen numerous reviews of highly scored providers where the numbers are below her average and I'm expecting to read a pan, but the juicy details are ecstatic! It's a head-scratcher. Some guys are loathe to give out high numbers as a necessary corrective to grade inflators. If a customer researches solely on the numbers, then he's a dumb ass, and what can you do about that?  

I know that the numbers affect search results and her ranking, but... fuck that shit.

GaGambler864 reads

With a beautiful face, I could see an eight on the high side, with a "butterface" I could see her as low as a six. A seven seems to be right in the middle, and a seven seems to be rather high praise from this reviewer who is one of the guys who does NOT hand out 10's like candy.

I would argue that this reviewer "gets it" and it's the vast majority of the other guys like you that have it all wrong. A ten coming from him would actually mean something.

Sorry PLG, but you need either glasses or standards, and we need MORE reviewers like the guy you are taking to task.

L.Guapo614 reads

And he ranks her very high.  He plans to sample some of the others there so perhaps I'll find out.  Of course, he tends to rank girls very high.

GaGambler656 reads

I will agree that his review scores are rather high, but his personal standards are not quite as easy as his review scores might indicate.

L.Guapo540 reads

And you are correct about his standards.

Posted By: PussyLipGloss
There is NFW she's below an 8 ("She was really hot"). The reviewer says so himself ("most beautiful perfect natural bodies I have ever seen...").  
 Soooooooo.....combined with her photos, how is she not at least "hot" by any objective or subjective measure? Who can honestly say she is merely "attractive"?  
 I encourage all reviewers to post accurate (not inflated, not deflated) reviews.    
 This one?    
 Careless or caustic, you decide.
It looks like the correct numbers to me IF you are using real world numbers and not TER inflated numbers. A "6" would be kinda cute.  A 6 is fuckable  A "7" is attractive. Guys notice her. An "8" is really hot. Everybody really looks at her. 9's and 10's are Supermodels and movie stars. Based on her pictures a "7" is the correct grade by real world standards.

...succumbed to the TER grade inflation over the years.  His scores have been consistent from the beginning.

The entire "scoring" system needs to be overhauled,  a 10 to me may be another persons 7 or vice versa, we NEVER pay any attention to the numbers we pay attention to what people say, in our book if you are NIT model material,  as very few women really are ,your not going to get a 10, but if your pretty and what we are looking for and your picsare not fake then a 7or 8 is acceptable to me, just because the person before us scored the girl a 10 doesnt mean i should have to.   This is why we feel the numbers thing is pointles.

I am with you 100%.  

No one's arguing that beauty isn't completely subjective, but when the words in your review don't match the number in your appearance score... there's a disconnect that can be unnecessarily damaging to the provider reviewed.  

I think a big part of it is hobbyists who don't regularly (or in some cases, ever) post reviews simply not understanding the way scoring works.  I can't tell you how many clients have apologized to me after the fact for either not reviewing me, because their reviews kept being denied (for everything from scoring me too high to not including enough "juicy details"), or for scoring me lower than they wanted to because they didn't understand the rules.  Personally, I'd never blacklist a hobbyist because of a low score, as long as their written review was fair and accurate.  

Hopefully most hobbyists give more weight to the written reviews than the numerical score.  Like so many have already pointed out, those numbers are practically useless anyway lol.

We know how we look! Hookers know how they look without TER scoring and damn if the scores aren't inflated. I am not ashamed of my looks and am flattered to be someones' 8. I would never say I was a 9 and most def on my worst day a 6- which is still TER ranked nice. Not everyone is attracted to the same things/ look. Without all of the makeup, weave, plastic surgery and hours at the gym, ugghh, at most we are average. Attitude and willingness to suck the hell out of your cock gives us a better advantage than most average girls out there and can definitely make a chick look hotter!  

The emphasis on scores and BL for a 7 is her hang up and body image issues. I mean really, I wish the guys would score appropriately and not inflate. It takes the away from the real hotties out here or those of us who do work hard to stand out amongst the rest of the meat market trying to make a buck for a fuck... LOL!

NumNumMan752 reads

Three cheers for SexyJaye7

Posted By: SexyJaye7
We know how we look! Hookers know how they look without TER scoring and damn if the scores aren't inflated. I am not ashamed of my looks and am flattered to be someones' 8. I would never say I was a 9 and most def on my worst day a 6- which is still TER ranked nice. Not everyone is attracted to the same things/ look. Without all of the makeup, weave, plastic surgery and hours at the gym, ugghh, at most we are average. Attitude and willingness to suck the hell out of your cock gives us a better advantage than most average girls out there and can definitely make a chick look hotter!  
 The emphasis on scores and BL for a 7 is her hang up and body image issues. I mean really, I wish the guys would score appropriately and not inflate. It takes the away from the real hotties out here or those of us who do work hard to stand out amongst the rest of the meat market trying to make a buck for a fuck... LOL!  

ratings systems. Many have been suggested on the S&P board over the years.

However, I think that in the long run the review process we have works pretty well and is generally accurate. The reviews reflect the differences in subjective opinion between the guys - some score high and some score low, there is a range of opinion, and that is NORMAL. No sense knocking guys on either extreme for having their own opinion.

About NORMAL: You can look at reviews statistically. They are a sample of what guys perceived. Take a few gals at random, and LOOK at the distribution of scores. Is the distribution normal? Skewed?  

I pulled the scores for a gal with 74 reviews, entered them into excel and ran some simple descriptive statistics. The basic data:  

Appearance Scores ranged from 6 (1), 7 (2), 8 (16), 9 (43), 10 (12)
Mean = 8.851351351
Std Dev = 0.770739414
Skew = -0.8431371

As expected, a fairly normal distribution with a negative tail from a few low scores. Screen out the low scores, and voila - a nearly perfect normal distribution, skewness 0.04.

In other words... damn near everyone who sees her will find her to be an 8-10 in appearance and a few who are "more critical than most" will score her a point or so lower.  

You don't need excel to do this... it's easy enough to eyeball the review scores and spot "outliers" at either extreme. You don't need statistical analysis tools to see that all 10's - no variation in opinion - is not a normal thing.  

Same for the gals... it doesn't take much effort to figure out who the chronically "more critical than most" guys are.  

So... make intelligent decisions, review as you will, and let others do the same. You can't eliminate differences of opinion and perception, and that is a GOOD thing.

unlike the rest of us who tend to inflate so as not to hurt the gal.

That's why you have t look at the reviewer's history to make sense of it.

7 is the highest he has given, so for him, that's like a 9 or 10 from the rest of us.

But if I had my druthers, there would be no numerical scores, just the text of the review and the profile

PussyLipGloss749 reads

she's a 7 in looks despite having "the most beautiful perfect natural bodies [sic]  I have ever seen..." In all those years, having fucked all those hoes, having doubtlessly researched 10x the number he saw, and fucked 50x the number he reviewed, she was a lowly 7.  

Nah. He's just a dishonest reviewer. Plain/Simple.  

But like MasterZen said, over time, when you drop the highs and the lows, a girls average (normalized) score is what counts. Yes, reading the text of reviews is critical, and so is looking into the review history and standards of the reviewers themselves (which I always do), but again: Every bad apple review is a fukin waste of time for other mangers and an unjust financial tax on working girls.  


My fav is back in town and hey, somebody's gotta fuck her snug peach.  

And no: I'll never review/ID her. Why the hell would I? Haha!

-- Modified on 7/22/2015 2:29:29 PM

GaGambler723 reads

I can be honest about why "overrating" hookers bothers me. It bothers me because it affects me. I can't assume that a ten is really a ten because of so many 6's and 7's getting tens in these days of grade inflation. That's why "overrating" bothers me.  

Now your turn, why does "underrating" bother you so? How does his taste in women have even the slightest effect on you?

he simply scores a point or two lower than the average. No big deal, easy to see and correct for - whether you screen him out or screen all the others out! lol.

There is no sense in that being a big deal for anyone.

I am going to look at the historical scores -vs- "inflated" newer scores, though. Too many mentions and too little data for me to jump on the "good 'ol days" bandwagon. Wish to hell TER let us search reviews by a range of dates!!!!!!

From a recent review:

"BBBJ CIM: 10 out of 10 (No complaints here, the first and best I ever had)."

It's his first review, too.  I guess it can only go down from there.  Poor guy.

(Note: I know the lady he reviewed and BBBJCIM was a 10 for me, too!  And it was neither my first nor last! I didn't review her but overall I'd say 9-9 or 8-9 (implants are -1).)

We try to idiotproof everything where I work but the world's seems to be coonstantly spawning a better idiot.......

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